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Blackpill They're now discussing global cyber attacks worldwide.



Feb 11, 2021
At some point they're just going to shut down the entire internet in the U.S. and around the world whether it is for World War III, global economic collapse, or the next manufactured crisis they plan on unleashing everywhere. So, in well advance I just want to say it has been a honor to have shitpost with everybody here who are my brocels. We never know when the end will finally arrive. :feelsjuice:

90% of the modern internet is a shithole

I assume they'd go after the based departments, while the normie shitholes would remain, the instagrams and toktoks of the world

The internet has become too problematic for world governments everywhere in terms of the free flow of communications or information especially for the U.S. government with its aspirations for control of the entire globe. It really isn't surprising at all that eventually they'll just shut down the entirety of the whole internet to solve their problem regarding all that. Also, in the advent of World War III shutting down the entire internet will be a convenient way making it impossible of finding out who fired or attacked first in any kind of military exchange. :feelsthink:
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90% of the modern internet is a shithole

I assume they'd go after the based departments, while the normie shitholes would remain, the instagrams and toktoks of the world
No, they'll shut everything down as a form of communications or information contagion. :feelsjuice:
Also, if the vaxxies keep dying left or right everywhere overtime you would probably want to conceal all of that by shutting down the global internet as well. Make no mistake about it boyos, we are dealing with a completely out of control ruthless global elite power structure, if you think to yourselves they would never do something like that, think again. :feelsjuice:
didnt the fed got hacked like 10 days ago
Chaos will erupt in every urbanized human settlements when wireless communications are heavily restricted or cut off. If it happens, the elites can just send out a nationwide broadcast on every state news channel and claim it was the actions of cyber-insurgents
Imagine 5-10 years from now, when almost every major western city already becomes to look like something straight out of watchdogs or some semi-dystopian novel.
Peoples Sheer Ignorance will be their downfall .

We are 2023 already ww1 was 1919 and 2 was 1934

The 3. One could Happen anytime now
Imagine 5-10 years from now, when almost every major western city already becomes to look like something straight out of watchdogs or some semi-dystopian novel.

Won't just be the urban areas. Rural America is becoming a meth and fentanyl plagued shithole, by design.

There is a vicious cycle in the rural areas also: young people turn to dope out of despair; then olds get more religious and vote for conservatives. Conservatives come in and shit on the working class, and the "labor" party moves to the right on economics, ever to the right, substituting identity politics for class politics. These identity politics mobilize the urban minority lumpen against the rural olds, who then repeat the cycle. The liberals champion open borders, and poor immigrants flood through to act as a scapegoat (and yes absolutely to bring drugs etc. with them, because that is what the poor have), which angers nationalists and tilts everything to the right. It's a vicious downward spiral being deliberately orchestrated not only in America, but in Britain as well.

This is an objective statement of fact. The point is to annihilate the working class and replace it with AI-controlled machines, so that the bourgeoisie can rule the planet unimpeded (it isn't MUH JEWS, though depending on the cultural context they might put a Jew like Klaus Schwab up front to distract anti-Semitic types. It's just the capitalist class of all races. They also aren't motivated by Satanism or pedophilia or whatever subset you may think they are; this shit is used to control the lower rungs on the ladder like Hollywood celebrities, but isn't the chief motivation - just power. "Imagine a boot stomping on a human face, forever".).

It's 100% a product of capitalism and will end in a final confrontation of the world's working class and the rich capitalist strata under the threat of nuclear war. This will probably occur in the next two centuries.

Want proof? This is the power of materialist prophecy. Note the bold.

This “alienation” (to use a term which will be comprehensible to the philosophers) can, of course, only be abolished given two practical premises. For it to become an “intolerable” power, i.e. a power against which men make a revolution, it must necessarily have rendered the great mass of humanity “propertyless,” and produced, at the same time, the contradiction of an existing world of wealth and culture, both of which conditions presuppose a great increase in productive power, a high degree of its development. And, on the other hand, this development of productive forces (which itself implies the actual empirical existence of men in their world-historical, instead of local, being) is an absolutely necessary practical premise because without it want is merely made general, and with destitution the struggle for necessities and all the old filthy business would necessarily be reproduced; and furthermore, because only with this universal development of productive forces is a universal intercourse between men established, which produces in all nations simultaneously the phenomenon of the “propertyless” mass (universal competition), makes each nation dependent on the revolutions of the others, and finally has put world-historical, empirically universal individuals in place of local ones. Without this, (1) communism could only exist as a local event; (2) the forces of intercourse themselves could not have developed as universal, hence intolerable powers: they would have remained home-bred conditions surrounded by superstition; and (3) each extension of intercourse would abolish local communism. Empirically, communism is only possible as the act of the dominant peoples “all at once” and simultaneously, which presupposes the universal development of productive forces and the world intercourse bound up with communism. Moreover, the mass of propertyless workers – the utterly precarious position of labour – power on a mass scale cut off from capital or from even a limited satisfaction and, therefore, no longer merely temporarily deprived of work itself as a secure source of life – presupposes the world market through competition. The proletariat can thus only exist world-historically, just as communism, its activity, can only have a “world-historical” existence. World-historical existence of individuals means existence of individuals which is directly linked up with world history.

R 2

For it to become an “intolerable” power, i.e. a power against which men make a revolution, it must necessarily have rendered the great mass of humanity “propertyless,”
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Btw, given the level of technology now, I wouldn't be surprised at all if this process takes a deliberate religious tone. Can you imagine them orchestrating it to appear like the Biblical Apocalypse?
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