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Blackpill There are such things as Incels, who are not Virgins, but Outliers, in extreme circumstances.



May 12, 2019
What I am about to say is very much in the spectrum of the Black Pill, it is not Red Pilled, this is not a normie euphemism, it is what I call an "Incel outlier". Let me tell you about a guy I know and tell you his story.

  • I know a guy (No I am NOT talking about myself)
  • He is in his mid 20s
  • He is 5'3, a Turbo Manlet
  • He has below-average face, 3.5 out of 10 on a GOOD day.
  • However, he is NT, not autistic, extremely NT.

This guy spent months and years orbiting mentally ill and "off" women on the internet, specifically through online games, that have large communities. He told me that any time he would come into contact with a "girl gamer", he would add them to his friends list. The fact he is good at online gaming, he would carry the girl gamers and boost their ratings. He would act as an emotional tampon to these mentally ill women. (Note: I am implying mentally ill, because no "normal" woman plays online video games). That said, he spent a lot of time beta-orbiting, beta-boosting and beta-emotional-tamponing women online, over the course of months and years he did this. From this effort, he managed to have sex with 2 different women, just a few times, before the "relationship" fizzled out completely and the women moved onto another man who mogged this guy in every aspect of his life. From what he told me, the amount of work he had to put into this over the course of years, was more than a full-time job, this was hours everyday doing beta male jestermaxxing and orbitermaxxing.

Another important fact I will bring up is; this guy once shared the same mindset and opinions as Inceltears, but in the last few months, since he stopped jestermaxxing, he has started talking to me, and he has been saying some very Black-Pilled comments. I believe it is possible that he may have stumbled across the Black-Pill, but I have not mentioned it at all. The reason I say this is because he has started telling me how he is very depressed about his height, and his looks, and he is now starting to realize how much effort he has to put into women in order to get them. He told me he sees other guys who are simply taller and better looking than him, and they don't have to do any of the things he had to do in order to get women, the taller and better looking guys he sees are able to easily get women. He talked about how he has never had any success with women he has first met in real life, nor with women on dating apps. The only time he has managed to achieve success in this regard is with mentally ill women in online video games that he has spent years of his life orbiting. He has never had the "normal" ability to get women through normal means, as guys in real life can.

Now, I am having trouble not seeing this guy as an Incel, despite him managing to convince 2 different women to have sex with him, after YEARS of work, and in these extremely unique circumstances, of the women being "girl gamers" online, and not "normal" in any sense of the word. The guy is NT, but even I height mog him, and looks mog him, although I am in my early 30s and autistic and completely incapable of getting a foid. But I admit, I have never tried chasing girl gamers and spending months or years orbiting. I have always focused on the normal ways, such as getting a foid in person, or on a dating app, which has of course never worked whatsoever. But this NT guy, he managed to pull it off, after years of toil in such an odd way, a way many of us would never think. The only advantage this guy has on me, is that he is NT, and I am autistic, so perhaps he is able to communicate better, which could help when it requires months and years of jestermaxxing online to convince a foid to sleep with him.

What do you think?
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Of course it works. But can this really be called ascension?
What I am about to say is very much in the spectrum of the Black Pill, it is not Red Pilled, this is not a normie euphemism, it is what I call an "Incel outlier". Let me tell you about a guy I know and tell you his story.

  • I know a guy (No I am NOT talking about myself)
  • He is in his mid 20s
  • He is 5'3, a Turbo Manlet
  • He has below-average face, 3.5 out of 10 on a GOOD day.
  • However, he is NT, not autistic, extremely NT.

This guy spent months and years orbiting mentally ill and "off" women on the internet, specifically through online games, that have large communities. He told me that any time he would come into contact with a "girl gamer", he would add them to his friends list. The fact he is good at online gaming, he would carry the girl gamers and boost their ratings. He would act as an emotional tampon to these mentally ill women. (Note: I am implying mentally ill, because no "normal" woman plays online video games). That said, he spent a lot of time beta-orbiting, beta-boosting and beta-emotional-tamponing women online, over the course of months and years he did this. From this effort, he managed to have sex with 2 different women, just a few times, before the "relationship" fizzled out completely and the women moved onto another man who mogged this guy in every aspect of his life. From what he told me, the amount of work he had to put into this over the course of years, was more than a full-time job, this was hours everyday doing beta male jestermaxxing and orbitermaxxing.

Another important fact I will bring up is; this guy once shared the same mindset and opinions as Inceltears, but in the last few months, since he stopped jestermaxxing, he has started talking to me, and he has been saying some very Black-Pilled comments. I believe it is possible that he may have stumbled across the Black-Pill, but I have not mentioned it at all. The reason I say this is because he has started telling me how he is very depressed about his height, and his looks, and he is now starting to realize how much effort he has to put into women in order to get them. He told me he sees other guys who are simply taller and better looking than him, and they don't have to do any of the things he had to do in order to get women, the taller and better looking guys he sees are able to easily get women. He talked about how he has never had any success with women he has first met in real life, nor with women on dating apps. The only time he has managed to achieve success in this regard is with mentally ill women in online video games that he has spent years of his life orbiting. He has never had the "normal" ability to get women through normal means, as guys in real life can.

Now, I am having trouble not seeing this guy as an Incel, despite him managing to convince 2 different women to have sex with him, after YEARS of work, and in these extremely unique circumstances, of the women being "girl gamers" online, and not "normal" in any sense of the word. The guy is NT, but even I height mog him, and looks mog him, although I am in my early 30s and autistic and completely incapable of getting a foid. But I admit, I have never tried chasing girl gamers and spending months or years orbiting. I have always focused on the normal ways, such as getting a foid in person, or on a dating app, which has of course never worked whatsoever. But this NT guy, he managed to pull it off, after years of toil in such an odd way, a way many of us would never think. The only advantage this guy has on me, is that he is NT, and I am autistic, so perhaps he is able to communicate better, which could help when it requires months and years of jestermaxxing online to convince a foid to sleep with him.

What do you think?
you're not wrong.

I think we can acknowledge a struggle like this...while still recognizing their are men who are khhv and all those other acronyms ..like really truly deprived men (truecels?) but..theirs even worse situations. men in wheelchairs drooling on themselves...truly vegetative retardation type situations..muscular dystrophy

hopefully we can all agree that especially the last category of men. (medical truecel?) and even ugly medical truecels. their is suffering out their that is unfathomable.
just because you have had sex before doesn't make you some worldly trust fund chad, or mean you are successful in most things.
obviously bragging and larping is evil. like that one guy who had a tranny or something and made up lies? truly sick to larp to that degree.
normies could even add to discussions as long as they don't say some pointless shit about their escapades and how awesome they are.
it's a contentious issue.
Of course it works. But can this really be called ascension?

It is not Ascension in my opinion, just like I don't consider Escortcels as Ascension.

St Bagel is not a virgin either, but he is definitely an incel. He is a very good example of what I am talking about Saint Bagel was married to a foid he brought over from SEA, and I am sure he had sex with her many times, but still, would you not consider him an Incel based on the circumstances?

I believe those who must go beyond the call of duty, and have to spend 10,000 times the effort of a normal man to get sex, you are an incel, even if you're not a virgin.

@mylifeistrash has mentioned a lot how most men in relationships are borderline incels, they're jestermaxxing beyond the call of duty, expending so much time, effort, energy and everything, to an unhealthy level, it is just that these men accept it and go through with it, even though other men don't have to do it.

But what is borderline incel? Why can't the man just be an incel? In my opinion if a man has to go beyond normal and needs some insane crazy circumstances to get sex, the man is an incel, even if he is not a virgin.
HAHAHA I know a ton of soy orbiters like him who act like nice guys and kiss the ground for their mladies. This guy is not truecel. He is a lady worshipper and that landed him two pity dates
HAHAHA I know a ton of soy orbiters like him who act like nice guys and kiss the ground for their mladies. This guy is not truecel. He is a lady worshipper and that landed him two pity dates

I have 0 success with any woman in person, or on dating apps, never had any female show interest in me. But I am 5'7, and 5/10 face, which is better than this guy. He only mogs me in that he is NT, and I am autistic. But thats the thing. Not being Incel isn't just about getting laid, it's about being accepted, respected, and having the capability to find long term intimate relationships, without having to to extremely insane odd ways of getting them. I do wonder, what if I jestermaxxed and betaorbited through online games for a few years? It is possible I would eventually come across some online gaming foid who is mentally ill enough to meet up with me and some kind of odd relationship transpire and eventually sex take place?

I honestly don't even know how its possible for a guy to do that though, it seems like such an extreme method, and having to expend all of that time, effort, energy, into trying to get something that should just come naturally and easy, like an everyday thing, why does it have to be this way? Does this make me a Fakecel if I haven't spent years orbiting mentally ill gamer girls in online video games? I mean, where do we draw the line? I think there needs to be some kind of verification on this.

By the way, this is not a Cherry-Picking thread, I am just trying to understand where we draw the line on what is incel or not. The mods sticked Saint Bagel threads, and he is not a virgin, and escortcels are not banned, so then, why are outliers who are essential incels in some special grey area?
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There are no normie who wish that for himself. Just another reinforcement of our ideology.
he really is an outlier, I know a few who did orbiting and I always thought it was pathetic, but wow... even those guys gave up after courting m'lady for a few months with chat messages here and there. not surprised it's a fulltime job of absolute humiliation to get anything as a subpar male.
i mean you basically have nothing, and the only thing you can do is be in the perfect place at the perfect time that a woman finally needs you, which is what this guy eventually achieved by orbiting mentally ill women for so agonizingly long.

HAHAHA I know a ton of soy orbiters like him who act like nice guys and kiss the ground for their mladies. This guy is not truecel. He is a lady worshipper and that landed him two pity dates

I'm actually quit sure that a lot if people who post on this site could theoretically acsend by doing the same thing. Even though i probably wouldn't call it acsension either.
No those people get sex but not more than the everage escortcell
There are no normie who wish that for himself. Just another reinforcement of our ideology.

I said it in the post, the guy has been saying some Black Pilled comments to me lately, and we have NEVER even discussed blue/red/black pill stuff. We haven't even discussed "incels" or anything. Its just a guy I know from online games. A few years ago he had the attitude people have in Inceltears, but as of lately he has started stating opinions that you would find here, it is interesting to witness his slow transformation. It seems he is becoming Black Pilled without even realizing it.
No those people get sex but not more than the everage escortcell

Escortcels actually get more sex than this kind of guy. He only had sex a few times, and since he stopped doing his full-time beta-orbiting and hunting online, he has ran dry again like usual. An escortcel can just make a call and get sex, this guy cannot.
I said it in the post, the guy has been saying some Black Pilled comments to me lately, and we have NEVER even discussed blue/red/black pill stuff. We haven't even discussed "incels" or anything. Its just a guy I know from online games. A few years ago he had the attitude people have in Inceltears, but as of lately he has started stating opinions that you would find here, it is interesting to witness his slow transformation. It seems he is becoming Black Pilled without even realizing it.

Escortcels actually get more sex than this kind of guy. He only had sex a few times, and since he stopped doing his full-time beta-orbiting and hunting online, he has ran dry again like usual. An escortcel can just make a call and get sex, this guy cannot.
Even one of my friends who was married and one of my friends who was local slayer becoming blackpilled over the time by themselves. Blackpill is only natural.
to fuck fucked up ill foids who dont respect you and love you and all this time for this no no
Why so many threads and posts basically asking to let sex havers come and stay here lately?
Why so many threads and posts basically asking to let sex havers come and stay here lately?

I never said that. I am more so trying to decipher the grey areas of what constitutes an incel or not.
I feel like this is right. I platonically talked to some natsoc girl from southern Germany, who is unfortunetly ugly. She literally has a manface. Looks like an ugly boy. I hope a beta steps up and makes her his wife, because she is legit the only true national socialist woman I know about. She is not only obsessed with Nazis in a historical sense and their culture, but also their politics. But unfortunetly ugly.

I also used to talk with some girl from the US. I am not sure, if she is ugly. She claims that she asked out men a ton and sent a lot of men her face pictures, but they all stopped responding or called her ugly, when they saw it. And in the single picture she sent me, she looks okay at best, but it's bad lighing and weird angle and I can't really gauche how she looks like irl from that picture.
But if we keep in mind that it's her best pic, than it's probably warranted.

We never talked about politics with each other, but I know that she is an extreme feminist and turned even worse, after I "rejected" her (how can I reject a person, if it's almost impossible to meet up with them and I said in the beginning I am not interested in long-distance relationships?)

My theory is that the only women that aren't ugly, that you can find online, that are still virgins/unexperienced, are in my opinion women that are sickly and for that reason missed out on a social life, stayed inside most of their youth and lived an online life, rather than a real life.
But you probably never get to meet them, because women don't speak up in online communities and you won't meet them on dating sites either.
Like OP said, these women can only be met accidently in games or forums.

The 2 I mentioned are the only women I talked to regularly, but not anymore. Every other woman always ended in a stop of communication. Usually it's me not replying for a few weeks and then for some reason their attitude changes and they stop responding to me in turn.
I never said that. I am more so trying to decipher the grey areas of what constitutes an incel or not.
No need to categorise everything and everyone, he is just what he is and it's pretty common.
I know truecel-looking people like that too who manage to get sex every once in a while or are in relationships with landwhales but it makes me cringe when they call themselves incel. Specifically I have a truecel-looking friend who always calls himself an incel even if you ask him that time it is, two months ago some woman he knows asked him out and sucked him off and the week later he was calling himself incel because she said it was a mistake and didn't wanna stay with him. I always argue with him heavily about this and wish him cancers and stuff.
It's incredible just how much effort and work is needed for an average height and face man to get laid let alone a manlet like in OP's case. Legitimate long term relationships are off the table at this looks level. You'll always be a beta bux and she'll always secretly despise you. Women are incapable of being legitimately sexually attracted to you if you're in the 4-5/10 range. All LTR are doomed to fail.

Now imagine being an average guy with autism/aspergers. Imagine all that effort and work the average normie has to go through to get scraps and become a beta bux and multiply that difficulty level by 3. It's completely over if you're a below average looking aspie. If you're an average height+looks aspie, it's basically over, but there's tiny chance you can beta bux if you put in extraordinary effort and work.
I said it in the post, the guy has been saying some Black Pilled comments to me lately, and we have NEVER even discussed blue/red/black pill stuff. We haven't even discussed "incels" or anything. Its just a guy I know from online games. A few years ago he had the attitude people have in Inceltears, but as of lately he has started stating opinions that you would find here, it is interesting to witness his slow transformation. It seems he is becoming Black Pilled without even realizing it.

Escortcels actually get more sex than this kind of guy. He only had sex a few times, and since he stopped doing his full-time beta-orbiting and hunting online, he has ran dry again like usual. An escortcel can just make a call and get sex, this guy cannot.
Even one of my friends who was married and one of my friends who was local slayer becoming blackpilled over the time by themselves. Blackpill is only natural.
I am capable of maintaining a platonic online chitchat relationship with women I meet on Omegle sometimes by acting like a manic asshole that constantly puts them down in provocative ways.
Never showed my face and these things last about 2 months before fizzing out. I had one girl send me her (quite big) clothed titties.
So much for inkwell personalities.
In any case I can believe your story and I could probably ascend myself if I dedicated unholy amounts of effort.
But really, what's the point? In words of eggman, we're all trying to catch up when we've already lost.
Being a reddit jester to mentally ill women who feel weak in the moment to ascend is not ascension. You only get to feel the inside of a vagina.
I think those guys are not incels. If you managed to get into FREE SEX with a foid even as an ugly man , you're not incel. We have a name for that and is FALLEN NORMIE. The case of the OP friend maybe we can call him instead of incel OUTLIER sounds good as the thread suggest. Or maybe a "lucky incel".

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