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Blackpill There's No Such Thing As Social Skills



Dec 21, 2017
Bluepiller normies will tell us to improve our social skills but in reality it's not that we have bad social skills the problem is that we are unnatractive, low status males and that's why nobody wants anything to do with us. Of course chad is going to have good social skills when he is embraced and people go out of his way to make him feel comfortable. It's not a skill that has to be learned it is down to being ostracized by the rest of society if we were embraced by others like chad we would be able to socialize with no problem.
Personality is still important. If your frame of reference is MS/HS aged girls, then yeah nothing besides appearance matters, because virtually no one at this age has anything interesting to say. Or does anything interesting. If your interests as you get older revolve around anime and video games, you will have nothing interesting to say to anyone who isn't exactly like you.
if there was no such thing as social skills, there would be no such thing as mentalcels because women literally wouldn't care about how you talk to them
Personality is still important. If your frame of reference is MS/HS aged girls, then yeah nothing besides appearance matters, because virtually no one at this age has anything interesting to say. Or does anything interesting. If your interests as you get older revolve around anime and video games, you will have nothing interesting to say to anyone who isn't exactly like you.

of course it's important

lol people here think if you're some 4.5-7.5/10 faggot who literally rots at home all day with video games and etc, you should still be able to find a gf despite having the social skills of a fucking walnut and literally not knowing how to act in any situation.

not everything is looks, autists.
Laugh all you want, but if you have the personality of a brick and spend all day playing video games, you simply have nothing to talk about with most people. What would you even say to someone else?
Looks obsessed retards are cringeworthy idiots

and really don't belong on this site
Personality is still important. If your frame of reference is MS/HS aged girls, then yeah nothing besides appearance matters, because virtually no one at this age has anything interesting to say. Or does anything interesting. If your interests as you get older revolve around anime and video games, you will have nothing interesting to say to anyone who isn't exactly like you.
who gives a shit/ whats wrong with only liking video games and anime / why do you have to conform like a sheep
Laugh all you want, but if you have the personality of a brick and spend all day playing video games, you simply have nothing to talk about with most people. What would you even say to someone else?

the point is even if i had a personality i am FUCKED because of how i look. meanwhile so many good looking men can be boring as hell and the girl doesn't care.
yeah maybe. at least you wouldn't be boring on top of it lol. you can't be ugly and boring.
who gives a shit/ whats wrong with only liking video games and anime / why do you have to conform like a sheep

because humans have a large variety of ways to experience the world around them. sitting in front of a box that shoots photons at your face as your existence limits you to interacting with the world through something the size of a pinprick. it's easier than other things, sure. it's fuckin hard work to find shit out there that you like and are sort of good at. i'd rather do that than rot though.
Laugh all you want, but if you have the personality of a brick and spend all day playing video games, you simply have nothing to talk about with most people. What would you even say to someone else?

useless discussing that with people here

they think you can just go up to a girl and say whatever you want, it just doesn't work like that.
True. Charisma is a another lie. Charisma= being good-looking and not acting like a total dick/retard.
Personality is still important
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you are so wrong its not even funny, ive seen plenty of really ugly guys get really popular and even get girls simply because of their personality, im not joking, although i do believe the uglier you are the harder that is, but if you have popular people traits, e.g athletic, funny, even if you're ugly you can fit in, and you'll eventually find a girl of sorts, even if its a 3/10, its something. Just because you're a creepy loner doesnt mean that other people that look similar to you cant get girls by just being funny and talkative.
yeah maybe. at least you wouldn't be boring on top of it lol. you can't be ugly and boring.
Putting in effort to picking up random hobbies for the sake appealing conversations with normies? I personally don't see the point in that, I'm not against trying new things but it shouldnt be for the sake of being able to converse with people you cant relate to anyway.
you are so wrong its not even funny, ive seen plenty of really ugly guys get really popular and even get girls simply because of their personality, im not joking, although i do believe the uglier you are the harder that is, but if you have popular people traits, e.g athletic, funny, even if you're ugly you can fit in, and you'll eventually find a girl of sorts, even if its a 3/10, its something. Just because you're a creepy loner doesnt mean that other people that look similar to you cant get girls by just being funny and talkative.

This, this, this, this, this, this, this.
I'm suggesting that spending tons of time on the internet, watching tv, and playing video games will make anyone depressed as hell.
Putting in effort to picking up random hobbies for the sake appealing conversations with normies? I personally don't see the point in that, I'm not against trying new things but it shouldnt be for the sake of being able to converse with people you cant relate to anyway.

I'm saying that picking up hobbies beyond staying in your room will at least improve your mood and make life more interesting. It might not unlock the vagina of every woman on the planet. Whatever, at least you're not in your room and stuck in your own head constantly. I took a little welding class and now I make things out of metal and meet up with other people in a shop building things. I'll go whitewater kayaking on the weekends. No women in any of these activities, but it feels good and I have some friends.

Sometimes I do things to fit in conversations better. I don't give a fuck about sports, but I'll read some sport news and watch some youtube clips during football season, march madness, or whatever. Just to know a little. For whatever reason it makes people real happy to talk about their team and I only need to know a couple anecdotes to make people feel comfortable talking. Because most people really are just looking for some common ground in conversation. Unfortunately most people don't give a shit about anime and video games in normal settings.
if there was no such thing as social skills, there would be no such thing as mentalcels because women literally wouldn't care about how you talk to them
Chad-mentalcels are just scared to approach girls.
because virtually no one at this age has anything interesting to say. Or does anything interesting.
No one care about what anyone has to say, unless the person is physically attractive or they already share interests. Does anyone actually like small talk?

of course it's important

lol people here think if you're some 4.5-7.5/10 faggot who literally rots at home all day with video games and etc, you should still be able to find a gf despite having the social skills of a fucking walnut and literally not knowing how to act in any situation.

not everything is looks, autists.

We were taught women and men were equal and we know for sure a 4.5~7.5/10 female can literally sit at home all day and play videogames and still easily fulfil her biological imperative (get married and have children). If men and women are equal why is the outcome so different for 2 people doing the same thing only difference being male and female?
Personality is still important. If your frame of reference is MS/HS aged girls, then yeah nothing besides appearance matters, because virtually no one at this age has anything interesting to say. Or does anything interesting. If your interests as you get older revolve around anime and video games, you will have nothing interesting to say to anyone who isn't exactly like you.
That's just being a bluepiller/normie not your personality traits.
if there was no such thing as social skills, there would be no such thing as mentalcels because women literally wouldn't care about how you talk to them
You don't have to learn social skills there is a big difference to your average ugly, low status male and somebody with a mental illness.
No one care about what anyone has to say, unless the person is physically attractive or they already share interests. Does anyone actually like small talk?

We were taught women and men were equal and we know for sure a 4.5~7.5/10 female can literally sit at home all day and play videogames and still easily fulfil her biological imperative (get married and have children). If men and women are equal why is the outcome so different for 2 people doing the same thing only difference being male and female?

This is going to blow your mind but yes, there are a lot of people that enjoy making conversation even if they share very different interests.

If your interests are video games and anime and nothing else, people will not find you interesting. But of course keep doing that if that's all you want out of life.
you are so wrong its not even funny, ive seen plenty of really ugly guys get really popular and even get girls simply because of their personality, im not joking, although i do believe the uglier you are the harder that is, but if you have popular people traits, e.g athletic, funny, even if you're ugly you can fit in, and you'll eventually find a girl of sorts, even if its a 3/10, its something. Just because you're a creepy loner doesnt mean that other people that look similar to you cant get girls by just being funny and talkative.
These are teenagers you retard you don't have any life experience that goes beyond school. Come back in 5 years then talk to me you're not even an incel.
you are so wrong its not even funny, ive seen plenty of really ugly guys get really popular and even get girls simply because of their personality, im not joking, although i do believe the uglier you are the harder that is, but if you have popular people traits, e.g athletic, funny, even if you're ugly you can fit in, and you'll eventually find a girl of sorts, even if its a 3/10, its something. Just because you're a creepy loner doesnt mean that other people that look similar to you cant get girls by just being funny and talkative.
I know someone in my uni (not a friend I don't have any) who has the personality of a high-energy Chad. But he's a manlet with acne so he gets treated like what he looks like. He works low paying side-jobs like cleaning or McDonalds and he doesn't really have a social life. His normie personality will probably land him a betabux roll eventually, despite his great social skills and low inhib. I know it's an anecdote but I'm just making the same type of argument you are, a useless one.
Laugh all you want, but if you have the personality of a brick and spend all day playing video games, you simply have nothing to talk about with most people. What would you even say to someone else?
Just lol at copers here thinking it's their looks holding them back when they are actually not ugly
How do you cope with that fact that countless men who are uglier than you have gfs without coming to logical conclusion that it's your brain and not looks ?(average looking white users im talking about here)

inb4 betabux

Looks >>>> personality/brains


ur brain also matters if you are in 4-7 range as a white and 6-9 range as an ethnic.
you cant afford to be 70iq shy aspie if you are 5/10 white.
Social skills are needed but it's acquired over time through social interaction. How can a trucel hone in on his social skills if he isn't invited to social gatherings. Futhermore an ugly guy who catches a higher level looksmaxed girl than himself is a ticking time bomb. It's only a matter of time before she leaves you for a better looking guy with a *better personality*. It's an upbattle for the ugly guy because all he has to offer is a great personality that only last for so long as you keep up with it.

The law of LTRs is to pick a girl who will never leave you for another guy. You think you can keep her with your personality? Good luck idiots.

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