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Soy This is Incels.co back in early 2018

  • Thread starter Deleted member 4760
  • Start date
Deleted member 4760

Deleted member 4760

Mar 19, 2018
Back when it was still called .Me before switiching to .Is (kinda slow but worth taking a look)

This is a snapshot of the forum and the ongoing thread a mtonh before the Alek Minassian incident (.
I joined the week prior to the Attack.

JFL, 2 threads on Catfishman on the same page. Used to love how based that guy was tbh. :feelskek:

Damn, imo, it used to be way better than now.

.co was always an autistic cesspool but the content was still BlackPill, Inceldom and Looksim focused.

Less Fakecels, a lot of the guys here had actually tried to date and socialize unsuccesfully.
Most of us were still desiring our looksmatch, nowadays, if shes not a ''Jailbait looking white thin virgin, you're cucked''
Less pedo threads, less race baiting, less stormcucks raging on Jews and being edgy with the ''Nigger'' baiting all the time.
Less obsession with what ITear used to think about us.

Much more light hearted, more memes, better sense of community.
.Me was actually a better place than Braincels, and all the subs tbh.

I think all the old members either moved on or shitfed to lookmax.me
I as well, think on going there but the place is full of bragging lookmaxed Chads so fuck it.

I seriously wonder how many of those old banned members actually ascended.
You see threads of lower quality these days because almost all topics regarding BlackPill, Inceldom and Lookism were covered.
You see threads of lower quality these days because almost all topics regarding BlackPill, Inceldom and Lookism were covered.
This is like RuneScape.
The oldfag nostalgia trip.
Takes me back.
When things didn´t suck as much.
You see threads of lower quality these days because almost all topics regarding BlackPill, Inceldom and Lookism were covered.

But it seems the place is more divided than ever.

Where has the humor gone? This place used to be a great place for cope and support.

I love the fact that poeple like FaceandLMS, Catfishman and others were actually being creative and producing content.
You see threads of lower quality these days because almost all topics regarding BlackPill, Inceldom and Lookism were covered.
This tbhngldedsrs
There's nothing new to add except sharing blackpills
I recall @BlkPillPres saying it was much better in the olden days.

By the looks of it yeah it was alot better.
I recall @BlkPillPres saying it was much better in the olden days.

By the looks of it yeah it was alot better.

Ironic thouhg, it was more Black Pill yet still much more Lighthearted
Was it better than puahate and sluthate?
Nostalgiacel Itwasbetterinmydaycel, go sleep old man.
Where has the humor gone? This place used to be a great place for cope and support.
Humor is gone because the internet is now serious business and if you don't agree with me, then you're a fakecel 6.5 PSL chad with an 9x6 inch cock. I will report you to the jannies.

Starting drama to spread the blackpill. Get owned fake sells. XD
I miss the 2018 days with NeetanTidy and ritaliancel
Humor is gone because the internet is now serious business and if you don't agree with me, then you're a fakecel 6.5 PSL chad with an 9x6 inch cock. I will report you to the jannies.

Starting drama to spread the blackpill. Get owned fake sells. XD
Less Fakecels, a lot of the guys here had actually tried to date and socialize unsuccesfully.
This sounds awesome.
Most of us were still desiring our looksmatch, nowadays, if shes not a ''Jailbait looking white thin virgin, you're cucked''
I seriously hate these. I seriously believe those that think this way have to be part of the fakecels.
Less pedo threads, less race baiting, less stormcucks raging on Jews and being edgy with the ''Nigger'' baiting all the time.
This one I don't care about as it's easy to zone out and not think much about it.
Less obsession with what ITear used to think about us.
THIS NEEDS TO BE DONE! This and the idiots that go to Tiktok to link the girl's stuff directly on here, also those that link their Instagrams and others too. All of these people should be banned.
You see threads of lower quality these days because almost all topics regarding BlackPill, Inceldom and Lookism were covered.
No more fuel basically
muh good old days
I seriously hate these. I seriously believe those that think this way have to be part of the fakecels.
Ok eugene, go simp for shaniqua and her 8 bastard sons
But it seems the place is more divided than ever.

Where has the humor gone? This place used to be a great place for cope and support.

I love the fact that poeple like FaceandLMS, Catfishman and others were actually being creative and producing content.
I think the average age went from 25 to 15. Also harder gatekeeping, both face and catfish were old chad fakecel sexhavers, that kind of people has been driven out from here and been replaced by the based teenage truecel postmaxxers.
Well you didn't say JB petite foids, so you're not based.
Those that think only those are fake to begin with. You're going on both sides of the extreme. It's not just JB blonde foids or used up single mom roasties.

The problem is too many on this fucking forums are being very picky when they're on no grounds to be. We're at the point a 120 lbs foid is perfectly fine, but the moment she's 121 lbs she's a landwhale.
I seriously wonder how many of those old banned members actually ascended
It's Crazy How Large The Forum Would Be If All USERS were unbanned
The problem is too many on this fucking forums are being very picky when they're on no grounds to be. We're at the point a 120 lbs foid is perfectly fine, but the moment she's 121 lbs she's a landwhale.
The problem is too many on this forum eat shitty food and are being very disgusting when they're on no grounds to be. We're at the point where they're putting mayonaise on everything they eat, but the moment I want a decent meal, its considered disgusting.

I just want a decent meal. Jbs are the meal.
The problem is too many on this forum eat shitty food and are being very disgusting when they're on no grounds to be. We're at the point where they're putting mayonaise on everything they eat, but the moment I want a decent meal, its considered disgusting.

I just want a decent meal. Jbs are the meal.
Yeah, but with a food analogy is we're in a desert and starving. I don't care if someone is a vegan or a vegetarian out there if you have the chance on eating meat, would you seriously say no? I'm not saying meat that has spit on it and someone just took a shit on, which would be those single moms, the landwhales, the giant blobs of vomit that they call body positive and I just mean the meat you see in the sand.

It has some sand on it and we have some that would be vegans and say "Meat? Ew. And sand on it? Not eating. I want an exquisite cuisine. To just be JB would be rather volcel but no one is telling them to take the food that has feces on it either.

We have some on here that are white only or latina only or curry only. They don't say it much, but we have them on here and I find it puzzling these are perfectly fine as they seem to be the ones that would turn down a foid that gave them a chance if they weren't the right race.
How can that be an incel and not a volcel?
Yeah, but with a food analogy is we're in a desert and starving. I don't care if someone is a vegan or a vegetarian out there if you have the chance on eating meat, would you seriously say no? I'm not saying meat that has spit on it and someone just took a shit on, which would be those single moms, the landwhales, the giant blobs of vomit that they call body positive and I just mean the meat you see in the sand.

It has some sand on it and we have some that would be vegans and say "Meat? Ew. And sand on it? Not eating. I want an exquisite cuisine. To just be JB would be rather volcel but no one is telling them to take the food that has feces on it either.

We have some on here that are white only or latina only or curry only. They don't say it much, but we have them on here and I find it puzzling these are perfectly fine as they seem to be the ones that would turn down a foid that gave them a chance if they weren't the right race.
How can that be an incel and not a volcel?
problem is is that someone is forcing me to eating meat that someone took a shit on

This forum is literally like the soviet union where you have to be careful to not to say the wrong things or else you're getting snitched on to the gulag
I liked the .co of 2019
You see threads of lower quality these days because almost all topics regarding BlackPill, Inceldom and Lookism were covered.
This. And this is coming from someone who's been here since the birth of this forum.

Literally EVERYTHING has been touched upon. Not much to talk about anymore, tbh. I just like reading personal experiences and seeing new data relating to the blackpill, though.
Less Fakecels
That is debateable. Gambler, @VST, @whogivesafucc, among others.

I honestly saw way more fakecel exposures back then, than I do now.
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I used to post back then, the rules were lot less strict and thus you don't have to be scared of getting banned. I really stopped posting because it got way too ban heavy. The majority of users there are banned.
Back when it was still called .Me before switiching to .Is (kinda slow but worth taking a look)

This is a snapshot of the forum and the ongoing thread a mtonh before the Alek Minassian incident (.
I joined the week prior to the Attack.

JFL, 2 threads on Catfishman on the same page. Used to love how based that guy was tbh. :feelskek:

Damn, imo, it used to be way better than now.

.co was always an autistic cesspool but the content was still BlackPill, Inceldom and Looksim focused.

Less Fakecels, a lot of the guys here had actually tried to date and socialize unsuccesfully.
Most of us were still desiring our looksmatch, nowadays, if shes not a ''Jailbait looking white thin virgin, you're cucked''
Less pedo threads, less race baiting, less stormcucks raging on Jews and being edgy with the ''Nigger'' baiting all the time.
Less obsession with what ITear used to think about us.

Much more light hearted, more memes, better sense of community.
.Me was actually a better place than Braincels, and all the subs tbh.

I think all the old members either moved on or shitfed to lookmax.me
I as well, think on going there but the place is full of bragging lookmaxed Chads so fuck it.

I seriously wonder how many of those old banned members actually ascended.
A lot of members from 2017 and 2018 are also permabanned for whatever reasons.
Humor is gone because the internet is now serious business and if you don't agree with me, then you're a fakecel 6.5 PSL chad with an 9x6 inch cock. I will report you to the jannies.

Starting drama to spread the blackpill. Get owned fake sells. XD
6.5 PSL fakecel chad tries to chameleon maxx by acting as the judge of other potential fakecels. High IQ tbh
Because we have retards going around reporting everyone for sharing even the smallest of positive interactions. We have reached the point that brushing against a foid for 0.000001 nanoseconds without getting the cops called on you in 5th grade is enough to make you a fakecel. The gatekeeping is on a whole new level.
This forum is literally like the soviet union where you have to be careful to not to say the wrong things or else you're getting snitched on to the gulag
I disagree with the pedo threads part. Back then you could unironically say some shit like fucking 6 year olds should be legal. Now that shit won't fly
I disagree with the pedo threads part. Back then you could unironically say some shit like fucking 6 year olds should be legal. Now that shit won't fly
Exactly, look at what they done to @Edmund_Kemper and @Personalityinkwell, the fucking mods made an example out of them like sacrificing jesus
I disagree with the pedo threads part. Back then you could unironically say some shit like fucking 6 year olds should be legal. Now that shit won't fly
Exactly, look at what they done to @Edmund_Kemper and @Personalityinkwell, the fucking mods made an example out of them like sacrificing jesus
A lot of agecucks back in early threads actually
trucel if you remember these users
Nov 7, 2017 join date user casually mogging the thread
before I even joined :o
You see threads of lower quality these days because almost all topics regarding BlackPill, Inceldom and Lookism were covered.
Yeah, We are pretty much on a cycle where Greycels and newer members come in and repeat the same topics already covered before, ad infinitum.

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