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Blackpill To all the race obsessed incels

Jason Voorhees

Jason Voorhees

Apr 24, 2024
Niggas here are busy having race discussions and feeling superior posting on .is while people of all races outside are millionaires, climbing the social ladder, have loving families, enjoying life and here on .is users are posting race statistics and are shitskin this shitskin that. The guy who can't construct two coherent sentences is talking about race iq. The guy who is 40 lbs overweight is talking about strength. Even dogs on the street live a more fulfilling and meaningful life that this. Truly pathetic and pitiful existence.
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Yeah I don't understand why people here try to act all high and mighty due to being white.

Like nigga we're on a fucking incel forum. You're obviously not all that if your stuck on an incel forum with the rest of us
Yeah I don't understand why people here try to act all high and mighty due to being white.

Like nigga we're on a fucking incel forum. You're obviously not all that if your stuck on an incel forum with the rest of us
No, bro, only white men are having fun. Everyone else is suffering.
Niggas here are busy having race discussions and feeling superior posting on .is while people of all races outside are climbing the climbing social ladder, have loving families, enjoying life and here on .is users are posting race statistics and are shitskin this shitskin that. The guy who can't construct two coherent sentences is talking about race iq. The guy who is 40 lbs overweight is talking about strength. Even dogs on the street live a more fulfilling and meaningful life that this. Truly pathetic and pitiful existence.
:feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul:
here on .is users are posting race statistics and are shitskin this shitskin that
They can't understand the contradictions - they love the white race, but they hate the white femoids, who are the most obsessed with feminism and they bully us the most on Reddit. You can't love the white race at the same time and hate white women who are obsessed with feminism, bullying and hating us.
Niggas here are busy having race discussions and feeling superior posting on .is while people of all races outside are millionaires, climbing the social ladder, have loving families, enjoying life and here on .is users are posting race statistics and are shitskin this shitskin that. The guy who can't construct two coherent sentences is talking about race iq. The guy who is 40 lbs overweight is talking about strength. Even dogs on the street live a more fulfilling and meaningful life that this. Truly pathetic and pitiful existence.
I never understood some of the neonazis here. Like you would be cannon fodder without an second thought
Look at Ukraine
I never understood some of the neonazis here. Like you would be cannon fodder without an second thought
Look at Ukraine
There are also many patriots from different countries who are ready to defend them on this site. At the same time, they do not understand that incels do not produce offspring, therefore they are not a full-fledged part of their nation.
There are also many patriots from different countries who are ready to defend them on this site. At the same time, they do not understand that incels do not produce offspring, therefore they are not a full-fledged part of their nation.
I never understood some of the neonazis here. Like you would be cannon fodder without an second thought
Look at Ukraine

Most people like this live in a delusional that they are superior to everyone and live vicariously throught the lives of men superior to them while they themselves are genetic dead ends trying to convince themselves that they are part of the greater purpose

Being „proud“ of something that you had no control over (like being born a certain ethnicity) is a cope of the subhuman. It’s a self preservation method of those who have nothing else going for them. It's a coping mechanism where people attribute the success of a group as their achievement and feel proud about it. It's mostly the subhuman's cope to feel like he's worth something. All these far right or far left ideologies are only for subhumans who have nothing going on in their lives. These kind of niggas also put white women on the pedestal too
There are also many patriots from different countries who are ready to defend them on this site. At the same time, they do not understand that incels do not produce offspring, therefore they are not a full-fledged part of their nation.
Like if I had a wife and kids, I'd flee the country
If that isnt an option, then I'll fight
but I dont have a wife and kids
I'd rather break my legs then enlist
Although I agree with them on the question of the role of Jews in our suffering. But why are white femoids, being members of the strongest white race, so susceptible to Jewish manipulation?
Image 2024 07 26 111900131

I think you've already seen my response in the other thread, but this is my stance on racistcels. It's not a favorable opinion.
Couldn't agree more, "my race is better than your race" posts are massive cope and low key incel shaming, if you have been rotting here then it is (mostly) over no amount of race coping will save you from your predicament
anglo saxon master race germanics are subhuman mayoniggers
Most people like this live in a delusional that they are superior to everyone and live vicariously throught the lives of men superior to them while they themselves are genetic dead ends trying to convince themselves that they are part of the greater purpose

Being „proud“ of something that you had no control over (like being born a certain ethnicity) is a cope of the subhuman. It’s a self preservation method of those who have nothing else going for them. It's a coping mechanism where people attribute the success of a group as their achievement and feel proud about it. It's mostly the subhuman's cope to feel like he's worth something. All these far right or far left ideologies are only for subhumans who have nothing going on in their lives. These kind of niggas also put white women on the pedestal too
Heavy on the last sentence
For a lot of these guys, their women can do no wrong so it must be some outside factor responsible even do it's their nature showing
I suspect that these guys are bluepilled in some aspects with women
Couldn't agree more, "my race is better than your race" posts are massive cope and low key incel shaming, if you have been rotting here then it is (mostly) over no amount of race coping will save you from your predicament
"But but muh racial superiority"
Anyone who does not have offspring cannot be a patriot, since it is the concern for the future of their country, in which your offspring will live, that is logically justified. But if you don't have children, why do you care about a piece of territory on the world map?
Like if I had a wife and kids, I'd flee the country
If that isnt an option, then I'll fight
but I dont have a wife and kids
I'd rather break my legs then enlist
Niggas here are busy having race discussions and feeling superior posting on .is while people of all races outside are millionaires, climbing the social ladder, have loving families, enjoying life and here on .is users are posting race statistics and are shitskin this shitskin that. The guy who can't construct two coherent sentences is talking about race iq. The guy who is 40 lbs overweight is talking about strength. Even dogs on the street live a more fulfilling and meaningful life that this. Truly pathetic and pitiful existence.
Good luck living with niggers

Good riddance if you got robbed by one

Also a reminder middle eastern people became extremely retarded because of nigger baboon admixture
All these far right or far left ideologies are only for subhumans who have nothing going on in their lives. These kind of niggas also put white women on the pedestal too
yeah bro the left wing extremists are high on copium, why are you trying to fix society instead of just accepting your subhuman life!
Good luck living with niggers

Good riddance if you got robbed by one

Also a reminder middle eastern people became extremely retarded because of nigger baboon admixture
Standard low iq response shifting the goal post. Expected
yeah bro the left wing extremists are high on copium, why are you trying to fix society instead of just accepting your subhuman life!
Don't stop this society from breaking down, watch and enjoy the process - you still won't be able to save it, even if you really want to. The birth rate has fallen again in your country - I'll drink a cup of coffee and smile, what difference does it make to me what happens after me, because I don't even have offspring.
Ig I'm race obsessed in a different sense. I feel like if you're an incel, your genetic lottery has to come up so shit that not even any positive traits your race may have will fix you.
Yeah I don't understand why people here try to act all high and mighty due to being white.

Like nigga we're on a fucking incel forum. You're obviously not all that if your stuck on an incel forum with the rest of us
Exactly why I never brag about being white, I simply mention it if someone asks. Regardless of race, we are all guys who can't get a gf. That's why we should be more loyal to the incel community than our race
Idc about which race is superior or inferior because I am not a foid
You're right. All this ethnic or racial nationalism is just a pathetic cope. You will never see chads among nationalists, in most cases they are socially rejected guys. You never see Aryan chads among the neo-Nazis. You never see Chadpreets among Hindu nationalists. You never see tyrones among afrocentrists. It's all about the structure of the bones. Foids are just attracted to different types of chads. Subhumans and chads exist in every race, society, and culture. I mean, there's nothing wrong with being anti-immigration even some immigrants themselves dislike mass immigration, but you're retarded if you take pride in other people's achievements. These people who have achieved don't give a damn about your existence, and they'll look down on you like a worthless dog shit. I'm not Andrew Tate's fanboy, but he was legit right that rich people or chads of all races always get along and never shit on each other. All this "nationalism" is probably pushed by jews to keep subhumans of all races fighting each other instead of uniting against the common enemy.
Yeah I don't understand why people here try to act all high and mighty due to being white.

Like nigga we're on a fucking incel forum. You're obviously not all that if your stuck on an incel forum with the rest of us
All this "nationalism" is probably pushed by jews to keep subhumans of all races fighting each other instead of uniting against the common enemy.
Shit take. Even if Jews and gynocentrists were ousted from power, the existing multiracialism would remain a huge part of the incel equation. To truly minimize inceldom, you would need mass repatration programs or, at the very least, racial segregation
All races have winners and losers.
Also white people are superior at certain things, it depends on what you mean by "superior"
If you are talking about playing basketball than niggers are superior at that, if you are talking about composing classic music or some shit than white people are superior.
I want my race to have a country where we can thrive and other races should do the same for themselves, trying to force everyone to live together is not good for anyone.
I also want a government that punishes degeneracy and promotes goodness, liberalism is a plague.
He didn’t “shift the goal post” at all. You brought up people posting “race statistics” yourself, which I assume was in reference to per capita crime stats.
No I was talking about those IQ statistics that people spam between races ro claim superiority. I never said being anti immigration or being against something affecting your race is bad but obsessing over racial differences and acting like it is the end it be all is the cope of thr subhuman.

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