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This video is honestly depressing

Not a particularly rare fate for men in the West. It will only get worse...
Mogs me to infinity and beyond. It's so over :feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope:
Sounds made up tbh
Mathematical impossibility
JFL @ this bald headed moron thinking the guy's personality has anything to do with it. He needs glasses to become a complete soy :soy: :soy: :soy: :soy: :soy: :soy: :soy: :soy:
Sounds made up tbh
Mathematical impossibility
I disagree, women are like this. But I see where you’re coming from, maybe he needs to lower his standards, like a lot.
lad, it never even began for us
this is so depressing. I always hope at the back of my mind that there is 0.00001% chance, but after seeing how better looking guys are failing, I just want to rope.
this is so depressing. I always hope at the back of my mind that there is 0.00001% chance, but after seeing how better looking guys are failing, I just want to rope.
Stay strong, focus on yourself and don’t give in to the rope. That’s what they want.
this is so depressing. I always hope at the back of my mind that there is 0.00001% chance, but after seeing how better looking guys are failing, I just want to rope.
Roping is cucked
Mogs me in the face.

Years ago I would have never even imagined that normal looking guys like this were doomed.
Mogs me in the face.

Years ago I would have never even imagined that normal looking guys like this were doomed.
Look at the comment section. Victim blaming at its finest
Mogs me in the face.

Years ago I would have never even imagined that normal looking guys like this were doomed.
soon normies will become incels and only chads will have any chance at even speaking to foids
Look at the comment section. Victim blaming at its finest
They just say he's cringy or he's trying to hard.

Motherfucker, if he was trying less they would say "you're clearly not putting enough effort :^)"

And as always you have the women saying he's nice, I don't get why women won't date him. But obviously they themselves wouldn't date him.
soon normies will become incels and only chads will have any chance at even speaking to foids
Normies are struggling more and more. Once high tier normies and chadlites starts to struggle it will really be over for society.
Damned if you do, damned if you don’t
Negative halo effect. You're already seen in a bad light, they accuse you and put on the defensive no matter what.
How does he even get dates? Looks like actors for the fake TV show.
should have spent all his money on looks and surgery and maybe he would have been swimming in pussy.
but society keeps lying to him and as a result he keeps spinning in circle
I don't get how men, especially non-religious men, can withstand being a virgin for 30+ years without finally going to a prostitute.

I waited 26 years to do so and it already looked like a lot tbh.
I don't get how men, especially non-religious men, can withstand being a virgin for 30+ years without finally going to a prostitute.

I waited 26 years to do so and it already looked like a lot tbh.
Who says he didn't. He clearly wants a relationship more than sex. He looks and acts cucked beyond beta. He could probably dark triad with his looks level.
The age pill has hit him hard, regardless he mogs me into oblivion. I couldnt even get girls to message me back or swipe right once nevermind getting an actual physical date. The guy is a bit of a retard normie though, he says at the end he doesnt know what women want - its bone structure you idiot bone structurrrrreeeee!!!

Plus I find it funny that he basically admits to lying in his profile about going to places like Tuscany to impress women (which btw is not a city but a region of Italy, it's like calling Texas a city, this guy dumb)

Hes just an old mid tier normie living in the age of extreme hypergamy. It's over buddy boyo.
Who says he didn't. He clearly wants a relationship more than sex. He looks and acts cucked beyond beta. He could probably dark triad with his looks level.
Oh, relationship virgin. My bad.
On second viewing I reckon that guy might have been riding the cock carousel himself in his 20s, now hes trying to transition to being straight.
He mogs my 19 yo ass to the oblivion. I would be a giga-goblin lord at his age.
He mogs dr. Phil in looks.
Wait, if what he is talking about is true, then he's probably a mentalcel (or just a moron, who knows). Think about it. This guy got 300 women to see his photos, find him physically attractive enough, form an initial bond with him and go with him on a date, while we can't get a single like on tinder, let alone a date.

If 300 women went to such lenghts with him, at least one of those women were willing to fuck him, the problem is that he just keeps ruining his chances.
Wtf absolutely brutal.
Is anyone gonna tell me this guy has a toxic personality? JFL
Actually mogged though. He gets dates, probably held hands, probably kissed a fucking foid. Here I am KHHV, never even got close to a date.
This is just suifuel, in all honestly.
Wait, if what he is talking about is true, then he's probably a mentalcel (or just a moron, who knows). Think about it. This guy got 300 women to see his photos, find him physically attractive enough, form an initial bond with him and go with him on a date, while we can't get a single like on tinder, let alone a date.

If 300 women went to such lenghts with him, at least one of those women were willing to fuck him, the problem is that he just keeps ruining his chances.
He looks like an incel though. I think they are actors and he lies, except he's really bad at lying and women see right through it.
Mogs me to hell and back
Sorry buddy boyo not a single second you know how this works

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