92 drowsiness?
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100 billion lived in this world and 99.7 of them had miserable/average lives.
It’s entirely possible and probable that something like that is the truth of our existence and how we actually got here so to speak ie perhaps we were simply seeded here by another advanced alien race?Brocel, your new pfp, I love it. I would like to know what you think of the whole enginners being the gods of mankind theory in Prometheus and Alien Covenant, unless you don't like those movies and the ideas in them.
I mean, it would support the bible verse that god has created man in his image.It’s entirely possible and probable that something like that is the truth of our existence and how we actually got here so to speak ie perhaps we were simply seeded here by another advanced alien race?
Christians just love to put forward their (I think fucking retarded…but could still be true or possible) ideas that so called aliens are simply demons and the whole UFO/alien thing is just a part of Satanic deception etc but what if their god/s and all mankind’s gods as well near death experiences that seem to affirm the Christian god/s or other gods beliefs were simply implanted in our minds by an advanced alien race so as to continue humanity’s continued beliefs in Christianity and or the various other religions humanity has believed in, in order that we develop culturally on a path that the aliens desire us to for reasons unknown?
It’s all very thought provoking I believe.
I was talking to my cousin’s childhood best friend once about this subject who was my home healthcare provider a couple of different times when I’d just gotten discharged from the hospital after being very sick some years ago and he made a brilliant point to me that ancient cultures and even people today look towards the sky for God which is exactly the same place that we generally and quite naturally see the probable alien spacecraft formerly known as UFO’s but now known as UAP’s.
The implication being that the so called “God” or “gods” humanity has so long searched for may in all actuality simply be an advanced extraterrestrial race that evolved long ago possibly before most if not all other potential sentient beings in space and once again seeded us here creating us entirely from their own DNA or perhaps we were a pre-existent ape like creature that they saw strong potential in and so sped up as well altered our rate of evolution so we would become the type of creatures that we are today.
Indeed, David was my favourite too. I have heard that Romulus was shit.I love those movies btw.
Romulus should’ve also had Fassbender return as David as the character was brilliant as was Fassbender at playing him.
I never actually got around to watching it and probably won’t unless I decide to pirate it as once I heard Fassbender wasn’t in it I lost all interest as he and his character basically carried the first two movies.Indeed, David was my favourite too. I have heard that Romulus was shit.
Would you recommend it or not?
Btw, in the script apparently the engineers had taken a human child to their world, to teach him their ways, just to bring him back and become the saviour of mankind.
But instead they crucified him.
Basically, originally there was supposed to be a Jesus figure in Prometheus.
Yeah man, I don't know how people can be grateful for being slaves all their lives, with nothing to show for it.Life can be brutal its latterly the definition of hell without all that imaginary shit they make it out to be
Yeah man, I don't know how people can be grateful for being slaves all their lives, with nothing to show for it.
I disagree with this. Animal and human body doesn't fall apart (age) because it is "physical". Some animal species and living beings in the earth can be inmortal or live hundreds or even thousands of years. Do stars dissapear or die over time? Yes... But it takes millions of years and some stars can be alive for god knows how many billion years. Just making this clear because there is so much lack of knowledge about longevity and many people think it is impossible to fix this problem with technology.It is physical and so it will fall apart over time.
That's when you discover hedonistic utilitarianism.And the worst part? Not a damn person realizes any of this. Billions of people here. The majority suffering.
That's bullshit. Just check our hedonistic utilitarianism, David Pearce, Jeremy Bentham, Peter SingerI recommend everyone to look into gnosticism. It may not have all the answers, but it will have enough to make you question the world around you.
So the child who gets torn into pieces in the womb as it is helpless and defenseless shows no evil?The world isn't evil, you're just projecting your emotions onto it. I'm indifferent.
Nothing bullshit about the prison planet theory. It's the only thing that I have found to make any sense. Hedonistic pleasure will only get you so far because it is designed to be that way.That's bullshit. Just check our hedonistic utilitarianism, David Pearce, Jeremy Bentham, Peter Singer
It falls apart because it's in this material realm. Outside of it, if the soul exists, then we would be without bodies entirely.I disagree with this. Animal and human body doesn't fall apart (age) because it is "physical". Some animal species and living beings in the earth can be inmortal or live hundreds or even thousands of years. Do stars dissapear or die over time? Yes... But it takes millions of years and some stars can be alive for god knows how many billion years. Just making this clear because there is so much lack of knowledge about longevity and many people think it is impossible to fix this problem with technology.
I am animals eating other animals.Or the animals eating the other animals just to survive?
Pleasure and pain serve us, otherwise you wouldnt crave pleasure and hate pain.Or the constant need for self pleasure, only for it to never go away over time?
I hate gynocracy as well, foids' only purpose is for reproduction.Or the fact that women are cared for and supported, meanwhile men are thrown in the gutter to "provide"?
The world is overpopulated, don't care. The average person is literally domesticated like cattle. I want the industrial biomachine to die. This is more ethical than having people exist as mere labor to keep the machine running anyways.Or whatever the elite is doing right now at this very moment?
Or the suicide statistics which are drastically alarming, given that suicide shouldn't even exist in a good world.
I wasn't wrong then."No evil". What a fucking joke. If you don't see anything wrong with this place then you belong here.
I made a post about this, a reinterpretation of the Sumerian/Babylonian genesis myth, thinking it timely given the recent revelations of underground structures discovered below the Khafre pyramid and what it actually represents. We're the remnants of a prison colony on a remote planetary system, a race of beings brought into existence to punish an enslaved "God" with something worse than death. Our prison planet has an unstable moment of inertia and undergoes a regular catastrophic cycle in which it flips over ever 12000 years or so.It’s entirely possible and probable that something like that is the truth of our existence and how we actually got here so to speak ie perhaps we were simply seeded here by another advanced alien race?
Christians just love to put forward their (I think fucking retarded…but could still be true or possible) ideas that so called aliens are simply demons and the whole UFO/alien thing is just a part of Satanic deception etc but what if their god/s and all mankind’s gods as well near death experiences that seem to affirm the Christian god/s or other gods beliefs were simply implanted in our minds by an advanced alien race so as to continue humanity’s continued beliefs in Christianity and or the various other religions humanity has believed in, in order that we develop culturally on a path that the aliens desire us to for reasons unknown?
It’s all very thought provoking I believe.
I was talking to my cousin’s childhood best friend once about this subject who was my home healthcare provider a couple of different times when I’d just gotten discharged from the hospital after being very sick some years ago and he made a brilliant point to me that ancient cultures and even people today look towards the sky for God which is exactly the same place that we generally and quite naturally see the probable alien spacecraft formerly known as UFO’s but now known as UAP’s.
The implication being that the so called “God” or “gods” humanity has so long searched for may in all actuality simply be an advanced extraterrestrial race that evolved long ago possibly before most if not all other potential sentient beings in space and once again seeded us here creating us entirely from their own DNA or perhaps we were a pre-existent ape like creature that they saw strong potential in and so sped up as well altered our rate of evolution so we would become the type of creatures that we are today.
Cool story br0