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RageFuel this website is getting more bluepilled

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S.T.A.L.K.E.R discord: gdc47
Feb 20, 2019
i'm starting to see users accusing legit blackpill based posts of "larping" and "baiting", of "this IT infiltrator, we inkels aren't misogynist racist terrorists" "we are actually the good guys" which is all bullshit.

a lot of users are noticing a change in the website culture of becoming more bluepilled, and post that don't violate any rules or incited ilegal stuff being deleted, while other black pill based posts are being reported as baiting to the mods.

if you are incel society already sees you as worse as a criminal, serial killer or even a rapist, not wanting to be trow in the same basket as neo nazis, racists and jihadist is a waste of time.
i'm starting to see users accusing legit blackpill based posts of "larping" and "baiting", of "this IT infiltrator, we inkels aren't misogynist racist terrorists" "we are actually the good guys" which is all bullshit.
Not everyone here (minority) fits into the stereotype that they want to sore the incels as ideology.
Because some people here actually still care how normies see them and stupidly think they can make that view positive (We will always be monsters in the normies eyes, so there is no point in what they are attempting to do).
Because some people here actually still care how normies see them and stupidly think they can make that view positive (We will always be monsters in the normies eyes).
that's the point

Not everyone here (minority) fits into the stereotype that they want to sore the incels as ideology.
is about that minority i'm worried about, i don't want this website being "overtrown" by faggots
not wanting to be trow in the same basket as neo nazis, racists and jihadist is a waste of time.
I'd like to be called a jihadist or a nazi if it's coming from a western egalitarian liberal, those are compliments at that point tbh.
We shouldn’t try to appease cucks, we need to stand by our views irregardless of what others think. We are the last bastions of truth in a swamp of bluepilled lies.

All hail the supreme gentleman Elliot Rodger!
Because some people here actually still care how normies see them and stupidly think they can make that view positive (We will always be monsters in the normies eyes).
Nor everyone is here because they are truecels, and I'm not even talking about me. Today you have created a culture here on the site that you have to be 1/10 to be here or curry. It is full of incel here with giant penis (a semifakecel) and declaring itself incel, and if you say that you touched a girl's hand when you were 5 you receive warning for bragging.
This site was “edgier” before AM attack so yeah
Because not everyone here is a zoomer youngcel who thinks that inceldom is about acting edgy and saying weird shit for the sake of it.
JFL at caring what normies think. We could all act like Mother Teresa, but if we have ugly faces and aren’t NT then we will be shamed and hated. They used to call low value men nerds, virgins, losers, creeps, ect.

Now they just lump us all into the term incel because then they can associate us with a handful of violent attacks and it gives them a virtue signal excuse to hate on men that they have always hated. Low value men have always been hated, but now it’s socially acceptable to want to genocide or jail all of them.
I thought it was our recognition of depraved female nature that united us, but apparently it's hatred of the Jews and gays.
It can be both. They aren’t mutually exclusive.
I used to think incels were apolitical, but I'm starting to think I was wrong. I thought it was our recognition of depraved female nature that united us, but apparently it's hatred of the Jews and gays.
It's all related tbh. Jews(along with the white elite) have used female nature to ruin society, and the acceptance of gays has come from the same place as feminism, women's suffrage, and the sexual revolution. The rejection of traditionalism combined with modern technology has for the most part caused inceldom.

As far as I'm concerned, the entire 20th century was a disaster.
No wanting to fuck 14 year olds when you're 28 isn't normal animefag
I used to think incels were apolitical, but I'm starting to think I was wrong. I thought it was our recognition of depraved female nature that united us, but apparently it's hatred of the Jews and gays.

Yeah same here. I'm surprised how many stormfags we see on this forum spouting on about Jews. This place is for incel and blackpill related topics.

Go to stormfront for that crap.
Yeah same here. I'm surprised how many stormfags we see on this forum spouting on about Jews. This place is for incel and blackpill related topics.

Go to stormfront for that crap.
I despise stormfront, I'm not a racecoper. That is to say that I don't see my race as an extension of myself, nor do I value it's continued existence. Rather I want a society which is not only better for ugly men, but simply healthier and happier overall. Personally I don't see how one could reject feminism without also rejecting it's ideological siblings, as well as it's creators.

But then again, this place shouldn't be an echo chamber either.
Don’t see a lot of ER avatars these days. We are a dying breed.
its very sad. I think its just the two of us. weeb avis outnumber us by a huge margin
I would say it facilitated inceldom, but didn't necessarily cause it. I say the cause comes from female nature inherently.
Isn't that just wordplay though?

Civilization has flourished, at least in part, due to controlling female sexual selection. When the societal mechanisms which facilitated this were deliberately eliminated, the situation we have now in the west(and much of Asia) is the result.

Even if we say that female nature is the true culprit, which I'd agree with, the most relevant causal link we have relates to the elite who have opened it's metaphorical floodgates.
Don't worry bro, I and many others still hate niggers, kikes, foids, trannies, gays, and many others
Because not everyone here is a zoomer youngcel who thinks that inceldom is about acting edgy and saying weird shit for the sake of it.
foids rights are the primary cause of inceldoom, if you are in favor of foids of having rights, you are bluepilled, incels who disagre with it are still blue pilled and need to digest the blackpill fully
No wanting to fuck 14 year olds when you're 28 isn't normal animefag
is that was the case, why are there so many foid teachers fucking their students.
it's completely irrelevant and better kept outside of this website.

why the change of heart?
No wanting to fuck 14 year olds when you're 28 isn't normal animefag
low iq and giga cucked

every man should want prime foids, why did you liked 14 yo when you where 14 yo, but don't like now? it was societal condioning, because femminist don't want younger foids getting in relation ships with stable partners, instead they want them with young chads, that's femminist kept raisin the AoC from 10 to 13 to 16 to 18 in some places, and they still want to raise to 21.
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Change of heart? I've always sustained inceldom is not a movement. You're incel if you are unable to have a romantic partner, I don't see how anyone can include anything else inside the definition.
i'm talking more about the recent purge of the "edgy" content here.
I am a member of the incel movement because I hate niggers and jews
that's the only reason anyone posts here
I used to think incels were apolitical, but I'm starting to think I was wrong. I thought it was our recognition of depraved female nature that united us, but apparently it's hatred of the Jews and gays.

no idea why you guys are putting hatred of nigger and jews here, i'm talking about how the userbase here don't seem as patriarchal as before
i'm talking about how the userbase here don't seem as patriarchal as before
They still have the bluepill in their system, it takes time to fully be rid of.
I mean I honestly just don't give a shit about race honestly. I think most of the race hate is cope and I'd honestly rather stand by ethnic incels than chad supremacists as I probably have more in common with them.

Similarly I don't give a fuck about gays since it has zero impact on my life what so ever so why would I bother wasting my time hating someone who's existence is a never intersecting parrallel line to mine?
i also think stormfagottry is cope, i'm talking about the "extremist" posts being taken down
So, blaming the (((responsables))) of the degeneracy of western civilization is bad?
I know I'm and incel because of my inferior genes, but before "sexual revolution" and "feminism" at least I could stay with my looksmatch. Natural hypergamy of foids were increased by (((them))), in the same way that media promote hedonism and attack the family values. That's why I hate (((them))).
So, blaming the (((responsables))) of the degeneracy of western civilization is bad?
I know I'm and incel because of my inferior genes, but before "sexual revolution" and "feminism" at least I could stay with my looksmatch. Natural hypergamy of foids were increased by (((them))), in the same way that media promote hedonism and attack the family values. That's why I hate (((them))).
i think jews are cope, the white elites are the ones doing it
foids rights are the primary cause of inceldoom, if you are in favor of foids of having rights, you are bluepilled, incels who disagre with it are still blue pilled and need to digest the blackpill fully
It's funny that you cherrypick one thing I have not said anything about as if my whole comment revolved around that, mr. edgy postmaxxer.
""we are actually the good guys" which is all bullshit. "

stfu tard, I am a good guy personally and wouldn't hurt a fly nor would rape a 5 y o girl thx Incels are good guys, these guys who you are talking about get banned sooner or later for larping.
JoinedFeb 20, 2019
while other black pill based posts are being reported as baiting to the mods.
Can you point out what posts?
Because not everyone here is a zoomer youngcel who thinks that inceldom is about acting edgy and saying weird shit for the sake of it.
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I used to think incels were apolitical, but I'm starting to think I was wrong. I thought it was our recognition of depraved female nature that united us, but apparently it's hatred of the Jews and gays.
Inceldom is partly a political issue so it has a political solution, it's only natural that people are gonna be political. You don't have to share their views and there is no rule here that says you have to be blackpilled, so it's not even our recognition of depraved female nature that unites us but that is just another view that the majority has chosen to take.
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