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True Forced Loneliness (TFL)



Take the Blue Pill
Feb 15, 2020
Hi folks,

I was wondering if any oldcels here remember TFL? TFL never got the notoriety that the "incel" thing had. A lot of the guys who were TFL on love-shy and PUAhate went onto sluthate and then many onto here. Most of the old TFL channels are gone. TFL was basically the exact same as inceldom, just with different wording. It was big in the 2000s.

I really enjoyed most of the original content by Steve Hoca and Bill Greathouse which are two of the very few who are left. Oreoman still occasionally puts out new content and flips back and forth between being pure black pilled and trying red pill self improvement again. I have no idea what the status is of Kent because he keeps coming back and disappearing again. I think hes had at least 7 youtube channels by now, maybe more.

I really miss the old TFL movement. We got some reaction from feminists and from the mainstream but we were mostly underground and people generally ignored us. It was a safe place to vent our frustrations on forums and youtube, which I liked.

I am just wondering if anyone else here remembers TFL and what your memories are of it?

Also apparently some feminist hacker just hacked Steve Hoca's computer like three times and uploaded porn onto livestream to try to get him banned from youtube. So TFL is not completely dead and some feminsts losers are trying to shut us down, which is lolsworthy

I don't know whether or not I like the attention incels are getting, on one hand, the movement is spreading quickly to others and people are becoming more aware of it. On the other, I'm probably going to be taken away by the FBI and placed in a death camp for calling a female a roastie, so that's not too good pewpew.

Though I do think the older incels have good things to say, I still think new TFLers(incels) are on the whole more based due to the longer incubation period of the blackpill pewpew.
I don't know whether or not I like the attention incels are getting, on one hand, the movement is spreading quickly to others and people are becoming more aware of it. On the other, I'm probably going to be taken away by the FBI and placed in a death camp for calling a female a roastie, so that's not too good pewpew.

Though I do think the older incels have good things to say, I still think new TFLers(incels) are on the whole more based due to the longer incubation period of the blackpill pewpew.
Over for pewpewcels
Over for pewpewcels
Sometimes I think of my banned loli comrades, brothers in anime from 2018.

I still pewpew for them every day ;<

the blackcels on there were patrician tier. its so sad brandon has so much charisma trapped in a black manlet body
I don't know whether or not I like the attention incels are getting, on one hand, the movement is spreading quickly to others and people are becoming more aware of it. On the other, I'm probably going to be taken away by the FBI and placed in a death camp for calling a female a roastie, so that's not too good pewpew.

Though I do think the older incels have good things to say, I still think new TFLers(incels) are on the whole more based due to the longer incubation period of the blackpill pewpew.
Steve is very aware of the incel thing and he also says it is the same as TFL. He calls himself both incel and TFL.

One of the very first things that TFL did, way back in the 2000s, was call out the younger MGTOW people as coping TFLers. I think that if you have been divorceraped you can be a legit MGTOW guy. But most of the MGTOW people are just coping for being incel. They say they are just walking away from the game, but the truth is, they never played it.
TFL = Inceldom of antiquity
I'm not oldcel but i can add the following. I haven't seen any incel channel in spanish. This is where mgtow/tfl are being innovative. There is this channel "Libertad Forzada" (Forced Freedom) that uses a text to speech to talk about his failures in dating. He identifies as mgtow tfl and even distances himself from self identified incels.
I'm dreaming (you heard that right, dreaming, not planning :lul:) to make some blackpilled video responses to him and start producing incel content in spanish because he blames his struggle in "being shy" instead of looks.
I remember most tflers were oldcels
GS was asked here if he had ever had sex with a prostitute an he denied it leading up to a ban.

GS is still alive and has become an escortcel. I think I saw a reupload on youtube of one of his videos before but I don't know if its still there. I'll have to look.
I heard about it
This is the most recent video of Jsanza29. He is alive and doing well also, from the looks of things. Copemaxxing with his sports addiction as he always did. I do the same thing. Im obsessed with a two pro sports teams also

I don't remember TFL

It was raw and unfiltered inceldom. Those guys had guts to go on youtube and vlog about their problems for the whole world to see. Theres a list of most of the famous TFLers on the incel wiki page. Its just ancient online inceldom, as the previous poster mentioned
This is the most recent video of Jsanza29. He is alive and doing well also, from the looks of things. Copemaxxing with his sports addiction as he always did. I do the same thing. Im obsessed with a two pro sports teams also

It was raw and unfiltered inceldom. Those guys had guts to go on youtube and vlog about their problems for the whole world to see. Theres a list of most of the famous TFLers on the incel wiki page. Its just ancient online inceldom, as the previous poster mentioned

He need to slim down his face is blaoted as fuck.
TFL is just incel by another name
I remember ignoring it, thinking I was just a temporarily embarrassed Chad with a skin problem, little did I know I was a diseasedcel for life, who's suffering was just beginning :reeeeee:
He need to slim down his face is blaoted as fuck.
Johnny was a good guy. I liked his videos. Anyone who can express their emotions to the public to that degree has a high amount of bravery.

Johnny also has a recessed chin. Same as me. Like I am underweight but I still have the weird "fat bag" looking thing under my chin as he does. Him being 200+ LB doesnt help matters either though. Ive seen videos/photos of Johnny even when he had slimmed down, and he still had the same problem. Barring surgery, its over for chincels, unfortunately.

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