Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

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Discussion This website is dominated by average looking mentalcels



Look in the mirror. You ugly fuck.
Jun 21, 2022
i wouldnt say there's any fakecels on the site but Im 100% sure a bunch of incels here are average looking, average height mentalcels that could benefit (im not trying to be bluepilled im just being real) from improving their sociall skills, theres too much incels on this website i've talked to and seen face of that are 5/10 that only incels because they've never approached a girl before due to their insecurity.
especially youngcels, now unless you had some self induced/or genetic deformity or disfiguration you can definitely ascend
I'm 5'8.5 and have a small jaw. I'm a truecel.

Plus i have never got to appoach or talk to girls.
Being average doesn't constitute as mentalcel anymore, especially if you live in some shithole hypergamous city or college campus.

This website is dominated by normal people​

Being average doesn't constitute as mentalcel anymore, especially if you live in some shithole hypergamous city or college campus.
i dont know man, but I believe as long as your average theres always someone out there for you, but unfortunately over for truecels
Being average doesn't constitute as mentalcel anymore, especially if you live in some shithole hypergamous city or college campus.
Just go outside the core of your big city theory. :feelsUgh:

This website is dominated by normal people​

fr, I dont see anyone else thats literally disfigured from steroids, theres only insecure and shy people who stutters or act creepy when approching a girl
Yeah bro just move bro
theres a differene between involuntary and voluntary, if one cant afford to move to escape fiere competition you might as well say he has accepted virginity voluntarily
Not if your poor
theres a differene between involuntary and voluntary, if one cant afford to move to escape fiere competition and aren't willing to work harder to get out of it you might as well say he has accepted virginity voluntarily
Just go outside the core of your big city theory. :feelsUgh:
How is a big city a bad thing? I'd love to be in a big city, so many toilets to approach.
theres a differene between involuntary and voluntary, if one cant afford to move to escape fiere competition and aren't willing to work harder to get out of it you might as well say he has accepted virginity voluntarily
"Work harder" work gets you nothing with shitty wages and no job security
How is a big city a bad thing? I'd love to be in a big city, so many toilets to approach.
I was talking about the other guy saying average people might be the equivalent of incels in big cities. If so, just go outside the main core. :feelsjuice:
i wouldnt say there's any fakecels on the site but Im 100% sure a bunch of incels here are average looking, average height mentalcels that could benefit (im not trying to be bluepilled im just being real) from improving their sociall skills, theres too much incels on this website i've talked to and seen face of that are 5/10 that only incels because they've never approached a girl before due to their insecurity.
Average and ethnic is enough to be incel tbh.
Average and ethnic is enough to be incel tbh.
there is someone out there for everyone, everyone that's average is that I believe just matter of time but truly over for truecels
there is someone out there for everyone, everyone that's average is that I believe just matter of time but truly over for truecels
Not for ethnics. Average 5/10 curry will get a -1 cut from their smv at minimum, which is 4/10 (incel tier).
Not for ethnics. Average 5/10 curry will get a -1 cut from their smv at minimum, which is 4/10 (incel tier).
then they can go for their own race, if they dont want to i dont get the involuntary celibate part
then they can go for their own race, if they dont want to i dont get the involuntary celibate part
Ethnic foids want white men as well.
Chad fucked all of them, ethnic normies get the left overs.
if you dont want the left overs you might as well be saying you only want virgins, im sorry, even a femcel isnt a virgin your going to stay perma volcel if thats the case
if you dont want the left overs you might as well be saying you only want virgins, im sorry, even a femcel isnt a virgin your going to stay perma volcel if thats the case
Going for a non-virgin is cucked if you’re a virgin. Also, normies do end up being cucks like this anyways as most of them are bluepilled low life scum.
Going for a non-virgin is cucked if you’re a virgin. Also, normies do end up being cucks like this anyways as most of them are bluepilled low life scum.
well you do you, but I know if I have the oppotunity to get a girl, I will take it regardless shes a virgin or not, getting cucked in the future or not I can decide whether I wanna dump or stay
Just go outside the core of your big city theory. :feelsUgh:
I do every day. Only if you're above average you suffice unless you're an old person.
well you do you, but I know if I have the oppotunity to get a girl, I will take it regardless shes a virgin or not, getting cucked in the future or not I can decide whether I wanna dump or stay
I’m not talking about me, I’m not ethnic nor a normie. I would never get with a non-virgin. Only exception might be to first fuck many hookers and settle with some non-virgin.
Average is ugly
Indeed, there are only a few verified truecels on this forum
Just cold approach bro :lul::lul:
just be NT bro :soy:
Does anyone know what happened to this guy?

Did he ascend after the interview? Seemed like rather decent-looking and even his anxiety could not have been crippling, as you can see he was not acting inadequate in the video.
Does anyone know what happened to this guy?

Did he ascend after the interview? Seemed like rather decent-looking and even his anxiety could not have been crippling, as you can see he was not acting inadequate in the video.

i feel like hes still incel, jsut reclused mentalcel
because they've never approached a girl before due to their insecurity.
Nothing wrong with that in 2022 where men are so disposable they already have life long PTSD by the time they are in highschool
I've been rejected 4 times in a row, every foid I've met has told me I look like a serial killer
it's almost like hypergamy is so bad that women won't accept average guys anymore.
Which proves personality / social skills / being NT does in fact matter more than people here like to accept

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