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Venting today i encountered anti-incel bigotry in real life



Oct 1, 2019
I like to read books a lot. Specifically I like to read real paper books; i never gave ebooks a try although i probably will after what happened today.

We have this big nationwide chain of book stores in America called Barnes and Noble. I enjoy browsing through their selection and picking something out to read. Today I went there to browse through their Sci-Fi novels and comics.

Like many other book stores, Barnes and Noble has these little cards hanging from the shelves where the store's employees leave hand-written recomendations, along with a brief explanation of what they like about the book. I've never actually cared much for their opinions but I guess it adds a cute, friendly, "personal" touch to things.

Anyways, I go to the japanese manga section and there I see one such card on the shelf between the Inyuasha and Jojo's Bizarre Adventure series, except this one isn't there to recommend a book. Instead it simply reads "Incels ruin everything" in large handwriting. It's on the shelf that supports the Inuyasha books but its hanging down in front of the Jojo books so I'm not sure which series its meant to apply to but I don't really care because either way I'm not shopping there anymore. I also don't know if this was meant to be an insult towards jojo fans, inuyasha fans, incels, or all three groups.

As far as insults go it's not that big of a deal, I had plenty of worse things said directly to my face when I was in school. And I'm not really surprised to learn that somebody who works at a book store hates incels either, since pretty much everybody hates us. But I'm not going to keep shopping at a store that hangs up signs about how much they hate me. So I ended up leaving without purchasing anything, and tomorrow morning I'm going to call their customer service line and cancel my premium membership (which is a 10% discount I pay $25/year for). I'm definitely not coming back to any of these stores.

I don't see any point in complaining to them, it's not going to get anything accomplished except potentially outing me as a virgin. And I know that nobody cares if I'm insulted or not; if anything they'd probably give whoever made that sign an employee-of-the-month award for pissing me off. I just refuse to shop at a place which openly hates me like that because despite all my many failures, at least I'm not a fucking cuck.

Anyways, we have a few used book stores in my town and there's always the public library too so I can easily take my business elsewhere. Although now that I think of it I should probably just stop paying for books altogether and download them from z-library or libgen.

Also imagine the fucking riot that would happen if instead of hanging an "incels ruin everything" card in the manga section, an employee hanged a "sluts ruin everything" card in the romance section.
Lmfao, those employees or whomever the fuck placed the card to begin with are jackasses. If it were some outsider doing it I wouldn't quit going to the shop either way the ceo could care less if it lost a couple 10s of dollars but honestly sad how normies want to shit on us yet we're on their mind 24/7 and we do nothing to them.
Speak with your pockets rather than empty words from your mouth your money is worth something.
I mean it's more retarded than anything, like jojo's is peak fiction who the fuck will care about some rando IT user saying incels ruin everything lmao.
How horrid, we outta sue for discrimination
funny that some stacy probably wrote that when anime/manga as a whole was catered to nerds and outsiders like us, until (much like comic books) retards like her got their grubby lil hands on em
Anyways fuck Barnes and noble, go to smaller ma and pa book stores that don't do stupid shit like this.
Not only are the books way cheaper they have older shit too.
sorry you had to go through this traumatic experience....
I used to love Barnes and noble growing up but the past 5 years or so they have these tables set up where they push feminist or leftist content under the guise of it being good reading. They also have a “banned book” section which is basically trying to make lgbtq and leftists look victimized by claiming their books are banned, meanwhile the only reason they are banned is because they insidiously infiltrated schools and got found out. The aggressors are the victims, go figure.
I order all my books online these days usually second hand, I used to love going to the library but ever since I was blackpilled I stopped going
Man that must have sucked. Being in the search for a book to forget about the real world and get reminded your sole existence is seen as a problem. Fuck them Barnes n' Noble.
We ruin everything? Yes we do. Because your society is shit
funny that some stacy probably wrote that when anime/manga as a whole was catered to nerds and outsiders like us, until (much like comic books) retards like her got their grubby lil hands on em
Way more likely to be some fat or ugly bitch rather than a Stacy. Doubt Stacy even knows what an incel is
I used to love Barnes and noble growing up but the past 5 years or so they have these tables set up where they push feminist or leftist content under the guise of it being good reading. They also have a “banned book” section which is basically trying to make lgbtq and leftists look victimized by claiming their books are banned, meanwhile the only reason they are banned is because they insidiously infiltrated schools and got found out. The aggressors are the victims, go figure.
I didn't know about this. This is reason enough never to shop there again.
all anti-incel fags are literal cucks and simps, every single ITfag i meet always are licking women's feet


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I didn't know about this. This is reason enough never to shop there again.
It’s a shame because I really liked the experience of shopping at a bookstore in person. Used to like Borders too (remember that?)
It’s a shame because I really liked the experience of shopping at a bookstore in person. Used to like Borders too (remember that?)
I liked that there was competition in book stores. They would provide a good environment, like a cafe to read in while drinking coffee.
Bookstore employes are the worst kind of women. Not very smart, but very opinionated and confident. They are to mentally ill university students what lefty teachers are to lefty university profs. The same category, just a bit dumber. Sorry you had to have a personal refuge or yours soiled by an intellectual low life like that.
Here Is a more accurate message, women ruin everything with their degenerate behavior, they are narcissists, whores, sluts, baby killers, and entitled pieces of shit. Incels speak the truth, when women are offended by the truth, they will try to silence you even if what you say is true.

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