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SuicideFuel Tried approaching becky at the gym just to end up being brutally rejected



Apr 7, 2024
Listen up bros, If you're 5'7 or somewhere around that range you gotta know your place gymmaxing will not change anything. I've worked very hard for 2.5 years now to build a decent physique.This for some reason deluded me into thinking i could approach this foid at the gym because she stared at me for longer than 2 seconds. Needless to say the whole thing was a catastrophe. Its over
Sorry you went through that, how did she reject you? Was it a cold shoulder? or did she become aggressive towards you?
it literally known to never cold approach in the gym so tbh you shot urself in the foot here
Listen up bros, If you're 5'7 or somewhere around that range you gotta know your place gymmaxing will not change anything. I've worked very hard for 2.5 years now to build a decent physique.This for some reason deluded me into thinking i could approach this foid at the gym because she stared at me for longer than 2 seconds. Needless to say the whole thing was a catastrophe. Its over
staring don’t mean shit. stop approaching. a foid will approach if they like you
Hmm 2 second eye contact lmao

That’s not enough - you’re looking for meaningful eye contact + smile

Still mogs me for approaching. I’ve never approached
Stupid idoot you should have known you are giga subhuman worst that shit approaching her should have went up to her and said hey slut you want $300 for sex those “modest” holes are always the ones giving it up for $$$$$ trust me (in gta!!!!!)
Stupid idoot you should have known you are giga subhuman worst that shit approaching her should have went up to her and said hey slut you want $300 for sex those “modest” holes are always the ones giving it up for $$$$$ trust me (in gta!!!!!)
FAAAX they be like that too.
thinking i could approach this foid at the gym
dude, foids go to the gym to meed Chads and to make themselves sexier for Chad.

For us, gym is a good cope, but beware of foids, normies, white knights etc.
, I was nervous as shit legit my hands were shaking so bad i had to go to the bathroom felt like throwing up.
That was your brain trying to tell you that you are not good enough for her, chad doesn’t get this feeling as he knows he’ll succeed.
even always used a jacket to cover her ass while squating which goes to show that she wasnt like other whores just trying to get attention.
Ah the “shes not like all the other girls” Sorry to burst your bubble but she’s just like all the rest of the girls, these “good girls” ironically are more slutty then all the other girls.

Anyways , after i calmed myself in the bathroom i left and walked my way to her . I tried striking up basic conversation and asked her if she wanted to do the rest of the workout with me. She tried being polite and responded with "sorry im kind of in a rush" and even forced a fake smile to not make me feel as bad. Fuck bro, after that shit i didnt even feel like working out anymore i just straight up left the gym and rushed home. Its fucking over man im never approaching a foid again
Hey at least it wasn’t a cruel rejection like when she gives you the cold shoulder or even worse when she becomes hostile towards you and she cries “rape” and she summons her army of simp white knights.
Hmm 2 second eye contact lmao

That’s not enough - you’re looking for meaningful eye contact + smile
no you're looking for - being Chad
Its fucking over man im never approaching a foid again
that's usually a reasonable approach

although tbh I feel she wasn't that harsh, maybe you're mostly upset bc of the effort you put into it and being left hanging

still, no point approaching foids in the post-#MeToo era unless you want a date with the police
still, no point approaching foids in the post-#MeToo era unless you want a date with the police
and ps. it goes to show just how ugly people in the police are that even incels are better off not having a date with the police
Wrong. I see plenty of average looking guys in relationships
yeah cuffing exists everyone knows that innit

most normie relationships don't come from cold approaches

so incels aren't going to fare better, and there's no such thing as 'meaningful eye contact' for a subhuman truecel

no IOIs for your face
Listen up bros, If you're 5'7 or somewhere around that range you gotta know your place gymmaxing will not change anything. I've worked very hard for 2.5 years now to build a decent physique.This for some reason deluded me into thinking i could approach this foid at the gym because she stared at me for longer than 2 seconds. Needless to say the whole thing was a catastrophe. Its over
Dont let it get you down man, take a break and try again next week. You have to keep trying
yeah cuffing exists everyone knows that innit
No, I very rarely see a large discrepancy in looks in normie relationships
most normie relationships don't come from cold approaches
A girl giving meaningful eye contact and smiling is not a cold approach, it's warm. cold would be approaching with no indication of desire
so incels aren't going to fare better, and there's no such thing as 'meaningful eye contact' for a subhuman truecel
The poster did not specify if they're a truecel. Most likely normie in looks as it's the state of this forum, Especially if a shemon held 2 second eye contact and politely declined him
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A girl giving meaningful eye contact and smiling is not a cold approach, it's warm. cold would be approaching with no indication of desire
Warm approach is generally through social circles, familiarity or mutual friends

not through two vague IOIs

redpillers generally prefer to have IOIs before cold approaching, that doesn't make it warm
The poster did not specify if they're a truecel. Most likely normie in looks as it's the state of this forum, Especially if a shemon held 2 second eye contact and politely declined him
if OP was fakecel he'd probably not be forced to cold approach a becky at a gym after having a panic attack

but either way giving him vague advice like 'meaningful eye contact + smile' is just setting him up to get rejected again by mistaking politeness or friendliness for an IOI. and it might be more harsh next time, he clearly didn't take this one well and it was relatively benign
cold approaching is autistic as hell if ur sub 7.
Warm approach is generally through social circles, familiarity or mutual friends
It can also be when a female provides indication of attraction. No need to box definitions
not through two vague IOIs
You can’t call meaningful eye contact “vague” when it’s meaningful by definition. Also a smile is not vague, a female would probably not smile at a man she’s not interested in in 2024
redpillers generally prefer to have IOIs before cold approaching, that doesn't make it warm
idgaf about how red pill grifters define their terms, they’re all scum
if OP was fakecel he'd probably not be forced to cold approach a becky at a gym after having a panic attack
That doesn’t make sense. just because it was a Becky he’d still have to approach anyway. If you’re on here you’re the male equivalent of a Becky anyway. Also females approaching males/chads is largely over exaggerated. I’ve seen videos of Stacey’s describing how they got their partner and it did not include them approaching
but either way giving him vague advice like 'meaningful eye contact + smile' is just setting him up to get rejected again by mistaking politeness or friendliness for an IOI. and it might be more harsh next time, he clearly didn't take this one well and it was relatively benign
lol this bullshit. How the fuck will a female who’s giving meaningful eye contact + smile deliver a more harsh rejection than the one already described, when all he received was 2 seconds of eye contact and was still declined politely. If he was rejected gently here then logic would imply a bitch giving a better reaction with meaningful eye contact and smile will result in a gentler rejection.
If you’re on here you’re the male equivalent of a Becky anyway.
no it means your smv is lower than the fattest landwhale
lol this bullshit. How the fuck will a female who’s giving meaningful eye contact + smile
you don't see how telling the OP to wait for 'meaningful eye contact' and a 'smile' is vague enough to allow for misinterpretation?

I think anyone talking abt redpill shit like IOIs should be aware of how many redpillers have given similar advice abt IOIs, only for people listening to screw themselves over by taking IOIs that aren't there

no point kicking the OP when he's down
Yeah trying with foids has been pretty suifueling for me. I rarely do it, and then the minute I think I might get a chance and take it I get shot down.

I know its normie shit but the last two foids I tried with and didn't get a response or clear answer from them i ghosted them immediately. Those foids still watch my stories on Instagram and Snapchat and I will NOT watch theirs. No free attention for them. But they are giving me some free attention so that's nice

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