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JFL These are the unreasonable standards men have for women (according to femcels)

autism kills

autism kills

*excited lil hands*
Jun 18, 2018

You're a BULLY if you don't want landwhales and cumdumpsters looking for a cleanup man.
whales: can lose weight

post-wall: they had their time riding the carousel, JFL at betabuxxing for that

single moms: they had their time riding the carousel, JFL at betabuxxing for that

butterface: Chad only

Stacey: Gigachad only
Jfl. They don't understand. They wouldn't understand Inceldom and the whole concept of being based if it died in their beds.
whales: can lose weight

post-wall: they had their time riding the carousel, JFL at betabuxxing for that

single moms: they had their time riding the carousel, JFL at betabuxxing for that

butterface: Chad only

Stacey: Gigachad only

This. Also, post-wall and single moms only want Chad while they endlessly complain about where are the good men.
Fuck femcels. Every "femcel" is a foid that cant even imagine herself dating one of us, their looksmatches.
Yet for some magical reason all those foids could get 100x more matches on any dating site than me
So who are they rejecting?
If it was the other way around
Perfect abs and millionaire: only 6’3 and not 6’5
Because there's no 20 ish women between ugly or landwhale and supermodel


Women can't meme
whales: can lose weight

post-wall: they had their time riding the carousel, JFL at betabuxxing for that

single moms: they had their time riding the carousel, JFL at betabuxxing for that

butterface: Chad only

Stacey: Gigachad only
x24 my nigga.
whales: can lose weight

post-wall: they had their time riding the carousel, JFL at betabuxxing for that

single moms: they had their time riding the carousel, JFL at betabuxxing for that

butterface: Chad only

Stacey: Gigachad only

also, this isnt even a matter of looks anymore. family court, cuckholdry, false accusations, no male authority in the house is doing more to push men away from marriage than any of the things on this list
Every "femcel" is a foid that cant even imagine herself dating one of us, their looksmatches.
They also banned incel that wanted to date them. Jfl meme gender.
Lonely man vs lonely woman im so lonely man vs 40619363
No High standards at all
those are all completely reasonable standards. not wanting to date a fat woman, single mom or a woman who's 10 years older than you are all pretty par for the course. the thing is those women can still get matches on Tinder, just not with Chad. femcels just look for any excuse to be cynical
They also banned incel that wanted to date them. Jfl meme gender.
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Literally. They are fucking pathetic. Imagine if we needed to ban thousands of foids from the forum because they want to fuck us and marry us. If a femcel had to live 5 minutes of our lifes they would kill themselves by biting off their own tongue and drowing in their own blood.
Femcels are bottom-of-the-barrel women who dont want to date their looksmatch (many time its fellow incels). They want to benefit from hypergamy like other women around them
They also banned incel that wanted to date them. Jfl meme gender.
View attachment 239815
femcels arent real and are a joke
Femcels are bottom-of-the-barrel women who dont want to date their looksmatch (many time its fellow incels). They want to benefit from hypergamy like other women around them
yep. they can ealiy find a man that is her looksmatch, which is what we did for eons, but now, its chad only
Not a single one of those would even say hi to me. The 10/10 Stacy only mentality is just foid projection since that's how they operate with chad. Most would be fine with their looksmax. And of course the "whale" is just average by today's standards. Not even close to what we would call a whale.
whales: can lose weight

post-wall: they had their time riding the carousel, JFL at betabuxxing for that

single moms: they had their time riding the carousel, JFL at betabuxxing for that

butterface: Chad only

Stacey: Gigachad only
We are but most of us are 3-4s.

FWIW I think if you reject "butterfaces" you probably shouldn't be here.

So it IS an unreasonable standard to reject a butterface?
So it IS an unreasonable standard to reject a butterface?
In my book because we are facially ugly in some regard as well.

Maybe not for better-looking men, but we aren't them.
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In my book because of us are facially ugly in some regard as well.

This seems to be one of those many things the forum is at war over.

I think this thread was meant to say "Femcels think it's unreasonable for us to not wanna be with this women! It's totally reasonable for us to not want to be with these women!" While others on this forum are mistakenly taking it as "Femcels think we would reject these women! We're not shallow like they are!"
Literally. They are fucking pathetic. Imagine if we needed to ban thousands of foids from the forum because they want to fuck us and marry us. If a femcel had to live 5 minutes of our lifes they would kill themselves by biting off their own tongue and drowing in their own blood.
They also complain when we want a prime teen virgin stacy, but when they want chad only, it's all fine because, "StRoNg IdEpEnDeNt WaHmIn KnOw WhAt ShE WaNt"
This seems to be one of those many things the forum is at war over.

I think this thread was meant to say "Femcels think it's unreasonable for us to not wanna be with this women! It's totally reasonable for us to not want to be with these women!" While others on this forum are mistakenly taking it as "Femcels think we would reject these women! We're not shallow like they are!"
Well if you look at the replies in this thread most are talking about the other 3 panels.
So it IS an unreasonable standard to reject a butterface?
Yes, this is the exception, but we don't even have the option to do that. I was mainly focusing on the first 3 panels of women.
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whales: can lose weight

post-wall: they had their time riding the carousel, JFL at betabuxxing for that

single moms: they had their time riding the carousel, JFL at betabuxxing for that

butterface: Chad only

Stacey: Gigachad only

Based as fuck.
Well if you look at the replies in this thread most are talking about the other 3 panels.

Those panels included. Is our argument that we aren't as shallow as people make us out to be? Or is our argument that we should be allowed to be shallow? If it's the latter, do we allow everyone else to be that shallow too?
I no joke would prefer butterface over stacy. But that's my kink
The first one isn't too bad honestly. I think they suck at making a landwhale as I'm fine if she's a tiny bit husky but not like she's auditioning to being tweedle dee and tweedle dum. The problem with the first one is short hair. I don't think that's a high standard. Don't make her hair short to look like a male as I don't want to kiss something that looks male.
And you can't give the excuse "I have boobs" because manboobs are a thing.

I would be fine with a 31 year old, but only because I'm in that age group now. The problem I see with this image is her nose. Why does she look like the guy that played Napoleon Dynamite in drag? I already said no to short hair because I don't want to try and make out and have sex with something that looks masculine. And if not a bit of Napoleon Dynamite, she looks a bit like Carrot Top as well.
No thank you. She's more fitted as the butterface.

The 3rd one makes perfect sense. Maybe you should've known better not to spread your legs for someone that wouldn't keep you? I would not want a stepparent growing up as I would not respect them as they're not my real parent. Same with a stepchild. I would not want them or treat them as my child because they are not my child. They are NOT my child.
This is not a high standard and a common sense. Don't give birth to a guy that won't stick around. The only way I can see it makes sense if the guy died, but even then, I'm not raising another man's child.

The 4th one is ugly with the nose like the 31 year old. But you know the problem here? That girl would not be a femcel because she still would want chad and some guy will fuck her. There is a 0% chance that butterface is a virgin because some guy will want to fuck her. It just would not be me.

The last one is fine, but I would not make her a 10/10. There is no one out there that is 10/10. No male and no female.
Also, the one with the son is way more attractive than the one she drew as a 10/10. I think it's because I'm not a fan of caked up blonde girls as I don't find them attractive, while the one with a son looks like she has little make up and more natural looking. Hair in a bun means she has long hair and actually kind of cute. The problem obviously is she has a son. If she didn't, I would say she was the perfect one out of all of them in the art.
Those panels included. Is our argument that we aren't as shallow as people make us out to be? Or is our argument that we should be allowed to be shallow? If it's the latter, do we allow everyone else to be that shallow too?
I've never heard anyone else say or imply that women should date fat men, old men or single dads (assuming that they themselves don't fall into any of those categories).

So they're already allowed to be that shallow if that's the word you want to use for it.

I personally wouldn't reject any if approached, but as a 22-year the elder women and single moms wouldn't be in my long-term plans and would be nothing more than flings.
Are femcels feminist? If they are not why don't we just f* them?
Are femcels feminist? If they are not why don't we just f* them?
They're "pinkpilled feminists" and they're stingy with the pussy unless you're a fakecel chadlite.

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