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Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

TeeHee Too much sex offenders is no evidence because they manipulate naive women

... that's because they recklessly manipulate the people around them, especially those who are weak, to get what they want from them.
It's almost like NOT BEING A DECENT HUMAN BEING is preferable to being one. And he still recommends the opposite
What a gigacuck. Scared of incels lmao
he is bullying us
i thought reddit hates bullies?
he should be banned
Jfl @ this advice again. Most bad people (referring to his "Edit") get tons of sex because they are good looking. And why they get respect and attention? Precisely because of that.

And lol at him being scared of us jfl. If I ever do any significiant harm to anyone, it will only be me who will be a "victim". In other words, I will only go Avicii and not ER.
How the hell is 200 or so virgins rambling on their website about their misfortunes "one of the most dangerous groups of people on the planet"? Their rant embodies IT itself, a group of narcissistic moralistic assholes who sit around and make fun of virgins on the internet thinking that they're some kind of "heroes" repeating the same "get mental help" drivel in every single post they put up. Their group of narcissistic bastards is literally 1666x larger than this website, what kind of big scary monster are you trying to fight?

If this website goes down, there will be another one put up in a short period of time. If one of us ropes, you will just condemn another poor miserable bastard to rot down here with us.

Of course he'd make fun of "nice guys" at the end, even though absolutely nobody here is a nice guy™ and everyone here actually hates the cucks that do stupid shit for foids on a regular basis.

@PPEcel what are your thoughts?
How the hell is 200 or so virgins rambling on their website about their misfortunes "one of the most dangerous groups of people on the planet"? Their rant embodies IT itself, a group of narcissistic moralistic assholes who sit around and make fun of virgins on the internet thinking that they're some kind of "heroes" repeating the same "get mental help" drivel in every single post they put up. Their group of narcissistic bastards is literally 1666x larger than this website, what kind of big scary monster are you trying to fight?

If this website goes down, there will be another one put up in a short period of time. If one of us ropes, you will just condemn another poor miserable bastard to rot down here with us.

Of course he'd make fun of "nice guys" at the end, even though absolutely nobody here is a nice guy™ and everyone here actually hates the cucks that do stupid shit for foids on a regular basis.
Charles Darwin IQ
How the hell is 200 or so virgins rambling on their website about their misfortunes "one of the most dangerous groups of people on the planet"? Their rant embodies IT itself, a group of narcissistic moralistic assholes who sit around and make fun of virgins on the internet thinking that they're some kind of "heroes" repeating the same "get mental help" drivel in every single post they put up. Their group of narcissistic bastards is literally 1666x larger than this website, what kind of big scary monster are you trying to fight?

If this website goes down, there will be another one put up in a short period of time. If one of us ropes, you will just condemn another poor miserable bastard to rot down here with us.

Of course he'd make fun of "nice guys" at the end, even though absolutely nobody here is a nice guy™ and everyone here actually hates the cucks that do stupid shit for foids on a regular basis.

@PPEcel what are your thoughts?

Ah, the biggest threats to humanity aren't climate change, nuclear proliferation, or authoritarian governments.

It's a group of 2,000 or so skinnyfat thin-wristed manlets who don't shower. Isn't that how CuckTears characterizes us? They clearly have some sort of preconcieved notion of our racial makeup and socioeconomic class. Aren't we all supposed to be poor white people who dropped out of high school?

Typical Redditor. It's pretty pathetic if you think about it, an armchair psychologist "studying human behavior" on the interwebz, getting his PhD from Reddit University.
Ah, the biggest threats to humanity aren't climate change, nuclear proliferation, or authoritarian governments.

It's a group of 2,000 or so skinnyfat thin-wristed manlets who don't shower. Isn't that how CuckTears characterizes us? They clearly have some sort of preconcieved notion of our racial makeup and socioeconomic class. Aren't we all supposed to be poor white people who dropped out of high school?

Typical Redditor. It's pretty pathetic if you think about it, an armchair psychologist "studying human behavior" on the interwebz, getting his PhD from Reddit University.
They're oddly out-of-date and stereotypically minded people, it's almost as if they get off to insulting people who can't even find it in themselves to like themselves in the first place. Also JFL at the self-professed psychology major/graduate going on Reddit to laugh at virgins all day, you can tell exactly how productive his life is that he would write this long drawn-out post about how a few virgins on the internet is more of a threat than the Chinese government, which looks like a hellscape produced by George Orwell's deepest nightmares due to their Orwellian surveillance state and capability of wiping out the entire planet with nuclear weapons.

I don't even think we're growing much if at all as a community, meanwhile they've become larger than any male-centric subreddit in all of Reddit (2x larger than the biggest one, MGTOW, which isn't even incel based). Are we dangerous? Well, I don't know anyone who explicitly posted here even going ER.

Oh well, I don't why I'm somebody who probably graduated from/goes to a mid-low tier state university studying a liberal arts degree seriously.
They're oddly out-of-date and stereotypically minded people, it's almost as if they get off to insulting people who can't even find it in themselves to like themselves in the first place. Also JFL at the self-professed psychology major/graduate going on Reddit to laugh at virgins all day, you can tell exactly how productive his life is that he would write this long drawn-out post about how a few virgins on the internet is more of a threat than the Chinese government, which looks like a hellscape produced by George Orwell's deepest nightmares due to their Orwellian surveillance state and capability of wiping out the entire planet with nuclear weapons.

I don't even think we're growing much if at all as a community, meanwhile they've become larger than any male-centric subreddit in all of Reddit (2x larger than the biggest one, MGTOW, which isn't even incel based). Are we dangerous? Well, I don't know anyone who explicitly posted here even going ER.

Oh well, I don't why I'm somebody who probably graduated from/goes to a mid-low tier state university studying a liberal arts degree seriously.

The typical r/MGTOW user is a normie-tier divorceraped boomer who had a shit lawyer and likes unfunny comics about foids being dishwashers.

Being part of "one of the most dangerous groups of people on the planet" has to be the biggest compliment anyone's given me today, though.
Duuurrrrr i watch people durrrr i learn about behavior duuurrrr i study psychology duuurrrr look at me i'm so smart, cool, mysterious and unpredictable duuurrrr i'm a good guy watchdog fighting against evil just like in my detective movies duuurrrrr
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Duuurrrrr i watch people durrrr i learn about behavior duuurrrr i study psychology duuurrrr look at me i'm so smart, cool, mysterious and unpredictable duuurrrr im a good guy watchdog fighting against evil just like in my detective movies duuurrrrr

Thomas Dwan Jr. (born July 30, 1986)[1] is an American professional poker player who played online in the highest-stakes No-Limit Texas hold 'em and Pot-Limit Omaha games, primarily on Full Tilt Poker under the screen name "durrrr".
Rent free boyos
This site is monitored too much. IT acts like we are the next al qaeda
Being part of "one of the most dangerous groups of people on the planet" has to be the biggest compliment anyone's given me today, though.
It's actually kind of sad tbh, this man is delusional, he is describing us as if we are some sort of group of masterminds running a global crime empire or some shit preparing for world domination, and he has built this entire reality in his head.
How the hell is 200 or so virgins rambling on their website about their misfortunes "one of the most dangerous groups of people on the planet"? Their rant embodies IT itself, a group of narcissistic moralistic assholes who sit around and make fun of virgins on the internet thinking that they're some kind of "heroes" repeating the same "get mental help" drivel in every single post they put up. Their group of narcissistic bastards is literally 1666x larger than this website, what kind of big scary monster are you trying to fight?

If this website goes down, there will be another one put up in a short period of time. If one of us ropes, you will just condemn another poor miserable bastard to rot down here with us.

Of course he'd make fun of "nice guys" at the end, even though absolutely nobody here is a nice guy™ and everyone here actually hates the cucks that do stupid shit for foids on a regular basis.

@PPEcel what are your thoughts?
Coulomb’s Constant IQ
It's actually kind of sad tbh, this man is delusional, he is describing us as if we are some sort of group of masterminds running a global crime empire or some shit preparing for world domination, and he has built this entire reality in his head.

He thinks that we are emblematic of the decay of Western civilization. Of young men in the West, to be precise. He's not the first person to make sweeping claims about "what do we do with all these young men with no purpose in life", and he won't be the last.

I think the 21st century is going to turn to shit, tbh.
I though women could detect that I post on incels.co when I go and approach them? Why can't they detect Chads manipulative and deceitful personality like they can sense mine? I guess it's just another case of women's personality detectors malfuctioning.
He thinks that we are emblematic of the decay of Western civilization. Of young men in the West, to be precise. He's not the first person to make sweeping claims about "what do we do with all these young men with no purpose in life", and he won't be the last.

I think the 21st century is going to turn to shit, tbh.
The 21st century will be absolute shit in the first half and it will continue to be shit unless we do something about it.

However, innovators and idealists will shape the next few decades, and it's up to us to determine humanity's next course of action and its fate as a whole.

Humanity is advanced not by society as a whole, but by the brilliant minds that form the structure behind it. If we can create solutions, and if we can do so before we destroy ourselves, then and only then is there any hope for the future.
Technically you can argue we are the most dangerous people to the government. You know why?

Coz we spread the idea of the blackpill. What happens when most men decide to take it? The entire system collapses and billions are gonna be screaming in horror. Especially foids.

And I can't wait for that day to happen. It will make everyday I suffered for....worth it for that moment.
WTF is this retard even saying?

"Crimminals just get laid because they manipulate women"

"you just got be a person worthy of respect to get laid bro"

pick one
"Look I am not incel. Please dispense seks."
~Author of post in question
Oh cool another Reddit psychologist overanalyzing us.

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