another take most foids photo gallery is 99% filled with selfies, they love their face
one thing I fucking love because it so comical
- despite everyone knowing that women spend 10x as much time and money on their appearance as men, they still say that there are more male narcissists than female ones
Like, you can literally can go on YT and find 1000s of videos of women, professoinal psychologist even, sitting there, CAKED IN FUCKING MAKEUP - talking about how narcissists are obsessed with apperance and how abusive their ex was

Maybe it helps to realize that psychology is dominated by two groups with exactly same traits: Jews and Women.
70% of therapists, psychologists and their clients are women.
The rest is literally all male jews or Female Jews.
Both groups are self-obsessed (a feature of narcissistic victimhood), have a giga in-group preference for their own group, HATE out-groups ("the goyim") etc.
It is not surprising then that these new priests and spreaders of ethical values in our society would systematically exclude their own kind from being responsible for anything. Female dominated psychology will never ever admit to the obvious - women are clearly 10000s of times more obsessed with themselves and their looks than men.
The only weaksauce cop out that I have ever heard to debunk this is that somehow
men force women to do this because men are more looks oriented
Yet at the same time most people will also admit that women control dating market and are the gatekeepers of sex (they admit this by saying male sex drive is much stronger than females and men are just brutish beasts who just want to fuck, and are dominated by sex drive - another anti male bias created by psychology and jews, who also run porn companies, go figure).
If women control dating market, how exactly would men force them to adhere to male standards of looks?

Anyway, long story short, you dont even need studies to see that women care way more about looks, since they spend way more time on it than guys. It is quite frankly retarded to deny this. And that this indicates giga self-obsession and hyper insecurity on foids part, insecurity being at the core of narcissism.