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JFL This woman would reject most incels on this board. Chad would fuck her.



> > > > FAT GIRLS REJECT ME! < < < <
Nov 11, 2017
She has no problem finding a bf. She would reject you and me easily.

10/10 would smash. Haha. Hell no. Maybe let her suck my dick. Yeah chicks like that have alot of problems. I don't mean even just normal chick bullshit. I mean constant attention seeking and when they don't get it at every turn they will act like vengeful children and they make up stories and if you call them on their obvious lies and bullshit they will try to turn it back on you and make you the bad guy. I know someone like this and have refused to talk to her in months and every time I do I make sure this is a slight tone of disdain for her. You guys sometimes do get a tad caught up on looks if I must say. You sometimes have to look at behavior more. Cause pretty or ugly, if they are fucked up enough to fuck you over they will.
I'd tittyfuck her faster than 1.609 × 10^10 km/h
The wall came earlier theb expected
7 year long relationship
Single mother.

This ungodly abomination can do that. It's over.
7 year long relationship
Single mother.

This ungodly abomination can do that. It's over.

Yeah. She can easily find a better looking man. She doesn't even need to go online. She can go to a bar and find an average looking NT man with a stable job. We are fucked.
Jesus fucking christ she looks like a typical whale from my area lmao
jfl at her having a kid and a 7+ year relationship

if she was a male she would have been incel for life 1/10, you have maleincels who would mog her in looks who have still never even gotten a date.

again i would rape her / thats a insult that this "woman" has high standards
The funny thing is that if she gives birth to a son, he's got a high chance of becoming an incel with her genes.
Chad wouldn't fuck her sober but enough higher tier normies would. Also mom to a 4 yo
What the actual fuck is wrong with chadlite/chad standards today.
>Want children

It's over.
shed turn down her looks match+2(incel) cos she can get a chad
I was waiting for the "6' minimum" line. Disappointed.
browsing pof is the most motivational shit ever.
I´ve been rejected by literally 100+ girls that look like that. The moment they saw me they gave me the "ugh...just another ugly loser approaching me. BORING...NEXT!" look.

The thing is I´m not even ugly. If I posted my pic on here I´d be called chadlite. It is just so unbelievably insane how easy women have it in the dating game compared to men. Even ugly girls get the same exact amount of validation as Cleopatra was getting in ancient egypt.
It’s women like that who are the cruelest towards incels.
It’s women like that who are the cruelest towards incels.

That's been my personal experience as well. Many of my most brutal rejections came from sub3 women.
She looks like eggman with a wig and a crowbar to the mouth
"I can't date fat women, bro."

Like it ever began, lol...
She looks like eggman with a wig and a crowbar to the mouth

Eggman being all NT maybe kissed a few girls. (I don’t believe he got laid) Instead he should’ve become a cross dresser.
The funny thing is that if she gives birth to a son, he's got a high chance of becoming an incel with her genes.

Another onecooldude type of fellow... “I’m 18 years old and this girl was texting me then we met and she stopped. Am I ugly?”
Instead he should’ve become a cross dresser.

He'd never be passable as a girl.

That's the thing about incels who are allegedly "feminine" looking. In reality they're usually not feminine looking at all....they simply lack masculinity, but also lack any feminine/pretty features. So they just look like ugly beta/weak men.

(I think this is the only issue we disagree on)
He'd never be passable as a girl.

That's the thing about incels who are allegedly "feminine" looking. In reality they're usually not feminine looking at all....they simply lack masculinity, but also lack any feminine/pretty features. So they just look like ugly beta/weak men.

(I think this is the only issue we disagree on)

You’re right that they look weak and not really feminine but that’s how it is with some women. I think he could pass because of the weakness, there are females I’ve seen who have ogre faces like him and lead decent lives.
el goblino, la creatura
Her male looksmatch would would have roped about 10 years ago.
This freak had a 7 year relationship and a kid while we weren't good enough for anyone. You literally cannot be subhuman as a female.
if a woman breathes air she is out of my league
Her chin is so non-existent it could be used as the negative-mass required in wormhole construction.
she looks like the type of fat white girl that only dates black guys
Yes she would definitely ignore any ugly male in favor of a normie, because they can. Women are empowered and believe they deserve only the best.
lol, she looks fuckable to me actually. My standards are 0
jfl at her having a kid and a 7+ year relationship

if she was a male she would have been incel for life 1/10, you have maleincels who would mog her in looks who have still never even gotten a date.

Call me a volcel, but I couldn't get it up for her.
I've yet t
You’re right that they look weak and not really feminine but that’s how it is with some women. I think he could pass because of the weakness, there are females I’ve seen who have ogre faces like him and lead decent lives.
I've yet to see a female whose looks impact her life in any negative way.
Tbh.. I would hit and run so I don't have to be a virgin anymore.
I've yet t
I've yet to see a female whose looks impact her life in any negative way.

I’ve seen a few but the quality of their lives was still above that of their male equivalents.
Chad would not fuck her, in fact most incels would not fuck her either.
Bluepilled vocel.
Do you have any proof of that? Not just "Chad" messaging her, every guy messages tons of girls on dating websites and it means nothing. I mean an actual story or photo of Chad fucking a retarded looking girl. You understand this woman is deformed?
What the fuck is Muddin?

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