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This is how We Should Slut-Shame Male and Female Sluts



Nov 8, 2017
Everyone knows that slut-shaming is good for society. Skanks will protest, but really, no self-respecting man wants to enter into a sacred bond with a girl who has served as the public cum dumpster for the local county. I will even go so far as to say that the same will be true the other way around. Actual self-respecting females want a guy that will treasure them, not a boarish fuckboy who will only see them as another girl to pump and dump. In order to ensure people won't be faced with marrying a skank, as well as to ensure that young girls aren't taught to objectify themselves like deranged feminazis want them to, and prevent male harlots from doing the same, I contend that slut-shaming should not only be approved of, but encouraged.

If I was mayor of a local town, I would hold monthly slut-shaming contests. Men and women who have actual respect for the sacred bond that is marriage, and wish not to see it defiled by skanks and male skanks would enter money into a jackpot. Then, people with actual respect for the institution of marriage could go around shaming skanks and fuckboys whenever the opportunity presents itself. When they do this, they can film themselves in the act. At the end of each month, anyone who entered the jackpot can submit the film they've collected to the town council. The council will then review the film. Whoever does the best job of not only critiquing, but teaching these skanks and fuckboys the error of their ways and trying to get them to change, will be rewarded with all the money in the jackpot. 

There would be no limit to who could win. Any male or female with actual respect for the sacredness of relationships could win based on their works.
Id rather just make infidelity and slutting around punishible by death. No due process just summary executions.
This is the best idea ever tbh.
/pol/cel said:
Id rather just make infidelity and slutting around punishible by death. No due process just summary executions.
This is even better.
you got my vote
This is the most "you" post you've ever posted lol
/pol/cel said:
Id rather just make infidelity and slutting around punishible by death. No due process just summary executions.

That works too
Feminism has done a good job of destroying the family / marriage unity and encouraging young females to be complete whores.
Virginp0wers said:
Feminism has done a good job of destroying the family / marriage unity and encouraging young females to be complete whores.

I agree that females should not be objectified. Feminists who encourage females to slut it up as much as possible under the guise of "finding themselves" are guilty of objectifying women.

How can you complain about sexual objectification and then promote this crap?
Fuck this anti degeneracy shit and fuck the bible. Hedonism is the only true way of life
Popbob said:
Fuck this anti degeneracy shit and fuck the bible. Hedonism is the only true way of life

ItheIthe said:

Jesus and the bible is bullshit this is coming for a former christian. Why waste your only life following imaginary laws and standards
Popbob said:
Fuck this anti degeneracy shit and fuck the bible. Hedonism is the only true way of life

not at all, hedonism is why your incel
There is no such thing as a male slut. What kind of stupid-ass philosophy are you into.

A man who fucks lots of femoids is a man living the life we all want to live, and should not be looked down upon.
Popbob said:
Jesus and the bible is bullshit this is coming for a former christian. Why waste your only life following imaginary laws and standards

I don't see what's bullshit about it. I have had two miraculous experiences that I deemed to be divine intervention. Also, Isaiah Chapter 53 was a prophecy about Jesus before Jesus was born, and it all came exactly true. I would encourage you to read that chapter and tell me it's not true. Also, they found evidence of Noah's ark. http://www.ladbible.com/news/news-experts-claim-theres-new-evidence-that-noahs-ark-is-buried-in-turkey-20171226 http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/evidence-suggests-biblical-great-flood-noahs-time-happened/story?id=17884533

As far as following rules, I learned that not following the rules made me seem happy for spurts of time, but deep down I was miserable. Being spiritually alive has been much more joyous for me than being a slave to sin. If you have to cope with drugs that means you're not spiritually alive in the first place.

rotting-alone said:
There is no such thing as a male slut. What kind of stupid-ass philosophy are you into.

A man who fucks lots of femoids is a man living the life we all want to live, and should not be looked down upon.

I've always wanted to live a monogamous life with a virgin female. It was never my intention to fuck as many girls as possible.
Why do people's sex lives matter so much to you?
stormer909 said:
Why do people's sex lives matter so much to you?

Hi, IT. Because I care about other people, I care about society, and I care about my own prospects. Furthermore, marriages are supposed to elevate you to another level of happiness. They don't often do that for people because they're being devalued by partner count. The fact that such a sacred bond is being mocked on irks me

A society simply cannot function with depraved sexual conduct. Creating and destroying bonds leaves a lot of people alone and depressed. Do you disagree that getting feelings for someone and then having them leave you is an extremely painful experience? Furthermore, it's been scientifically proven that partner count decreases ability to pair bond, which is the ability of someone to appreciate their spouse. https://ifstudies.org/blog/counterintuitive-trends-in-the-link-between-premarital-sex-and-marital-stability/ It really makes a lot of sense, when you think about it. Who is more likely to appreciate a spouse? Someone who has done all sorts of things with 20 other people? Or someone who has determined that they will save all their adventereous experiences for their one and only?

This decreased pair bonding ability has ruined marriages and home units. People are miserable in relationships because they can't appreciate. People are distrustful in relationship due to past heartbreaks. A marriage could lead you to a whole new level of happiness, but they really don't anymore. Plus, this creates a terrible environment for kids to live in.

Finally, you have the fact that this spreads STDs. The CDC reported that as of 2016, roughly 1 in 3 Americans had an STD. It's just ludicrous. And what all of this means for me, although it genuinely is not just about me, is that I will either die alone or end up in a marriage with someone who has already experienced all sorts of things with other dudes. It's messed up.
ItheIthe said:
I've always wanted to live a monogamous life with a virgin female. It was never my intention to fuck as many girls as possible.

That's fine, and that's your opinion. But you can't assert it on others unless you have valid strength and reason to support it. And it seems like you don't, religion on its own isn't good enough.

The truth of the matter is, in today's social climate men have to work extremely hard or be extremely lucky to fuck women. As a result, the men who can fuck lots of women are celebrated and treasured. I see nothing wrong with it, and that's why the term "male slut" is fucking stupid.

What I mean to say is you're allowed to be a monogamy supporter, but I think it's wholly irrational look down on promiscuous men.
rotting-alone said:
That's fine, and that's your opinion. But you can't assert it on others unless you have valid strength and reason to support it. And it seems like you don't, religion on its own isn't good enough.

The truth of the matter is, in today's social climate men have to work extremely hard or be extremely lucky to fuck women. As a result, the men who can fuck lots of women are celebrated and treasured. I see nothing wrong with it, and that's why the term "male slut" is fucking stupid.

What I mean to say is you're allowed to be a monogamy supporter, but I think it's wholly irrational look down on promiscuous men.

Promiscuity has been scientifically proven to destroy society, and I could provide you with a wealth of studies.

Also, if you're an Incel, then why are you not mad that one man can get 20 women? That's not fair or justifiable at all.
ItheIthe said:
Promiscuity has been scientifically proven to destroy society, and I could provide you with a wealth of studies.

And smoking kills people and people still smoke. The news is cancer, feminism is socially accepted, pornsluts are reality show multimillionaires, gorillas rhyme "nigga" with "nigga" and make billions. What else is new.

My point is: society sucks and is already destroyed. I can't do anything about that. What's the more rational response to this?

1) get mad, shitpost online, talk about how much you hate the fucking universe which will do NOTHING to change society or fix the situation

2) Just try to embrace whatever sucks in society and use it to your advantage to have your fun and get your dick wet

ItheIthe said:
Also, if you're an Incel, then why are you not mad that one man can get 20 women? That's not fair or justifiable at all.

Because that man was born lucky and worked hard to get to a point where he can get 20 women. I'm not one to bash hard work. I wouldn't insult Bill Gates for owning a metric fuckton of the world's wealth because he earned his right to hold that, so why would I insult Chad for being a slayer?

He was born tall with a chiseled jawline. He probably slaved away for hours at the gym to get a good physique and boost his attraction. He is probably a master seduction-fox and has perfected his flirty and charismatic skills. He has been given the ability to fuck (height/face/genetics) but has also WORKED for that.
Popbob said:
IronMike said:
not at all, hedonism is why your incel
That literally makes zero sense lol


I think you need to take a look at a dictionary, you clearly don't know what hedonism is lol
Popbob said:
That literally makes zero sense lol

Hedonism leads to hypergamy. It's basic Incel knowledge.
ItheIthe said:
I don't see what's bullshit about it. I have had two miraculous experiences that I deemed to be divine intervention. Also, Isaiah Chapter 53 was a prophecy about Jesus before Jesus was born, and it all came exactly true. I would encourage you to read that chapter and tell me it's not true. Also, they found evidence of Noah's ark. http://www.ladbible.com/news/news-experts-claim-theres-new-evidence-that-noahs-ark-is-buried-in-turkey-20171226 http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/evidence-suggests-biblical-great-flood-noahs-time-happened/story?id=17884533

As far as following rules, I learned that not following the rules made me seem happy for spurts of time, but deep down I was miserable. Being spiritually alive has been much more joyous for me than being a slave to sin. If you have to cope with drugs that means you're not spiritually alive in the first place.

I've always wanted to live a monogamous life with a virgin female. It was never my intention to fuck as many girls as possible.

Well I cant argue with you on this if you are religious then do you're thing, personally I don't believe in  religion because most religions have supernatural events and and a afterlife and I find it very difficult to believe in stuff like that because im a big skeptic when it comes to that sort of stuff.
Popbob said:
That literally makes zero sense lol

If a FHO is hedonistic she wouldn't even touch you because you are unable to provide pleasure due to your face
IronMike said:
If a FHO is hedonistic she wouldn't even touch you because you are unable to provide pleasure due to your face

Well she wouldn't touch me if she was a Christian or Buddhist either.
You say you care about people, but you're all for slut-shaming and bullying those whose sexual habits don't conform to yours? That doesn't sound like genuine care, it sounds like you're just trying to impose a certain lifestyle on people, because they enjoy what you seem to be lacking.

Sure, commitment to one partner probably leaves you feeling happier and more satisfied, rather than promiscuity, but who are you to control and punish those who choose the latter option? I believe in the live and let live mentality, these "sluts" and "fuckboys", in my opinion can do whatever they like in terms of how they dictate their sex lives. That's their freedom of choice. That being said, there should definitely be a lifestyle standard which is encouraged in society, that benefits those in said society. However, if there are some that choose to go against that standard, that's their prerogative. We're crossing a fine line if we dictate exactly which choices in life people make, then punish them if they make the wrong choices. It sounds a little like authoritarianism to me.
Popbob said:
Well she wouldn't touch me if she was a Christian or Buddhist either.

Yeah but if society actually had morals, hypergamy wouldn't be persistent because "relationships" would be exclusive (Fucking/getting fucked by 30 people before "settling" doesn't constitute exclusivity)
ItheIthe said:
Yeah but if society actually had morals, hypergamy wouldn't be persistent because "relationships" would be exclusive (Fucking/getting fucked by 30 people before "settling" doesn't constitute exclusivity)

Even if a woman wasn't a slut she still wouldn't give us the time of day because there is always going to be a better looking man. Its very simple, men at the bottom of the barrel (ugly/beta males) dont get to breed. This has always been the case and it always will be
stormer909 said:
You say you care about people, but you're all for slut-shaming and bullying those whose sexual habits don't conform to yours? That doesn't sound like genuine care, it sounds like you're just trying to impose a certain lifestyle on people, because they enjoy what you seem to be lacking.

Sure, commitment to one partner probably leaves you feeling happier and more satisfied, rather than promiscuity, but who are you to control and punish those who choose the latter option? I believe in the live and let live mentality, these "sluts" and "fuckboys", in my opinion can do whatever they like in terms of how they dictate their sex lives. That's their freedom of choice. That being said, there should definitely be a lifestyle standard which is encouraged in society, that benefits those in said society. However, if there are some that choose to go against that standard, that's their prerogative. We're crossing a fine line if we dictate exactly which choices in life people make, then punish them if they make the wrong choices. It sounds a little like authoritarianism to me.

I am trying to impose a certain lifestyle on society and I don't believe in full-fledged personal freedom. You're absolutely right. What's so great about complete freedom? Assuming you've been raised in the West, you've been taught all your life that "freedom" is the surefire sign of a great society. But the sexual freedom that has existed since the 1960's has done nothing but destroy emotions, marriages, and families. I care far more about the overall good of society than any one individual's freedom.

And, yeah, I'm lacking sex, but that's by choice. I don't know if you're familiar with me as a poster, but I've had sex before. I hated the degenerate lifestyle and renounced it. I could easily get sex again if I wanted to, but I don't think giving myself away so easily would be beneficial for me, nor do I think duping a girl into thinking I like her would be the right thing to do.
freedom, especially personal choice is an illusion.we are like acts building a hive and thinking we're doing it out of choice. it's all biology.

that said, society has crossed the rubicon decades ago. the hive has been infested by hornets and soon they will devour our young.
I agree. Despite being an atheist, I agree that christianity is the way to go but the thing about incels is biological. Religion, patriarchy or conservatism wouldn't change that.

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