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JFL This is what soyboys unironically believe.



Nov 7, 2017

Look at the passion in his eyes as he says it, he really gets a thrill from excusing womans hypergamy.
soymaxxing is worse than rope
This whole idea that men like other men who sleep with a lot of women is the biggest meme of them all. The only people who like men who sleep with a lot of women are other women.
Then the act of greater validation and of feeling accepted by a person, which can only be achieved with an extremely intimate person for you, is the same thing as eating cheerios for breakfast to this cuck
The thing is, an average woman basically has to go out and walk on the street to easily receive sex from 10/10 Chads.

Meanwhile the average man must gymcel, improve his "personality" so it becomes more "admirable," and be "confident" to luckily land a landwhale.
guys like this deserve a chainsaw up their ass
I'd ask 50 men to put their dicks in the bowl for 20 minutes each and roll them in the Cheerios and ask John Green if he'd be willing to eat it then. Fucking betashit subhuman slime.
Because eating different brands of cereal is the same thing as fucking someone who has a vagina that practically served as a public bathroom for men during her prime years and is holding memories of her true love in the back of her mind.
"it particularly bothers me that women are held to a different standard on this than men"

...like it happens with pretty much everything else in life? Strangely feminists and cucks are only bothered when women have the lower hand on such differences.

A woman can touch my chest but I can't touch hers. How's that for being held to different standards?
I wanna punch this smug little turd.
"it particularly bothers me that women are held to a different standard on this than men"

...like it happens with pretty much everything else in life? Strangely feminists and cucks are only bothered when women have the lower hand on such differences.

You'll never see a woman come to his defense on MGM or alimony. Cucks like this should be shot and hanged.
I'd ask 50 men to put their dicks in the bowl for 20 minutes each and roll them in the Cheerios and ask John Green if he'd be willing to eat it then. Fucking betashit subhuman slime.

Yeah exactly, it's like, would you rather eat a clean bowl of fresh untouched Cheerios and milk, or one that had 47 cocks ejaculating into it. What, I'm the 48th guy to eat out of this bowl?
This is the type of cuck who would film his wife getting gangbanged by tyrones and hold her hand telling her how much he loves her while shes getting creampied in every hole :lul::lul::lul:
"it particularly bothers me that women are held to a different standard on this than men"

...like it happens with pretty much everything else in life? Strangely feminists and cucks are only bothered when women have the lower hand on such differences.

A woman can touch my chest but I can't touch hers. How's that for being held to different standards?
Dont sexualize boobs!
You staring at my tits is rape!
I wanna punch this smug little turd.

You'll never see a woman come to his defense on MGM or alimony. Cucks like this should be shot and hanged.
Killing one cuck is better than killing 5 women and 5 Chads.
Dont sexualize boobs!
You staring at my tits is rape!

The best one is when they wear shirts with shit written and don't want incels to look at them boobs.
The entire argument is a false equivalence.
Each day he is eating a new bowl of cereal, he doesn't need to worry if his new bowl of cereal is contaminated somehow or if the bowl is dirty or if that bag of cereal will contain selective 'bad' scoops of cereal. What he's describing with the cheerios is simply that each new and fresh bowl is of equal value than his previous bowl, however he may desire them more on some days or fancy something else on another day.
He is equating a NEW item with a USED item. You can liken a fresh bowl of cereal with a virgin whereas a whore would be like eating a bowl of cereal that someone had already chewed on, yes the contents are still largely cheerios but they are partly eaten and now contain saliva and god-knows-what-else from the person that ate them previously. You're still technically getting those cheerios but with lots of unwelcome additives.

Also people aren't as consistent as mass produced food items, so its retarded in that sense. She may be happy to have Cheerios TODAY but she'll always remember that amazing pancake/ bacon/ muffin breakfast she had a year ago and will snatch it up the instant it becomes available. So yeah you're not special if you're the 97th person to sleep with her. She may enjoy it but the odds on you being the 'best' is highly unlikely.

From both ways to look at it, its retarded. I wouldn't eat cheerios that'd had 45 other people eat from it and I wouldn't feel special if I was the 45th person she'd slept with because the odds on it being as special to her are far less lower than my view on it.
This guy desperately wants to lick Chad's semen out of a girl's pussy but has never been allowed to and tries to virtue signal his way into it.
The entire argument is a false equivalence.
Each day he is eating a new bowl of cereal, he doesn't need to worry if his new bowl of cereal is contaminated somehow or if the bowl is dirty or if that bag of cereal will contain selective 'bad' scoops of cereal. What he's describing with the cheerios is simply that each new and fresh bowl is of equal value than his previous bowl, however he may desire them more on some days or fancy something else on another day.
He is equating a NEW item with a USED item. You can liken a fresh bowl of cereal with a virgin whereas a whore would be like eating a bowl of cereal that someone had already chewed on, yes the contents are still largely cheerios but they are partly eaten and now contain saliva and god-knows-what-else from the person that ate them previously. You're still technically getting those cheerios but with lots of unwelcome additives.

Also people aren't as consistent as mass produced food items, so its retarded in that sense. She may be happy to have Cheerios TODAY but she'll always remember that amazing pancake/ bacon/ muffin breakfast she had a year ago and will snatch it up the instant it becomes available. So yeah you're not special if you're the 97th person to sleep with her. She may enjoy it but the odds on you being the 'best' is highly unlikely.

From both ways to look at it, its retarded. I wouldn't eat cheerios that'd had 45 other people eat from it and I wouldn't feel special if I was the 45th person she'd slept with because the odds on it being as special to her are far less lower than my view on it.

Well said, brother.
The entire argument is a false equivalence.
Each day he is eating a new bowl of cereal.
hmm, you could compare it to eating from a freshly opened pack many times
versus eating from the same pack that people have been eating, it's perpetually open and the insides are all used up and the cherioos are fucking dry and not tasty, maybe even some mold on them kek
soyboyism disgusts me.

what an idiot. why do these idiots not open their eyes? theyre plan Z to their wives. theyre pawns. theyre being USED. JFL @ believing in this disney channel cope.
We're all soyboys lol why this cope
I look at him and imagine how slowly i would pull his eyes out of sockets...
she is your number one
you are her number 87

anybody who is okay with this is a fucking cuck with no sense of self-respect or dignity.
This is the type of cuck who would film his wife getting gangbanged by tyrones and hold her hand telling her how much he loves her while shes getting creampied in every hole :lul::lul::lul:
guys like this deserve a chainsaw up their ass
she is your number one
you are her number 87

anybody who is okay with this is a fucking cuck with no sense of self-respect or dignity.
Cheerios in his example would be a chad, not a betabux. Because cheerios still gets chosen by everyone. Sub6 betabuxxers to femoids are like low quality cereal they have to start eating because they lost their job and can't afford the good stuff.
This is a shameless man he will throw anything or anyone under the bus for a chance at a foid to cuck him.
It matters because it is an indicator of how likely they are to cheat. There is a reason people who have multiple exes are more likely to cheat.

I don't care about this as much as other guys, but I sure as shit won't get into a relationship with a woman who whored around.
e s t r o g e n
Women literally go to fucking Slut Walks where they dress up like total fucking whores and wear clothing with slutty slogans and hold up signs about how big of whores they are.

Yeah, but if we look a their tits, it's rape.

Women wonder why men call them idiots and hate them a lot of the time.

What do those stupid Slut Walks even mean? Are they really just Sluts for Chad Walks?
What do those stupid Slut Walks even mean? Are they really just Sluts for Chad Walks?
They're trying to normalize them looking like whores in the street and trying to convince men it doesn't matter how old or how many dicks they've had. They want sexually frustrated sub6's to get used to seeing their ass and titties in the grocery store, and not being able to do anything about it. They don't care about feeding us ragefuel this summer, it's all worth it to them so they can flaunt their asscheeks to any nearby chads.
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Geez. Fuck Slut Walks, man. Seriously.
Smash his specs in lol
Didn't he get accused of assault?
The thing is, an average woman basically has to go out and walk on the street to easily receive sex from 10/10 Chads.

Meanwhile the average man must gymcel, improve his "personality" so it becomes more "admirable," and be "confident" to luckily land a landwhale.
John Green honestly just needs to be euthanised for his own good now
The thing is, men tend to be more rational and logical, while women tend to be more emotional.

The number of premarital sexual partners absolutely matters for both sexes but is a lot more detrimental to women's ability to form meaningful and lasting relationships than men's.
"I love an experienced woman. I want a woman who knows what she's doing"
This is the same man who is teaching high school classes for lazy teachers everywhere. Remember that when the /collapse/ comes.

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