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Serious This is why you don't give autistic retards attention

  • Thread starter Deleted member 33216
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Deleted member 33216

Deleted member 33216

Every cope has an end
Feb 27, 2021
@yikerinos @Fancy Alcoholic look at what you've caused with your latest posts:
View: https://www.reddit.com/r/ProveTheIncelWrong/comments/mbogh2/prove_the_incel_wrong_episode_94_did_you_know/

He's boasting about how his comics are now "popular". JFL at this autist thinking people enjoy his shitty ass comics that look like they were drawn by a child. However, as expected, he's enjoying the attention. That's why you don't give these retards any attention, let him seethe!

Someone as insignificant as him shouldn't even be hated. He's a nobody.

I bet he's gonna screenshot this and say "ohh...look I live rent free in their heads". @yikerinos and @Fancy Alcoholic this post is only directed at you, I don't care for that Doogycel idiot.
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fuck this cuck tbh

but you're right i wont talk about him again
I ain't reading all that shit but it looks like stuff 8 year olds would send in to blue Peter (kids show from back in the day).
I ain't reading all that shit but it looks like stuff 8 year olds would send in to blue Peter (kids show from back in the day).
Some IT retard (an autistic truecel in his 30s) is enjoying the attention he's getting from users on here. He thinks we hate him, implying we care enough about his sad, pathetic existence to do so. He created an entire subreddit dedicated to "prove us wrong". JFL.
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Some IT retard (an autistic truecel in his 30s) is enjoying the attention he's getting from users on here. He thinks we hate him, implying we care enough about his sad, pathetic existence to do so. He created an entire subreddit dedicated to "prove us wrong". JFL.
Yeah ignoring these faggots is the best policy really.
@yikerinos @Fancy Alcoholic look at what you've caused with your latest posts:
View: https://www.reddit.com/r/ProveTheIncelWrong/comments/mbogh2/prove_the_incel_wrong_episode_94_did_you_know/

He's boasting about how his comics are now "popular". JFL at this autist thinking people enjoy his shitty ass comics that look like they were drawn by a child. However, as expected, he's enjoying the attention. That's why you don't give these retards any attention, let him seethe!

Someone as insignificant as him shouldn't even be hated. He's a nobody.

I bet he's gonna screenshot this and say "ohh...look I live rent free in their heads". @yikerinos and @Fancy Alcoholic this post is only directed at you, I don't care for that Doogycel idiot.

“Don’t give him attention”
*posts his comic and subreddit*
This is some cringe shit, written by someone desperately trying to fit in with normies and foids.
"See? I'm not like one of those inkwells" :soy:
This is some cringe shit, written by someone desperately trying to fit in with normies and foids.
"See? I'm not like one of those inkwells" :soy:
:feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: JFL at the whole thing.
"Didn't bother to lose his virginity until his thirties". The delusions of this guy.
IT must have more autists than here. This guy is chris chan retarded level, hell, chris chan must be less autistic than him.
IT must have more autists than here. This guy is chris chan retarded level, hell, chris chan must be less autistic than him.
IT probably has more Incels than here at this point JFL
IT probably has more Incels than here at this point JFL
IT has incels, trannies, pedos, autists, and beckies. I don't think any normal person would want to spend their free time making fun of incels 24/7. The only reason they make fun of us is because they want to feel superior to someone because their lives are so shit. Imagine being such a loser that you spend your entire life on reddit obsessing over people who are "inferior" to you.

A Chad or Stacy will see incels.is and laugh for 5 minutes and then go away in their own lives. They got better things to do.
IT has incels, trannies, pedos, autists, and beckies. I don't think any normal person would want to spend their free time making fun of incels 24/7. The only reason they make fun of us is because they want to feel superior to someone because their lives are so shit. Imagine being such a loser that you spend your entire life on reddit obsessing over people who are "inferior" to you.

A Chad or Stacy will see incels.is and laugh for 5 minutes and then go away in their own lives. They got better things to do.
Shit, I didn't see your post buddy boyo.

I agree with you 100%, tho I don't hate him. I really feel empathetic about him ... He really sounds like a giga blu pilled trucel. That's why I would like him to avoid like the pest, now that he's in his 30's, all the foids that would have rejected him in his 20's but now need some handy man to raise their Chad chilren and pay their bills. He sounds very deluded and immature for his age.
Shit, I didn't see your post buddy boyo.

I agree with you 100%, tho I don't hate him. I really feel empathetic about him ... He really sounds like a giga blu pilled trucel. That's why I would like him to avoid like the pest, now that he's in his 30's, all the foids that would have rejected him in his 20's but now need some handy man to raise their Chad chilren and pay their bills. He sounds very deluded and immature for his age.
Yeah, he's too high off of the blue pill. Let him have his little fun, he's too autistic, and doesn't seem to understand any of the arguments we put forward. Most of the arguments he "attacks" in his comics are made by graycels who are either larping or trolling, and the based ones he "debunks" are nothing but a badly constructed strawman of our argument.
Yeah, he's too high off of the blue pill. Let him have his little fun, he's too autistic, and doesn't seem to understand any of the arguments we put forward. Most of the arguments he "attacks" in his comics are made by graycels who are either larping or trolling, and the based ones he "debunks" are nothing but a badly constructed strawman of our argument.
He just insult people and try hard to make himself look good through virtue signalling and disminishing others. It's pretty pathetic ngl
‘Me and a woman high fived each other today so your Chad stuff has been debunked. Prove the incel wrong’. :soy:
‘Me and a woman high fived each other today so your Chad stuff has been debunked. Prove the incel wrong’. :soy:

‘Me and a woman breathed the same air in public transportation today so your Chad stuff has been debunked. Now I'm leaving the police station after fake allegations of rape but that's ok. Prove the incel wrong’.

‘Me and a woman breathed the same air in public transportation today so your Chad stuff has been debunked. Now I'm leaving the police station after fake allegations of rape but that's ok. Prove the incel wrong’.
‘A local woman said hi to me today, therefore, your Chad stuff has been debunked. Prove the incel wrong’. XD
‘A local woman said hi to me today, therefore, your Chad stuff has been debunked. Prove the incel wrong’. XD
‘A woman got promoted after sucking boss dick. Wahman strong. Prove the incel wrong’
‘A woman got promoted after sucking boss dick. Wahman strong. Prove the incel wrong’
The dude needs to quit the ‘Prove the incel wrong’ episodes and start making ‘Prove the cuck wrong’ episodes instead of being an incel in denial.
The dude needs to quit the ‘Prove the incel wrong’ episodes and start making ‘Prove the cuck wrong’ episodes instead of being an incel in denial.
Actually, he would only have to change the titles. Content could be the exact same with an ironic tone. :feelskek:
Couldnt Care less ,
:feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: JFL at the whole thing.
"Didn't bother to lose his virginity until his thirties". The delusions of this guy.

IT has incels, trannies, pedos, autists, and beckies. I don't think any normal person would want to spend their free time making fun of incels 24/7. The only reason they make fun of us is because they want to feel superior to someone because their lives are so shit. Imagine being such a loser that you spend your entire life on reddit obsessing over people who are "inferior" to you.

A Chad or Stacy will see incels.is and laugh for 5 minutes and then go away in their own lives. They got better things to do.
@yikerinos @Fancy Alcoholic look at what you've caused with your latest posts:
View: https://www.reddit.com/r/ProveTheIncelWrong/comments/mbogh2/prove_the_incel_wrong_episode_94_did_you_know/

He's boasting about how his comics are now "popular". JFL at this autist thinking people enjoy his shitty ass comics that look like they were drawn by a child. However, as expected, he's enjoying the attention. That's why you don't give these retards any attention, let him seethe!

Someone as insignificant as him shouldn't even be hated. He's a nobody.

I bet he's gonna screenshot this and say "ohh...look I live rent free in their heads". @yikerinos and @Fancy Alcoholic this post is only directed at you, I don't care for that Doogycel idiot.

u making fun of others but look at your cucked signature
All of my posts, comments and threads on this forum are source of parody, satire, and humor and are for entertainment purposes only. Therefore, all of my writings and posts are works of fiction, constitute fake news and unreal ideas and opinions. Any truth or actual facts contained in said stories or posts are purely incidental or coincidental and not intended to be, or be construed as, facts. I don't condone or support violence

U should replace that with something based instead.
All of my posts, comments and threads on this forum are source of parody, satire, and humor and are for entertainment purposes only. Therefore, all of my writings and posts are works of fiction, constitute fake news and unreal ideas and opinions. Any truth or actual facts contained in said stories or posts are purely incidental or coincidental and not intended to be, or be construed as, facts. I don't condone or support violence

U should replace that with something based instead.
I don't want the feds sniffing around. That's the only way to keep them away. Otherwise they will misconstrue my remarks and take them out of context to label me as a terrorist.
I don't want the feds sniffing around. That's the only way to keep them away. Otherwise they will misconstrue my remarks and take them out of context to label me as a terrorist.
Jfl at you if you think some forum signature will serve as any form of legal defense in court. If they want to shit on you they will regardless. It's okay we are safe in here the feds won't hurt us in here this site is .GOV approved.
Jfl at you if you think some forum signature will serve as any form of legal defense in court. If they want to shit on you they will regardless. It's okay we are safe in here the feds won't hurt us in here this site is .GOV approved.
It would because everything that could be used against you is essentially nothing other than trolling. I mean, I don't condone violence irl either, but you know how they try to spin our words against us to make look like monster because it fits their narrative. This site is a FBI honeypot, but again I don't want fedcels anywhere near me. I haven't done anything wrong to be begin with. Tbh, they should be monitoring IT cuz that's where the pedos are.
It would because everything that could be used against you is essentially nothing other than trolling. I mean, I don't condone violence irl either, but you know how they try to spin our words against us to make look like monster because it fits their narrative. This site is a FBI honeypot, but again I don't want fedcels anywhere near me. I haven't done anything wrong to be begin with. Tbh, they should be monitoring IT cuz that's where the pedos are.
My new signature mogs yours now.

Jfl of being scared of fedcels, you are an incel are you not? What really do you have to lose. If fedcels ever try to get me I'll just kill myself and dab on them in the afterlife. Like I give two shits.
My new signature mogs yours now.

Jfl of being scared of fedcels, you are an incel are you not? What really do you have to lose. If fedcels ever try to get me I'll just kill myself and dab on them in the afterlife. Like I give two shits.
It's not about being scared. I just don't want to make my life convoluted. Why they hell would I want to be on a watchlist? Why would I voluntarily make my life harder?

They just make your life harder but treating you like a criminal, and moreover they'll complicate shit for you if you're on social welfare. It's just unnecessary. Not to mention the unnecessary questioning, and the huge time waste that follows. If you want to make your life harder, be my guest. But I'd rather be left in peace.
It's not about being scared. I just don't want to make my life convoluted. Why they hell would I want to be on a watchlist? Why would I voluntarily make my life harder?

They just make your life harder but treating you like a criminal, and moreover they'll complicate shit for you if you're on social welfare. It's just unnecessary. Not to mention the unnecessary questioning, and the huge time waste that follows. If you want to make your life harder, be my guest. But I'd rather be left in peace.
idk seems kinda retarded to think a forum sig will have any bearing on whether you are prosecuted or not jfl.

Sounds low iq as fuck but you do you just seems cucked to put that in sig ngl tbh
Sounds low iq as fuck but you do you just seems cucked to put that in sig ngl tbh
That's your opinion. I think it's retarded to be edgy on purpose. It only attracts unwanted attention
idk seems kinda retarded to think a forum sig will have any bearing on whether you are prosecuted or not jfl.
I'm not saying it'll save you from questioning if anything were to happen, but it does help -- of course along with other evidence that you don't stand for violence -- in case they tried to label you as a terrorist. And I do not condone violence of any sort. That (along with other evidence) can be used to refute any baseless claims they might try to make. And it might even be used as a way escape being thrown in a mental hospital like this guy was: https://******/index.php?threads/to...rping-about-being-captured-and-tortured.1323/

So yeah, if you want to play with the feds by being edgy, that's your choice. I don't really care. You do your thing, I do mine.

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