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Serious This "normie" BS gotta go. There's only attractive and non attractive ppl. You are either in or out. Up or down, no in between.



Jun 20, 2022
I see all this normies this and normies that, "normiemaxxing" BS yadda yadda crap, and thats perfectly fine if you are talking about a mentality and a way of life, but if you are talking raw attraction and things that ACTUALLY matter (like important connections and life long memories) all this BS fades away quickly.

On the things that actually matter, normies are NOT doing better than us. If anything, they are doing worse, since there entire worldview is predicated on lies, deception and wish washy crap.

Ofc, if you are a jabba the hut neckbeard TFL mtfckr who never left his basement in yrs and doesnt even remember how the touch of another human feels like, the grass will always be greener on the other side, and it probably is.

BUT, what is better? Living the fake ascension (a.k.a "normiedom") where all your supposed friends just barely tolerate you, backstab you and are overall bitter, cynical and ridiculous ppl, or live side by side with genetically superior ppl who love your presence, constantly fuck each other for fun and have parties and vacations all over the world with them?!

Cause thats the difference and its not an exageration, thats how most chads and stacies live btw.

If you cant ascend to chad status, dont even try. So called "normiedom" is useless AND will get you a half assed experience of what it truly is like to be an actual human. True love and friendship is also chad/stacy only. Cause they can afford to be sincere and honest with themselves, things that invaluable for a good life.
@Fat Link Can u pin pls? :feelsaww:
I'd say there are three groups. The sub5s (1-4) who actively repulse women and people in general. The normies (5-7) to whom women are indifferent, ie. they don't notice them and the chads (8+) who actively attract women.
I'd say there are three groups. The sub5s (1-4) who actively repulse women and people in general. The normies (5-7) to whom women are indifferent, ie. they don't notice them and the chads (8+) who actively attract women.
To me right now theres only 8+ males and sub8s. Nothing else.
Normies themselves know who is attractive and who isn't because it's an innate human ability
To me right now theres only 8+ males and sub8s. Nothing else.
Yes, but you fail to see a difference between being invisible and repulsive. I'm repulsive to women because I'm sub5, I invoke active negative emotions and reactions in them. To them seeing me and seeing a pile of shit is the same. When they see a normie, they don't really "see" him they just glance over, like how you might see a tree, a wall or a speed bump. You notice those things for a second, but then just forget that you ever saw them, but if you saw a pile of shit on the street, you would notice it, avoid it, it would affect you negatively.
So called "normiedom" is useless AND will get you a half assed experience of what it truly is like to be an actual human. True love and friendship is also chad/stacy only. Cause they can afford to be sincere and honest with themselves, things that invaluable for a good life.
Because you directly told people not to try, people will accuse you of "crab-bucketing," but honestly your logic is sound.

Non-attractive men (including not just unattractive but plain-looking men as well) get relationships with mistress-slave dynamics. Non-Chad men have to operate on their foids' wants and whims, take on or at least LARP pussy-whipped feminist sensibilities, vigorously maintain themselves to keep their woman semi-interested sexually, and after all that still deal with the fact that she can and likely will cuck them.

The only thing I really lament missing out on is sex. Not just attraction-based sex, but sex in general, since I can't escortmaxx where I'm at. Relationships in the modern day as a non-attractive male just don't seem worth it
The normie life while certainly better than ours to a degree is still not ideal.

Chad and Stacy always have it the best.

Whereas sure normies here and there can have things close to paradise but more often than not they’ll end up divorce raped and or in an r/deadbedrooms marriage while being knowingly or unknowingly cucked. Jfl.
To me right now theres only 8+ males and sub8s. Nothing else.
From what I see, 6 and 7/10 guys can still get attraction-based sex, but yeah, 8s and up are on a whole 'nother playing field
I maintain that all <6/10 are effectively in the same boat. Women can only settle for all of us, and it's at best just your turn, no matter what you do. Some may get lucky to find a good woman when they're young, but they're small outliers.

Where neurotypicality makes a difference is in how much bullshit you're willing to tolerate to avoid being alone. Some NTs seem to enjoy their women and friends treating them poorly while they are people pleasing pushovers.

The difference when you're a 7+ on dating apps is night and day. Those men are living charmed lives.
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True love and friendship is also chad/stacy only.
There is no true love. Not between a man and a woman. Maybe between a parent and child, maybe between two male friends, but nothing with a woman can have mutual love. Women don't feel it. You forget they have completely different brains then us, don't project your own feelings onto them
The normie life while certainly better than ours to a degree is still not ideal.

Chad and Stacy always have it the best.

Whereas sure normies here and there can have things close to paradise but more often than not they’ll end up divorce raped and or in an r/deadbedrooms marriage while being knowingly or unknowingly cucked. Jfl.
normies still enjoyed majority of their life even if they’re in a dead bedroom. Would you rather suffer your whole life or live in discomfort when you’re 40+? Because let’s be real, they aren’t suffering, they’re just being discomforted. Ops post is COPE.
Normies are the ones who "grind and hustle" thinking they'll have the same life as the genetically gifted (in looks) from increasing their status through moneymaxxing or whatever. I don't think that they're not doing better than us. Yes, relative to chad, they're much closer to us in the dating and sex department. But their lot in life is usually more favorable socially, which opens some doors for them and makes their lives objectively better than ours.

I'd say there are three groups. The sub5s (1-4) who actively repulse women and people in general. The normies (5-7) to whom women are indifferent, ie. they don't notice them and the chads (8+) who actively attract women.
I agree with this assessment. Indifference is precisely the word women feel for normie-tier men. They're the ones who have some utilitarian purpose (has a car, is good with computers, can fix things etc.) and are thus tolerated.
Normies themselves know who is attractive and who isn't because it's an innate human ability
Exactly this. Even babies fucking know this.
I can't believe this post got a sticky

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Virginity rates are on the slight raise, but we are still a minority. Normie males who represent the average man are still having sex, this idea that they are anything like us is absurd.
the whole reason people talk about normiemaxxing is because of how there are many men who are sub 5 or average that can get women and it serves as a way to explain that.
If we describe attractiveness of a guy by number of females that want to fuck him (best objective measure), your theory would imply either all females want to fuck you or none do.

That is simply not true and removed from reality.

Guys like me (and everyone else here i Hope) - 0 females wants to fuck us.

Model chads - 90% females want to fuck them. Even there its never 100%.

For normies that number is low but it exist. Its somwhere in single digit %. So for normies its all about social maxxing and trying to reach that small number of females who want to fuck them. And between different normies, that small number will vary cause some are more attractive rhan others

And for true sub5 its all pointless as you cannot find even one.

So clearly there is a difference.
women will want to rape you if you're attractive
I thought this thread was from a 2024cel
On the things that actually matter, normies are NOT doing better than us. If anything, they are doing worse, since there entire worldview is predicated on lies, deception and wish washy crap.

Ofc, if you are a jabba the hut neckbeard TFL mtfckr who never left his basement in yrs and doesnt even remember how the touch of another human feels like, the grass will always be greener on the other side, and it probably is.
This is true. Ive been working on my life since I know connections are important. Ive been health maxxing and its had far more of a impact on me than anything else Ive ever done did. You can still have a decent existence even without the “normie” lifestyle of partying, raving, partners, sex, etc.

I want you to know that normies are deeply insecure within themselves. They basically feed off attention as that’s their way of being told they aren’t inadequate. A lot of them do extremely manipulative behavior to garner attention from each other. And if you decide to engage in it, you can bet you’ll be pulled into the bs; and it’s just as stressful as you can imagine.

Pointless drama that wont get you anywhere, pointless people that will abandon you on a whims notice, we have to realize that they are so starved for attention; they’ll do anything for it and get it from anyone who they see as adequate. And I have to say, many of them are basically degenerates.

There are people with decent intentions but they are less likely to constantly post on social media. Or rather be passive observers, who like us just witness the madness. They have nothing to prove unlike normies with their attention fiend tendencies.

Because it’s all that’s peddled to us through social media, we think this is the only form of “ascension” or existence there is outside of being an incel but I promise it isn’t. I was sent my own way for my happiness. I don’t believe I would ever be happy as a normbot.
ah yes, the fabled sub8 theory
I maintain that all <6/10 are effectively in the same boat. Women can only settle for all of us, and it's at best just your turn, no matter what you do. Some may get lucky to find a good woman when they're young, but they're small outliers.
most reasonable take. it is at least possible to ascend as a normshit/htn and have a good life with a bit of luck and if you don't choose a trash hole
This is true. Ive been working on my life since I know connections are important. Ive been health maxxing and its had far more of a impact on me than anything else Ive ever done did. You can still have a decent existence even without the “normie” lifestyle of partying, raving, partners, sex, etc.

I want you to know that normies are deeply insecure within themselves. They basically feed off attention as that’s their way of being told they aren’t inadequate. A lot of them do extremely manipulative behavior to garner attention from each other. And if you decide to engage in it, you can bet you’ll be pulled into the bs; and it’s just as stressful as you can imagine.

Pointless drama that wont get you anywhere, pointless people that will abandon you on a whims notice, we have to realize that they are so starved for attention; they’ll do anything for it and get it from anyone who they see as adequate. And I have to say, many of them are basically degenerates.

There are people with decent intentions but they are less likely to constantly post on social media. Or rather be passive observers, who like us just witness the madness. They have nothing to prove unlike normies with their attention fiend tendencies.

Because it’s all that’s peddled to us through social media, we think this is the only form of “ascension” or existence there is outside of being an incel but I promise it isn’t. I was sent my own way for my happiness. I don’t believe I would ever be happy as a normbot.
based normscum hater, a man after my own heart :feelsaww:
There is a common mindset here that normies are living such better lives. I can only chalk that up to most guys here being younger.
it is at least possible to ascend as a normshit/htn and have a good life with a bit of luck and if you don't choose a trash hole
Those normies aren't choosing. They're taking whatever they can get. Often the scenario with so many guys I worked with and family members... they were in some social circle, girl has her "wild phase", chooses a guy there she "feels safe" with, write your deadbedrooms story a year or so later.
I'd say there are three groups. The sub5s (1-4) who actively repulse women and people in general. The normies (5-7) to whom women are indifferent, ie. they don't notice them and the chads (8+) who actively attract women.

lol 7's arent normies, 6's are HTN's. a 6.0/10 is like top 20% in terms of looks, this is what most guys here dont grasp. the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of guys fall somewhere between 4.0 - 5-5, around 80% everyone else is an outlier. the truly ugly men and the chads alike. its a bell curve.

that being said, i do agree with your post in general. there are 3 types of guys. the trucels (1-3.5/10); the normies (4.0 - 5.5/10) and
the ''desireables'' (6.0 - 10/10). NOW, of course there are top and bottom tier among each group as well. a 7/10 is way better looking than a 6.0/10 and so and so
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Yes, but you fail to see a difference between being invisible and repulsive. I'm repulsive to women because I'm sub5, I invoke active negative emotions and reactions in them. To them seeing me and seeing a pile of shit is the same. When they see a normie, they don't really "see" him they just glance over, like how you might see a tree, a wall or a speed bump. You notice those things for a second, but then just forget that you ever saw them, but if you saw a pile of shit on the street, you would notice it, avoid it, it would affect you negatively.
There is a common mindset here that normies are living such better lives. I can only chalk that up to most guys here being younger.

Those normies aren't choosing. They're taking whatever they can get. Often the scenario with so many guys I worked with and family members... they were in some social circle, girl has her "wild phase", chooses a guy there she "feels safe" with, write your deadbedrooms story a year or so later.
even men are doing some choosing. at worst they'll be volcel for years but I guess that's better than being a roast's cuckold
The normie life while certainly better than ours to a degree is still not ideal.

Chad and Stacy always have it the best.

Whereas sure normies here and there can have things close to paradise but more often than not they’ll end up divorce raped and or in an r/deadbedrooms marriage while being knowingly or unknowingly cucked. Jfl.
Yeah.Total Chad Death.Stacies are still worth raping (actually if all chads die they’ll be forced to fuck us unless they want or not)
There is an inbetween. Most normgroids are far from foid's best option, which is why they get cucked, but theya re still not inkies.
the "In between" is the older (40 +) former chadlites who have fallen from grace and are picked by the older roasties who can't make bank from OF anymore and need someone to betabux for them.
I can't believe this post got a sticky

View attachment 1331161

Virginity rates are on the slight raise, but we are still a minority. Normie males who represent the average man are still having sex, this idea that they are anything like us is absurd.
But If only really attractive guys can REALLY atract women, so normies are incels too, because women fuck them for other reasons than real desire.
I can't believe this post got a sticky

View attachment 1331161

Virginity rates are on the slight raise, but we are still a minority. Normie males who represent the average man are still having sex, this idea that they are anything like us is absurd.
Thats a nice looking graphic. Very colorful.

Total normie death!

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