Most people are fucking sheep. They don't want to deal with anything negative, they want they little perfect lives that contains sleeping, eating, shitting and working. Working more and more every year so they can buy useless items and posts pictures from their travels that they didn't even enjoy in the first time. They want only to deal with their little problems, like I need more money because little Suzie has bad teeth that needs to be repaired or I can't go to sleep because I need that report to be made till tomorrow so my boss will not yell at me. They don't want to think about how we are just a little bit above animals, and Earth nor universe at large care about us at all. They don't want to think how shit is random as fuck, they can be run over by drunk driver tomorrow, and survive but have a spinal cord injury. Wife would divorce them after a while, he would lose his work that is his main point of live, and he has to put his fingers in his ass to take a shit. And maybe, just maybe then he will start to think.
But most of them still remain a sheep even in situation like that.