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Venting therapy does not work for incels



truest slavcel of them all
Nov 10, 2019
At the beginning of university I was {bluepilled} very motivated to do my best and exceed (as I did in school). I thought that I'll have a large social circle, good friends and a girlfriend. One year later, with 0 friends and everyone constantly ignoring / rejecting me I became really depressed. Every day I came alone to my dark, cold, silent house and spent the weekends and nights by myself while other partied with each other (never got invited, but saw them via social media).

That's when I developed gaming addiction as a cope. My grades started to drop and I skipped classes. I had to retake the year, and I had {as a proof that I had a problem} to go to psychologist who recommended me to delete all gaming accounts and try to meet people :soy:. I followed all of his blue pilled steps, BUT NOTHING CHANGED - people laughed and rejected me when I asked them to hang out (as friends), some foids called my ugly.

In the end I became even more depressed. I had no more money to buy games, so I wasted my time on YouTube and my education did not improve - I was simply not motivated to go to class or study.

Therapy cannot not help inceldom, even if therapists become black pilled.
Therapy is a scam.
Noting works for me. Only way to fix me is to shoot me in the head
Therapy is of course a scam. JFL the one I went to last year basically told me to get a car and a gf, and said that my parents abused me. No mention of helping me through it, or no mention of how a gf can help me out. Dumb old Boomer POS. Hope his Lexus swerves off the road.
I've been to three different therapists and they're all useless. They act as if the blackpill is only in my head. They argued with me that :
  • Women aren't hypergamous, it's only your perception
  • It's important for men and women to be friends before dating, therefore the friendzone is not a bad thing (side note: they didn't even know what the friendzone was, I had to explain it to them)
  • Women don't care that much about money or height
  • You're not short
  • No one will judge you for living at home
We don't need therapy because our sex drive is not a disease.
At the beginning of university I was {bluepilled} very motivated to do my best and exceed (as I did in school). I thought that I'll have a large social circle, good friends and a girlfriend. One year later, with 0 friends and everyone constantly ignoring / rejecting me I became really depressed. Every day I came alone to my dark, cold, silent house and spent the weekends and nights by myself while other partied with each other (never got invited, but saw them via social media).

That's when I developed gaming addiction as a cope. My grades started to drop and I skipped classes. I had to retake the year, and I had {as a proof that I had a problem} to go to psychologist who recommended me to delete all gaming accounts and try to meet people :soy:. I followed all of his blue pilled steps, BUT NOTHING CHANGED - people laughed and rejected me when I asked them to hang out (as friends), some foids called my ugly.

In the end I became even more depressed. I had no more money to buy games, so I wasted my time on YouTube and my education did not improve - I was simply not motivated to go to class or study.

Therapy cannot not help inceldom, even if therapists become black pilled.

University sucks. Just go get a job at a warehouse or factory. Or learn something like welding or truck driving cuz you're isolated at that job
University sucks. Just go get a job at a warehouse or factory. Or learn something like welding or truck driving cuz you're isolated at that job
I thought about working in a lab in uni, seemed pretty chill and without many people.
therapy is a jewish racket. total scam.
It works for females, and people with very minor issues.

If your life is at its core fundamentally broken, it does nothing, but they can help you get NEETbux if it is, so thats the only worth while side of it
There isn't anything wrong with therapy, but you need to find the right fit.
I find it strange that you could not make ONE friend in university. Do you have some type of disability that makes it hard for you to talk to others or for others to be around you? Example: unable to contain your bowel movements.
Did you try to look into groups or clubs that supported your interests/hobbies?
Staying cooped up indoors all day is not going to help your depression. I would suggest getting out of the house and moving around. Look into free events in your community to attend, go to the local library to just chill/read/surf the net, maybe even volunteer at local organizations to put yourself out there and around other people.
It probably won't get you laid, but would at least get you out of your own head and help you interact with other people and possibly find a friend or two.
therapy does not work for incels
There is no therapy for your face
I had intense therapy and meds forced on me through my entire adolescence, the time in a western person's life where the entire foundation for the rest of his existence is laid out, and all I got out of it was a ruined GPA and social development, i.e. a ruined life. Nobody who suggests therapy to you deserves any better than spit in their face.
There isn't anything wrong with therapy, but you need to find the right fit.
I find it strange that you could not make ONE friend in university. Do you have some type of disability that makes it hard for you to talk to others or for others to be around you? Example: unable to contain your bowel movements.
Did you try to look into groups or clubs that supported your interests/hobbies?
Staying cooped up indoors all day is not going to help your depression. I would suggest getting out of the house and moving around. Look into free events in your community to attend, go to the local library to just chill/read/surf the net, maybe even volunteer at local organizations to put yourself out there and around other people.
It probably won't get you laid, but would at least get you out of your own head and help you interact with other people and possibly find a friend or two.
thanks frend for long reply. I just can't form social connections with anyone. Even my family says that I behave weird. Physically I am healthy, unattractive but not deformed. I would like to go outside, but my anxiety is severe. I am missing all of my classes and I did not go outside for the past week (I almost finished all food in the house). I am going mentally insane at this point, I feel it. The last time I've spoken to a friend IRL was over 5 years ago :feelsbadman:
thanks frend for long reply. I just can't form social connections with anyone. Even my family says that I behave weird. Physically I am healthy, unattractive but not deformed. I would like to go outside, but my anxiety is severe. I am missing all of my classes and I did not go outside for the past week (I almost finished all food in the house). I am going mentally insane at this point, I feel it. The last time I've spoken to a friend IRL was over 5 years ago :feelsbadman:

Maybe you are an asperg?
thanks frend for long reply. I just can't form social connections with anyone. Even my family says that I behave weird. Physically I am healthy, unattractive but not deformed. I would like to go outside, but my anxiety is severe. I am missing all of my classes and I did not go outside for the past week (I almost finished all food in the house). I am going mentally insane at this point, I feel it. The last time I've spoken to a friend IRL was over 5 years ago :feelsbadman:
Do you not have family nearby to take you our for the day. I wouldn't force you to do anything that would give you an anxiety attack, but do you have a hoodie or coat with a hood? Maybe just get out the house and walk around without engaging with anyone to just clear your head. Have you contacted your professors and told you of your anxiety? They might give you an extension or let you finish your classwork online
Do you not have family nearby to take you our for the day. I wouldn't force you to do anything that would give you an anxiety attack, but do you have a hoodie or coat with a hood? Maybe just get out the house and walk around without engaging with anyone to just clear your head. Have you contacted your professors and told you of your anxiety? They might give you an extension or let you finish your classwork online
yeah, my family is really busy with their own lives (work, education) so I am by myself alone 99% of all time. But again, I am an adult myself so I am expected to be independent. I do wear a cap all the time, in winter and summer, which prob makes me look weird in uni (I even got downgraded for professionalism). I can't even force myself outside my door anymore like to go to shop :(. I did tell my professors and they understood me. I am confused because I know that I have to change the situation but I feel that it's becoming worse and worse :(
Maybe you are an asperg?
doubt it, I was normally functioning person in childhood, don't know if it can develop later in life
Even though therapy probably will not help, we should still pursue it, as it is the pathway to ultimate NEETbux.

If it doesn't help: the bux and free time will. If it does: side bonus, I guess?

It will probably SLIGHTLY help (being able to air grievances to someone) besides the bux, and maybe to help organize thoughts. It ultimately won't help in solving the major unsolveable problems (being ugly) but might help with determining to find better coping solutions, like investing in better equipment, finding hobbies like growing your own potatoes under hay, or networking with other non-foids in case society collapses and you need to join as a tribe to avoid getting eaten by chad.
Therapy only works for BP'ed normies going through a rough patch, if even that.

Once you're as fucked as us there's no going back.
Therapy can’t fix my horse face, lol I look like the mike wazowski meme
Therapy only works for normal people with normal issues. It’ll help a schizophrenic normie or a bipolar foid. It won’t help an ugly incel.

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