gigastacies and gigachads are usually models or actors, or otherwise statusmaxxed. those who aren't have a bigger version of tinder by just being on social media at all, they'll never not have a partner or frequent casual sex. regular chads and stacies can be the same sometimes, but this is the difference between the best looking guys in your school and a world-famous actor mind you, regular chads and stacies greatly outnumber their giga versions, so its simple statistics things turn out this way. i realise the definitions aren't super clear, but you should have an idead of what i mean by now.
wait what was the point you were making again? you underestimated most of those guys's looks (i initially thought you were a PSL super high standards dude, but you're that except you think faces that aren't ultra masculine aren't attractive to women, it's more about facial harmony and shit. K-POP twinks have millions of women that want their children).
are you trying to say women don't actually have high standards (even though, as i said not a single man there is below a 5 and usually the 5-6 have a lot of compensation)?