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Soy They are like a cult!



Cucks are ugly people in denial.
Oct 7, 2018
You can see this sentence typed over many IT threads.

They are like a cult! they do not accept discussion from anyone outside their circle! They do this, they do that, blah blah blah.

You wanna know why we act as a cult?

  • We are ugly MALES/not attractive MALES. We are not delusional. Any MALE (emphasis on MALE for the third time, i'll explain later) that is ugly and does not understand he's doomed to be lonely or, at best, become "hubby" in his 30's with a wive that "loves him" but secretly unsatisfied by the relationship is just delusional. Not only there hundreds of studies (which you seem to think they are ALL false, cherrypicked etc etc, i can bet you do not pose this dose of doubt in anything else in your life), but it's just common sense. If i see an ugly male that denies all of this my only thought is he's either virgin but low sexual (so he doesn't suffer a lot by the fact he's not attractive and he's fine being the "friend") or he's a middle aged married man and he thinks he "won". This kind of people can suffer anything and still remain bluepilled to the core. I've got a friend like this, 30's, virgin, but he thinks his miserable life is not due to his looks. He avoids any kind of confrontation and he shuts in his house, but he could be a part of inceltears i bet. Ugly men in denial, your opinion is worthless, you are just in denial. We could say anything and you would found a way to redirect the topic if it's undefeatable.
  • Every time you choose to answer to some of our posts you do not get to the point. When we talk, for example, about Jeremy Meeks, you are like "duuuh they think it's weird that we found him attractive despite his felony but i'll never stay with someone like him" blah blah. We know! We know there are low value women (which are most likely the kind of ones in IT) that would be scared to stay near a "dangerous hot male" while secretly wanting to get fucked by him, but they are scared so they prefer to stay with lowlife cucks that makes them feel safe, this doesn't negate the fact that a fucking criminal will make million of dollars just due to his looks, while a similar person but ugly would be probably dead or in prison for life, or homeless. We point the moon and you discuss about the finger, so you are in denial and, also, clueless.
  • FEMALES. There are a lot of females in IT., so when, for example, we say something like "Sex is 1000 times more effective than therapy and antidepressants in curing mental illness and all non-physical diseases" we are right, FOR MEN. For the love of fuck, we know that you foids are depressed when you are pumped and dumped by many chads, we are talking about MEN! And if your boyfriend needs antidepressants despite you having sex with him he's probably some low smv guy that you chose to get safe after your years getting banged by chad, or you are ugly yourself so he's the best you can get. IT: a man that has a lot of casual sex has A LOT LESS chances to get depressed, it's PROVEN. It's normal for a female to be depressed for anything, especially for having a lot of casual sex. Foids are not meant to do that, hypergamy is hurting you too even if you don't know it because you getting fucked by chad thundercock. For us, it's an entirely different story, if we could have the casual sex a foid has, we would be WAY happier. Tl;dr: females, STOP answering our threads, your opinion about sex and mood is worthless, we are not biologically the same, casual sex benefits us, hurts you in the long time.
  • Last point, i guess there are FEW good looking men (i guess almost none) and a lot of low tier normies. So what, you get sex? Bravo! Didn't ever come up to your mind that it's due to your looks (for the few good looking men) and for the fact you are someone that a random female settled with (low tier normies)?

That's why we act like a cult, because all you do is deny and give mischevious answers, you do not accept the fact that being an ugly male is a life sentence because you are either in denial or you are not an ugly male. Get over it, stop trying to harass us (you can't, you are weak people) and go somewhere else, before i find one of you and i rip that stupid beard off your fat face.

p.s: in this context, trannies = females, so all about females applies to trannies, even if they are just mutilated men.
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They are like a cult! they do not accept discussion from anyone outside their circle!
The Irony; I was banned from IncelTears when I started posting scientific studies to back the blackpill.

Didn't attack anyone, but because I was using actual sources and not platitudes; they removed me.

Ban reason: Harrassment :feelskek:
An ugly man who is seen to have above average intelligence or even some common sense is seen as taboo through the eyes of the normie and always has been throughout history, they want us to be as cucked and NPC as them or be purged altogether
I wish we were a cult, that would be based as fuck. We would need to find something cool to worship though.
"Sex is 1000 times more effective than therapy and antidepressants in curing mental illness and all non-physical diseases"

Jesus have truer words ever been expressed? I would do unbelievable harm to Smegma in minecraft he has caused me so much harm in game that I would keep his player alive for months while I systematically destroy its body, its not hard to keep things alive in game but medical science is shit at making you come back to normal, keeping it alive really isnt a problem I hope to find him in game some day.

I'd join a cult PLEASE I have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
pls dont get banned again
jokercel army needs numbers
Yeah, I just have to hold back on the edgy "bait" threads and I'll be good. The jokercels will endure and multiply (not IRL, we won't multiply IRL, ofc).
I wish we were a cult, that would be based as fuck. We would need to find something cool to worship though.

Don't we already have a certain Saint to worhsip?
Cults are pretty badass. Always hated by normies for believing something that isn't mainstream at the time. The fact that they call us a cult is another example society's stigma. If you have beliefs that are not considered "normal" to the normies and deep conviction for these beliefs, "you're in a cult and you're being exploited and brainwashed". If you're more vocal and low inhib than the other "cult members", "you sound like a cult leader".

I'm putting in a recommendation to elect @Grotesque as our cult leader.
Lookism is real. There's many studies done proving it. Why is it so hard to accept ugly people are treated worse and good looking people treated better..? Life isn't all sunshine and rainbows cucks, we live in a very unfair world us incels are just trying to shine light.
(of course men get the worst of it. no one cares about ugly men at all just look how we're treated)

Why can't lookism atleast be acknowledged? other than flat out denied, so maybe then we can learn a little and treat others better...
Wtf is wrong with you cucks? this whole issue is about basic human decency for fucks sake.

Just had a random article appear on my feed about lookism furthering my point actually. It was about lookism and it's relation to work.
You see cucks, the issue we're trying to expose doesn't just effect relationships (which we don't get to have)
but everything in our fucking lives too! There's a reason lots of us are mad... a good fucking reason, we're being treated unfairly in every way possible by you IGNORant fucks because you're unaware and refuse to became aware of the way your subconscious primal minds work.
Not to mention the heavy social engineering also taking place... further compounding this problem. We suffer because of your IGNORance.

Fuck you cucks for trying to tell us our life experience are not true, when we have first hand experiences; and study after study backing our experiences up.
From (Harvard business review)
one of the most prominent biases is hardly ever discussed or acknowledged, namely the beauty bias — also known as “lookism.” Indeed, the existence of a beauty premium in the labor market is well-documented. As a comprehensive academic review summarized: “Physically attractive individuals are more likely to be interviewed for jobs and hired, they are more likely to advance rapidly in their careers through frequent promotions, and they earn higher wages than unattractive individuals.” Common manifestations of appearance-based discrimination may include bias against obese, oddly-dressed, or tattooed candidates, or any people who don’t fit a society’s dominant aesthetic criteria. broadly speaking, the beauty bias concerns the favorable treatment that individuals receive when they are deemed more attractive, regardless of whether this happens consciously or unconsciously — and of course few individuals, let alone employers, actually admit to preferring to work with others on the basis of their higher levels of attractiveness.


I'm sorry bluepilled faggot cucks but we refuse to be whipped mules working as slaves as we're treated like trash with no family and no future
We aint going anywhere expect things to get worse. In the past we didn't know, now we know, and more and more men are learning everyday.
Fuck taxes, fuck this society.
The Irony; I was banned from IncelTears when I started posting scientific studies to back the blackpill.

Didn't attack anyone, but because I was using actual sources and not platitudes; they removed me.

Ban reason: Harrassment :feelskek:
Truly poetic
No one there actually belives the shit they spew.They just do it to look down on us.
There's more truecels at It than here tbh
Also "Take a look at this inkwell,he posted a picture of handsome man he must be a gay"
Also "Take a look at this inkwell,he posted a picture of handsome man he must be a gay"
I always find it funny when these same people get butthurt over any of us using gay as an insult.
Not one word but seems like a solid post
p.s: in this context, trannies = females, so all about females applies to trannies, even if they are just mutilated men.
So are they women or not?
So are they women or not?

In this context yes, they are like women so their opinion is worthless. A tranny is just a woman, mentally.

Oh, smegma posted this on IT. I won't even bother to see how they strawman this one.
Cult I would have thought they think of us as some kind of isis affiliated terrorist organisation
Didn't read , But fuck IT
It's amazing how they answered in the exact way i've described. They are really a bunch of low iq people.
This is the kind of posts cucktears will never post
I remember a tweet made by some boomer journalist that said "she was killed by a member of Incel" :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul:
This is the kind of posts cucktears will never post

They just did, i've said it before and they did as their usual:

normies are the real cult. They are the ones excluding ugly males and bullying us. Now they complain because the adorable foids truth is in public knowledge and the women cult is falling down:feelsgah:
We point the moon and you discuss about the finger, so you are in denial and, also, clueless.
This is exactly what's happening in the cucktears thread about your post. Nostradamus IQ.
Society is a cult.
Based and backed by science. These pukes only love science when it confirms their narrative.
A cult though? fuck
Tbh I wish we were. Cults are cool.
Thankyou very much for this excellent read
Great post. I hate incels in denial

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