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JFL Thedonald.win is literally absorbing all banned subreddits into their site

no one will use it old userbase = gone
Reddit was partially responsible for the election of Donald Trump. They won't make a mistake again. r/the_donald literally made Trump president.
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This whole election thing sure is taking it's toll.
Reddit was partially responsible for the election of Donald Trump. They won't make a mistake again. r/the_donald literally made Trump president.

I wouldn't go that far.

But it's clear social media is doing everything it can to scatter Trump supporters and deny them the ability to organize online and pump their meme propaganda into the general discourse online. Expect more bannings in september/october when it's crunch time.
How does that website work?
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Fuck this shit they will vote for kikes no matter what jfl what a zog country evangelical bastards are responsible for giving too much blowjobs to jews and masons really makes you wonder about what if jews back then infiltrated to Protestant community and created that cocksucking neverseen before sect jfl dont come at me about how i sound unrealistic and delusional after all they are jews known to do things like that even in torah there is chaptures about how prophet abraham pulled some deepstate infiltration to some ancient king's family and early taqiyya methods if you know what i mean
Fuck this shit they will vote for kikes no matter what jfl what a zog country evangelical bastards are responsible for giving too much blowjobs to jews and masons really makes you wonder about what if jews back then infiltrated to Protestant community and created that cocksucking neverseen before sect jfl dont come at me about how i sound unrealistic and delusional after all they are jews known to do things like that even in torah there is chaptures about how prophet abraham pulled some deepstate infiltration to some ancient king's family and early taqiyya methods if you know what i mean
I believe that Jews likely have an equivalent to the Islamic concept of taqiyya.

I have been trying to search for it and what it's Hebrew name might be.

It's something people should learn about.

Jews might just have it unwritten though, as they are craftier than Muslims.

Much like they don't write down about what they do with the blood of infants.
what's this .win thing boyo
Fuck this shit they will vote for kikes no matter what jfl what a zog country evangelical bastards are responsible for giving too much blowjobs to jews and masons really makes you wonder about what if jews back then infiltrated to Protestant community and created that cocksucking neverseen before sect jfl dont come at me about how i sound unrealistic and delusional after all they are jews known to do things like that even in torah there is chaptures about how prophet abraham pulled some deepstate infiltration to some ancient king's family and early taqiyya methods if you know what i mean
They didn’t “infiltrate” it or any other form of Christ insanity.

They literally created Christ insanity as a means to mentally enslave whites and subjugate and subvert us from whatever our true destiny would have been as a people otherwise.

The kike cult of the cross literally brought about the ruination and destruction of the Roman Empire.

It is literally Communism/Bolshevism 1.0 and is alive in function if not outward form in the utterly retarded, self destructive and self defeating white leftist movements of antifa, SJW’s, Black Lives Matter, libtards, Democrats, etc, etc.

Communism/Christ insanity is the ideology preferred and loved by the very worst elements of humanity ie the subhuman and resentful trash of the world which is sadly why so very many of our misguided brothers on Wizchan and probably even here and other communities such as ours embrace this Jewish filth wholesale but it is poison to anyone who practices it in any of its forms and will only end in your utter and complete destruction at the puppet mastering hand of the Jew who is the only one that can truly wield the power of this sickening ideological twin concept much as Sauron is the only one that can truly wield the power of the one ring.
I believe that Jews likely have an equivalent to the Islamic concept of taqiyya.

I have been trying to search for it and what it's Hebrew name might be.

It's something people should learn about.

Jews might just have it unwritten though, as they are craftier than Muslims.

Much like they don't write down about what they do with the blood of infants.
They didn’t “infiltrate” it or any other form of Christ insanity.

They literally created Christ insanity as a means to mentally enslave whites and subjugate and subvert us from whatever our true destiny would have been as a people otherwise.

The kike cult of the cross literally brought about the ruination and destruction of the Roman Empire.

It is literally Communism/Bolshevism 1.0 and is alive in function if not outward form in the utterly retarded, self destructive and self defeating white leftist movements of antifa, SJW’s, Black Lives Matter, libtards, Democrats, etc, etc.

Communism/Christ insanity is the ideology preferred and loved by the very worst elements of humanity ie the subhuman and resentful trash of the world which is sadly why so very many of our misguided brothers on Wizchan and probably even here and other communities such as ours embrace this Jewish filth wholesale but it is poison to anyone who practices it in any of its forms and will only end in your utter and complete destruction at the puppet mastering hand of the Jew who is the only one that can truly wield the power of this sickening ideological twin concept much as Sauron is the only one that can truly wield the power of the one ring.
They are masters of slyness they always hide their true cause and deceive people to believe that they are victimized people its no coincidence that all the mainstream media have jewish ceo's and they have billonaire kike funders they will try to do every trick they learned through their 'holy' book(talmud) to keep the goyim under control and make them to serve their interests
They didn’t “infiltrate” it or any other form of Christ insanity.

They literally created Christ insanity as a means to mentally enslave whites and subjugate and subvert us from whatever our true destiny would have been as a people otherwise.
It's hard to say... it could've been plausible that Jesus existed as a non-Jewish guy originally, or maybe the lore was that his dad was Zeus/Thor and he cucked a jew (Joseph) by impregnating his virgin wife, and his dad's sperm was so powerful it eradicted Mary's semitic DNA so that Jesus didn't end up a Mischling.

But if that were the case, Jews obviously took control of the lore from the shadows to reframe him as "yeah my dad is Yahweh" shit
reddit even banned r/wojak
Pretty based tbh
Not based. But justified.
Before social media and the cancer that plagued the internet known as the normalfag there existed something before that, "forums".
Which is a lead this where we began.

The most classic example of forums setups, some websites would you allow you to set up your own board. And then moderation was in your control. Only the most extreme and illegal content resulted in a warning/ban by the hosts.
When sites got too big, they would host elsewhere, S2Beta/sonicretro.org are the probably the biggest example.
At this point a have a site provider, who can control everything, could control anything.
If you want to post about something that is unrelated, or against the community. You would need to take it somewhere else and create a new account.

But then the net changed, with the introduction of smartphones and simplicity, users wanted something easier.
Sign up for one site, and post in multiple topics.
Compared to the existing:
Sign up for multiple sites, and post in multiple topics.
At this point we have a site provider, who can control everything, but is convenient for the user to sign up, regardless of what post on.

For future social networks.
I see mastodon(decentralized twitter, more info) possibly being a thing, which allows you to be in the echo chamber you want to be in. We've already seen instances where Japan's Pawoo(run by Pixiv) has been blocked, just the west hates lolis.

net is being decentralized, but is being separated into networks
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What about the old Jailbait and Fatpeoplehate and Gore subreddits?
I'm not voting for any candidate whose policy platform does not include state-mandated GF's and it has to literally say on the campaign website 'state-mandated GF's" or else I'm staying home on Election Day.
It's hard to say... it could've been plausible that Jesus existed as a non-Jewish guy originally, or maybe the lore was that his dad was Zeus/Thor and he cucked a jew (Joseph) by impregnating his virgin wife, and his dad's sperm was so powerful it eradicted Mary's semitic DNA so that Jesus didn't end up a Mischling.

But if that were the case, Jews obviously took control of the lore from the shadows to reframe him as "yeah my dad is Yahweh" shit
Oh Jesus did exist!

The problem is there were almost endless "Jesus's" around at the time claiming to be the promised "Moschiach" among various other myths/legends about crucified savior figures swirling around at the time.

In truth the Jews didn't so much originally "create" Christ insanity as they bastardized/plagiarized from the Roman's earlier Mithra religion to create both the Jesus character and the basic structure of the Christian religion while also borrowing/stealing heavily from Zoroastrianism and probably other popular and or obscure cults and sects that would serve their new cult's purposes at the time.

As Varg Vikernes points out (which I also suspected) Christ insanity's "Catholicism" is most largely a rip off of European paganism (our original "authentic" religion as whites) while Christian protestantism is less so ie it is largely stripped of white pagan elements and much that is left is merely the Jew slop.

This not only explains why whites en masse seem to be so intrinsically/instinctively drawn to it (Catholicism) but also why the fundamentalists tend to hate and criticize it so much ie for it's vast pagan (stolen) elements.

For example remember the scene from Gladiator where Maximus holds an idol and says a kind of prayer that goes a little something like "Ancestors I honor you, I will try and live with the dignity you have taught me" etc, etc.

Well THAT is an example of white paganism and our prayers to relatives/loved ones/ancestors which Jew Christ insanity via Catholicism turned into "prayers to Saints".

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIAzXNuDveU
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Very based, trump 2020
Reddit was partially responsible for the election of Donald Trump. They won't make a mistake again. r/the_donald literally made Trump president.
The_Donald during the primaries and the leadup to the election was just so much fun. I made a bunch of memes that they pegged to the front page, so I actually felt like I personally was helping defeat Crooked Hillary and the swamp. It was literally the most fun place on the internet and I don't doubt that it helped Trump win.

I bet the people who run Reddit are still pissed their site helped get him elected.
Kek I happen to be the top comment in that post. Hang on, imma make a shoutout.

Thanks brocel
Fuck this shit they will vote for kikes no matter what jfl what a zog country evangelical bastards are responsible for giving too much blowjobs to jews and masons really makes you wonder about what if jews back then infiltrated to Protestant community and created that cocksucking neverseen before sect jfl dont come at me about how i sound unrealistic and delusional after all they are jews known to do things like that even in torah there is chaptures about how prophet abraham pulled some deepstate infiltration to some ancient king's family and early taqiyya methods if you know what i mean
Islam encourages the same subterfuge, infiltration & manipulation from within'. Same religious origins that took different paths down the line. Islam came from Judaism.
Islam encourages the same subterfuge, infiltration & manipulation from within'. Same religious origins that took different paths down the line. Islam came from Judaism.
No it does not u are mistaking islam with sunnism and their hadith theology similar to jewish talmud there is not s single verse in quran which says fake your whole personality and life in order to make people believe what you believe and infiltrate to enemy lines so you can convert them from inside not a single verse u can only find some sunni and shia scraps in hadith scholars books or fiqh books which is not in Quran and man made laws so it is not quranic source and simply not from God
No it does not u are mistaking islam with sunnism and their hadith theology similar to jewish talmud there is not s single verse in quran which says fake your whole personality and life in order to make people believe what you believe and infiltrate to enemy lines so you can convert them from inside not a single verse u can only find some sunni and shia scraps in hadith scholars books or fiqh books which is not in Quran and man made laws so it is not quranic source and simply not from God
Do sunnies not see themselves as true Muslims? It don't matter who's wrong, who's right or what the facts are, all that matters is that the violent mob will rule if not crushed early on, the crazies brainwashed with a hostile indoctrination from birth believe their might is right & anyone moderate & down is false filth that needs to meet the sword, everyone steps in line either from being drawn to that power to commit evil perceived as righteousness, knowing no other way of life or fear.

The one with no conscience in his actions will beat those that refrain thanks to morals.
Do sunnies not see themselves as true Muslims? It don't matter who's wrong, who's right or what the facts are, all that matters is that the violent mob will rule if not crushed early on, the crazies brainwashed with a hostile indoctrination from birth believe their might is right & anyone moderate & down is false filth that needs to meet the sword, everyone steps in line either from being drawn to that power to commit evil perceived as righteousness, knowing no other way of life or fear.

The one with no conscience in his actions will beat those that refrain thanks to morals.
True but i just wanted to make things clear because there is so many folks out there who will attribute some weird and immoral practises to Islam because they've seen some of those things in so called 'Islamic books' which is contradicts the Quranic law itself
but they dont care about deep searching and actually reading the Quran since so called muslims are in bad situation and constantly in war(which is the reason is they are fighting each other to prove their sects is the true one yes legit lol) and immense poverty rates in 'muslim' countries
Thanks god I'm from Turkey and our founder distinguished religion and state affairs from each other so we are kind of in better situation.
Also thanks to god we are not using sharia law which is a man made law by sunni scholars it is not the law of God because it's contradicts many verses from Quran sunni's are using other 'religious' books to relaw new things which is forbidden by God to create other laws if it said in the Quran but they dont care they are attributing those laws through prophet Muhammad like as if he said those laws which contradicts quran itself when you compare to quranic law to Fiqh-Sharia laws like you understand how stupid its sounds right? Nvm im kind of sola scripture muslim if you get the reference i Only believe Quran as a 'religious' book and reject any other religious books
I believe that Jews likely have an equivalent to the Islamic concept of taqiyya.

I have been trying to search for it and what it's Hebrew name might be.

The closest I've found is that Maimonides made provision for crypto-Judaism through his Epistle Concerning Apostasy (Google book of a translation here).

"Crypto-Judaism" is probably the best term for any future searches.
True but i just wanted to make things clear because there is so many folks out there who will attribute some weird and immoral practises to Islam because they've seen some of those things in so called 'Islamic books' which is contradicts the Quranic law itself
but they dont care about deep searching and actually reading the Quran since so called muslims are in bad situation and constantly in war(which is the reason is they are fighting each other to prove their sects is the true one yes legit lol) and immense poverty rates in 'muslim' countries
Thanks god I'm from Turkey and our founder distinguished religion and state affairs from each other so we are kind of in better situation.
Also thanks to god we are not using sharia law which is a man made law by sunni scholars it is not the law of God because it's contradicts many verses from Quran sunni's are using other 'religious' books to relaw new things which is forbidden by God to create other laws if it said in the Quran but they dont care they are attributing those laws through prophet Muhammad like as if he said those laws which contradicts quran itself when you compare to quranic law to Fiqh-Sharia laws like you understand how stupid its sounds right? Nvm im kind of sola scripture muslim if you get the reference i Only believe Quran as a 'religious' book and reject any other religious books
I think I get where you're going, your group need to sort out these sharia law pushers & violence advocates, it's making your whole religion look rather aggressive & intolerant.

As usual the media portray what's going on in Burma with the Rohingya as a one sided affair.

I wonder what will happen to trump cucks if trump loses
anyone who practices it in any of its forms and will only end in your utter and complete destruction at the puppet mastering hand of the Jew
Yeah, Jesus was a jew. But he will destroy only the wicked.

I know this anti-jewish, anti-Christian CT. I even believed it, when I was a nationalist. Now I only ask how could it be, that the "western world" had it's best times when it was authentic Christian? Even, when you prefer life in a pagan Roman Empire - does so "complete destruction" look what happened after that?

Ancestors are dead. Why pray to the dead? My germanic ancestors acknowledged the true God when Bonifatius came to Germania and felled the Donar oak - and nothing happened.
And no, prayer to the Saints is not Christian, it is Catholic aka ornated paganism-christian-mix.
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The closest I've found is that Maimonides made provision for crypto-Judaism through his Epistle Concerning Apostasy (Google book of a translation here).

"Crypto-Judaism" is probably the best term for any future searches.
I'm well aware of cryptokikery but I don't see that as a term describing the principle of "it's okay to lie to infidels to protect the faith"

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