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Blackpill There is no such thing as a mentalcel.



Chapel Hell
Feb 16, 2018
A chad in a coma will still get sex. We won't.

There is no such thing as a mentalcel. No matter how bad your mental health is, if you are actually attractive, women WILL pursue you. The fact that they are not pursuing you is not an indicator of your mental health, it is an indicator of the fact that you are ugly. Too many people use "mentalceldom" as cope to not admit that they are ugly.

Everyone on this site suffers from some sort of mental problems due to how we are treated by society, but isn't why we are incels. That is because we are completely unattractive to women.

Just think about it: if everyone on this site suddenly became NT, how many of us are going to get laid tomorrow? The answer is 0. If we were all NT, still none of us would be getting laid ever.
Shiet i'm ugly according to the boys on this site so I guess I fit in quite nicely.
Vantablackpill for mentalcels who think they still have a chance.
I replied to you in another topic at this point, i would like to add that you're separate it into black and white too much.
if i was nt I'd be swimming in kunt.

NT matters for the 4-6 FAG. AKA most people
Vantablackpill for mentalcels who think they still have a chance.

The NT meme is ridiculous. Anyone who has been around other humans at all would know that NT does not matter in getting a relationship. Only looks matter with some influence of money and status.
if i was nt I'd be swimming in kunt

I am an advocate of coping however you can, but deep down you know that NT doesn't matter and only looks matter. Women will chase a legitimately retarded Chad if he looks good. We know this to be true so what is the excuse of the mentalcel?
I would say a 9/10 looks our above guy can't be a mentalcel because chick's won't let him. But a guy in the 5 to 6/10 range could be because low inhibited guys at that rang may get sex.
A guy below 4 it doesn't fucking matter.
So many autists on this forum with this black and white thinking, lol and I thought I had autism

Unless you literally never left your house in your life you'd see all types of relationships. We're not NT, thus fucked

Actually there are a few people who are NT here, but they're actually ugly...again fucked.

As long as youre not sub4 and nt youll get a relationship
So many autists on this forum with this black and white thinking, lol and I thought I had autism

Unless you literally never left your house in your life you'd see all types of relationships. We're not NT, thus fucked

Actually there are a few people who are NT here, but they're actually ugly...again fucked.

As long as youre not sub4 and nt youll get a relationship
It seems like you all think that NT matters for men with medium SMV (4ish to 6ish).

This is not true.

If you are below average, so I guess Sub5, you are not getting laid in the West in 2018. I think this point is not argued.

If you are at least 5 or better, you cannot be an Incel. There will be a girl who liked you and thought your non-NT self was "quirky" or "interesting" or "mysterious"

This girl in question is probably ugly herself and maybe even a landwhale, but it is proof that NT does not matter. If you are a 5/10 you are lucky to score a landwhale and you will score one regardless of your mental state.
A chad in a coma will still get sex. We won't.
Too many people use "mentalceldom" as cope to not admit that they are ugly.

Everyone on this site suffers from some sort of mental problems due to how we are treated by society, but isn't why we are incels. That is because we are completely unattractive to women.

Just think about it: if everyone on this site suddenly became NT, how many of us are going to get laid tomorrow? The answer is 0. If we were all NT, still none of us would be getting laid ever.
100%, drunk idiots puking and pissing on themselves are going to get sucked off tonight.
I know for a fact I would have a gf right now if I was NT.
Mentalcels, get out, tbh tbh.

OP is obviously wrong, but your example is way too extreme as well.
Women find more than 80% of men to be unattractive, yet less that 20% of men are actually incel. That's largely because most men are normie/NT. It's super important for your average man to not be aspie/ be able to relate to/conversate with women.
I know for a fact I would have a gf right now if I was NT.
Women find more than 80% of men to be unattractive, yet less that 20% of men are actually incel. That's largely because most men are normie/NT. It's super important for your average man to not be aspie/ be able to relate to/conversate with women.
Mental illness and social anxiety is eventually caused by the hate directed to us by females. Sex with a non escort would cure our condition.
Women find more than 80% of men to be unattractive, yet less that 20% of men are actually incel. That's largely because most men are normie/NT. It's super important for your average man to not be aspie/ be able to relate to/conversate with women.
mentalcel =/= mentally ill, just socially awkward

and chads are less than 5% of men, not only chads have sex
yet less that 20% of men are actually incel.

This is not accurate. Sure, less than 20% of men actually KNOW they are Incel, but there are many bluepilled Incels out there. Involuntary male virgins, especially young male virgins that grew up in the Tinder age, are INCREDIBLY prevalent.

I played in a local sporting event last weekend and some of the participants were bluepilled incels. These were all guys I've known for years and they've never been able to get a girl.

Sure very few male virgins know or admit that they are Incel, but there are many men who do not know they are Incels.
If I was NT I would slay every weekend tbh. You are overrating looks way too much they are important but they are not everything.
Lol at this cope thread.

Chad can be a drooling autist and still get pussy.

Average guys can be mentalcels as you cannot get by on looks alone. You will have to be mentally normal to get pussy.

Ugly guys cannot be mentalcels as their looks fuck them over instead.
This is not accurate. Sure, less than 20% of men actually KNOW they are Incel, but there are many bluepilled Incels out there. Involuntary male virgins, especially young male virgins that grew up in the Tinder age, are INCREDIBLY prevalent.

I played in a local sporting event last weekend and some of the participants were bluepilled incels. These were all guys I've known for years and they've never been able to get a girl.

Sure very few male virgins know or admit that they are Incel, but there are many men who do not know they are Incels.
Counting all celibates, it's still less than 20%.

Lol at this cope thread.

Chad can be a drooling autist and still get pussy.

Average guys can be mentalcels as you cannot get by on looks alone. You will have to be mentally normal to get pussy.

Ugly guys cannot be mentalcels as their looks fuck them over instead.
This. If you're a 4-5/10 NT you WILL get pussy. Just hang out with your friends like an average normie and it'll happen eventually. In other words all 4-5s who are virgins are mentalcels or volcels.
Mentalcels are so lucky. At least they aren't so ugly that women are repulsed by them.
What does NT mean exactly?
Nah man it's biological for women to weed out men with mental problem, it's like a sixth sense for them bitches. To bad they can't sense the beating Tyrone and Chad's gonna give them for not making them a sandwich.

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