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Experiment Thoughts on Abortion?

  • Thread starter TheProphetMuscle
  • Start date

Is it evil?

  • Nothing wrong with it

    Votes: 13 28.9%
  • It’s evil

    Votes: 22 48.9%
  • Depends on how old the fetus is

    Votes: 10 22.2%

  • Total voters


Big Papí
Jun 11, 2018
I have nothing against it due to the already overpopulated world and the fetus isn’t sentient yet
I don't care about the fetus but i hate how much power abortion gives to stupid and irresponsible foids.
I hate the reasons behind it more than anything. It’s usually just so whores can continue to get fucked by Chad without having to worry about taking care of a child. It absolves them of all responsibility.
It should be done only if the mother is in danger otherwise, or if the baby is predicted to have heavy defects that will make it's life miserable.
If a foid kills her child we should stone her to death.
Should be illegal, it enables and encourages foids to whore around.

Tbh in all seriousness it's wrong.
Depends on why the mother is deciding to get an abortion. No matter what the reason is, the child should never be aborted. Instead should be placed into adoption or into a family who is capable and willing to raise said child.
My grandmother was pressuring my dad to make my mom get an abortion. So i have a certain disliking against abortion.
abortion should be illegal except for cases of forced fertilization or genetic damage

there are dozens of methods of contraception. man I never had sex and even someone like me knows them,
so there is literally no excuse.

abortion is just another tutorial island feature so foids don't need to take responsibility for their actions.
Aborition was implemented so foids dont have to take the responsiblity for their own actions and can go back to fucking chad asap
Aborition was implemented so foids dont have to take the responsiblity for their own actions and can go back to fucking chad asap
This exactly. It should be illegal and we should stone foids that have done it.
It's evil, the epitome of irresponsibility, selfishness and cowardice.
I have nothing against it due to the already overpopulated world and the fetus isn’t sentient yet
tbh. Also it realistically will just be another retard normie who adds nothing to the world. JFL at tradcucks who cry about how it could have been some Jesus-tier human when realistically it will just be shithead #5674900 normie who shits on incels.
tbh. Also it realistically will just be another retard normie who adds nothing to the world. JFL at tradcucks who cry about how it could have been some Jesus-tier human when realistically it will just be shithead #5674900 normie who shits on incels.
That or another incel who is gonna suffer throughout his life
Generally against it but wished i was aborted tbh
Depends. If the fetus would be an incel, abortion is the right thing. Otherwise it’s evil.
Agree, better to be aborted than born. It's the lesser of the two evils
Whores need to be punished for being whores
I have nothing against it due to the already overpopulated world and the fetus isn’t sentient yet
I care very little about it tbh. I think it could be allowed in some cases like when the baby is defect or other health issues but it's definitely a bad thing that the foid can ride the carousel and use abortion as a safety pass to keep riding it instead of becoming mothers. So ye I think it should be available but not used as liberally as it is now.
Females use abortion to avoid responsibility and be as careless as possible, they don't give a shit about their unborn children. Yet despite this, I'm not anti-abortion, I'm anti-birth.
Depends on age of fetus

If its a result of rape

And if either the mother or child will die as a result of delivery
Should have happened with us to stop our suffering
It should be done only if the mother is in danger otherwise, or if the baby is predicted to have heavy defects that will make it's life miserable.
I have nothing against it due to the already overpopulated world and the fetus isn’t sentient yet
This argument is bullshit. The Chinese, muslims, and African niggers are overpopulated while the white population has been in decline since the early 1900s. To make matters worse they are using our decreasing population as an excuse to push more shitskins onto us. Everyone else should get abortions except white people
Also there is no definitive proof of when consciousness/sentience or whatever you want to call it begins and there probably never will be
I'm against it for several reasons:
1. My government wants to halt the declining of our population. Giving abortions for free doesn't help to solve this problem
2. Why do tax payers have to pay for it? I am a lonely person and I have to pay so that a woman can be creampied by chads?
Obviously equality is not supported here!!
3. If I can't commit suicide (euthanasia) with tax payers' money, then why can women decide about other people's lives? What's up with that?
I'm against it for several reasons:
1. My government wants to halt the declining of our population. Giving abortions for free doesn't help to solve this problem
2. Why do tax payers have to pay for it? I am a lonely person and I have to pay so that a woman can be creampied by chads?
Obviously equality is not supported here!!
3. If I can't commit suicide (euthanasia) with tax payers' money, then why can women decide about other people's lives? What's up with that?
Very high IQ
3. If I can't commit suicide (euthanasia) with tax payers' money, then why can women decide about other people's lives? What's up with that?
While I agree with the sentiment about euthanasia, I don't think that this reasoning makes sense. If we can't get help with suicide, and therefore most people have no way to reasonably opt out of life(most can't kill themselves under normal circumstances), then why is it alright to create more individuals who didn't ask to be born, and can't stop existing even if they consciously want to?

This is a better argument for abortion rather than against it.
While I agree with the sentiment about euthanasia, I don't think that this reasoning makes sense. If we can't get help with suicide, and therefore most people have no way to reasonably opt out of life(most can't kill themselves under normal circumstances), then why is it alright to create more individuals who didn't ask to be born, and can't stop existing even if they consciously want to?

This is a better argument for abortion rather than against it.
You missed my point.
My point is that women have more control over people's lives than we do. We aren't even allowed to decide on our own lives
You missed my point.
My point is that women have more control over people's lives than we do. We aren't even allowed to decide on our own lives
I know what you meant, I just felt that one argument outweighed the other. I'd rather have been aborted as opposed to choosing not to exist after having lived for decades.

But you're right, and this bothers me as well. Men are the slaves who aren't even supposed to choose whether or not they want to exist, much less their offspring.
It's evil. It's just another thing that allows foids to fuck around and then evade responsibility. But even more importantly it is a murder.
it is pure evil and should be banned
I see nothing wrong with it, it's her fault that she didn't keep her legs closed, so I believe she should get the abortion, only IF she gets the abortion early instead of getting one at a later time.
Sluts should have abortions. Classy high IQ women should not.
It's one of the only prominent social issues that I honestly don't care about. I don't have a firm consistent opinion on abortion, I just don't care about it. I understand why it might be bad for incels, sub5 males and the sexual market in general. I'm all for removing women's rights and women should be held accountable for their choices (riding the cock carousel and getting pregnant), but I have conflicted feelings about abortion.

I don't like babies, children and normies in general. On the other hand I also don't like women having rights, but I just don't care about babies or fetuses. Kill them all, end humanity for all I care.

I definitely hate women who get pregnant on accident fucking dozens of Chads and I don't want them to be able to end their pregnancy. I want them to suffer for their degenerate actions by giving birth and having a kid, but I also don't see anything bad in killing fetuses. Most foids who get abortions would otherwise be giving birth to incels anyway because single moms, autism, no father figure etc. You get the point.

It's both a good thing and a bad thing, I guess.
Females use abortion to avoid responsibility and be as careless as possible, they don't give a shit about their unborn children. Yet despite this, I'm not anti-abortion, I'm anti-birth.
This is very close to my opinion on abortion.
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This argument is bullshit. The Chinese, muslims, and African niggers are overpopulated while the white population has been in decline since the early 1900s. To make matters worse they are using our decreasing population as an excuse to push more shitskins onto us. Everyone else should get abortions except white people
Also there is no definitive proof of when consciousness/sentience or whatever you want to call it begins and there probably never will be
Abortion should be legal anywhere. Preventing it is just gonna create another person who is gonna consume more materials when there’s already too many people and tons of orphans of all races
Abortion should be legal anywhere. Preventing it is just gonna create another person who is gonna consume more materials when there’s already too many people and tons of orphans of all races
Did you miss the entire point of my post? Besides, abortions are just enabling whores to keep being whores consequences free, not to mention you are paying for them against your will through taxation and state funded abortion clinics. How could anyone on incels.is of all places agree with abortion? It's a pretty black and white issue tbh
the mother should be aborted as well
Did you miss the entire point of my post? Besides, abortions are just enabling whores to keep being whores consequences free, not to mention you are paying for them against your will through taxation and state funded abortion clinics. How could anyone on incels.is of all places agree with abortion? It's a pretty black and white issue tbh
You were saying that ethics like Asians, Africans, and Arabics were the ones over populating, and
there are becoming more of them compared to whites due to how fast they are reproducing. And I agree, the ethics should incorporate abortion to help slow down their overpopulating. But that doesn’t mean white people arent contributingto the overpopulation and using more resources. The US is the third most populated country and it’s a majority of whites not to mention all the Europeans, Canadians, Australians, and whites in ethnic countries which is a lot. Therefore I think everyone should have abortions accessible. I want to be on this planet for another 60-70 years and imagine what the population is gonna be like if nothing is done to help limit human reproduction. And why does the ratio of white people have to be higher? Do you have an issue with dark skin people?
I’m not trying to defend whores, but being one isn’t consequence free, they risk getting STDs, being drugged, and getting raped. Also I’d rather my tax dollars go facilities that prevent more people from being born, than to the mother collecting government assistance to raise the child, foster homes, prisons where they might end up, militarily, or welfare. All money that could have been saved if those unwanted babies were never born.
This argument is bullshit. The Chinese, muslims, and African niggers are overpopulated while the white population has been in decline since the early 1900s. To make matters worse they are using our decreasing population as an excuse to push more shitskins onto us. Everyone else should get abortions except white people
Also there is no definitive proof of when consciousness/sentience or whatever you want to call it begins and there probably never will be
Muh race.

I don't have loyalty to people who treated me like dirt. Besides, this is just another illusory, and ultimately meaningless attachment.
I know what you meant, I just felt that one argument outweighed the other. I'd rather have been aborted as opposed to choosing not to exist after having lived for decades.

But you're right, and this bothers me as well. Men are the slaves who aren't even supposed to choose whether or not they want to exist, much less their offspring.
But first you have to exist in order to decide to want death.
What if you were born a chad? Then you wouldn't have wanted to have been aborted.
But first you have to exist in order to decide to want death.
What if you were born a chad? Then you wouldn't have wanted to have been aborted.
You're right. If I were born as a Chad then I wouldn't wish I had been aborted, as I likely would've been socially accepted, happy, and never would've come to the same conclusions. But at the same time, if I never existed then I certainly wouldn't be missing out on anything, and I'd never have to face death.

As you can probably tell from my posts, I'm ambivalent on abortion. It's difficult to reconcile being anti-life with the female use of abortion to dodge responsibility.

Race mixing create incels.
It does, however I was referring to my personal feelings. I think it's fine for people to prefer being around those like themselves, but a race doesn't "die" in the same way that an individual dies. Nothing is being lost by not creating people, quite the opposite. The greatest peace which you can bestow upon a potential person is ensuring their nonexistence.

I don't pity those who never born, I believe it's the ideal state. All of the suffering experienced in life can be traced to the nature of pleasure, desire, fulfillment, and existence. To keep this response concise, the feeling of intense craving, however it may manifest itself, is the root of this.
god I wish I were aborted
Eh, there hasn’t been respect for life in a long while. I just wish we were more consistent in appraising life.

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