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Theory True love can't exist in the absence of life threatening events

  • Thread starter Deleted member 35239
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Deleted member 35239

Deleted member 35239

Lux Et Veritas
Jun 21, 2021
The one common factor I've been seeing in all the books, games, anime and even some historical accounts and documentaries I've read and watched is that usually the relationships resembling the ideal spawn from situations where the boy and the girl in question were forced by circumstance to rely on each other.

In ancients times, or even in recent centuries, men and women were constantly presented with situations that tested their ability to adapt and survive. Men would take the lead in these scenarios and prove, through their actions, their suitability as a mate on a visceral, but subliminal level to women without knowing it. Because women are sensitive to those demonstrations, as it is an important event that tells their subconscious that this man is powerful and courageous enough to protect them and their offspring, a strong sense of attachment is planted in that woman's heart with the memory of that feeling and the memory of watching the man overcome that difficult trial alongside her.

Afterwards, the woman has a lasting respect and possibly gratitude in addition to the attachment from the event, and becomes far less likely to be with other men in the future as a result. Furthermore, it's the feeling of respect that makes the woman submissive, coming from demonstrating your competence in a way directly relating to the woman's life, making them want to genuinely help you, not out of an artificial sense of obligation from a cultural structure, but from a personal experience that couldn't have been more real.

In the modern world, we're deprived of those demonstrative survival situations that were essential for a long lasting result in mate-selection, and so now more value is placed on superficialities that only go to the extent of physical appeal, outward displays of confidence and just the general ability to impress with showmanship. Since these superficialities differ, and there is always a bigger Chad, those feelings of "love" will fade and be replaced all the time, leading to the modern age of unlimited sluttery.

A partial solution to this problem is having couples go through a rigorous rites of passage, and either have their relationship fall apart at the realization of each other's incompetence or undergo a nirvanic rebirth where the woman will be securely tethered to the man mentally and emotionally.
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Everything in life is just your brain making shit up.
Your body sends information to your brain and it turns it into something like a memory or feeling or sense.
If i could take my spirit from out of my body then i'd be free of the pains of humanity
The one common factor I've been seeing in all the books, games, anime and even some historical accounts and documentaries I've read and watched is that usually the relationships resembling the ideal spawn from situations where the boy and the girl in question were forced by circumstance to rely on each other.

In ancients times, or even in recent centuries, men and women were constantly presented with situations that tested their ability to adapt and survive. Men would take the lead in these scenarios and prove, through their actions, their suitability as a mate on a visceral, but subliminal level to women without knowing it. Because women are sensitive to those demonstrations, as it is an important event that tells their subconscious that this man is powerful and courageous enough to protect them and their offspring, a strong sense of attachment is planted in that woman's heart with the memory of that feeling and the memory of watching the man overcome that difficult trial alongside her.

Afterwards, the woman has a lasting respect and possibly gratitude in addition to the attachment from the event, and becomes far less likely to be with other men in the future as a result. Furthermore, it's the feeling of respect that makes the woman submissive, coming from demonstrating your competence in a way directly relating to the woman's life, making them want to genuinely help you, not out of an artificial sense of obligation from a cultural structure, but from a personal experience that couldn't have been more real.

In the modern world, we're deprived of those demonstrative survival situations that were essential for a long lasting result in mate-selection, and so now more value is placed on superficialities that only go to the extent of physical appeal, outward displays of confidence and just the general ability to impress with showmanship. Since these superficialities differ, and there is always a bigger Chad, those feelings of "love" will fade and be replaced all the time, leading to the modern age of unlimited sluttery.

A partial solution to this problem is having couples go through a rigorous rites of passage, and either have their relationship fall apart at the realization of each other's incompetence or undergo a nirvanic rebirth where the woman will be securely tethered to the man mentally and emotionally.
There is no such thing as "true love" or "love", its all instinct, physical attraction and chemical reactions in your brain.

Humans are just so obsessed with self importance that they have to make every biological phenomenon we experience something "magical", when its just a normal occurrence that is part of nature.

One day we'll have the human brain "mapped out" like a switchboard and it will be possible to make anyone experience any emotion.

Emotions will be something induced by drugs, psychotherapy and various treatments

People who are born psychopaths will be prescribed drugs that make them empathetic so they don't become a menace to society

One day there will be literal "love drugs" and instead of married couples getting "couples therapy", they will both just buy their "love pill" and use it together while alone in the same room, and "fall in love" with eachother all over again. Pharmaceutical companies are going to make a killing.

I think a guy like you should be grateful you were not born in the far future as you would not be able to cling to your delusions. Men like you need to live in a world where "there is still some magic" that resides in the aspects of reality that we as a species are still ignorant of. One day everything about human life will be "methodical" and "mechanical" and in my book things will be better that way because things would be honest.
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True love can't exist if there is no sexual attraction
Define it
You might think this is a "gotcha moment" or something, but when you are dealing with someone who is an emotional thinker that values subjectivity, you can't get them to concede to your point, because they will simply give you a subjective emotional definition as if it is valid, because they truly think the definition is valid because it "sounds right" or "feels right"

Do expect a pointless vague wishy washy response from him probably including the word "bond" lol
A higher form of love can definitely exist, but the fundamental block of that tower is physical attraction.
books, games, anime
Pure undiluted propaganda. If these are influencing your thoughts to any degree, you need to stop.
There is no such thing as "true love" or "love", its all instinct, physical attraction and chemical reactions in your brain.

Humans are just so obsessed with self importance that they have to make every biological phenomenon we experience something "magical", when its just a normal occurrence that is part of nature.

One day we'll have the human brain "mapped out" like a switchboard and it will be possible to make anyone experience any emotion.

Emotions will be something induced by drugs, psychotherapy and various treatments

People who are born psychopaths will be prescribed drugs that make them empathetic so they don't become a menace to society

One day there will be literal "love drugs" and instead of married couples getting "couples therapy", they will both just buy their "love pill" and use it together while alone in the same room, and "fall in love" with eachother all over again. Pharmaceutical companies are going to make a killing.
Interesting predictions tbh.

I have seen a few researchers express interest in mapping out large AI transformer models like this (somewhat destructively I should add), I suppose the human brain would be the next logical step if a general, non-destructive method was found for mapping out large interconnected computing structures in general.

Although such a future would be pretty far off.
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There is no such thing as "true love" or "love", its all instinct, physical attraction and chemical reactions in your brain.

Humans are just so obsessed with self importance that they have to make every biological phenomenon we experience something "magical", when its just a normal occurrence that is part of nature.

One day we'll have the human brain "mapped out" like a switchboard and it will be possible to make anyone experience any emotion.

Emotions will be something induced by drugs, psychotherapy and various treatments

People who are born psychopaths will be prescribed drugs that make them empathetic so they don't become a menace to society

One day there will be literal "love drugs" and instead of married couples getting "couples therapy", they will both just buy their "love pill" and use it together while alone in the same room, and "fall in love" with eachother all over again. Pharmaceutical companies are going to make a killing.

I think a guy like you should be grateful you were not born in the far future as you would not be able to cling to your delusions. Men like you need to live in a world where "there is still some magic" that resides in the aspects of reality that we as a species are still ignorant of. One day everything about human life will be "methodical" and "mechanical" and in my book things will be better that way because things would be honest.
Love is a real emotion, like hate, fear and sadness. There is nothing that needs to be considered "magical" about it. Regardless of the biological phenomena associated with love, it is rooted in reality. "True love" is simply strong affection for another to the extent of inducing self-sacrificing behavior, making them do what they can to help you succeed and prosper without an underhanded motive.


These feelings can fade away with time, yes, and there is a level of unpredictability in regards to how you will feel in the future, and how your mate will or currently feels, but the fact is: there are people who stuck together through difficult times, despite having many other options, and lifted up and encouraged one another to be the best version of themselves throughout their lives.

I call that "true love" because it's shown over a long period of time, through actions, that what they have can't be reduced to some lustful infatuation that changes at the drop of a hat. To say love is chemical reactions in your brain is undoubtedly true, but oversimplifies it to not include the different kinds of love that produce drastically distinct results.

Going to the future scenario you describe, having things brought to that level of artificiality is not only cheapening, but dystopic and won't be for free. We'll all be forcibly inducing sensations by hijacking ourselves, and then the question becomes: if I can just pleasure myself, and be happy and fulfilled without any effort, why do anything? Why care about where our world will be in the next century?

It's similar to now with gaslighting and misdirection from mass media in Republican vs Democrat propaganda and redundant Covid coverage distracting from relevant problems that are existential concerns. The bureuacratic super-rich and the politicians will just do what they're doing now, except to a more profound degree because the entirety of your mental and emotional faculties can be manipulated to any extreme. China will probably even mandate certain drugs that instill national pride and servitude, making every civilian a sacrificial pawn for the communist regime.

This will all go on until the bureaucrats can fully wrest control from the people through drugs, switchboarding and other tech that trivializes any human rebellion, destroying the illusion of a democracy in one fell swoop and your options are become to be enslaved to them or die.

I think we all should be grateful we don't live in that kind of world.
Pure undiluted propaganda. If these are influencing your thoughts to any degree, you need to stop.
Not really. Fiction is a window into the deepest held desires of the human race, and what situations would bring about something closest to a transcendental reality. It's a valuable tool for understanding human nature and even ourselves if properly utilized.

History tells us what we have done, good fiction tells us what we would do given the right conditons.
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IRL the foid will watch you die torturously and then fuck the man who killed you.
Love is a real emotion, like hate, fear and sadness. There is nothing that needs to be considered "magical" about it. Regardless of the biological phenomena associated with love, it is rooted in reality. "True love" is simply strong affection for another to the extent of inducing self-sacrificing behavior, making them do what they can to help you succeed and prosper without an underhanded motive.


These feelings can fade away with time, yes, and there is a level of unpredictability in regards to how you will feel in the future, and how your mate will or currently feels, but the fact is: there are people who stuck together through difficult times, despite having many other options, and lifted up and encouraged one another to be the best version of themselves throughout their lives.
Such is nothing other than merely clout chasing. "Selflessness" doesn't exist, it's just an ego trip you go on to feel better about yourself.

I know a guy called Sam. He believes he helps his wife throughout the worst of times. What does he do? He sticks with her together throughout "difficult" times. What if his partner didn't want him to be with him all that time? What if she wanted to be lazy because people would simply do the work for her? What if she didn't appreciate the supposed "help" he gave her and labelled it useless, and she saw it as him imposing on her privacy?

You're telling me that's "love"? This is exactly why you shouldn't value subjectivity, you see, he thinks about the future while she thinks about what she can experience and you can play around with definitions all you want and you'll never get an answer, because you value subjectivity and that's exactly why it's worthless talking you
I call that "true love" because it's shown over a long period of time, through actions, that what they have can't be reduced to some lustful infatuation that changes at the drop of a hat. To say love is chemical reactions in your brain is undoubtedly true, but oversimplifies it to not include the different kinds of love that produce drastically distinct results.
No one's oversimplifying _your definition of love_ he merely oversimplified what "lust" is. The thing you're talking about doesn't exist. It doesn't matter what you call it, I call it invasion of her privacy during tough times; you see how self indulgent you are? You value subjectivity to such an extent that you're now obsessed with it and you can't recognize right from wrong.
Going to the future scenario you describe, having things brought to that level of artificiality is not only cheapening, but dystopic and won't be for free. We'll all be forcibly inducing sensations by hijacking ourselves, and then the question becomes: if I can just pleasure myself, and be happy and fulfilled without any effort, why do anything? Why care about where our world will be in the next century?
Your definition of love: a guy invading her privacy and helping her through tough times, I thought you value the future. I thought you care about what the future is and that's why you saw him in a positive light. Why is it all of a sudden, you don't care about the future? You ignored the present in your previous example, why is it you all of a sudden don't care?

If the future doesn't matter, why does a man have to help a woman to "go through tough times" to prove "love"? This is your definition, not mine; when it suits you all of a sudden you refer to lust instead of "true love" as you call it.
I think we all should be grateful we don't live in that kind of world.
If you fear bad things happening and you want to "be grateful" then be, you're a coward and you're paranoid and you lack ambition and it's okay to be that way, but don't compare a beggar's desires to mine because I have ambition. If one doesn't get fed, he doesn't look for tastier things this is just the facts. If I want a better world, let me try to change the world if you're satisfied with your life; good, but leave me alone, we live different lives.
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