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JFL This is how IT users argue

San Salvador

San Salvador

May 27, 2018

They put words in your mouth and create arguments that you never said. Nice.
She's arguing the black-pill against people who are already black-pilled.

"You fucking fucks think you aren't getting laid because you're ugly? Well, guess what you fucking losers -- you're wrong! Women won't fuck ugly guys, and THAT's why you're really not getting laid!"

It's perplexing. She must have just wanted to throw a tantrum.
Lol this slut admits to there being looksism and doesn't think anything is wrong with that.
She would probably be one of those people to call foul if someone refused to hire black people, but discriminating against ugly men is ok to her.

Who hurt them? They always have to insult us with certain names in the middle of discussions. Just argue like an adult person theory ffs

It's almost as if they are the hateful ones
It's like the difference between hypocrisy ("Women are not superficial, tehehe, omigod check out this Chad!") versus cynicism ("We only fuck Chads and the rest of you can fucking die and be locked away for harassment.") So ... yeah, when it comes to modern womyn, you have to pick your poison, I guess: hypocrisy or cynicism. Great choice...

Edit: Davila once wrote that a lack of hypocrisy is the clearest sign of decadence. Which is an interesting point. All high cultures are "hypocritical" to a certain degree. Of course, people are never as brave and moral and whatever. But at least they try to. And at least they try to pretend.

What we no witness is fewer and fewer hypocrisy and more and more cynicism. Modern women are increasingly honest. They are increasingly open about only wanting Chad to abuse and rape them 50 Shades style, while having all the "creepy" low-status men locked away for "harassment" and "rape." In a feminist society, women don't even have to PRETEND that they are good people anymore.
It's like the difference between hypocrisy ("Women are not superficial, tehehe, omigod check out this Chad!") versus cynicism ("We only fuck Chads and the rest of you can fucking die and be locked away for harassment.") So ... yeah, when it comes to modern womyn, you have to pick your poison, I guess: hypocrisy or cynicism. Great choice...

Edit: Davila once wrote that a lack of hypocrisy is the clearest sign of decadence. Which is an interesting point. All high cultures are "hypocritical" to a certain degree. Of course, people are never as brave and moral and whatever. But at least they try to. And at least they try to pretend.

What we no witness is fewer and fewer hypocrisy and more and more cynicism. Modern women are increasingly honest. They are increasingly open about only wanting Chad to abuse and rape them 50 Shades style, while having all the "creepy" low-status men locked away for "harassment" and "rape." In a feminist society, women don't even have to PRETEND that they are good people anymore.
High IQ post.
This is probably the most honest post cucktears ever shat out.
They know that what we claim is true (as she says, it's common sense...), but they just don't want us to say it out loud. They just want us to suffer in silence, while they go on and live life on tutorial mode.
GoneWithTheFlaps is a blackpilled foid.

She knows the truth but just wants us to shut up and, according to her, "handle our shit like a big boy."

Guys like ER "handled their shit", just not in the way you might expect.

I for one hope more girls are this honest, it will increase the divide between the sexes.
Well theres my morning dose of suicide fuel.

Shes literally admitting the blackpill and just wants us to deal with it. "Yeah I only want Chad? Who doesnt???"
She gets it but her advice is "handle your shit like a big boy". What does it mean? Do i get what i want? Does it even lead to the betterment of life?
Reminds me of "helpful" people who wants to help you. Once you tell them your problems they instantly make shit up about how its all your fault.
tries to argue against the black pill

ends up confirming it, kek
What does it mean?
If means that she wants you to stop posting feefee-hurting content and suffer in silence.

This IT post is basically cucktears dropping their facade and revealing their true motives
Doesn't she say everything IT are against ? Damn femoids are dumb
They want silence us because they dont want society to turn against them.

They want cucks, chads, whiteknigting, friendzoners, equality in work, money to raise theirs sons....

....they know they are in the right moment to demand and ask for more.
We are below 1.3 children per women in Europe so yes, whore, society IS collapsing
We are below 1.3 children per women in Europe so yes, whore, society IS collapsing
We are below 1.3 children per women in Europe so yes, whore, society IS collapsing
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lol the blackpill is true but it doesn't matter. easy to say when you're a fesnail. and again why do they care what we think?
We are below 1.3 children per women in Europe so yes, whore, society IS collapsing
We should have a designated agent copy/paste this into every thread there.

Astonishing that all you have to do is prick their thin, pampered skin and holes start spraying their reeking animosity out unperfumed.
lol the blackpill is true but it doesn't matter. easy to say when you're a fesnail. and again why do they care what we think?
No point in arguing with them, they have pasta level IQ
We are below 1.3 children per women in Europe so yes, whore, society IS collapsing
She's arguing the black-pill against people who are already black-pilled.

"You fucking fucks think you aren't getting laid because you're ugly? Well, guess what you fucking losers -- you're wrong! Women won't fuck ugly guys, and THAT's why you're really not getting laid!"

It's perplexing. She must have just wanted to throw a tantrum.
Precisely. We already know that if you are below 5/10, it's over.

Also what the fuck is her argument? "You think A? -- You're wrong! It actually is A!"

They put words in your mouth and create arguments that you never said. Nice.

What a fascinating phenomenon this woman's post represents. The initial reaction, especially by any repulsive man who belongs to the tribe she's dismissing, is an immediate shock at her callousness. Yet, setting that aside, difficult though it may be, one finds something almost revolutionary in her attitude. Our species has an inborn impulse toward empathy, toward sympathy; we wouldn't have survived as long as we've had were it otherwise. Which means survivor's guilt is inevitable. When those who have are confronted by the misery of those who don't, the typical reaction is an attempt to pretend the victims of natural evils outside of their control are culpable through some fault of their own, that those who suffer deserve to due to their own wicked choices. The impoverished starve because, surrendering to the vice of sloth, they've chosen not to work. The incels are undesirable because they are willfully misogynistic or adamantly refuse to improve their lots.

The problem with such a position is that it's inherent dishonestly; it doesn't conform to reality as it actually is. It forces one constantly attempt to reconcile Heaven and Hell: a fundamentally impossible task. The two can only be stitched together by an endless skein of falsehoods and lying is an exhausting task. One must not only dissemble in front of others but also before himself. It's one of the reasons why those who attempt to indict incels are forever contradicting themselves, mired in hypocrisy.

Well, this admittedly nasty woman has grown weary of apologizing for her privilege and has at long last embraced the simple truth that the ugly are reviled and the beautiful are loved. As one who is lovable, she belongs to the elect while the repulsive belonged to the damned. And if the latter wants to take issue with it, they can lodge their complaints with God, Nature, or both.

The shift toward an attitude such as hers is inevitable. No one should feel guilty for being born beautiful, right? They had no more choice in the matter than the abominations had. Eventually, this is the perspective from which every discussion regarding incels will take place. The fortunate will grow weary of spouting the endless litany of platitudes they have always known were lies and finally, when addressing the unfortunate, will simply scream: "just deal with it".

Ah, but this will just be the first step in our curious little journey to Meggido. Once the blessed no longer feel a need to apologize that they sing in Paradise while others shriek down in Hell, they'll no longer feel guilty about finding the screams of the latter so obnoxious. Who cares if some demon howls in agony because it was born down in Hell? The sound of its misery is no more natural than an angel finding the cacophony irritating. So the desire to silence the cries of the ugly will no longer be anything to be ashamed of and, in time, will become something to be celebrated and fought for.

The mendacious dawn and dusk will inevitably be wiped away, returning us to stark Day and Night. This woman's words are a harbinger of our sad little apocalypse. Soon everyone who hates us will be speaking just as she does. Eventually, every conversation regarding the disparity between the loved and the unloved, the blessed and cursed, will be martial songs dedicated to the primordial war between Light and Darkness.
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What a fascinating phenomenon this woman's post represents. The initial reaction, especially by any repulsive man who belongs to the tribe she's dismissing, is an immediate shock at her callousness. Yet, setting that aside, difficult though it may be, one finds something almost revolutionary in her attitude. Our species has an inborn impulse toward empathy, toward sympathy; we wouldn't have survived as long as we've had were it otherwise. Which means survivor's guilt is inevitable. When those who have are confronted by the misery of those who don't, the typical reaction is an attempt to pretend the victims of natural evils outside of their control are culpable through some fault of their own, that those who suffer deserve to due to their own wicked choices. The impoverished starve because, surrendering to the vice of sloth, they've chosen not to work. The incels are undesirable because they are willfully misogynistic or adamantly refuse to improve their lots.

The problem with such a position is that it's inherent dishonestly; it doesn't conform to reality as it actually is. It forces one constantly attempt to reconcile Heaven and Hell: a fundamentally impossible task. The two can only be stitched together by an endless skein of falsehoods and lying is an exhausting task. One must not only dissemble in front of others but also before himself. It's one of the reasons why those who attempt to indict incels are forever contradicting themselves, mired in hypocrisy.

Well, this admittedly nasty woman has grown weary of apologizing for her privilege and has at long last embraced the simple truth that the ugly are reviled and the beautiful are loved. As one who is lovable, she belongs to the elect while the repulsive belonged to the damned. And if the latter wants to take issue with it, they can lodge their complaints with God, Nature, or both.

The shift toward an attitude such as hers is inevitable. No one should feel guilty for being born beautiful, right? They had no more choice in the matter than the abominations had. Eventually, this is the perspective from which every discussion regarding incels will take place. The fortunate will grow weary of spouting the endless litany of platitudes they have always known were lies and finally, when addressing the unfortunate, will simply scream: "just deal with it".

Ah, but this will just be the first step in our curious little journey to Meggido. Once the blessed no longer feel a need to apologize that they sing in Paradise while others shriek down in Hell, they'll no longer feel guilty about finding the screams of the latter so obnoxious. Who cares if some demon howls in agony because it was born down in Hell? The sound of its misery is no more natural than an angel finding the cacophony irritating. So the desire to silence the cries of the ugly will no longer be anything to be ashamed of and, in time, will become something to be celebrated and fought for.

The mendacious dawn and dusk will inevitably be wiped away, returning us to stark Day and Night. This woman's words are a harbinger of our sad little apocalypse. Soon everyone who hates us will be speaking just as she does. Eventually, every conversation regarding the disparity between the loved and the unloved, the blessed and cursed, will be martial songs dedicated to the primordial war between Light and Darkness.
High IQ posts are all over this thread :feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh:
She's arguing the black-pill against people who are already black-pilled.

"You fucking fucks think you aren't getting laid because you're ugly? Well, guess what you fucking losers -- you're wrong! Women won't fuck ugly guys, and THAT's why you're really not getting laid!"

It's perplexing. She must have just wanted to throw a tantrum.

She's the most blackpilled person on IncelTears. She agrees with everything we say and her only argument is that the blackpill is common sense so we should stop thinking it's a revelation or being upset by it.

I posted for a little while on IT with the goal of blackpilling them. Then I realized they already were blackpilled, and I lost the taste for it.

They're not misinformed on what's happening to us. They just find empathizing with us too dissonant with their other beliefs in things like feminism so they HAVE to shit on us to protect their other ideals. Whether we're right or wrong is irrelevant.

It's pretty fucked up really.
>"yeah you got it bad, sucks to be you sucker hyuck hyuck hyuck"

This morally justifies violent insurrection.
It's like the difference between hypocrisy ("Women are not superficial, tehehe, omigod check out this Chad!") versus cynicism ("We only fuck Chads and the rest of you can fucking die and be locked away for harassment.") So ... yeah, when it comes to modern womyn, you have to pick your poison, I guess: hypocrisy or cynicism. Great choice...

Edit: Davila once wrote that a lack of hypocrisy is the clearest sign of decadence. Which is an interesting point. All high cultures are "hypocritical" to a certain degree. Of course, people are never as brave and moral and whatever. But at least they try to. And at least they try to pretend.

What we no witness is fewer and fewer hypocrisy and more and more cynicism. Modern women are increasingly honest. They are increasingly open about only wanting Chad to abuse and rape them 50 Shades style, while having all the "creepy" low-status men locked away for "harassment" and "rape." In a feminist society, women don't even have to PRETEND that they are good people anymore.

We have entered the next step of the dystopia. The eternal foid doesn't even have to hide its true intentions anymore. We live in a gynocentric society and foids will be validated no matter what they do, they don't have to fear the consequences. Because everyone is there to protect them, to shield them from the consequences of their deeds.
Everyone is still willing to defend women. Numales are the scum of the earth, they are like us, but they haven't even liberated their own mind and choose to live in denial. They live in chains and they are still willing to defend their tormentors. Truly pathetic, I think there's no better word to describe them, only cuck could describe such a wretched and pathetic excuse for a human being. They fill me with shame and disgust.
The Normies live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant for them to voyage far. Even if the BlackPill jumps right in their face, they will dismiss it. They will defend women. The bless of ignorance. But keep in mind that the normies of today are the incels of tomorrow, because female sexuality has no boundaries and things (hypergamy) are about to get much worse.
Thanks to the sexual revolution women kept their privileges, while getting absolved from their duties and responsibilities. The sexual revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
This is one idiot bitch
This is one idiot bitch

The best thing is the fact that this pamphlet was written by a self-admitted landwhale.

Quote: "Won't fuck a landwhale because you won't get hard? Well we don't want to fuck ugly guys either."

Normally I would pause and let you come to your own conclusions about her statements. But: This shows how far we have come with hypergamy, even a landwhale (normally they describe themselves as either chubby or curvy, so when she refers to herself as a literal landwhale, she's probably morbidly obese) has standards. Just imagine that, there are men out there, that work out (looksmaxxing) and try to better themselves.
And then we have this morbidly-obese lardball. Women can get laid no matter how they look like or behave, there are (almost) no unattractive women and even then most people don't give a single fuck about the face, but only about the body attached to it. The only way a woman can become unfuckable is by becoming a landwhale (and there are still feeders/fat admirers on the lookout for that kind of girl, there's a niche on the sexual market for almost everything with a vagina attached to it, furthermore, I don't talk about women with curves or chubby girls, I talk about morbidly obese women). When women don't suffer from diseases (like hypothyreosis) they are naturally slim and trim, only if there's a huge lack of discipline a woman will become morbidly obese.
And women don't even want that tiny bit of responsibility, that's why they start campaigns against body shaming. They pervert the good cause (respect for people with deformities e.g.) and turn the movement into a twisted abomination. They want to fatten themselves and turn themselves into lardbeasts and they demand respect for it. Their entitlement is disgusting. We all know that fat acceptance movements are not for men, they are for women.
Just imagine that a fat harpy has the power to reject proposals. Just imagine that she can refuse offers. Just imagine that she can be picky. Just imagine that she can allow herself to have standards. We truly live in a dystopia.
The best thing is the fact that this pamphlet was written by a self-admitted landwhale.

Quote: "Won't fuck a landwhale because you won't get hard? Well we don't want to fuck ugly guys either."

Normally I would pause and let you come to your own conclusions about her statements. But: This shows how far we have come with hypergamy, even a landwhale (normally they describe themselves as either chubby or curvy, so when she refers to herself as a literal landwhale, she's probably morbidly obese) has standards. Just imagine that, there are men out there, that work out (looksmaxxing) and try to better themselves.
And then we have this morbidly-obese lardball. Women can get laid no matter how they look like or behave, there are (almost) no unattractive women and even then most people don't give a single fuck about the face, but only about the body attached to it. The only way a woman can become unfuckable is by becoming a landwhale (and there are still feeders/fat admirers on the lookout for that kind of girl, there's a niche on the sexual market for almost everything with a vagina attached to it, furthermore, I don't talk about women with curves or chubby girls, I talk about morbidly obese women). When women don't suffer from diseases (like hypothyreosis) they are naturally slim and trim, only if there's a huge lack of discipline a woman will become morbidly obese.
And women don't even want that tiny bit of responsibility, that's why they start campaigns against body shaming. They pervert the good cause (respect for people with deformities e.g.) and turn the movement into a twisted abomination. They want to fatten themselves and turn themselves into lardbeasts and they demand respect for it. Their entitlement is disgusting. We all know that fat acceptance movements are not for men, they are for women.
Just imagine that a fat harpy has the power to reject proposals. Just imagine that she can refuse offers. Just imagine that she can be picky. Just imagine that she can allow herself to have standards. We truly live in a dystopia.
Yeah, fat femoids suck ass. They can't even control the one thing they need to while guys are breaking their facial bones.
It's like the difference between hypocrisy ("Women are not superficial, tehehe, omigod check out this Chad!") versus cynicism ("We only fuck Chads and the rest of you can fucking die and be locked away for harassment.") So ... yeah, when it comes to modern womyn, you have to pick your poison, I guess: hypocrisy or cynicism. Great choice...

Edit: Davila once wrote that a lack of hypocrisy is the clearest sign of decadence. Which is an interesting point. All high cultures are "hypocritical" to a certain degree. Of course, people are never as brave and moral and whatever. But at least they try to. And at least they try to pretend.

What we no witness is fewer and fewer hypocrisy and more and more cynicism. Modern women are increasingly honest. They are increasingly open about only wanting Chad to abuse and rape them 50 Shades style, while having all the "creepy" low-status men locked away for "harassment" and "rape." In a feminist society, women don't even have to PRETEND that they are good people anymore.
Zizek iq
What a fascinating phenomenon this woman's post represents. The initial reaction, especially by any repulsive man who belongs to the tribe she's dismissing, is an immediate shock at her callousness. Yet, setting that aside, difficult though it may be, one finds something almost revolutionary in her attitude. Our species has an inborn impulse toward empathy, toward sympathy; we wouldn't have survived as long as we've had were it otherwise. Which means survivor's guilt is inevitable. When those who have are confronted by the misery of those who don't, the typical reaction is an attempt to pretend the victims of natural evils outside of their control are culpable through some fault of their own, that those who suffer deserve to due to their own wicked choices. The impoverished starve because, surrendering to the vice of sloth, they've chosen not to work. The incels are undesirable because they are willfully misogynistic or adamantly refuse to improve their lots.

The problem with such a position is that it's inherent dishonestly; it doesn't conform to reality as it actually is. It forces one constantly attempt to reconcile Heaven and Hell: a fundamentally impossible task. The two can only be stitched together by an endless skein of falsehoods and lying is an exhausting task. One must not only dissemble in front of others but also before himself. It's one of the reasons why those who attempt to indict incels are forever contradicting themselves, mired in hypocrisy.

Well, this admittedly nasty woman has grown weary of apologizing for her privilege and has at long last embraced the simple truth that the ugly are reviled and the beautiful are loved. As one who is lovable, she belongs to the elect while the repulsive belonged to the damned. And if the latter wants to take issue with it, they can lodge their complaints with God, Nature, or both.

The shift toward an attitude such as hers is inevitable. No one should feel guilty for being born beautiful, right? They had no more choice in the matter than the abominations had. Eventually, this is the perspective from which every discussion regarding incels will take place. The fortunate will grow weary of spouting the endless litany of platitudes they have always known were lies and finally, when addressing the unfortunate, will simply scream: "just deal with it".

Ah, but this will just be the first step in our curious little journey to Meggido. Once the blessed no longer feel a need to apologize that they sing in Paradise while others shriek down in Hell, they'll no longer feel guilty about finding the screams of the latter so obnoxious. Who cares if some demon howls in agony because it was born down in Hell? The sound of its misery is no more natural than an angel finding the cacophony irritating. So the desire to silence the cries of the ugly will no longer be anything to be ashamed of and, in time, will become something to be celebrated and fought for.

The mendacious dawn and dusk will inevitably be wiped away, returning us to stark Day and Night. This woman's words are a harbinger of our sad little apocalypse. Soon everyone who hates us will be speaking just as she does. Eventually, every conversation regarding the disparity between the loved and the unloved, the blessed and cursed, will be martial songs dedicated to the primordial war between Light and Darkness.
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She's the most blackpilled person on IncelTears. She agrees with everything we say and her only argument is that the blackpill is common sense so we should stop thinking it's a revelation or being upset by it.

I posted for a little while on IT with the goal of blackpilling them. Then I realized they already were blackpilled, and I lost the taste for it.

They're not misinformed on what's happening to us. They just find empathizing with us too dissonant with their other beliefs in things like feminism so they HAVE to shit on us to protect their other ideals. Whether we're right or wrong is irrelevant.

It's pretty fucked up really.
Wow, that's a good point.

I guess IT users favor the way things are now, and it irritates them that we, the ones who suffer, have the nerve to complain. Perhaps to IT users our outrage stings the most, because they realize that we are disenfranchised, and we will be coming for blood.

Maybe IT believes denigrating us will prevent further men from associating with our anger and beliefs.

Below: Women's ideal versions of Chad, cucks, and incels.

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Wait, what? She’s basically admitting that looks are what matters... so, uh, what is she arguing with us for? This makes no sense.

Oh, wait, it’s a foid.
Damn, you really triggered that cow, what'd you say? Lol.
She admits blackpill, now what? The only thing I can think is spread these to cucks so their bluepill illusion would be shattered
She's the most blackpilled person on IncelTears. She agrees with everything we say and her only argument is that the blackpill is common sense so we should stop thinking it's a revelation or being upset by it.

I posted for a little while on IT with the goal of blackpilling them. Then I realized they already were blackpilled, and I lost the taste for it.

They're not misinformed on what's happening to us. They just find empathizing with us too dissonant with their other beliefs in things like feminism so they HAVE to shit on us to protect their other ideals. Whether we're right or wrong is irrelevant.

It's pretty fucked up really.
Very good post. But she doesn't agree with exactly everything we say.
They just find empathizing with us too dissonant with their other beliefs in things like feminism so they HAVE to shit on us to protect their other ideals.
This is the hidden blackpill, EQUALITY MY ASS
It's ok. IT users are snobby and ugly cucks/near wall angry women who just want to bully somebody online, cause irl they just stare at the ground lol.
She's the most blackpilled person on IncelTears. She agrees with everything we say and her only argument is that the blackpill is common sense so we should stop thinking it's a revelation or being upset by it.

I posted for a little while on IT with the goal of blackpilling them. Then I realized they already were blackpilled, and I lost the taste for it.

They're not misinformed on what's happening to us. They just find empathizing with us too dissonant with their other beliefs in things like feminism so they HAVE to shit on us to protect their other ideals. Whether we're right or wrong is irrelevant.

It's pretty fucked up really.

i claim they simply are bullies and get a kick out of seeing other people suffer.
It's ok. IT users are snobby and ugly cucks/near wall angry women who just want to bully somebody online, cause irl they just stare at the ground lol.
i claim they simply are bullies and get a kick out of seeing other people suffer.
They are clearly the definition of a bully, when you get them to agree with your view, they'll use your argument to bully you more, why? because you're ugly
Bottom line that subreddit is just full of terrible people.
JFL at that dumb landwhale. She just admitted to the black pill.
How do people have the gut to post points and arguments on the internet that are not thoroughly thought of? She compares Chad's easy at getting sex with a genius' ability to do homework: only one of those yield real benefits in the world, and those benefits are tremendous. She then dismisses the fact that there are not enough births in the West (we're below the replacement rate) and counters that problem with "overpopulation" LMAO. What a dense fat fuck. I think fat women are really left-brain imbalanced: they try to be cold and logical to protect their egos.

She also ends her post with "I don't care if you don't get laid". Totally psychotic statement.
She also ends her post with "I don't care if you don't get laid". Totally psychotic statement.

Her last line alone is already such tremendous suifuel
Smartest cucktears user.

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