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Serious There is no such thing as an IOI



Apr 13, 2018
You've been misled; jipped; deluded. Women do not give open and clear signals to approach -- it's Hollywood movie propaganda on the inverse. IOI was a term invented by redpillers to convince so-called betas that they "missed an opportunity" while they -- the proclaimed alphas -- always succeed. It's PUA/Lookism nonsense. It is a form of red pill and black pill mixed together. It does not exist.

You cope by thinking women all give chad IOIs, but this is just as false as believing all sub 8 men are doomed to die virgins if they don't betabux. There's more to it than just an IOI. Females do not mate this way. Women do not give men the keys to the car and tell them go drive it. IOIs are going to be long dead like PSL and many other fading theories of understanding your success and/or failures.

If you think you don't get IOIs because you are ugly, think again. If you are an aspie who thinks they get 100s of them and fail to act appropriately, think double again.

IOIs are cope. Keep dreaming and/or rotting if you think this is a big thing.

If women are interested or you think they could be made interested, IOIs are irrelevant.

If it isn't dead obvious, you're either too aspie or coping/deluding yourself.

Oh, and women do not always approach. In fact, many never do. The black pilled inhibicels will cry and scream that "approaching is PUA bullshit" but they don't realize that every woman who may be interested is unlikely to give such a signal. So lots miss out -- especially if they're good looking. It's not black and white.
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True. If a girl isn't actively trying to lead you into a bed then she doesn't like you.
They certainly give IODs.
No, ioi's are definitely real. Just very commonly imagined and/or overanalyzed.
low iq thread sry. Saying that ioi's doesnt exist is just kek
I don’t understsnd what you’re trying to say OP. And from the comments apparently neither does anyone else.
I don’t understsnd what you’re trying to say OP. And from the comments apparently neither does anyone else.

It's either obvious that women are attracted to you or it isn't. The concept of IOIs is that there is this secret code women use to convey interest. The idea is that it's necessary because otherwise women will consider you a creep for approaching if she gave no IOI. This does a few things:

1.Convinces incels that they should stay away from women and not talk to them. This also makes the aspies think that they need to sit in a bar corner and wait for women to come to them, as if this is the most viable system.

2.Creates a differential between the extremist blackpillers and redpillers. The PUA guys justify it because it reinforces their biases on how they get women -- and the anti-PUA blackpillers use it as a means of proving they are getting interest because they are good looking to said woman or women.

The thing that most signifies interest from women is receptivity and this is what is mistaken for IOIs. When a woman is receptive to you, you know she is attracted.

Women do not need to give special signals or approach you for you to know they are receptive and interested. Some will, but it's not always a means to an end. Receptivity can be seen in behavior and body language -- not merely some cheesy wink or "special look" some guys say they get.
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low iq thread, why are all new posters low iq or annoying/stupid
This entire thread is one massive cope.
OP contradicted himself at the end

Jesus fucking christ, IncelTears or some other website is trying their hardest to invade the forum lately.
Lowest IQ thread I've seen today.
You are coping without even knowing it.
lol that last paragraph wasn't in the OP at first. Definitely contradicts the point he's trying to make.
100% legit post. There is no such thing as IOI, if a femoid wants to ride your cock she will ride it by all means, she won't create opportunity for you to approach, she will approach and will clearly convey her intentions. IOI is a myth created by PUA.
This thread is low iq as fuck, op, kill yourself.
lol that last paragraph wasn't in the OP at first. Definitely contradicts the point he's trying to make.

Not at all. Contradiction would be saying receptivity is the same as an IOI. An IOI is a poor game's interpretation of a perceived woman who is interested. IOI is not a thing. I have seen plenty of Chads that get zero supposed IOIs and I have seen receptive women and I am galaxies away from Chad.

It is circumstantial and not at all how people think

LOL at people who think good looking guys get eye raped by every woman and get these ridiculous smoke signals as women lick their lips
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i read all this shit and i can't understand a fucking thing you said
LOL at people who think good looking guys get eye raped by every woman and get these ridiculous smoke signals as women lick their lips

You must be stupid to think this
This thread is a complete mess. Op define IOI and how it’s supposedly different from what women actually do to show interest.
If you have to look for IOIs it's OVER, PiV or death.
a good ioi is having a bitch suck ur dick
if they look up at you and keep eye contact for longer than 2 seconds..its usually an IOI. If they look and give you a smile..Its another IOI. If they are constantly looking in your direction, its an IOI.
got rejected by literal 3/10 like 1 month ago who gives strong IOI. i personally don't trust on IOI anymore
got rejected by literal 3/10 like 1 month ago who gives strong IOI. i personally don't trust on IOI anymore

Don't trust what you aren't sure of. IOI is cope. Watch the way she moves and look in to her eyes and you'll always know with enough time if any girl is just being nice or not. I mistook one girl smiling at me for when I believed in so called IOIs and she wasn't attracted to me at all. In fact, she had multiple boyfriends and still would smile and look at me every time I was around her and even hold a stare. She made an effort to be nice to me for no apparent reason, yet she wasn't even interested.

How can you IOIers explain that? Redpillers or PUA fools would have told me that I didn't hold frame or some bullshit when the reality is that she was acting like she was interested in me when I made no effort to even look her way or anything.

And when I tried to take it to the next level, she expressed disinterest. LOL
You've been misled; jipped; deluded. Women do not give open and clear signals to approach -- it's Hollywood movie propaganda on the inverse. IOI was a term invented by redpillers to convince so-called betas that they "missed an opportunity" while they -- the proclaimed alphas -- always succeed. It's PUA/Lookism nonsense. It is a form of red pill and black pill mixed together. It does not exist.

You cope by thinking women all give chad IOIs, but this is just as false as believing all sub 8 men are doomed to die virgins if they don't betabux. There's more to it than just an IOI. Females do not mate this way. Women do not give men the keys to the car and tell them go drive it. IOIs are going to be long dead like PSL and many other fading theories of understanding your success and/or failures.

If you think you don't get IOIs because you are ugly, think again. If you are an aspie who thinks they get 100s of them and fail to act appropriately, think double again.

IOIs are cope. Keep dreaming and/or rotting if you think this is a big thing.

If women are interested or you think they could be made interested, IOIs are irrelevant.

If it isn't dead obvious, you're either too aspie or coping/deluding yourself.

Oh, and women do not always approach. In fact, many never do. The black pilled inhibicels will cry and scream that "approaching is PUA bullshit" but they don't realize that every woman who may be interested is unlikely to give such a signal. So lots miss out -- especially if they're good looking. It's not black and white.
the only tru IOI is if a girl walks up to u and says "let me fuck u and cum on ur balls chad"
Don't trust what you aren't sure of. IOI is cope. Watch the way she moves and look in to her eyes and you'll always know with enough time if any girl is just being nice or not. I mistook one girl smiling at me for when I believed in so called IOIs and she wasn't attracted to me at all. In fact, she had multiple boyfriends and still would smile and look at me every time I was around her and even hold a stare. She made an effort to be nice to me for no apparent reason, yet she wasn't even interested.

How can you IOIers explain that? Redpillers or PUA fools would have told me that I didn't hold frame or some bullshit when the reality is that she was acting like she was interested in me when I made no effort to even look her way or anything.

And when I tried to take it to the next level, she expressed disinterest. LOL
reading these signs takes time, women won't tend to ask you out directly unless you are chad. Just smiling isn't an IOI you need a combination of body language including touching that shows signs of interest
Mares send obvious IOIs or IODs though. That's how I avoid getting kicked.
reading these signs takes time, women won't tend to ask you out directly unless you are chad. Just smiling isn't an IOI you need a combination of body language including touching that shows signs of interest

Redpill/PUA cope. You don't need to learn any "system" that shows that women/girls are interested, because there isn't one. Back to square one. Next you're going to tell me I forgot to put her in my frame or some shit. LOL
Redpill/PUA cope. You don't need to learn any "system" that shows that women/girls are interested, because there isn't one. Back to square one. Next you're going to tell me I forgot to put her in my frame or some shit. LOL
JFL if you are too low IQ to tell whether a femoid is showing romantic interest or just being nice. Are you autistic? It's usually the autists that have trouble with these things
JFL if you are too low IQ to tell whether a femoid is showing romantic interest or just being nice. Are you autistic? It's usually the autists that have trouble with these things

It's consequential/situational. Don't try and pretend like you know something I don't. LOL. This girl was an employee at a store I frequented. No other employee would smile and look at me the way she did, but she was apparently still not interested. She would wave at me and smile and say hi, but never did most of those things to any other customer. I had zero relationship with her before.. The bottom line: she was giving all of the classic IOIs/signs but clearly wasn't interested. Why would someone go the extra mile to be nice to me and me only if they weren't interested is what I question. This is where the IOI goes to death. Other experiences with girls who were interested were very different.

My experience with girls who were truly attracted was that they made themselves vulnerable -- not necessarily gave some cue/signal to see.

And no, I'm not autistic. This just proves that what many guys think of as IOIs could simply just be someone being nice and not actually interested. A girl can touch you, smile, wave and show interest, but then it turns out, yeah, she doesn't have any sexual attraction to you.

So much for your so-called IOIs from pick up autists.
If there's no such thing as IOI's, do chads always get explicitly hit on by femoids? When I used to have a chad friend in highschool I'd notice them giving him IOI's and even turn their backs to stare at him when we walk passed.
If there's no such thing as IOI's, do chads always get explicitly hit on by femoids? When I used to have a chad friend in highschool I'd notice them giving him IOI's and even turn their backs to stare at him when we walk passed.

Standard playful female behavior. I've seen plenty of girls do that with guys they'd never fuck and even their girl friends. If that's what you consider a form of IOI, then everyone gets them at some point in life basically.
It's either obvious that women are attracted to you or it isn't. The concept of IOIs is that there is this secret code women use to convey interest. The idea is that it's necessary because otherwise women will consider you a creep for approaching if she gave no IOI. This does a few things:

1.Convinces incels that they should stay away from women and not talk to them. This also makes the aspies think that they need to sit in a bar corner and wait for women to come to them, as if this is the most viable system.

2.Creates a differential between the extremist blackpillers and redpillers. The PUA guys justify it because it reinforces their biases on how they get women -- and the anti-PUA blackpillers use it as a means of proving they are getting interest because they are good looking to said woman or women.

The thing that most signifies interest from women is receptivity and this is what is mistaken for IOIs. When a woman is receptive to you, you know she is attracted.

Women do not need to give special signals or approach you for you to know they are receptive and interested. Some will, but it's not always a means to an end. Receptivity can be seen in behavior and body language -- not merely some cheesy wink or "special look" some guys say they get.
behavior and body language are IOIs you aspie. But yeah, you have to approach.
Standard playful female behavior. I've seen plenty of girls do that with guys they'd never fuck and even their girl friends. If that's what you consider a form of IOI, then everyone gets them at some point in life basically.
What happens when a girl sees a chad and she wants to show him she wants to have sex with him?
Standard playful female behavior. I've seen plenty of girls do that with guys they'd never fuck and even their girl friends. If that's what you consider a form of IOI, then everyone gets them at some point in life basically.

LOL. Standard playful behavior my ass. If that’s so then why has it never happened to me?
You hella stupid. I check always for ioi’s there has been 2 times were i approached a female after they have given me ioi’s.
Guess what they both admitted they liked me.

Ioi’s do play an important role. But not so important. I agree with you that women arent looking at every guy and given them ioi’s. Even if there is a chad they wouldnt look up. Only certain females do that.

Also you are right about that females dont approach. 99% of the time you have do the work.
foids react to Chad instinctively, not through 'IOIs'.

if they choose to give 'IOIs,' it is usually because they are leading on an orbiter. they are not actually interested in the orbiter, so they have to give artificial 'signs' to pretend they are

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