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Venting There is no reason not to live in the wild

  • Thread starter Deleted member 19546
  • Start date

Deleted member 19546

Jul 11, 2019
Modern civilization provides no NET benefits, and in many ways it significantly fails to fulfill it's role.

It has not mitigated any of the risks you would experience in a wild primitive life,
I am not even going to elaborate on the absolutely inhumane conditions of the third world as those are obvious and easy pickings, instead I am going talk of the supposedly shining beacon examples of modern civ.

The entire point of civilization would be to produce order, security, guarantees.

But in our modern life, we still experience uncertainty, insecurity, exhaustion, harm and scarcity no less than our pre-neolithic ancestors.

People still struggle to make ends meet, juggling jobs and "side hussles", moving from place to place as convenient. Skipping meals, couchsurfing.

Even in spite of acquiring an education through years of debt and work, there is no certainty or security in/of employment.

These are environments of fierce competition, you can try as hard as you can, and make sacrifices to your physical health and do everything right, as every tryhard is doing, you still might not qualify for that college, or job or promotion.

You're also not safe from physical harm, at any point anywhere you can be killed or injured in a fight, vehicle or machine accident, or while doing some active hobby or sport which you do to keep healthy unironically. If you survive you might end up with CTE, loing a limb or paraplegic and disabled, and then you make a choice whether to get fucked or spiral further into debt so you can perpetually wageslave until you're 70 and then get fucked.

I don't even need to talk about dating, you all know how fucked that is. But it's not just for us.

Half of 30 year olds are not married, divorce rate is 45% (US, similar percentage throuhout anglosphere), people have an average of 10 sexual partners in their lifetime.
Relationships just aren't working, like everything else, it's a world of uncertainty and unreliability. So you're pretty much alone anyway.

Let's talk about health, yes, people say one of the greatests things about techological progress is moderm medicine, better health, etc. That people in the pre-neolithic just caught a cold or got injured and died at 23.

THIS IS THE MOST RETARDED TECHCUCK CLAIM, completely unsupported snail IQ garbage, where do I begin.

Most diseases are thanks modern civ, people living off of tightly packed domesticated animals who shit where they eat. People living tightly packed and shitting where they eat. Shitting coughing and sneezing in their sardine-can-like concrete homes and offices.

Not to say obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, arthritis, stroke, lung cancer, colon cancer (ass cancer), skin cancer, eye cancer, myopia, mantits, breast cancer, osteoporosis.

All caused by technology "freeing" us from physically-demanding labour and providing us with efficiently produced industrial garbage nutrition. Now, you still work your ass off, butt literally.


Regardless of what you do, you could do everything "right" as you were told but life is still a gamble.

I don't see the point in living in modern civilization, it's just as uncertain and dangerous, and I am still alone, poor anxious and overworked. It is not any more risky than living in the wild, at least there I would be free from the worst predators, humans.

Based and unabomber pilled
Relationships have a better chance of succeeding with RoboWaifus.
But like all foids, she will probably be a spender and want upgrade ,
and if she have the beauty scale program , she will cuck you for Chad,
so dont install that one.
I wholeheartedly agree. The same thing is neatly explained in Sahlins's book Stone Age economics, backed up by anthropological evidence.
We've only won technology, but all the rest worsened as a sacrifice to technology.
We've never been so connected and so far from each other in the same time.
Computers especially, made our lives so much worse than anything. I wished I would not have spent years promoting them with my job.

The happiest are living in remote small villages rather poorly ; but they feel safe because they are part of a community, a real one, with people who will help them if needed. If there was somewhere an incel village where foids would be forbidden, we would be living much better than spread like we are now. We would remain ugly, but we would not be alone.

Climate change and ecological catastrophe will make all this shitty society to vanish by the means of its own stupidity : people thinking they have a right to pollute.
Studies have shown that's Earth is completely over now, and I just hope that I won't die of the Starvation-to-come.
unfortunately I as most humans are in the same situation as animals kept in captive for too long, most of us can no longer survive in the wild
You need healthcare
just w8 when no water feels arrive just imagine how fucked will be , NO you can imagine :lul:
I'd live in a closed tribe if I had a waifu
I would like to live in the forest on my own and build my own house from logs as big as i want but noo, everything already belongs to companies, they all blabber about human rights and freedom and yet you are not allowed to live how you want unless you are a millionaire.
I would like to live in the forest on my own and build my own house from logs as big as i want but noo, everything already belongs to companies, they all blabber about human rights and freedom and yet you are not allowed to live how you want unless you are a millionaire.

That's right, they literally put a property sign on every inch of Earth. The only remaining places are water, air, and imagination. And Mars.
But like all foids, she will probably be a spender and want upgrade ,
and if she have the beauty scale program , she will cuck you for Chad,
so dont install that one
We should just mass rope if that happens
We've only won technology, but all the rest worsened as a sacrifice to technology.
We've never been so connected and so far from each other in the same time.
Great point. Nothing is more cringe and pathetic than a stromfrontcel jerking off to "muh tech muh science" to prove how the west is superior when those aspects have led to divorce, whoredom, isolation, and disconnect. It's why first world countries have the most depression and suicide.
You need healthcare

Do you ? I mean you're not going to live forever anyway. If living longer means you'll also live miserably, is it even worth it ?

It's literally in the first paragraph of Kaczynski's manifesto, btw :

"The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in “advanced” countries, but they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world."

Life-expectancy is not the ultimate measure of human achievement.

That being said I don't agree with everything Kaczynski wrote, but he makes good points, and I don't think the perceived "need" for healthcare invalidates any of them.
I am building cabin in Northern Ontario ASAP and moving there full time.
But I don't want to hunt for my food.
There is no point to this level of technological advancement, who cares if a select few can explore space or that people can now rot at a computer all day if more and more people (men) are miserable and stuck in a pointless daily grind.

At least in a tribal or agrarian men had a purpose and the work they did had a meaning (to survive).

Modern medicine is good but more and more people are living to an elderly age and becoming demented with no quality of life and become a great burden.
Do you ? I mean you're not going to live forever anyway. If living longer means you'll also live miserably, is it even worth it ?

It's literally in the first paragraph of Kaczynski's manifesto, btw :

"The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in “advanced” countries, but they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world."

Life-expectancy is not the ultimate measure of human achievement.

That being said I don't agree with everything Kaczynski wrote, but he makes good points, and I don't think the perceived "need" for healthcare invalidates any of them.
I need to read Kaczynskis writtings
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We've only won technology, but all the rest worsened as a sacrifice to technology.
We've never been so connected and so far from each other in the same time.
Computers especially, made our lives so much worse than anything. I wished I would not have spent years promoting them with my job.

The happiest are living in remote small villages rather poorly ; but they feel safe because they are part of a community, a real one, with people who will help them if needed. If there was somewhere an incel village where foids would be forbidden, we would be living much better than spread like we are now. We would remain ugly, but we would not be alone.

Climate change and ecological catastrophe will make all this shitty society to vanish by the means of its own stupidity : people thinking they have a right to pollute.
Studies have shown that's Earth is completely over now, and I just hope that I won't die of the Starvation-to-come.
Technology makes the entire world one big village, especially social media in general does this, all it takes is one accusation and boom, your reputation is destroyed.

But unlike an actual village, you can't just escape considering this affects how the entire world sees you, instead of just one village.
Modern medicine is good but more and more people are living to an elderly age and becoming demented with no quality of life and become a great burden.

Modern medicine fixes mostly health problems created by civ, hunter-gatherers live just as long and are much healthier at their old age. Nowadays men in their 50s are obese and immobilized by a soup of cardiovascular, respiratory, neuromuscular and bone/joint defficiencies.

#1 cause of desthl heart disease, among others, cancer, stroke, respiratory failure.
alomost every time syrgery or taking pills is just prolonging the illness ot just stop some negative effects , not healing they just want your money your hooked on MEDICINE ok normies like to be forever alive not me so fuck your mediicine
Based anarchoprimitivist, ngl I plan going to central asia and live there as some sort of nomad it would be comfy as shit
You need healthcare

By as far as I know, science (i.e specifically medical sciences) is another human failed attempt, that still has no cure for almost any other disease. I mean it's hilarious how they created medicine only for problems that resolve by itself (they unironically have medicine to "treat" fever, a response that literally promotes survival jfl), and the more serious condition like chronic or terminal diseases are just prolonged by the meds and machines.

This really pisses me off because most people should be *DEAD*, and I'm in no way exaggerating or making things up. Most people just doesn't take care of themselves or are just too dumb, they should be dead in a natural world.
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they unironically have medicine to "treat" fever, a response that literally promotes survival jfl)

So much this, the point of treating fever is so that you can go back to work.

The pointmof treating ANYTHING is so that you're able to make jew coins circulate.

A hunter-gatherer has no work, he is jot employed neither "self-employed", his only concern is his own survival, so if he needs to sleep urgently, he will sleep and not go hunting until a few hours later. In civ your needs don't matter. Only product and jewish metrics, we have entire populatioms of sleep deprived adults working to "meet needs" when their own most basic physiological needs aren't being met.

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