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Venting There's one thing I'm grateful for being an Incel: it made me less of an NPC



Sep 11, 2018
Like everyone else, I've always been told that "there's a lid for every pot (there's a partner for everyone)", that "my time would come" and other typical bluepilled bullshit.

I've spent my entire childhood and teenagehood being a Good Boy™ , who always respected the closest ones, the elders, the wamen, never coming home late (I rarely left home but whatever), attempted to get good grades at school (but flunked sometimes anyways because of low IQ which is mostly genetic) always telling my parents everything I did and such. I also made sure to treat wamen like the literal Queenz they are. But of course, even normies already know the results of being a Nice Guy™ at this point.

I used to be kinda religious and superstitious until my teenage years, I used to pray so God could give me a girlfriend and actual friends, as a reward for being such a Good Boy™ . Needless to say that none of that happened and I became a fervorous atheist since then, although I respect Christianity in general and how it attempts to fix some of humanity's degeneracies. But it's still a religious cope specifically targeted to make NPCs in check.

I was still bluepilled and actually had some hopes left in my late teens, but the wakeup to Inceldom was THE major divisor for me. I began questioning even more all those virtue signalling sentences about how "looks don't matter :soy:" , "personality is everything :soy: " upon becoming 20something still as a fucking virgin. I realized how I was told lie after lie every year in my life, I actually believed most of that crap until I realized none of that worked for me or could be applied to my life in any way. So I can thank women and all those years of rejections to be enlightened/blessed with the truth and actually develop a personality and my own set of ideas about stuff, as the typical ones didn't cut it for me.

I think Inceldom is a great way to show men the way out of being an NPC. If I was a Chadlite/Chad who occasionally slayed foids, I would still be my older self in mentality, maybe I would even vote liberal. But I realized that in my case, my life was different from what I had been "promised", and this made me "leave the matrix" and made me start thinking differently from others.

I think that explains why many women and normie men (chads, chadlites) are NPCs, they lived a life of very few negative surprises that made them think: "So, what they told me the entire time was a lie..."
They had a perfectly normal life, had their first kiss in their early teens, always had people coming up to them to socialize, they got girlfriends and fucked foids without needing looksmaxx, they graduated earlier and they got non-wageslave jobs earlier because they already had a good life experience, social experiences, etc. So, in the most basic aspect of their lives, which is socialization, they had no unpleasant surprises, unlike us, so they have no real reason to question or to oppose social norms.

Yeah, I'm coping hard here, while hardships do make our minds stronger, it won't necessarily get me laid or fix my awful genetics. But if I ever where to ascend, my current mindset would be the best case scenario to live knowing how social norms actually work, and fully aware that the world is always geared to privilege, unequality and "mogging".
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Its unbelieve how easy women have it compared to us which is why they are emotionally weak. well part of the reason
Maybe that's the only advantage. But soon there is anguish and depression.
I think Inceldom is a great way to show men the way out of being an NPC. If I was a Chadlite/Chad who occasionally slayed foids, I would still be my older self in mentality, maybe I would even vote liberal.
Just imagine how many advantages the blackpill could give chad.
Its unbelieve how easy women have it compared to us which is why they are emotionally weak. well part of the reason
Women are greatly underestimated in that regard. It has been proven time and again that men are the emotional ones, they are the most affected after breakups, and that women can maybe only truly love their own children and nothing else.
Men are sacrificial and actually give a fuck for those around him, while women often aren't and can't.

Maybe that's the only advantage. But soon there is anguish and depression.

"Depression" is something that also many NPCs claim to have. It can be easily be suppressed or replaced with (healthy) doses of rage and full blackpill awareness.
If you're a Truecel, once you understand that most of the problems you have in life can be traced back to genetics, you can stop blaming yourself for things you don't have any control of and much of that "anguish and depression" goes away.

Just imagine how many advantages the blackpill could give chad.

None, they are fine as they are. They don't need any "Self-reflection" unless they decided to help someone else that doesn't live on Easy mode.
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At "best" Blackpilling Chads would make them looksmaxx even further, making them brutally mog other "lesser" men to overkilling levels. But many Chads are already narcissistic as fuck, so that wouldn't change much.

Or it could make them money/statusmaxx or """go MGTOW""" , I've seen a blackpill recently about a foid considering to dump her Chad boyfriend because he was poorer than her.
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I've never been an NPC ngl. I've been enlightened since about 6 years old.
I always had thoughts that maybe the advice "just be a good man and you will get women" wasn't true. I guess I was never quite NPC. After finding this site I've officially gone off the deep end: no going back.
The advice I will give my young nephew is do what you want to do when you want to do it and don't let anyone stop you, don't let anyone get in your way, don't ever apologise unless you have to in order to keep your freedom. Don't end up being a nice guy like me and never getting what you want, don't listen to advice, ignore all rules, follow your own instincts only. Make your own mistakes and learn from them but only in order to get what you want.
Its unfortunate that you actually tried man and failed miserably, I always knew I was ugly from the start so I didnt bother talking to foids
Mogged by NPC that gets sex.
Great thread. We have very little control over our own lives. A huge chunk of who you are is determined by genetics.
irl you're a faceless npc all the same, unless you're aggressive and low inhib
That's a valid argument.
well not orbiting whores also something we should be grateful of
Atleast we dont orbit.
But if I ever where to ascend, my current mindset would be the best case scenario to live knowing how social norms actually work, and fully aware that the world is always geared to privilege, unequality and "mogging".
Too bad our parents were bluepilled NPCs that fed us nothing but lies, the world has changed, people have to change with the times. May the blackpill set us free.

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