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Blackpill This generation of Incels is lost

  • Thread starter PM_ME_STRIPPERS
  • Start date


Nov 8, 2017
We are in the worst place at the worst time in terms of relationships and sex. 50/60 years ago, the dating market was completely different from now. Sex was only allowed in marriage, people who had it outside of wedlock were shamed and punished. But then the sexual revolution happened. In theory, this should have been a great idea: Casual sex and sex outside of marriage are now accepted. People can enjoy it without any restrictions. But this had one flaw: Women don’t want sex. Sex is a resource for them they use to get what they want. So the demand for sex went higher, since men wanted to enjoy this casual sex but the supply stayed the same. Women were not interested in it, thus creating a power imbalance on the dating market in favour of women. Just like in a relationship, where the partner who cares less about the relationship has the most power.

Now this back 20/30 years this was not this bad since there where still some restrictions like limited options. You had your town/city maybe the neighbourhood town but the number of potential partners was small. Then technology began to make progress, the internet came and with it new forms of dating. Suddenly you just didn’t have a handful of people to choose from but the whole internet. Again, theoretically this should have benefited men and women. More options mean more chances to find the one for you. But now the power imbalance hit with full force. Without limitations, women could demand best men thanks to the power they had on the dating market. Instead to settle and lower their standards like they were forced to do back then, they could be as demanding as they wanted to and still find someone.

Now we are in the strange situation that the standards for men are still rising while the standards for female are dropping. Men get told they should go to the gym, get a good career, be better looking, be richer. On the other side, women get told even the 400 lbs landwhale is beautiful and deserve a fit and tall men. Thanks to the position of power females hold in the market, the chances are good she finds one. This creates a spiral in which the standards for men rise and rise while many men struggle to keep up with it or are left behind. Men are forced to go lower and lower to find relationships and sex making it even easier for women to date up, creating incels in the progress since we don’t have the option to date down.

And this is what I mean when I say we are in the worst place in the worst time. The market is dictated by females, creating even higher standards since nobody challenges their position of power. Men are like hamsters in their wheels trying to run faster to keep up with it, fuelling the female privilege even more. A downward spiral that creates incels, or simply men who can’t keep up with the rising standards.

In conclusion, I encourage my fellow incels to stop the self-improvement. You are chasing standards that will get higher day by day, encouraging females to set the limits even higher since they can. Someone who comes here and says you have to improve means that you should bow to the standards female can set because they have the power in the market. Instead of following the demands of females, we should ask: What can we do shift the power in the market to men?
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I'm too tired for this shit
We should all collectively rope lol we are living in the worst time absolutely possible for incels
Good text. Good points.
If you do self-improvement, do it for yourself, ignore women not because you want to be rude, but because they dont care about you and you will just waste your time and energy.
The best we can do is speed up the downfall of western civilization. Then start over again, hopefully future generations will learn from the mistakes that we made.
Might be a shitty time but we are connected. We have online presence. Who knows what we can come up with. Some of us should spread blackpills on MRA and MGTOW boards. We need to join forces.

The first steps are made. I wonder what the next few decades will have in store for us.
I agree with this 100%, like 4-5 years ago I only liked hot fit white blonde girls, but then I couldn’t get any so I started finding all races of girls sexy (not blk) assuming they are sexy and fit. Then I couldn’t even get those, I started finding girls with flaws attractive and around 5/10 faces.

Now the thirst has been so bad I started to find thick girls sexy, Borderline fat.

This year it dropped so low that as long as she is not deformed, I’ll find her attractive.

For women it’s race to the top,because guys keep going to the gym and improving.

For men it’s race to the bottom because we are forced to settle for lower and lower and we get so thirsty that we start finding them attractive.

199 years from now girls will evolve into ogres while guys look like giga chad and we would still be competing for ogre pussy because our standards keep dropping.

Only hope is sex bots, so we can discard women and use them for babies while we fuck the bots for fun
I agree with this 100%, like 4-5 years ago I only liked hot fit white blonde girls, but then I couldn’t get any so I started finding all races of girls sexy (not blk) assuming they are sexy and fit. Then I couldn’t even get those, I started finding girls with flaws attractive and around 5/10 faces.

Now the thirst has been so bad I started to find thick girls sexy, Borderline fat.

This year it dropped so low that as long as she is not deformed, I’ll find her attractive.

For women it’s race to the top,because guys keep going to the gym and improving.

For men it’s race to the bottom because we are forced to settle for lower and lower and we get so thirsty that we start finding them attractive.

199 years from now girls will evolve into ogres while guys look like giga chad and we would still be competing for ogre pussy because our standards keep dropping.

Only hope is sex bots, so we can discard women and use them for babies while we fuck the bots for fun
its fucking overrrrrrrrrr
Yes, we should all just rope and make the world a better place
The only winning move is not to play. Too much time, effort, and money for such little return. Sex dolls, sexbots, legalized prostitution, and exploring more favorable regions of the world is the best we can hope for at this point.
I agree with this 100%, like 4-5 years ago I only liked hot fit white blonde girls, but then I couldn’t get any so I started finding all races of girls sexy (not blk) assuming they are sexy and fit. Then I couldn’t even get those, I started finding girls with flaws attractive and around 5/10 faces.

Now the thirst has been so bad I started to find thick girls sexy, Borderline fat.

This year it dropped so low that as long as she is not deformed, I’ll find her attractive.

For women it’s race to the top,because guys keep going to the gym and improving.

For men it’s race to the bottom because we are forced to settle for lower and lower and we get so thirsty that we start finding them attractive.

199 years from now girls will evolve into ogres while guys look like giga chad and we would still be competing for ogre pussy because our standards keep dropping.

Only hope is sex bots, so we can discard women and use them for babies while we fuck the bots for fun

this. i used to only be attracted to beckies and above, now my last oneitis was a 5/10 with dozens of orbiters. wtf even is life?!?
In the future cucks would travel 1000 light years away just to fuck a landwhale
In conclusion, I encourage my fellow incels to stop the self-improvement. You are chasing standards that will get higher day by day, encouraging females to set the limits even higher since they can. Someone who comes here and says you have to improve means that you should bow to the standards female can set because they have the power in the market. Instead of following the demands of females, we should ask: What can we do shift the power in the market to men?

Another great post, this is why I keep saying STOP LOOKSMAXXING AND START WEALTHMAXXING

As incels we are males you likely have the most expendable income, especially those of us that don't take part in the typical "normie vices" (smoking, drinking, etc). We don't have to spend money on alimony, marriage, dates, gifts, female celebration holidays (valentines, womens day, etc), we don't have to raise any children, pay for tuition, child support, etc.

If a few of us became successful business men we could pool resources and use it for funding projects that would benefit mens lives and throw a wrench into the female power structure. For example, a male contraceptive pill, if a low risk (possibly no side effect) contraceptive pill was introduced into the market over time it would empower men by a great deal.

Of course women will be shaming men not to use it which will make its usage have a "slow startup", but after the first few stories of guys using the pill secretly and having their women say "I'm pregnant" start to make their rounds around the internet men will start flocking to use the drug, and that's the end of women tricking men into fatherhood, one notch on our belt in the war against the gynocracy.
low iq post

here's why: it's going to get massively worse in the future
Read the whole thing. Agree with everything especially the point about technology improving and how that should have been beneficial.

I've come to the conclusion that we are in a downward spiral as a society. It is constantly pushed that male privilege exists when women utilize their looks on a daily basis to obtain favors or advance their careers etc. while having an almost unlimited range of partners (while remaining completely passive).

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