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Blackpill To the ones who don't think looks are everything: why?



I don't have a personality
Mar 24, 2024
I'm looking for an actual reason here.
Because they are not incels. Anyone who felt the hatred and disgust of foids on his skin cannot be bluepilled even if he wanted to.
Because they are not incels. Anyone who felt the hatred and disgust of foids on his skin cannot be bluepilled even if he wanted to.
then wtf are they doing on this forum (there's a lot of them)
You have to seek It Out * and It has to Be repeated so It ( The Blackpill " ) becomes muscle memory .

Cant say im totally blackpilled " but for the Most Part Sure .
then wtf are they doing on this forum (there's a lot of them)
Many come here to post edgy stuff, racist or vent against foids. Some are probably high inhib or are currently in celibate. Eventually guys like that ascend. If you have been here for longer time, rarely who sticks around more than few months. Most get bored but probably good number moves on living a normie life.
Many come here to post edgy stuff, racist or vent against foids. Some are probably high inhib or are currently in celibate. Eventually guys like that ascend. If you have been here for longer time, rarely who sticks around more than few months. Most get bored but probably good number moves on living a normie life.
Izayacel has been here for 6 years and just said he's not totally blackpilled
The definition of :blackpill: apparently varies so I changed the title to make it clear.
"Looks are not everything, my boyfriend is just a chad and 6'4 by chance teehee"
"Looks are not everything, my boyfriend is just a chad and 6'4 by chance teehee"
I've always wondered why girls lie that "looks aren't everything"
Its looks and NT
I've always wondered why girls lie that "looks aren't everything"
Anyone who says that has never struggled with looks before. Of course they wouldnt know how it's like
Idk about you but I only care about looks.
Okay but you arent a woman and unfortunately they are the gatekeepers of sex. And they care about men being NT. Autism = death sentence
Okay but you arent a woman and unfortunately they are the gatekeepers of sex. And they care about men being NT. Autism = death sentence
Autism and NT are man made words. First of all how would they know if a guy is labeled those two man made words and secondly, Why would they give a flying fuck?
Autism and NT are man made words. First of all how would they know if a guy is labeled those two man made words and secondly, Why would they give a flying fuck?
NTs can identify a sperg within seconds based on his mimic, gesture, the way he talks etc.. NTs hate autists because they hate pretty much everyone who is different because their Ooga Booga mind tells them that different = dangerous. But you will learn all of that with time, dear GrAYcel
NTs can identify a sperg within seconds based on his mimic, gesture, the way he talks etc.. NTs hate autists because they hate pretty much everyone who is different because their Ooga Booga mind tells them that different = dangerous. But you will learn all of that with time, dear GrAYcel
I'd like examples of this. I've not seen an attractive guy with no girls and I'm yet to see that. I'm completely open minded.
I think that "looks are everything" is true for women because that is clearly the #1 thing which men value in women. However, it is definitely true that men have low standards and will settle for whatever they can get. A woman who is a 2/10 can still very easily get men who are willing to offer sincere commitment mainly out of desperation.

Looks are important for men, and have never been more important than now. But even if a man is drop dead gorgeous, but he lacks confidence or anything else to offer a woman, he can still very easily find himself an incel. This can definitely happen if the man is an "ugly duckling," as in he became handsome later in life, perhaps after an adolescence of loneliness and being bullied. Men crave female ugly ducklings. Women never say that as male ugly ducklings are likely to lack the confidence which women crave.
But even if a man is drop dead gorgeous, but he lacks confidence or anything else to offer a woman, he can still very easily find himself an incel.
Give one example of this.
Give one example of this.
Aren't such people called "mentalcels"?

I don't know what "example" I could give. Perhaps the Professor from Gilligan's Island?
that's a character
What "example" can I possibly give? "I knew a guy named Gary who was pretty handsome but never got anywhere with women." Do you know Gary? No, so my "example" is useless.
What "example" can I possibly give? "I knew a guy named Gary who was pretty handsome but never got anywhere with women." Do you know Gary? No, so my "example" is useless.
pretty handsome is not drop dead gorgeous
i think race matter more than looks especially for avg guys tbh
If he would be very attractive, girls would have approached her and he would have a girlfriend, guaranteed. Girls do anything to get a very attractive guy regardless of anything.
He is if you objectively look at his features. It's the autism making you unable to notice and so it does to foids
I think it's because some guys here do see relationships with attractive woman and ugly man. However, is that because they are overrating the woman? Probably. Most normies overrate women hard.
He is if you objectively look at his features. It's the autism making you unable to notice and so it does to foids
Nah, autism doesn't change the way he looks or how someone sees him with their eyes. He has a missing tooth at least.
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i think race matter more than looks especially for avg guys tbh
I agree. A lot of women will say, "I don't care about looks, look at my boyfriend, he is ugly." 10/10 he is tall and white. This is actually a very rude statement she is saying, but women don't get called out on social awkwardness. The "ugly boyfriend" will probably keep his mouth shut out of fear of losing her. Women might be flexible on handsomeness, but are defintiely more rigid on height and race.

Women are starting to acknowledge that a man can be tall and white, and not handsome, but perceived as handsome: https://reductress.com/post/quiz-is-he-cute-or-is-he-just-tall-and-white/

I remember being in a bar in San Diego before a Padres game. A couple visiting from out of state said, "Your starting pitcher is really cute!" Someone said, "You think Chan Ho Park is cute?" (handsome Korean pitcher), they said, "Oh no, I thought Jake Peavy was pitching today." (homely white pitcher). I said, "Chan Ho Park is not cute, he is handsome." They all thought about it for a second and agreed. I think that a lot of women will not consider a short man or an Asian man to be handsome. They are just branded "unattractive" from the getgo. Fortunately, I think this is lessening.
Nah, autism doesn't change the way he looks
Also unnatural expressions, posture etc. affect the look
or how someone sees him with their eyes. He has a missing tooth.
Be fr, if chads ever lose them they don't instantly become incels

It's also good to list that you're GrAY
Also unnatural expressions, posture etc. affect the look

Be fr, if chads ever lose them they don't instantly become incels

It's also good to list that you're GrAY
Expressions and posture don't change your body.
I meant he has a missing tooth at least, I edited it to point that out.
The last one isn't even an argument
Expressions and posture don't change your body.
They literally do because limited mimic causes retardation of certain face muscles and bad posture turns permanent
I meant he has a missing tooth at least, I edited it to point that out.
Yeah, I've seen and answered (unlike you who skipped the whole publication on facial features caused by it)
The last one isn't even an argument
It is, GrAY
They literally do because limited mimic causes retardation of certain face muscles and bad posture turns permanent

Yeah, I've seen and answered (unlike you who skipped the whole publication on facial features caused by it)

It is, GrAY
Retardation of face muscles and permanent bad posture makes you ugly. So autism causes ugliness, autism by itself is not unattractive.
Personality matters too.

Personality can be seen just by looking at a person for a few minutes if not seconds. You can literally be deaf and still figure out many things about the other persons psyche just by looking at them.

The most incel personality type:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-vYc-uVsj4

The chad personality type:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUvd3siJl2g

In both of these videos there are examples of the same personality. See the difference in how they make eye contact, how they move their heads, their hands and their bodies.

Attraction is mostly looks, but where you place in the social hierarchy depends on your personality as well. I think it's pretty obvious if you look at the different examples.
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Personality matters too.

Personality can be seen just by looking at a person for a few minutes if not seconds. You can literally be mute and still figure out many things about the other persons psyche just by looking at them.

The most incel personality type:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-vYc-uVsj4

The chad personality type:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUvd3siJl2g

In both of these videos there are examples of the same personality. See the difference in how they make eye contact, how they move their heads, their hands and their bodies.

Attraction is mostly looks, but where you place in the social hierarchy depends on your personality as well. I think it's pretty obvious if you look at the different examples.

Personality is a code word for looks. Same way creepy is a code word for ugly.
Personality is a code word for looks. Same way creepy is a code word for ugly.
For most normies maybe. Personality definitely has some relevance. And there is a deep connection between the interior (psyche) and the exterior (looks).
Nah, autism doesn't change the way he looks or how someone sees him with their eyes. He has a missing tooth at least.
Yes it does, autists often have bigger heads, look ugly in an underdeveloped way, and normies rate them less trustworthy on looks alone.

What's the point of your post? Looks are everything because they are the first step, no looks no life.

Tired of nitpicking Grey's trying to fit in.
Yes it does, autists often have bigger heads, look ugly in an underdeveloped way, and normies rate them less trustworthy on looks alone.

What's the point of your post? Looks are everything because they are the first step, no looks no life.

Tired of nitpicking Grey's trying to fit in.
By autism I meant the way he acts.
The point is that many people here claim looks aren't everything.
By autism I meant the way he acts.
The point is that many people here claim looks aren't everything.
My opinion on looks is that they are the first step to participating in society. So they are not literally everything, but without them you are nothing.

Autism is a can of worms because usually it effects a person's physical looks as well. One could say autistic equals ugly.
Retardation of face muscles and permanent bad posture makes you ugly. So autism causes ugliness, autism by itself is not unattractive.
It is but for different reasons. I replied to that because you made a mistake saying it doesn't affect look but the main point was different.

No matter what you say, no one will want him, even with the tooth.
Evolutionary, foids choose partners by the look because it indicates health. They won't find someone showing unwanted traits on so many layers attractive. It's caused by analogical mechanism making him appear uncanny.

They also consider social aspects (the best proof is them fucking old pricks for money or fame). They won't choose someone if it results in being ostracized or pressed to take care of him and stop going to parties and hooking up because of it.
My opinion on looks is that they are the first step to participating in society. So they are not literally everything, but without them you are nothing.

Autism is a can of worms because usually it effects a person's physical looks as well. One could say autistic equals ugly.
My thought is that looks are the only thing that separate unhappy people from happy people. I want my opinion proven wrong if it's wrong.
It is but for different reasons. I replied to that because you made a mistake saying it doesn't affect look but the main point was different.

No matter what you say, no one will want him, even with the tooth.
Evolutionary, foids choose partners by the look because it indicates health. They won't find someone showing unwanted traits on so many layers attractive. It's caused by analogical mechanism making him appear uncanny.

They also consider social aspects (the best proof is them fucking old pricks for money or fame). They won't choose someone if it results in being ostracized or pressed to take care of him and stop going to parties and hooking up because of it.
Since you bring evolution up, do you mind explaining how not talking or acting like people do today is evolutionarily unattractive? How money and fame are evolutionarily attractive? All of them are very recent and evolution is a slow process.

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