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To studycels, STEMcels, etc.

  • Thread starter Deleted member 6657
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Deleted member 6657

May 6, 2018
Repeat after me: Read or Bleed.
This will be my fate if I dont ace the rest of my exams:

The alternative: LDAR to the death, but this will come to the same conclusion, that is the rope or KSG.
STEMcel checking in.
Studycel'ing too. It is a bad cope. I wish i cope with something diffrent next year.
STEMcels UNITE!!!!
I was totally bluepilled while I was a studycel. But my life was relatively happier back then tbh even though I knew something was wrong with my life. At least I could cope with library and being praised by my professors for knowing more than my chad and Stacy classmates. Now I'm simply not motivated to anything after blackpill.
Indeed. I WILL crush my exam next week.
I can't study anymore. I legit can only do assignments AFTER they are due. I can't focus on shitttttt

Just started an 8 page assignment due tomorrow boyo. Never get things done ahead of time.
I love freeing up LDAR time so I can gymcel, chill with my boyos on incels.is and do whatever the fuck I feel like
I have STEM:ed for 13 hours today.
Good boy.
Thanky you! I got to spend the morning teaching young stacies and gigastacies at the university, and then watch them disappear with their Chad boyfriends.
One good thing about STEM (especially engineering) is the complete and utter lack of foids. My class is 85% male. That means all group projects, collaborations, etc are done with males only. Work will most likely be with men only as well. There are some superchads here and there but they are rare and so busy slaying they aren't around too often.
One good thing about STEM (especially engineering) is the complete and utter lack of foids. My class is 85% male. That means all group projects, collaborations, etc are done with males only. Work will most likely be with men only as well. There are some superchads here and there but they are rare and so busy slaying they aren't around too often.

99% male in my major boyo.
Repeat after me: Read or Bleed.
This will be my fate if I dont ace the rest of my exams:
View attachment 56125

The alternative: LDAR to the death, but this will come to the same conclusion, that is the rope or KSG.
My life is a failure. Failing a few more exams wont change my life. Ill continue on.
I love freeing up LDAR time so I can gymcel, chill with my boyos on incels.is and do whatever the fuck I feel like

I pretty much stopped doing all assignments, other than exams since exams make up such a large portion of the grade (already gave up doing the 8 page thing due tomorrow). It's easy to ace the exams so why even bother doing the other stuff.

My life is a failure. Failing a few more exams wont change my life. Ill continue on.

Computer Science cel here:feelshehe::feelshaha:
My life is a failure. Failing a few more exams wont change my life. Ill continue on.
This, after I failed an exam for the first time last year I said fuck it and just moved on
I was totally bluepilled while I was a studycel. But my life was relatively happier back then tbh even though I knew something was wrong with my life. At least I could cope with library and being praised by my professors for knowing more than my chad and Stacy classmates. Now I'm simply not motivated to anything after blackpill.
STEMcel here. This is the truth. JFL if you think things will get better if you follow this path. You're going to be cucked by Chad managers that take credit for your hard work while you rot in the basement, wagecucking your "STEM" job.

No one will believe you or care to interact with you. You will just become a monkey or tool for Chad. Enjoy all that hard work.
I don't really care if I drop out of uni or not, I think I could get NEETbux.
STEMcel here. This is the truth. JFL if you think things will get better if you follow this path. You're going to be cucked by Chad managers that take credit for your hard work while you rot in the basement, wagecucking your "STEM" job.

No one will believe you or care to interact with you. You will just become a monkey or tool for Chad. Enjoy all that hard work.
Tbh I don't know why STEMcels are shunned so much nowadays in the west. Without advanced STEM the west wouldn't have been so dominant for 200 years. Now working in STEM=ugly, geeky, nerdy, no sense of style etc.
Tbh I don't know why STEMcels are shunned so much nowadays in the west. Without advanced STEM the west wouldn't have been so dominant for 200 years. Now working in STEM=ugly, geeky, nerdy, no sense of style etc.
Its not shunned, in fact it's high IQ. But JFL if you think it'll get you out of the hole. I guarantee you will be doing the hard ass work and then simplifying the reports for Chad to understand (while he bangs Stacy secretaries) so that he can present all your hard work and get a raise for getting results. You're a highly capable tool.

It may work for low inhibs cels. But those are rare and will end up ascending anyway.
Good luck bois. Im 28 and im still studying lol At least most of what i do is just reading philosophy so its not THAT bad. (Currently reading rousseau tho :rolleyes: )
I took math classes in HS and i struggled to pass it. I cant even imagine the suffering of STEMcels. As i said... Good luck boyos.
I will smash all of my exams, if I don't, I will rope
Posting from the library :feelsautistic:

Time to focus
Gotten already two essays to do and it's only the third week :feelsbadman:
Gotten already two essays to do and it's only the third week :feelsbadman:

That sucks boyo. I haven't had to do any essays for STEM classes

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