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Venting Tired of avergae joes who don't understand the 8020 rule...



- Alea Iacta Est -
Nov 14, 2019
Man I get tired of fools who seem to think that there is no 80/20 rule because they talk to a fat bitch or someone from another culture sometimes... People who are usually in the bottom 20%. These fools seem to think that you shouldnt be able to complain about females standards if you dont want an obese or really low quality female and it's frustrating to explain to them that it's not the same thing. Us not wanting the bottom 20% as average guys, is nowhere near the same as females only wanting the top 20 (more like 12) %. These morons dont seem to understand how things are for regular guys and argue with it yet they themselves are only getting scraps.. Just getting sick of blue pill morons arguing with things they dont understand. I almost think the media should do public broadcasts telling all the average men where they stand in the sexual marketplace and exactly how things are. Men all need to wake up and that way they can stop wasting time buttering up and chasing females who will only be a waste of time
speak for yourself fakecel
dont fucking call me fake because i dont want the bottom of the barrel! dont you know that the majority of guys arnt getting jack shit. Average is NOT good enough. dont you know about the 8020 rule... unless you look like a model or typically attractive you cant even matches. being average isnt good enough. almost every single average or below guy I know has got with some fat bitch or someone outside their race. I'm not fucking fake because females never talk to me, give me any attention and I had no luck on online dating. Pretty much all but the top guys these days have to deal with having no success. They only want to top minority so unless you wnt the lowest form of female your chances are fucked. Not being incel isnt about banging some fat ugly bitch who you arnt attracted to. To not call yourself incel youd have to be able to actually fuck bitches who are not in the bottom 20%. People who you are actually attracted to. You go with the bottom of the barrel you arnt getting the real thing. so all those guys out there banging fat whales and coons are basically incel in my mind cause they cant even get the real thing. Average is never good enough and sex only counts if youd do it with someone youd find attractive of your own race. otherwise youd be settling for scraps
dont fucking call me fake because i dont want the bottom of the barrel! dont you know that the majority of guys arnt getting jack shit. Average is NOT good enough. dont you know about the 8020 rule... unless you look like a model or typically attractive you cant even matches. being average isnt good enough. almost every single average or below guy I know has got with some fat bitch or someone outside their race. I'm not fucking fake because females never talk to me, give me any attention and I had no luck on online dating. Pretty much all but the top guys these days have to deal with having no success. They only want to top minority so unless you wnt the lowest form of female your chances are fucked. Not being incel isnt about banging some fat ugly bitch who you arnt attracted to. To not call yourself incel youd have to be able to actually fuck bitches who are not in the bottom 20%. People who you are actually attracted to. You go with the bottom of the barrel you arnt getting the real thing. so all those guys out there banging fat whales and coons are basically incel in my mind cause they cant even get the real thing. Average is never good enough and sex only counts if youd do it with someone youd find attractive of your own race. otherwise youd be settling for scraps
tldr tbh
since when has average been enough for females?! the average guy is NOT thought of as attractive by a female. The bulk of the male population is average yet females think everyone who isnt typically attractive is 'below average' it doesnt make a difference if you are ugly average or ok.. Unless youre in the top percentage then females won't be interested.... You wanna compete of who'se the biggest loser or something.... What does it matter who is average and whose ugly...? We are all still in the same majority boat full of sexless guys
More like 99/1 tbh. 80/20 is outdated
dont fucking call me fake because i dont want the bottom of the barrel! dont you know that the majority of guys arnt getting jack shit. Average is NOT good enough. dont you know about the 8020 rule... unless you look like a model or typically attractive you cant even matches. being average isnt good enough. almost every single average or below guy I know has got with some fat bitch or someone outside their race. I'm not fucking fake because females never talk to me, give me any attention and I had no luck on online dating. Pretty much all but the top guys these days have to deal with having no success. They only want to top minority so unless you wnt the lowest form of female your chances are fucked. Not being incel isnt about banging some fat ugly bitch who you arnt attracted to. To not call yourself incel youd have to be able to actually fuck bitches who are not in the bottom 20%. People who you are actually attracted to. You go with the bottom of the barrel you arnt getting the real thing. so all those guys out there banging fat whales and coons are basically incel in my mind cause they cant even get the real thing. Average is never good enough and sex only counts if youd do it with someone youd find attractive of your own race. otherwise youd be settling for scraps
More narcissistic whinging. I bet you think Emma Watson is average, too.
for fucks sake half the guys who are on here or arnt getting any sexual experience are regular and average guys... you want to
More narcissistic whinging. I bet you think Emma Watson is average, too.
fuck you cunt. Why the fuck are you calling me narcissistic you shit? you dont know anything about me! il cave your fucking face in for saying that about me.. fuclking sfo;saihejfewhinge yourslef cunt il fucking rip your fucking throat out!!!! I have zero self confidence and cut my face and myself because i hate how i look. your telling me that im up myslef?! I dont like myself at all you cunt. whatthe fuck are you on about saying i bet you think... IM a fucking MALE.. why are you comparing me to a female... youre implying im above average without seeing me yet I have no females interersted in me, no matches and cant get any fucks despite trying for years.....fucking wreck... you don't know what you're talking and about emma watson... thats the internets weird fettish not mine. I personally dont find her attractive but as a person she isnt ugly or anything.i wouldnt know what to rate her as because I don't find her appealing myself
for fucks sake half the guys who are on here or arnt getting any sexual experience are regular and average guys... you want to claim im some chad because im average then thats hypocritical. a third of guys these days are basically sexless.Ive seen a bunch of surveys saying that.. most guys i know are sexless even though they are regualr guys. they just arnt good looking
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for fucks sake half the guys who are on here or arnt getting any sexual experience are regular and average guys... you want to

fuck you cunt. Why the fuck are you calling me narcissistic you shit? you dont know anything about me! il cave your fucking face in for saying that about me.. fuclking sfo;saihejfewhinge yourslef cunt il fucking rip your fucking throat out!!!! I have zero self confidence and cut my face and myself because i hate how i look. your telling me that im up myslef?! I dont like myself at all you cunt. whatthe fuck are you on about saying i bet you think... IM a fucking MALE.. why are you comparing me to a female... youre implying im above average without seeing me yet I have no females interersted in me, no matches and cant get any fucks despite trying for years.....fucking wreck... you don't know what you're talking and about emma watson... thats the internets weird fettish not mine. I personally dont find her attractive but as a person she isnt ugly or anything.i wouldnt know what to rate her as because I don't find her appealing myself
for fucks sake half the guys who are on here or arnt getting any sexual experience are regular and average guys... you want to claim im some chad because im average then thats hypocritical. a third of guys these days are basically sexless.Ive seen a bunch of surveys saying that.. most guys i know are sexless even though they are regualr guys. they just arnt good looking
No, I'm assuming you're average, because you said you were. A standard, mundane, typical normie, crying on an incel forum because he's not Chad.
No, I'm assuming you're average, because you said you were. A standard, mundane, typical normie, crying on an incel forum because he's not Chad.
fuck off... what... and that makes me any different than any others here? im not fucking crying motherfucker.. what you expect me to not be on this shit? after everything ive bloody tried....
and im not typical or mundane. im nothing like your typical bitch ass uncultured prick who has a shit taste in music and boring ass hobbies
fuck off... what... and that makes me any different than any others here? im not fucking crying motherfucker.. what you expect me to not be on this shit? after everything ive bloody tried....
and im not typical or mundane. im nothing like your typical bitch ass uncultured prick who has a shit taste in music and boring ass hobbies
Why the fuck are you calling me narcissistic you shit?
Hmm I wonder why. It's such a mystery.

If you've actually tried everything and had zero success, not even with bottom 20% foids, you're below average looking, full stop. You can send your pictures to @FACEandLMS and have him give you an honest rating.
Hmm I wonder why. It's such a mystery.

If you've actually tried everything and had zero success, not even with bottom 20% foids, you're below average looking, full stop. You can send your pictures to @FACEandLMS and have him give you an honest rating.
If I ask him to rate me, will he leak my pictures?
dont fucking call me fake because i dont want the bottom of the barrel!
Oh WOW. You don't want to date fat women and you think you're incel?! The sad state this forum has come to!
Average is NOT good enough.
You don't need to be Chad. But I get it, every single average dude imagines about being top 5% chad.
unless you look like a model or typically attractive you cant even matches.
You don't need to use dating apps.
almost every single average or below guy I know has got with some fat bitch or someone outside their race.
No shit. I talked about this in detail:
No doubt they are disgusting but you're volcel if you are unwilling to fuck them. I remember a lot of guys from high school who were in a relationship with fat girls. Hell, even this GIGACHAD (actual model tier looks 187cm tall, extremely good looking face) was in a relationship with a fattie. That other gigachad (185cm tall, white, blonde blue eyes) was in a relationship with a 6/10 girl. That's the current state of the dating market. You can't not fuck fat girls unless you're some 0,1% gigachad (without any exaggeration the blonde dude was a 0,1% gigachad).
I'm not fucking fake because females never talk to me, give me any attention and I had no luck on online dating.
Fakecel is someone who pretends to be incel when he's not. You ARE fakecel.
Average is never good enough and sex only counts if youd do it with someone youd find attractive of your own race.
This further proves the assumption of outsiders that people on incel forums just want stacies. FAKECEL!
The average joe has a nagging fat whore of a wife. They can eat shit.
Average is normie and a normie can't be incel unless he is mentally unsound, though he can be volcel if he only wants top 20% of girls.
Average is normie and a normie can't be incel unless he is mentally unsound, though he can be volcel if he only wants top 20% of girls.
Cope. Sub8 rule is real. 99/1 will eventually become a reality.
Oh WOW. You don't want to date fat women and you think you're incel?! The sad state this forum has come to! ARE YOU HONESTLY FUCKING SERIOUS?!?!?!!?!!?!?!?!!?!? fat doesnt count!!!! Fat bitches only go for regular guys because they think they cant get attractive guys. why the fuck would i want someone who was settling for me and not only that, is FUCKING FAT! I have never fucked anyone and cant get a regualr person, so what the fuck else would you call me

You don't need to be Chad. But I get it, every single average dude imagines about being top 5% chad. - What a load of shit. I dont care about being top fucking 5% i just want to be good enough to get regular females but because im not at he top I can't. Telling me i dont need to be attractive.. what a load of shit. that 8020 stuff is real..

You don't need to use dating apps.- what is this bullshit. I had no luck on those apps. If i have no luck on apps then real life is the same! if I cant even get matches on a stupid app then why would they want anything from me in real life?! those shitty apps show you in an unfiltered place what females think of you. And I had no luck so obviously after swiping thousands of people several times so its obvius that none of them find me attractive. fuking idiot. If apps dont work for you then nothing else will. They are the same results as real life and in real life I had no luck either!!

No shit. I talked about this in detail:

Fakecel is someone who pretends to be incel when he's not. You ARE fakecel.- YOU ARE FUCKING PISSING ME OFF. you wanna fucking call me fake huh?! why the fuck you have the nerve to do that?! what fucking grounds do you have to go on?! NOONE HERE IS FAKE! noone spends there fucking day feeling miserable on websites like this for the fun of it.... You think that if I wasnt all blackpill and sexless that i would be on here? Motherfucker calling me fake.. how???!?!!?!!?!?!!?!!?!?!!?!@?! after swpiing 6000 people and having no luck... after swiping thousands in the past and having no luck... After photoshopping my flaws in pictures and still havng no success... after changing my appearance.. going through multiple style changes.. going to different towns differnt pubs, music, bands, events, social gatherings, walking around town for YEARS! geting out whenever I could And never having feamels even talk to me in a FRIEND type manner, let alone showing any sexual interest, after getting rejected from dating pages and declined from friend requests of girls that my male friend added.. after being avoided in public by females and the only time they look at me is either to scowl, give me a dirty look or laugh.... After being avoided by females in social groups who wont even look at me..... After saying how i felt to a couple females about my looks stopping me and then them start to say ''your not that bad'' but then cutting mid sentence because they realize they couldnt even lie... after going my fucking 20s rejected from every girl I asked out and not even of had a feel let alone a fuck....

This further proves the assumption of outsiders that people on incel forums just want stacies. FAKECEL! mate you fucking blare that fake shit to me il rupture your fucking face! I dont give a fuck about this stacy shit... all those bitches are are regular girls with a shit tonne of makeup. All girls are roughly average just someone are better at faking it than others. I dont want some model type you dumb bastard. I just dont want the bottom 20% and why the fuck should i?! Most of you dont either... And why the fuck should we?! Fucking only counts if its with someone you choose... someone you are attracted to.... You can't go banging some ugly fat bitch and then say you arent incel. They dont count. the only thing that counts is a non fat female of your own race. If you go and bang a fat bitch you are just like most regular guys and id still call you incel because you never HAD THE REAL THING. Fat / obese females dont count. REAL FUCKING is with someone you are attracted to. If you have to settle for ANYTHING then you are STILL INCEL. just because i dont pursue shallow fat hogs doesnt make me fake. if you have to settle for someone fat who is only with you because they think they arnt good enough to get the good looking guy and you try to tell yourself you arnt a celebate then you are the fucking fake person. Half these guys out there that go with the bottom level of gutter trash are still incel in my eyes because they have NEVER HAD THE REAL FUCKING THING!
@Magnum Pathetic. I could type out a bunch of bullshit right now but you're mad you're not a Chad and it's pretty clear. Gtfo of this forum.
Over for averagejoecels
Average is normie and a normie can't be incel unless he is mentally unsound, though he can be volcel if he only wants top 20% of girls. '' a normie can't be incel unless he is mentally unsound'' are you mad.... the top 80% of females only want less than the top 20% of males. why do you think there are so many celibate guys now? there are studies that show that 30% of males have been over a year without sexual activity and 30% who havnt had any since age 18. The vast majority of guys are considered unattractive to females. You have your numbers totally screwed up. claiming Average is good enough.. what a load of crap... the bulk of the male population is left stuck with the bottom 20% of females. It's not a guy who only wants the top 20 of bitches thats an incel... an average guy who wants anything other than the bottom 20 of females is basically left out. average guys only option is bottom 20% fat/obese/other races. I know plenty of regualr guys who either never have a partner or have to date outside their race and culture or can only ever get fat/obese. They cant get non fat white females
For online dating atleast..
online dating basically holds up a mirror to real life, showing the exact standards of what females find attractive. 80/20. It explains why every guy i know has only really ever got someone in the bottom 20.
@Magnum Pathetic. I could type out a bunch of bullshit right now but you're mad you're not a Chad and it's pretty clear. Gtfo of this forum.
Ah fuck you cunt!!!!!!! il hunt you donw and fucking kill your fucking family!@ Fuck this chad shit cunt.. Every guy here would want to be attractive if they could be.. And you are mad at me because I do.?! question is what the fuck are you doing here? We are most likely all here because our appearance doesn't make the cut. Me included. you want to call me fake because I dont want someone fat/obese or someone in the bottom 20% that I am NOT ATTRACTED TO?! Fucking doesnt count unless you are attracted to them. if you nang a fat/obese person then you are still incel. It doesn count unless it is a normal person who you are attracted to . Fuck off with this fake shit. I am in decent shape, so im not going to want to go with some fat fuck that id have to take VIAGARA just to fuck. If you nag a whale then you are the fucking fake person if you think that counts. You think my suffering is a joke? about my years of trying... go to hell before i fucing send you there myslef!@!!@@###@%T$7[yurtojhdftoihgjfd[godfzijfofigjre
Fat bitches dont count and if you settle for the bottom 20% then you are still celibate cause you never got the real thing
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30% of guys 18-30 aren't even getting sex once per year
for the fucks here who call me fake for not wanting a bottom 20% when i am fit regular guy... I dont get fat people interested either so it doesnt matter what my preference is
for the fucks here who call me fake for not wanting a bottom 20% when i am fit regular guy... I dont get fat people interested either so it doesnt matter what my preference is
I stand with you. Sub6 is truecel in 2019+ tbh. Anyone who thinks average guys arent incel is a bluepilled faggot
for the fucks here who call me fake for not wanting a bottom 20% when i am fit regular guy... I dont get fat people interested either so it doesnt matter what my preference is

that's how it is, men are expected to improve all areas of their life workmax, gymax,clothingmax, lifemax and have no standards and just be happy with a 400lb single mother with 4 kids from 4 different fathers.
So you say 99% men are incel? Don't go full brendioEEE
Teracope man
Not now, but soon it will be. In 2019 its just sub8. By 2030, there will be a REAL 99/1 or even 99.9/0.1
Not now, but soon it will be. In 2019 its just sub8. By 2030, there will be a REAL 99/1 or even 99.9/0.1
I agree that it will be like that in the future but for now we have to admit the stats
30% are incel
so 70/30 rule tbh
Over for chadcels
I agree that it will be like that in the future but for now we have to admit the stats
30% are incel
so 70/30 rule tbh
No, 50-60% are incel. Men just dont want to admit they arent getting sex lmao.
Just the other day I was boiling with rage because a Christian social media semi-famous type was talking about how ugly men only want supermodels and they should date women on their looks level.

Firstly, there's nothing in the Bible about any of it, it shouldn't even be mentioned in that context; And secondly, I fucking hate boomer cuckservatives who have absolutely no idea how fucked up the sexual market is in 2019 and strawman incels like that.
In conclusion, it's over for many men.
almost every single average or below guy I know has got with some fat bitch or someone outside their race.
or a single mom, have that shit in my family even

it's fucking over for average guys
Just the other day I was boiling with rage because a Christian social media semi-famous type was talking about how ugly men only want supermodels and they should date women on their looks level.

Firstly, there's nothing in the Bible about any of it, it shouldn't even be mentioned in that context; And secondly, I fucking hate boomer cuckservatives who have absolutely no idea how fucked up the sexual market is in 2019 and strawman incels like that.
was arguing today with a bluepill fool who claimed that I only want the very top just because I said I'd want someone i'd find attractive. these clowns think that because you wouldnt want someone fat/obese that you want the top.. Well i dont even know what the top is... I just want a regular female who isnt overweight and I'd find attractive. Someone on my looks level i guess. most of these so called attractive females are just average themselves but fraud their looks with makeup and photoshop and clothing
was arguing today with a bluepill fool who claimed that I only want the very top just because I said I'd want someone i'd find attractive. these clowns think that because you wouldnt want someone fat/obese that you want the top.. Well i dont even know what the top is... I just want a regular female who isnt overweight and I'd find attractive. Someone on my looks level i guess. most of these so called attractive females are just average themselves but fraud their looks with makeup and photoshop and clothing
Most onitises and former onitises incels have/had here are average. I saw many, yet so see a Stacy supermodel.
Going for landwhales when you are average or fit yourself is fucking cucked

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