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Discussion There are some major holes in Think Before You Sleep response to Rehab Room [Long Critical Review]



Jul 30, 2022

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LU4z_Zm46Co&t=253s

TBYS yaps for nearly a hour about how many claims in @Incel TV videos are misleading. TBYS seems to use some anecdotal TikTok videos as evidence to challenge claims made by Rehab Room, but TBYS provides no extra context or data to support his counterclaims

TBYS makes a few decent points against how Rehab Room interprets research data. But to be fair, I think TBYS is wrong about the intentions of RR's videos. TBYS doesn’t seem to understand that Rehab Room provides a unique perspective into the sexual dynamic of the social world that other content creators do not provide. The :blackpill: perspective on sex & dating is unpopular for the simple reason that it is nihilistic and defeatist to some degree. But @Incel TV doesn’t say it’s over for all subChads, because it isn’t over for all subChads, and I’m pretty certain that he knows this. RR knows there are some subChads who have high success with women

The reality is that there is a record-breaking percentage of zoomer males who reached adult as virgins or had zero experience in dating before they reached adulthood. The study from Pew Research also found that a majority of men between the ages of 18 to 29 are single in this Generation Z. This is historically the highest recorded percentage of single men within this age bracket in centuries, if not longer than that. Basically zoomer males are the most sexually deprived / sexually unsuccessful generation of males in the past few centuries at least. This is a statistical fact

As to why this is the case, well there are at least two theories: Foid Hypergamy vs Mass-scale case of “Bad Personalities” or / and “Low Confidence” across zoomer male population. Perhaps you could say it’s inconclusive as to which theory is closer to the truth. But there is statistical evidence to support the theory of foid hypergamy. There are a few reality checks here for TBYS criticism of @Incel TV

Reality Check 1: Failure is guaranteed for at least some people, success isn't

If you follow TBYS hypothesis and assume you can “self-improve” and become adequate enough to attract women regardless of your SMV - It could lead you into an endless spiral of failed attempts to succeed with women, or it could lead you into a betabux / oofy doofy situation (if you eventually “succeed” like TBYS did with Brittany Venti). @Incel TV provides a realistic yet brutal advice on how to navigate the social realm if your SMV is MTN, LTN or subhuman-tier. Sometimes the best advice can be the most painful, hurtful advice; the truth tends to hurt. Like Oreoman said, “Sometimes in life, you have to know when to quit”. This is a reality that some people eventually face in their life: In a competitive environment, not everyone wins, and sometimes the winners of today become the losers of tomorrow. So unless you’re for some reason a masochist who likes to be hurt or / and ridiculed by other people on a regular basis, you need to know when to quit, In the cases of some males who experience consistent failure or become an oofy doofy pet, the only way they’ll be able to not experience failure any longer is by simply quitting

Success is not affirmed for everyone, some lpeople will inevitably fail, or they will become an oofy doofy like TBYS with Brittany Venti (which is practically failure). Quitting doesn’t affirm that it will no longer be possible for you to experience success
(as you could assume there are tremendously low odds that a female will approach you first and express her interest in meeting with you on a regular basis). But quitting does affirm that it will no longer be possible for you to fail, because you can’t fail anymore if you stop trying

Like professional athletes for example, cannot compete professionally forever due to the affects of ageing or / and life-changing injuries they may sustain during their athletic career. At some point, many, actually most professional athletes retire from their sport before they die, because of these reasons: (1) Increasing health concerns, (2) natural effects of ageing which causes them to become physically weaker or / and more prone to serious injury, (3) life-changing injuries that prevent them from continuing to participate as a professional. Most athletes have to face this reality at some point in their career when they are past their prime athletic state. They can no longer compete at the level they were previously at, and they are becoming too weak to continue competing. Some professional athletes experience more success than others. There are athletes who win every competition they face, there are athletes who win most competitions they face, and there are athletes who lose more competitions than they win. But most professional athletes quit at some point, as a result of coming to terms with the reality that they’re too physically exhausted (due to ageing) or too physically injured to continue participating as a professional

Reality Check 2: There is research-based evidence that dark-triad / manipulative personality traits are attractive to women

TBYS makes many claims throughout the video, but doesn’t seem to provide any scientific research papers from credible sources to corroborate them (like NCBI, GSS, Pew Research). For example, he says “He [@IncelTV] relays something that he learned from 48 Laws of Power… talks about how you can make it so you can manipulate mass groups of dumb people. But putting this kind of thing into practice in your personal life will make people hate you”. Unsurprisingly TBYS provides no scientific or statistical data to support his claim. Instead, he says, “Everybody knows that guy or that girl who blames their problem on everybody else, and they don’t like that person…”

This is clearly a speculative statement by TBYS that was not well-thought out. I couldn’t find any research papers that reported they found something along the lines of “manipulative people / people who blame their problems on other people are hated by people who know them”

But I did find a research paper from 2021 which concluded the use of emotional manipulation generally has a positive effect on psychological well-being, but can also have a negative effect on psychological well-being if moral disengagement (as in rationalizing harmful or unethical behaviour) is involved:

I also found a research paper from 2014 that found women were attracted to dark-triad / manipulative personality traits (although the sample size was just over 100 women):

Plus if you go on subreddits like r/TwoXChromosomes or r/FemaleDatingStrategy, I’m pretty sure you’ll find posts by self-proclaimed women who blame men for their personal frustrations with men, or lack of success in finding a preferable male partner, and they receive mostly supportive comments in the replies

“Men know they are trash”. +2000 updoots:

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/FemaleDatingStrategy/comments/ivt0h2/men_know_men_are_trash_and_thats_why_theyre_so/

“Nothing wrong with using man as a cash cow”. +400 updoots:

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/FemaleDatingStrategy/comments/p01xdn/theres_absolutely_nothing_wrong_with_using_a_man/

“I know not all men are bad. But it feels like at least half of them are”. +2000 updoots:

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/u86si1/i_know_not_all_men_are_bad_but_it_really_feels/

“Uni is full of shit men. I’m fed up”. +1000 updoots:

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/1fp92n6/uni_is_full_of_shit_men_and_im_fed_up/

“what causes this influx of horrible men”. +2000 updoots:

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/wluhnb/what_causes_this_influx_of_horrible_men/

There are countless examples of vilification and shaming of men on these subforums like FDS & TwoX. From their point of view, men are the problem, and they seem to have several hundreds or thousands of fellow Redditors in agreement with them. Apparently some women who vent about their frustration with men on TwoX and FDS, are still liked enough by men to have a sex life involving multiple male partners

So back to what was speculated by TBYS: Does “blaming your problems on other people” necessarily cause other people to hate you? Well, in the case of female Reddit users who have a problem with modern dating and blame men instead of blaming themselves, it seems not to be the case

Basically there’s research-based evidence that being emotionally manipulative doesn’t necessarily lead to a decrease in psychological well-being (as long as moral disengagement is not involved). There’s research-based evidence that women are attracted to dark triad / manipulative personality types in men. There’s also evidence on female-populated Reddit subs (like FDS & TwoX) that blaming your personal issues on other people (e.g. men) doesn’t necessarily lead to loads of other people expressing dislike of you, but rather the opposite

So when TBYS said what he said about “manipulative people” and the social effects of “blaming other people for your own problems”, there is evidence in research papers published on sources like NCBI APA Psycnet, and in female-operated forums like FDS & TwoX),that indicates TBYS claim isn’t exactly right

Reality Check 3: Reputation can in fact be damaged by admitting to a fault

TBYS also says you won’t ruin your reputation by admitting to a fault. I digress from this. I think you can at least
damage your reputation by admitting to a fault, depending on the nature of the fault. I think Mitten Squad is a good example. Before he died in 2023, he was a popular Fallout streamer with millions of subs on YT. Mitten Squad decides to do a face reveal in 2021, and noticeably, the average viewer count on videos uploaded to his channel dropped by several hundred thousand views, compared to average view count on videos uploaded before the face reveal. But what fault did Mitten Squad admit to? He unknowingly admitted to the fault of being born with subhuman genetics via face reveal. It seems he blissfully believed that he’d be accepted by his fans despite his subhuman genes, merely because he obtained a massive following on YT. Of course it is not Mitten Squad's fault that he was born subhuman. But in the eyes of the normie population, it is still treated as a fault, and it seems Mitten Squad lost more fans than he gained after the face reveal

A similar incident occurred with Dizzy, a high-level Apex Legends player in 2019 or 2020, and Dream, a popular Minecraft streamer in 2022 or 2023. Dizzy did a face reveal, and the feedback he received on social media was horrible. Dream did a face reveal, similar horrible feedback. Dizzy is definitely sub5 PSL, but Dream is mid-tier. Yet Dream was also mocked for his facial appearance. His fans probably expected him to be Chad, but even MTN wasn’t good enough for them

In at least some cases, admitting to the fault of not having Chad-tier genetics has proven to do more damage than benefit to a person’s social status, as you’ve seen for Mitten Squad, Dizzy & Dream


TBYS also says “many unfortunate things that people are born with, can be fixed by modern tech”. He’s partly correct. SMV can be increased through medical surgeries. But overall, it’s near impossible to upgrade a subhuman, MTN or LTN to Chad SMV, because visible genetic traits are difficult to “mask” or “alter” to various degrees. Like if a 5’5 male goes for LL surgery, he can increase his hight to 5’8 (max. 3 inches). It’s an improvement, but it’s not enough to become high-tier in SMV. Looksmaxing can improve SMV by a few points. But if you’re an adult male, it’s very difficult if not near impossible to looksmax to Chad SMV if you aren’t even already above average SMV

TBYS makes a bunch of other statements like “It’s better to be ugly with friends, it’s better to be ugly in a luxury car” yap yap yap… But being ugly with friends still doesn’t guarantee that you’ll fulfil your biological purpose (to slay pusy), and being ugly in a luxury car can make you a target for other women who want to run AF / BB

Reality Check 4: What is "Success" in the Sex & Dating Market?

Now what is success in the dating / sex market? It’s this simple:
As a straight male, success is having weekly or daily access to sexual intercourse with another female. Now think about this: Statistically, the majority of zoomer men (approx. 60%) do not have weekly or daily access to sexual intercourse. Most zoomer males have occasional access to sex, or zero access to sex

Therefore, most zoomer males are not successful in the dating / sex market
. Achieving success that lasts only for a relatively short period (like a couple of months or a year), is a short-lived success, and this is the reality of most zoomer males in developed world - Either zero success or a short-lived success

How do I know this? I am going based off the data. Do not fret @IncelTV, because TBYS clearly didn’t do his research on the subject of sex / dating conditions for Gen Z:

This research paper was from 2020, and in the abstract it states the following:
Between 2000-2002 and 2016-2018, the proportion of 18- to 24-year-old individuals who reported having had no sexual activity in the past year increased among men (18.9% vs 30.9%; age-adjusted odds ratio [aOR] for trend across survey periods, 1.20; 95% CI, 1.04-1.39) but not among women (15.1% vs 19.1%; aOR for trend, 1.03; 95% CI, 0.89-1.18)

In summary, men aged 18 – 24 who had weekly or daily access to sex between 2016 to 2018, were a minority (approx. 40% of the population)

There’s also evidence that having a lower income, being part-time employed or being unemployed, correlates with sexual inactivity. This implies betabux leads to higher frequency of sex. But think in between the lines. If money rather than looks can make men become more sexually attractive to women, what does it infer? Are women more sexually attracted to a man’s physical appearance, or are women more sexually attracted to a man’s bank account? :waitwhat: Alternately it could be that many physically attractive males also happen to have a big bank account?

It’s realistic to assume that most non-single ugly men with a higher-than-average income are betabuxers, if you consider the fact that: (1) broke Chad will not have a hard time trying to find consenting women if he uses social media to search, and (2) young women today are more promiscuous than young women from previous generations

The increase in sexual inactivity coincided with decreases in the proportion reporting weekly or more sexual frequency (men aged 18-24 years: 51.8% vs. 37.4%; aOR for trend, 0.88 [95% CI, 0.79-0.99])

Basically, the findings of the research report indicate that approx. 60% of males aged between 18 – 24 had occasional or no access to sex between the years 2016 to 2018. Note that all males within this age range would have been millennials or zoomers (born between 1992 and 2000). The sample size for this stat was 4291 men (and 5213 women), and the result was obtained via a US national survey

This research paper was from 2015, and in the abstract. It basically says Millennials and Gen Z (known as iGen) were more likely to report zero sexual partners as young adults, compared to Gen X when they were young adults (born in 1960s or 1970s):

Reality Check 5: The Argument of "Touch Grass" is Practically Redundant. Online Dating reigns Supreme in Gen Z

I suspect a bluepilled thinker like TBYS would make the claim that zoomer males are “too afraid to touch grass and socialize”, or “they have poor social skills” (which he did say at some point in the video). However the dynamic of modern dating / sex market has for the most part moved to social media for Gen Z, the most common method of seeking and finding a relationship in Gen Z is by social media / dating apps, not by "going outside to socialize". But what TBYS doesn’t tell you is that this occurred before COVID-19

Most relationships in Gen Z were being made through social media BEFORE COVID. Less zoomer males are seeking relationships between 2019 and 2022, but TBYS doesn’t provide an explanation as to why this is the case. Instead, he says “You want a better chance of success, stop using apps and go outside” JFL

However, TBYS, his proposition that “Going outside = Higher chance of success” is far from reality, simply because it is not corroborated by the data. Most relationships in the modern western world involving zoomers, are made via social media / dating app. This is a statistical fact

The following report was from 2019, and I suspect the numbers for “online” or “social media” are much higher in 2024, as 7 years have passed since the year of recording for how couples met according to this research (recorded for 2017; published in 2019):


This means your odds of finding a partner are actually lower if you use any method of searching other than social media. Therefore, TBYS is wrong about “Going outside = Higher chance of success”, as the data on how couples meet (since 2017) clearly indicates otherwise

Bluepillers say “social media doesn’t reflect the state of dating in the real world”, but the data clearly shows otherwise. Gen Z is the first generation in history to have “social media” as the most common method of searching for a dating / sex partner (Pew Research, 2023). The minority of users on dating apps are female, but
most zoomers in relationships met their partner online (via dating apps or pseudo-dating apps). Yet the majority of zoomer males in the USA are single, while the majority of zoomer females aren’t (Pew Research, 2023). Go figure.

Gen X / Millennial women (born between 1976 and 1985) had three times as many sex partners as women from previous generations (Boomer, Silent Gen). This stat is relevant as it indicates promiscuity has become more commonplace among younger generations of women (Zoomer, Millennial), despite the record-breaking high share of young men (in millennial / zoomer gen) with little or zero access to sex. A pretty obvious indicator of hypergamy in modern dating conditions - A smaller pool of men are being shared by a majority of zoomer / millennial women in the sex / dating market. The source was found in a post by @Anarcho Nihilist :

Based on my analysis of the data on ratio of male-to-female responses and profile likes on dating apps, men are still disproportionately rejected / not “swiped right on” by female users on dating apps (even tho female users are minority):
The ratio of men to women [on dating apps] is 3 to 1. So if women are to be unfairly represented in a dating app statistic, then by a fair standard, women should not be over-represented by more than 3x of the stat that represents men in a reciprocal variable, or under-represented by less than 1/3x of the stat that represents men in a linear variable:

If men match with 1.8% of all right-swiped profiles, the stat for women by a fair standard shouldn’t be more than 5.4%, but it’s 36%. That’s almost 7x higher than what would be the fair amount for women on dating apps
If men swipe right on nearly half of all profiles (53%), women shouldn’t swipe right on less than 17% to 18% of profiles, but they swipe right on only 5%. That’s about 3x lower than what would be the fair amount for women on dating apps
If the ratio of matches to profile likes for men is 3%, the stat for women by a fair standard shouldn’t be more than 9%, but it’s 45%. That’s 5x higher than what would be the fair amount for women on dating apps

If men like 1 out of 3 profiles (35%), women by a fair standard shouldn’t like less than 1 out of 9 profiles (11% - 12%), but its 1 out of 16 profiles (6%). That’s about 2x lower than would be the fair amount for women on dating apps
It can be debated that both men and women on dating apps are to blame for these over-representations and under-representations of women in dating app stats, but it depends on how you wish to look at it --- Either men swipe right on too many profiles, or women don’t swipe right on enough profiles. Either men like too many profiles, or women don’t like enough profiles

Conclusion (TL; DR)

TBYS is basically the equivalent of a “purplepill” (fusion of :bluepill: & :redpill:) content creator. He tries to analyse the modern dating situation from a “purplepill” perspective. That’s all there is to it.
I think TBYS would have a lower subscriber count if he uploaded more :blackpill: content

@Incel TV has mostly accurate takes on the social world from the :blackpill: perspective, because there is data to back up his claims. TBYS doesn’t have much data to back up his claims, and this is because the “purplepill” is half :bluepill: shit (and other half :redpill: shit). As you know already, the :bluepill: isn’t really supported by scientific / statistical data as much as the :blackpill:

The “purplepill” is mostly bullshit. IMO there is no compromise. The data out there indicates that social media is the number one catalyst behind the record-breaking percentage of young males who are virgins, sexless or / and single

There is a stronger positive correlation between the share of people using social media to find dates / sex partners, and the share of young men in Gen Z / Millennial who are sexless or single. Yet there is a negative correlation or weaker positive correlation if you account for only young women in Gen Z / Millenial who are sexless or single

I think the only way that order & balance can be restored in the dating / sex market
(as in equal share of young men & women being in a relationship or / and weekly sex + low rates of singlehood / sexlessness across both sexes), is by extreme, impractical solutions (in sandbox video games), like enforcing a total ban on social media across all western countries (in Sims 4)
@based_meme @cvh1991 @SoycuckGodOfReddit @LeFrenchCel @SandNiggerKANG @AsiaCel @Buried Alive 2.0 @Gott _mit _uns94 @SlayerSlayer @Freixel @Lifeisbullshit95 @DarkStar @GeckoBus @FatLink @Zhou Chang-Xing @Subhuman Niceguy
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First high effort post I've seen in weeks
I hate both of them & hope they drop dead.
nigga wrote an essay about youtubers
that's some next level gas lighting, I sure as fuck hope rehab room obliterates his bluepilled video.
Nice read
I knew from the thumbnail that it will be a farce of an attempt to debunk ITV and the :whitepill: as a whole.
Screenshot 20240925 142523 YouTube

It would have been more interesting to see if he'd talk about about the data instead of anecdotal tiktok which I used to do on ChinkTok.

Ever since he meet Venti, he's dialled in his views from his MGTOW days of covid(which I use to watch) to appeal to a larger audience

Bluepilled need to honestly engage with the data. The :whitepill: does not say what should or shouldn't do but rather presents data and facts as is. THE whole point about feeling nihilistic is up go the individual rather then the end goal of the :whitepill:. If the odds are stacked against you as well as the hand you were dealt, why would you try?

If a team is 9-0 down by the 31st minute, there's no comeback, no La Remontada, No miracle of Istanbul. May as well throw in the towel and mitigate the severity of the situation
Game Over Death GIF by Travis

I do walk around town a lot, most Gen Z women dont go outside. I see more dudes than foids and a lot who go outside are often with their parents with a disinterested look on their face akin to this:
Whatever Eye Roll GIF by Hannah Bronfman

Given the above, this was a bad attempt at debunking what we've been saying for years.
Rehab Room is putting up prime lebron numbers with the :whitepill:
Im Sure Lebron James GIF by Uninterrupted


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