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Thinking of becoming a Christcuck ngl

jerrycan dan

jerrycan dan

autistic retard
Jul 22, 2018
Good cope? Some guy at the bus stop was walking around speaking to people, handing them flyers, he came to me and asked me what I knew about Christianity. I truthfully answered that I was basically an agnostic (didn't use this autistic term) and had read through basically genesis until my attention span got the better of me. I tried to semi subtly ask if they hated faggots and trannies by asking if they "went along with recent cultural trends", and the guy (probably worried I was a cuck) went on a very soft-sounding spiel about how God instead of people defines what is right and wrong. He mentioned Hitler next to Dahmer in discussing bad people which is very cringe, he also gave me a pamphlet which talks about racism being a problem akin to famine, but at least they hate fags. Whenever anyone talks to me about anything resembling religion I get a nice fuzzy tingling feeling in the back of my head, which is probably not God communicating with me because I get it when hearing about some new age garbage as well, but Jesus loving me and being ok with me being a fuckup is cool. Everyone who refuses to fess up to God being sent to the fryer is also very based . They're Baptists, but unlike in America not all Baptists are uncucked.

They hate fags and trannies.

The guy said he was an adulterer for gazing at women other than his wife lustfully - they might shame whores if they aren't cucked and assume women aren't whores because they don't say it or take repeated apologies to Jesus for Chad creampies seriously.

I feel good when I hear about God and existential dread not hanging over me constantly might make me more motivated.

Their pamphlet talks about the reduction of human beings to faggot pleasure consumer units being bad which is based.

Church probably won't give me a gf, if it does she will probably be a tattooed "reborn" Christian whore. On the flipside, if it does I don't mind nonwhites so long as we are united by a based religion and not totally deracinated, I am even okay with some fat islander churchgoer gf (churches here are full of islanders because most white people are atheist unless low IQ) if she doesn't cheat on me and isn't a degenerate though (many young islander chicks are) tbh, they have very nice supportive families and will give me tall kids, plus white poly mixes I've seen tend not to be as obese as polynesians so the kids likely don't inherit seafarer energy storage genes which is good in the 21st century.

Not as based as Islam, which bashes the heads of fags in with rocks on camera and livestreams it.

Turbocucked slave morality that leads to egalitarianism and wamen's rights once God dies and the cultural aftereffects of Christianity are left to fester.

They aren't racist (again, as long as they aren't pozzed I can live with it, the religion is universalist at its core) and cite the holocaust as an example of evils caused by man not basing his morality on God's word (jfl as if defending your country against a subversive fifth column is evil, although given propaganda on Hitler you can't blame them really).

Retarded sperging about evolution, claiming that the idea that humans evolved from microorganisms is bad because it somehow automatically makes them worthless accidents. Then again, the idea that man is a rising animal who makes his own destiny as opposed to a depraved fallen creature that God is merciful for forgiving the constant fuckups of is not very Christian.

On a retarded note, I have to stop cooming which is sad because it is one of my few copes and the things I coom to come in semi regular installments which I can get excited over

Should I do it? I kind of want to tear through as much of the bible as I can tomorrow and the day after, then rock up to church on Sunday. I have their address on the pamphlet.
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I'm also looking into it.
Religion would benefit me.
Are you going to join a based church?
We don't really join churches in Bulgaria.
Only Catholics do that and they're usually mentally ill.
We don't really join churches in Bulgaria.
Only Catholics do that and they're usually mentally ill.
Are Catholics in Bulgaria those Eastern ones that use Greek rite?
Wow man. I really didn't read a single word. What's the bottom line?
Why become a Christcuck when you can become an Islamicuck?
Why become a Christcuck when you can become an Islamicuck?
I hate drinking, pork is meh and hijabs make me erect. They also want to wipe cucks off the face of the Earth violently which is epic. I guess the pastor was nice to me tbh and maybe I will relate better to people more Western than Muslims (although Western is a synonym for degenerate so probably just coping). Maybe I should go Muslim at some point. Christcuckoldry has no balls so they won't blacklist me if I leave.

I would want to learn Arabic first too so I can understand their mud prayers and not have to read an English translated Quran that reads like a book for retarded 7 year olds.
I tried that. Church girls care about your bones too. Women will be women.
We don't really join churches in Bulgaria.
Only Catholics do that and they're usually mentally ill.

based i which the US was like Bulgaria cuz modern day churches are mostly BS
Jfl at thinking that religious women will be any different.
Look at females that are supposedly muslim, are they any different? Nope..So the Christian females will be even worse.
based i which the US was like Bulgaria cuz modern day churches are mostly BS
Aren't nigger churches usually quite based? Pastor David Manning makes me kek
It's probably the best cope available. Just don't expect much from the foids as most of them are whores who have realised the error of their whoredom and have come to settle down. They're no different than the others.
Aren't nigger churches usually quite based? Pastor David Manning makes me kek

can be but most churches nowadays in the west preach new ageism
See you in hell, buddy boyo
Sad shit, man.
Hopefully this one doesn't.

well u said they hate trannies and fags, watch out if they start preaching that overly love shit. like accepting everyone (gays and satanists)!and shit
If you're doing it for the foids, you're going to be brutally brought back to reality.
Women will be women.

Hopefully you relationship grows with God and despite the deplorable state the world is in, there will be something to turn too amongst all this adversity.
Religion is Cope.
I think everyone here should “Christmaxx” and become a crosscuck/Christcuck cultist.


That is after already practicing cult members join hands in prayer and fulfill the Matthew 18:19 verse and ask Jesus Christ to unfuck all of our lives and make every last one of us into a Chad.

If they pray that prayer and it works?


More members added to the cult and our lives will be demonstrably and factually better for it.

If they pray and it doesn’t work?

Well as they say: “Nothing fails like prayer”.

So yeah if it doesn’t work which is highly probable that it won’t, I think we should come to accept reality that the cross cuck cult is false and find something better to do with our time.
Agnostic is not an autistic word, jfl at these fucking dribbling retards that think words in and of themselves are cucked or soy and yet these people think they're different from SJWs. You're just triggered like any other ledditor
I mean I didn't use it in irl cause he would think I was some pretentious youtube atheist fag and hate me
Obviously nothing is wrong with words
Religion is Cope.
u fuckin retards call literally anything an incel does cope. do you not get bored?
tbh you can join the church. but can't expect too much. well in some cases people go to church and meet rich guy who ends up hiring em which could help.

outside of that, the prayers are ok. for me I have gone before but it was too many Bible verses repeated which I don't care for. I care for philosophy far more. and most churches sadly don't focus enough on it.
Church is good if you’re into old Grannies
You realize that Jesus famously rescued a literal adulteress from being stoned to death, right? The old world counterpart to the modern tattooed born again whore. You're right to be skeptical of the authenticity of any change of heart from a modern female, but the other Christians would probably bash you for it, and they'd have scripture to back them up.
Didn’t read , But good luck man , Whatever helps you cope
u fuckin retards call literally anything an incel does cope. do you not get bored?
tbh you can join the church. but can't expect too much. well in some cases people go to church and meet rich guy who ends up hiring em which could help.

outside of that, the prayers are ok. for me I have gone before but it was too many Bible verses repeated which I don't care for. I care for philosophy far more. and most churches sadly don't focus enough on it.
Yeah I had that experience. the pastor would say deep things every Sunday and when you quiz him in the interlude he put back on his Chad profile and just wanted to talk about his promotion or latest gadget.
Yeah I had that experience. the pastor would say deep things every Sunday and when you quiz him in the interlude he put back on his Chad profile and just wanted to talk about his promotion or latest gadget.
yeah many of the pastor's seemed narcissistic or too forgiving towards society. I swapped to Zen/theravada Buddhist teachings as a result. originally was islamcel but Islam had the problem of being boring, and too strict 5 times prayer along with the fact that you can't be a based imam in USA without having FBI send you to Guantanamo bay.
You realize that Jesus famously rescued a literal adulteress from being stoned to death, right? The old world counterpart to the modern tattooed born again whore. You're right to be skeptical of the authenticity of any change of heart from a modern female, but the other Christians would probably bash you for it, and they'd have scripture to back them up.
yeah...that part wasn't actually in the earliest copies of the bible that we have and were only found much later.Given the date,the chance of it being fake is 99.9%.Supposedly jesus did rescue a female but no ones knows exactly how it occurred.Eitherway christianity is all about redemption and not just about *forgiveness*.if Jesus was all about forgiveness and allowing everything to happen he wouldn't even act out against someone.
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I hate drinking, pork is meh and hijabs make me erect. They also want to wipe cucks off the face of the Earth violently which is epic. I guess the pastor was nice to me tbh and maybe I will relate better to people more Western than Muslims (although Western is a synonym for degenerate so probably just coping). Maybe I should go Muslim at some point. Christcuckoldry has no balls so they won't blacklist me if I leave.

I would want to learn Arabic first too so I can understand their mud prayers and not have to read an English translated Quran that reads like a book for retarded 7 year olds.

Ohhh great Islamic shills keep crying for the superior faith while you follow a 7th century goat fucker in the east
i have a bible and read it but too autistic to go to church as it involves meeting new people

and Christianity has little to do with what made the west great. the ancient greeks, romans and the germans post-enlightenment did more for us than any guy wearing a cross.
i have a bible and read it but too autistic to go to church as it involves meeting new people

and Christianity has little to do with what made the west great. the ancient greeks, romans and the germans post-enlightenment did more for us than any guy wearing a cross.
yes i am sure everyone has heard of kant and of epictetus and think about metaphysics 24/7
yeah...that part wasn't actually in the earliest copies of the bible that we have and were only found much later.Given the date,the chance of it being fake is 99.9%.Supposedly jesus did rescue a female but no ones knows exactly how it occurred.Eitherway christianity is all about redemption and not just about *forgiveness*.if Jesus was all about forgiveness and allowing everything to happen he wouldn't even act out against someone.
I realize it's about redemption, but most christcucks don't want to accept that because they don't want to put in the work to be good Christians, they want to live out their sinful decadent lives thinking they'll never have to suffer the consequences as long as they look at the sky and say "I'm so sowwy Jesus pwease fowgive me" every Sunday, and they'll deliberately cherrypick scripture to do it.
Religion is a really shitty cope. Youre better off playing video games.
Ohhh great Islamic shills keep crying for the superior faith while you follow a 7th century goat fucker in the east
Jesus is son of a Chad who fucked "virgin" mary
You realize that Jesus famously rescued a literal adulteress from being stoned to death, right? The old world counterpart to the modern tattooed born again whore. You're right to be skeptical of the authenticity of any change of heart from a modern female, but the other Christians would probably bash you for it, and they'd have scripture to back them up.
I remember he hung out with prostitutes but I'm not aware of that cause either low IQ or new age parents and secular education tbh, I can't tell which. At the end of the day I know about as much about cuckstianity as I do Islam, which is to say not much.
Finding out how cucked it is will be a learning experience tbh, it is an interesting cultural artifact that was kept from me.
Jesus is son of a Chad who fucked "virgin" mary
Yeah virgin birth is also fucking dumb tbh
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Christianity is a waste of time, I'm part of an especially loony sect. I hate religious ethnics.
I remember he hung out with prostitutes but I'm not aware of that cause either low IQ or new age parents and secular education tbh, I can't tell which. At the end of the day I know about as much about cuckstianity as I do Islam, which is to say not much.
Finding out how cucked it is will be a learning experience tbh, it is an interesting cultural artifact that was kept from me.

Yeah virgin birth is also fucking dumb tbh

Here you go jerrycan dan.

This link leads to David Lane's excellent article titled: "What to think Vs. How to think".

This link leads to the great "Communism and Christianity: Jewish Twins" article.

This link leads to the informative Marcus Eli Ravage article in PDF form titled: "A real case against the Jews" where the Jew Ravage gleefully explains perhaps all that they have done to us of a horrible nature these past 2,000 years.
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It's a good cope like many others. I just never believed in god so i can't go full religious cuck tbh
I remember he hung out with prostitutes but I'm not aware of that cause either low IQ or new age parents and secular education tbh, I can't tell which. At the end of the day I know about as much about cuckstianity as I do Islam, which is to say not much.
It's where Christ said "let he who is without sin cast the first stone". Not exactly esoteric, though you're not low IQ for not recognizing it, Christianity is pretty much dead in the west.
Imagine playing a game of tennis with Jesus

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