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Thots on capitalism and prostitution (long post)



Take a look to the sky just before you die.
Jun 14, 2020
There's a famous saying that goes "Everyone's a whore. We just sell different parts of ourselves" . This sentiment is oft repeated in hollyjew media with the usual context being exonerating whores from their ugly profession.

But it got me pondering about the truth in this. Are people who work for money no different than prostitutes? Or rather, are prostitutes just people who work like everyone else, as hollyjew suggests? And this got me thinking about what exactly IS a whore

And I've concluded that the definition cannot just be a woman who sells her body for money. Because one must ask exactly what it is about that act that makes her a disgusting whore. And the answer is that it is obviously morally reprehensible for a woman to have sex with multiple men and the fact that she is willing to do that and give up her dignity and humanity for a few bucks is what makes her a whore

So it's not about the act of selling your body but of selling your dignity and values. Therefore a whore, in a bigger sense, is a person who is willing to do literally anything for the right price. He values money above all other values and nothing else is sacred enough for him (cont.)
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Now this connects with capitalism because it implores all people living within its system to value money and profit above all else. The system can only work if everyone believes that making money is the ultimate goal of human action. So, capitalism insists upon what could be called "whore ethics".

And that's why it makes sense that it is capitalist societies which champion the slogan "sex work is work".
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Woman dont have intrinsic value. Their value is whatever men decide to give them. Kind of like money. Which makes sense cause women are property.
Good thread; both Capitalism & Communism are both awful systems.

“Nothing is more evident than that modern capitalism is just as subversive as Marxism. The materialistic view of life on which both systems are based is identical; both of their ideals are qualitatively identical, including the premises connected to a world the centre of which is constituted of technology, science, production, "productivity," and "consumption." And as long as we only talk about economic classes, profit, salaries, and production, and as long as we believe that real human progress is determined by a particular system of distribution of wealth and goods, and that, generally speaking, human progress is measured by the degree of wealth or indigence—then we are not even close to what is essential...”​

-Julius Evola
Makes sense that jews would push this mantra since they think all physical labour is unclean, they don't understand that work is legitamently purposeful and spiritually fulfilling to many non-jews.
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Makes sense that jews would push this mantra since they think all physical labour is unclean, they don't understand that work is legitamently purposeful and spiritually fulfilling to many non-jews.
is this why jewish capitalists are trying so hard to get everyone else to do all the manual labor for them?
Good thread; both Capitalism & Communism are both awful systems.

-Julius Evola
I've been meaning to read evola for some time
So it's not about the act of selling your body but of selling your dignity and values.
It is. You don't "sell your body" when you find a job, you instead provide a service in return for money. The difference is that prostitutes commodify themselves like a product, in a way a regular worker does not. They willingly dehumanize themselves, and advertise themselves as one would a car or a smartphone. None of this is something regular people engage in, not even in LinkedIn
It is. You don't "sell your body" when you find a job, you instead provide a service in return for money. The difference is that prostitutes commodify themselves like a product, in a way a regular worker does not. They willingly dehumanize themselves, and advertise themselves as one would a car or a smartphone. None of this is something regular people engage in, not even in LinkedIn
This is still contingent on the idea that commodifying yourself like a product is wrong. Which is a value completely independent of and exclusive to profit motives. So the material reality of the act is not so much important to me as the fact that they are giving up their dignity for the the right price.

Otherwise if these professions are reduced to nothing more than their material reality then the capitalist might be justified in asking "what's so wrong about commodifying yourself" if there is no deeper ethical distinction between getting a regular job and becoming a whore other than the particular act itself. They might label it "arbitrary" as they usually do
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Now this connects with capitalism because it implores all people living within its system to value money and profit above all else. The system can only work if everyone believes that making money is the ultimate goal of human action. So, capitalism insists upon what could be called "whore ethics".

And that's why it makes sense that it is capitalist societies which champion the slogan "sex work is work".
Not only capitalism. People will crave for some level of power in every possible sistem forced upon them. Some will be whores for money, others for food. The inability to refuse what you need the most is what, ultimately, makes us slaves.
To be honest, I think prostitution would do alot better then anyone thinks. Only regulation is dont spred STDs intentionally and 21 and up is the age limit.
There's a famous saying that goes "Everyone's a whore. We just sell different parts of ourselves" .
To normalize foids' whoredom. And look where that gotten us. Now, whenever anyone tries to express any grievance about a product, media, living condition, work-life balance or whatever, you always get the npc response, 'well, companies gotta maximize their profit. they need their DEI funding,' and whatnot. I really think normalization of whoredom planted the seed of late-stage capitalism. And now ironically, whoremaxxing is being presented as a solution to sex and intimacy starved men (since sex and intimacy have been commodified as well) in this capitalistic hellhole.
"Everyone's a whore. We just sell different parts of ourselves"
With the idea that wagies "sell their soul" I take it. But was our "soul" ever really ours? If I don't get to decide what influences my soul, which I don't, can it really be said be to mine? And how can one sell something that was never theirs?
it is obviously morally reprehensible for a woman to have sex with multiple men
Why would it be? Do you take this to be morally axiomatic, or is it derivative of a more primitive moral axiom?
With the idea that wagies "sell their soul" I take it.
More like they sell their time and labour

Why would it be? Do you take this to be morally axiomatic, or is it derivative of a more primitive moral axiom?
Because of the social contract which dictates that a woman's sexuality belongs to her husband. So yeah, you can consider marriage as the primitive moral axiom
More like they sell their time and labour
Right, of course... Still, I'd argue "selling your time" has the same problem as "selling your soul" -- if you don't spend your time gathering sustenance at the very least, you'll die, so time comes at a price. More philosophically still, our time will eventually run out whether we wish it to or not.
" -- if you don't spend your time gathering sustenance at the very least, you'll die, so time comes at a price.
Isn't that wagies are doing essentially?
Isn't that wagies are doing essentially?
Yeah. My point is that "selling your time" suggests that your time is yours to begin with -- you cannot sell what you don't own after all -- and I'm musing whether that's really the case.
There's a famous saying that goes "Everyone's a whore. We just sell different parts of ourselves"
So it's not about the act of selling your body but of selling your dignity and values. Therefore a whore, in a bigger sense, is a person who is willing to do literally anything for the right price. He values money above all other values and nothing else is sacred enough for him
Now this connects with capitalism because it implores all people living within its system to value money and profit above all else. The system can only work if everyone believes that making money is the ultimate goal of human action. So, capitalism insists upon what could be called "whore ethics".

And that's why it makes sense that it is capitalist societies which champion the slogan "sex work is work".
This is still contingent on the idea that commodifying yourself like a product is wrong. Which is a value completely independent of and exclusive to profit motives. So the material reality of the act is not so much important to me as the fact that they are giving up their dignity for the the right price.

Otherwise if these professions are reduced to nothing more than their material reality then the capitalist might be justified in asking "what's so wrong about commodifying yourself" if there is no deeper ethical distinction between getting a regular job and becoming a whore other than the particular act itself. They might label it "arbitrary" as they usually do
Precisely :yes:

This is why I find it odd there are so-called “conservative men” that try to rationalize prostitution / whoredom as “not real work”

It is oxymoronic for them to say that. Prostitution is literally the embodiment of the capitalist system - Your body is serviced to a buyer in exchange or repayment for something that has value to you (e.g., food, shelter, clothes, or tokens to obtain these items)

The way the body is served might differ between types of professions. But it’s all the same in principle

There is a cognitive dissonance between demoralizing the act of "selling your body" and having approval of capitalist systems. It is not logically justifiable to have these thoughts simultaneously from the standpoint of any supporter of capitalism
the fact that men are doing all this psycho dribble analysis about prostitution which is there only form of getting pussy is retarded, prostitution is basically like any other type of transaction where you sell something for cash, you just put to much value on these foids and squirm at the thought of incels getting pussy be real
To normalize foids' whoredom. And look where that gotten us. Now, whenever anyone tries to express any grievance about a product, media, living condition, work-life balance or whatever, you always get the npc response, 'well, companies gotta maximize their profit. they need their DEI funding,' and whatnot. I really think normalization of whoredom planted the seed of late-stage capitalism. And now ironically, whoremaxxing is being presented as a solution to sex and intimacy starved men (since sex and intimacy have been commodified as well) in this capitalistic hellhole.
I've heard of raw escorts before so yeah it unironically can be in combination with sufficient advanced robot gfs for emotional and romantic needs combined with good quality escorts for sexual satisfaction and finally artificial wombs or something similar.

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