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Serious This forum contains 2 types of "incels"



Feb 6, 2018
After taking some time to really understand the people who post on this forum and their life, I realized that there are 2 types of people on here who call themselves "incels":

1) People who are mentally abnormal - These people are usually normies or above, people who would be considered to be average or above by the general population. Most of the time these people aren't chads because then even their lack of personality or the fact that they are not NT wouldn't matter, although there are exceptions like in everything.

There is a reason the vast majority of males that have the looks of these incels don't visit these forums, most of the time the origins of their problems don't stem form their looks, but from them being abnormal mentally.

2) people who are legit ugly - These people would live their lives normally if they had the looks of the typical "mentalcel", because the thing stopping them is solely their extreme ugliness. These "trucels" are so unattractive to the point where they realize that their fucked in life, and therefore there is no point to try.

These people really are the small minority of the population, they found this site only because of the fact that they are in the very bottom, and wouldn't care about inceldom and incels otherwise, just like the rest of the people on earth.

I know this may be a bit confusing, so here's a TLDR:

There are two types of "incels" imo:

The first are people who are usually average or above, yet believe they are ugly and will be virgins forever although the majority of men look like them and can get laid, therefore their problem is their abnormal mentality (there is a reason most people with average looks don't find these sites).

The second are people who are very unattractive / ugly. These people would usually be fine looking average because they got here due to being extremely ugly, something that the vast majority of humans aren't. These incels understand the sole reason for their inceldom, their very unusual and unattractive looks.

no, there is fakcecel, volcel, mentalcel, incel, truecel.
I think it's more complex than that tbh
mentalcels are incel.

It depends on the degree of your "autism", and there is no such thing as being an incel solely because you can't talk to women without shitting your pants, if your looks suffice ofc.
I think it's more complex than that tbh
People who aren't ugly and are normal mentally, don't consider themselves incels or find these sites.

You can see this everywhere, the vast majority of guys don't look like chadlites yet they don't consider themselves incels even if they can't get a girl easily, it's only people who are either not normal mental state wise or just plain ugly imo.
can confirm im mentally abnormal with an inhibition level higher than mount everest.
Not ugly at all, just autistic. I've been shunned by everyone all my life. I had might as well be a gargoyle.

I'd rather be ugly tbh.
I think some who is a framecel isn't technically "ugly" but women will never find them attractive.
Not ugly at all, just autistic. I've been shunned by everyone all my life. I had might as well be a gargoyle.

I'd rather be ugly tbh.

i'd trade my looks just to be low inhib and NT. i cannot even imagine what it's like to be outside without feeling self conscious, i can't imagine what it's like to be able to talk to people and not want to fucking throw up from anxiety, or even make eye contact with them.
fakecel = not incel, just isn’t trying or has higher standards than he should, also anyone over 6 feet tall
volcel = you can change your celdom, with some work (eg fat, badly dressed, never leaves moms basement)
mentalcel = point of debate (same say volcel, some say truecel), basically autists and psychos and so on
incel = too physically unattractive for femoids to want to have sex with, even after looksmaxxing, sub-8; may be normal in every other way and have friends, career etc
truecel = extremely hideous, beyond debate; sub-5; has never, ever had physical contact with femoid he isn’t related to, has never had femoid friends
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Not ugly at all, just autistic. I've been shunned by everyone all my life. I had might as well be a gargoyle.

I'd rather be ugly tbh.
I wouldn't be so quick to say that, I can never truly understand what it's like to be in your shoes but you can never understand what it's like to be in mine. Being legit ugly and repulsive even to yourself at all times is the worst feeling in the world, I wouldn't wish it on anyone (almost).
im more like a situationcel and locationcel tbh, also im a supreme mentalcel now, since the damage of being a locationcel/situaitoncel caused that lol
I'd trade my social skills to go from a 3/10 to a 5/10.
I think some who is a framecel isn't technically "ugly" but women will never find them attractive.

It's kind of a grey area for me, simply because of the fact it very much depends of the severity.

If you take a look at a guy who has a frame that is considered abnormal and not manly, it might not be a problem with a decent face.
If you look at someone with literal deformities in his body or things like muscular dystrophy, women wouldn't find him attractive, but you could argue that he is indeed "ugly" because of that trait.
I'm both mental and ugly.
Its more like this: The incels of the forum consists of
1.truecel- ugly af no hope
2. mentalcel- diagnosed mental disorder from birth/early childhood no hope
3. delusioncel- believe they fall into th eupper 2 categories but they dont
4. fakecel- LARPing as incel despite having sex. Either trolls or people who havent had sex in a while but they they know the pain of inceldom
im 1, not really disgustingly ugly, but dont look good enough to compenstate lack of NT

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