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There's too much jew hate on here



"I should be living underground, I'm so subhuman."
May 29, 2024
People here say things like:




"Jew nose,"

"Kike nose,"

"Jew nigger,"

"Jude dyke,"

"The jews,"

Look at this face, this beautiful punim and tell me you don't love these people.
JTB Headshots21
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There’s not enough actually
There’s not enough actually
Any jewish hate is too much. Guys on here are posting things like:

"Kill jews. Behead jews. Roundhouse kick a jew into the concrete. Slam dunk a jew baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy kikes. Defecate in a jew's food. Launch jews into the sun. Stir fry jews in a wok. Toss jews into active volcanoes. Urinate into a jew's gas tank. Judo throw jews into a wood chipper. Twist jews heads off. Report jews to the IRS. Karate chop jews in half. Curb stomp pregnant jews."

It has to end. #stopjewishhate
Would (assuming she's legal)
People here say things like:




"Jew nose,"

"Kike nose,"

"Jew nigger,"

"Jude dyke,"

"The jews,"

Look at this face, this beautiful punim and tell me you don't love these people.
View attachment 1203454
dont bother with kikes, they hate you to a genocidal level. @DarkStar
dont bother with kikes, they hate you to a genocidal level. @DarkStar
Jews tend to be accepting of others, they were heavily involved in the civil rights movement.
I'd love to have a jewess gf, that doesn't change the fact that I fucking despise the jewish elite that control our society.
Jews tend to be accepting of others, they were heavily involved in the civil rights movement.
Giving freedom to nigs was a mistake (a intentional one LOL) Now they chimp out everywhere, crime and murder included. (If you actually read the talmud, know a thing about their culture and see the shit israhell does to its neighbors on a daily basis, its clear that they see the goyim as cattle.)
All because you want to eat Anne Frank's pussy?
I'd love to have a jewess gf, that doesn't change the fact that I fucking despise the jewish elite that control our society.
I hate rich people, too. I love the jews and I want to marry jewish girl and squish her.
Need a jewish gf to save me from inceldom
Jews created communism, feminism and were the directors of the sexual revolution (Frankfurt School). They bear part of the responsibility for our suffering. For American incels in this forum, among other things, they steal their taxes, which, instead of helping the American people, go to sponsor Israel.
Jews created communism, feminism and were the directors of the sexual revolution (Frankfurt School). They bear part of the responsibility for our suffering. For American incels in this forum, among other things, they steal their taxes, which, instead of helping the American people, go to sponsor Israel.
When you see the shit israel does to its neighbors everyday, Americunts are that retarded happily giving their money away to fund childkillers and goycidal yahoods. (Shooting kids dead is the top of the iceberg.)
>thinking that Jews are capable of love and aren’t just like faggots; degenerates who chase highs for the sake of chasing highs

Jews created communism, feminism and were the directors of the sexual revolution (Frankfurt School). They bear part of the responsibility for our suffering. For American incels in this forum, among other things, they steal their taxes, which, instead of helping the American people, go to sponsor Israel.
I hate Isreal but I don't pay taxes anyway.
>thinking that Jews are capable of love and aren’t just like faggots; degenerates who chase highs for the sake of chasing highs

Would you rather fuck some degenerate shiksa?
>thinking that Jews are capable of love and aren’t just like faggots; degenerates who chase highs for the sake of chasing highs

One of the biggest values in kike culture is our state as goyim, as cattle, as human animals, the kikes seeing us as essentially not people, but beasts that must serve the kike, in short, yes, kikes literally despise you and see you as cattle.
When you see the shit israel does to its neighbors everyday, Americunts are that retarded happily giving their money away to fund childkillers and goycidal yahoods. (Shooting kids dead is the top of the iceberg.)
They believe that Yahweh will forgive their sins for sponsoring Israel. I do not know, but English and American Protestantism is damn Judophilic. Martin Luther condemned the Jews for their deceitfulness, depravity, arrogance, and excessive greed and deeply despised them.
They believe that Yahweh will forgive their sins for sponsoring Israel. I do not know, but English and American Protestantism is damn Judophilic. Martin Luther condemned the Jews for their deceitfulness, depravity, arrogance, and excessive greed and deeply despised them.
While kikes believe christianity is idol worship, and the punishment for Idol Worship under Noahide laws is DEATH.
Looks like zog used their mind control beams to make him like Jew pussy. It’s over.
Looks like zog used their mind control beams to make him like Jew pussy. It’s over.
I knew this was coming after the fan art : ( what a sad day
Looks like zog used their mind control beams to make him like Jew pussy. It’s over.
Jew Pussy that sees him essentially as an inferior dog condemned to serve the kike.:feelsclown:
Looks like zog used their mind control beams to make him like Jew pussy. It’s over.
Jew pussy >>>>>>>>>>>> Shiksa pussy
While kikes believe christianity is idol worship, and the punishment for Idol Worship under Noahide laws is DEATH.
American and British Protestants are too stupid to take the Talmud themselves and familiarize themselves with it.
American and British Protestants are too stupid to take the Talmud themselves and familiarize themselves with it.
Even if kikes are not religious, they will still follow its commandments and bask in its influence under the wretched, scummy banner of zionism, even if anti zionist talmudic influence is symbiotic with kike culture at every level. (Basically judaism's will made into a political ideology)
Ok maybe I would fuk Anne Frank and rub her pussi n cuddle her cuz shes muh wholesome 100 Reddit waifu or something.
American and British Protestants are too stupid to take the Talmud themselves and familiarize themselves with it.
blame it on decades of nonstop propaganda targeting them - America initially was not a tool of Israel, during the Suez Crisis it sided against Israel in favour of Egypt
Ok maybe I would fuk Anne Frank and rub her pussi n cuddle her cuz shes muh wholesome 100 Reddit waifu or something.
She's perfect.
also i know this is a bait thread but surely trying to prove a group of people should not be hated by posting a w*man is still retarded
One of the biggest values in kike culture is our state as goyim, as cattle, as human animals, the kikes seeing us as essentially not people, but beasts that must serve the kike.
And to what end does this belief serve them? Why, their desire for power and wealth. When you take that into consideration, their hatred for the white race makes a lot of sense, at least, from their perspective. White people have, during human history, been the most creative and prosperous race, building everything from tribal sanctuaries to literal utopias. What have the kikes done during this?

They leeched. In fact, they leeched as much as they could off the back of the civilized world that they were kicked out of 110 countries. They leeched because that was what they were good at as a race. Blacks are stupid, but they’re cold and efficient, see Idi Amin. Whites are a creative, intelligent, and resourceful people, but their pitfall lies in their overt kindness and forgiveness for racial transgressions, real or perceived.

If the Jew could simply focus on pulling the strings and just stay behind the curtain where nobody could see their noses, then there would be no resistance to their machinations. In fact, likely by the 1970s, their end goal of creating a race of consumerist mongrels likely would’ve been completed, and no white man would exist on earth. However, Jews are a prideful race of people, and that pride leads to them sticking their hooknoses a little too far out from behind the curtain and being exposed. How do you think we’ve uncovered their role in mass third-world migration, in feminism, in faggotry, in anti-whiteism?
also i know this is a bait thread but surely trying to prove a group of people should not be hated by posting a w*man is still retarded
Did you not see how cute her noz is?
her grandpa will find some way to extort money from me
Even if kikes are not religious, they will still follow its commandments and bask in its influence under the wretched, scummy banner of zionism, even if anti zionist talmudic influence is symbiotic with kike culture at every level. (Basically judaism's will made into a political ideology)
I hate Jews, even though I am an atheist, but their behavior disgusts me. Every time they are caught committing atrocities and start poking their noses at their crimes, they immediately start crying like little children, talking about the fictional Holocaust and the fictional six million.
I hate Jews, even though I am an atheist, but their behavior disgusts me. Every time they are caught committing atrocities and start poking their noses at their crimes, they immediately start crying like little children, talking about the fictional Holocaust and the fictional six million.
and also cry about fictional 40 beheaded babies.
I would still fuck a jewish foid volcel if wouldn`t
There's not enough.
Total kikelover death
Chad only and you know it
She rejected 6 million guys… oh wait probably closer to 172k . Hey but atleast she was rejected by 109 dudes so it’s even

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