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The worst part of bullying



Feb 24, 2020
It was being excluded from everything tbh, noone ever wanting to be your friend, noone allowing you into their group, stopping you from going to an event. It is all about excluding a person tbh, and the worst aspect is how noone sees it as a bad thing. Normies version of bullying is being beat- up and getting called rude names, but this is only surface level shit and hence why whenever I try to explain this to them, they think I'm bullshitting. The disgusted look on people's faces, people giggling when you fail, people making jokes about you with their friends, it's all a covert form of bullying that the teacher will never care since it isn't in their definition jfl.
Total isolation is a form of torture since it causes insanity. While we're not totally isolated, our severely hindered social lives cause us a lot of stress, and the reason we are in these situations is because of exclusion by normies.
Bullying literally kills a person inside. Bullies are murderers.
It's your fault.
I had some friends, but was treated like shit by most of the people I went to high school. I had like 3 friends. And I wasn't in their top 6 friends, and they did a bunch of stuff with people who didn't like me without me. I was invited to a party by one guy where 16 others from my high school came. I would enthusiastically say hello to everyone as I came, some of the girls pretended I didn't even say hello, and my friend was like wtf, cause it was so obvious and rude towards me.

I was so trash in high school, still am trash, but in University people don't care enough to treat me like shit on purpose.
Ya I was a ghost in high school, no one really new me. Almost wish I'd been stuffed into lockers/ picked on so women would notice me
Wir müssen die Mobber und ihre Apologisten ausrotten.
Actually they deserve the elettrict chair. It was fun to find out those monkeys from my school met back in the days and totally forgot I used to go in that s*hole school too. I was just the kid to make fun of and never invite, the sad thing were those adults bystanders. The bystanders are criminals too.
I don't care. I'm so autistic i don't even bother with any of the social bs.
Normies don't like a challenge. They bully the easiest targets and never disrupt the status quo.
Based post tbh I can relate. During all my years after middle school I got excluded the same way you said, none wanted to be my friend nor did they care about me, threw me nasty jokes frequently and treated me like I didn't exist aka a ghost.
The giggling is the biggest rage fuel
If I could instantly forget everything humiliating that's happened from elementary to high school I would. Normies underestimate the fuck out of bullying. Even the word "bullying" downplays it. All those memories are the reason I live such a high inhib lifestyle. Never knowing if people are laughing with or at me. Always afraid to speak up. I can't even go to the grocery store without feeling uncomfortable like people are judging me. It really drives you to insanity.
bullying during school years is nothing personal,normies-alphas wanna show their dominance and form social circles which they do during bullying a weaker individual
problem is the bully has forgot about u by the time you end school,and you might remember him your entire life
although i wasnt a strong dude in school years i never got bullied because EVEN WHEN SOMEONE SAYS 1WRONG SHIT TO YOU,YOU HAVE TO ATTACK IMMEDIATELY
better get a beating rathen than being a bitch
wasnt bullied,but getting treated like a lesser being sucks
this is why kys is stupid af. This way you let the bullies win. Just stay alive out of spite. Become good at something, achieve success in other areas, watch their failings.
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bullying during school years is nothing personal,normies-alphas wanna show their dominance and form social circles which they do during bullying a weaker individual
problem is the bully has forgot about u by the time you end school,and you might remember him your entire life
although i wasnt a strong dude in school years i never got bullied because EVEN WHEN SOMEONE SAYS 1WRONG SHIT TO YOU,YOU HAVE TO ATTACK IMMEDIATELY
better get a beating rathen than being a bitch
Based firelordcel, never take shit
this is why kys is stupid af. This way you let the bullies win. Just stay alive out of spite. Become good at something, achieve success in other areas.
Cope, the bullies win regardless. They get to live happy well adjusted lives while you are forced to live your whole lifetime chained to brutal memories of abuse and exclusion. They basically live rent free in your head 24/7, and most of them will forget who you were a month after high school ends.
Normally I don't watch normie vines or tiktoks but lately I've seen some joke videos, the ugly male was getting bullied. You're in a group of men and wamen, who do you think is going to be made fun of?
this is why kys is stupid af. This way you let the bullies win. Just stay alive out of spite. Become good at something, achieve success in other areas, watch their failings.
or make a diffERence
Cope, the bullies win regardless. They get to live happy well adjusted lives while you are forced to live your whole lifetime chained to brutal memories of abuse and exclusion. They basically live rent free in your head 24/7, and most of them will forget who you were a month after high school ends.
Achieving success as a loner requires tremendous amount of effort, but if succeed, tremendous success may happen, maybe this is a cope but I'll see it when I either succeed or not.
Achieving success as a loner requires tremendous amount of effort, but if succeed, tremendous success may happen, maybe this is a cope but I'll see it when I either succeed or not.
Achieving success is exponentially harder with negative looks halo from an ugly face and a smaller social network. The "successful introverts" you see like Bill Gates or whatever are just playing a persona and were never true loners like us. Good luck anyway.
Cope, the bullies win regardless. They get to live happy well adjusted lives while you are forced to live your whole lifetime chained to brutal memories of abuse and exclusion. They basically live rent free in your head 24/7, and most of them will forget who you were a month after high school ends.
bs my own father bullied me many times and i've seen him very often being startled by his own failures. Just because they bullied you doesn't mean they aren't bullied of abused themselves.
bs my own father bullied me many times and i've seen him very often being startled by his own failures. Just because they bullied you doesn't mean they aren't bullied of abused themselves.
Family bullying is different imo and unlike hierarchy based bullying at school/workplace actually does come from some sort of trauma or illness.

But compare your life right now to that of your school bullies. Whos life is better? Are you such a cuck to think that they didn't win even though they are smashing pussy on the regular while you are rotting and posting on an incel forum?
Family bullying is different imo and unlike hierarchy based bullying at school/workplace actually does come from some sort of trauma or illness.

But compare your life right now to that of your school bullies. Whos life is better? Are you such a cuck to think that they didn't win even though they are smashing pussy on the regular while you are rotting and posting on an incel forum?
i was once bullied by a subhuman norwooding 2/10 fat guy. I know how his life will turn out.
Quoting Anthony Hopkins:
''Life can be painful, it’s painful for everyone and that’s the deal. My motto is get over it, get over yourself, do the best you can do for as long as you can. And the best tea is made with boiling water.''
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i was once bullied by a subhuman norwooding 2/10 fat guy. I know how his life will turn out.
Why would you allow another low status male to bully you? That's beta
Why would you allow another low status male to bully you? That's beta
it was subtle ''mimicry bullying''. And this is why it didn't even make sense you don't kick a dead horse.
Reading this gave me flashbacks. More than being beaten up, it was the little things, the condescending, the giggling, the looks of condemnation and ridicule at whatever you did, the exclusion, not being 'in' as it were. All this turns you into a neurotic self-doubting person, never knowing what to do lest you incur the wrath of your peers, always the sense of walking on egg-shells, complete inability to relax around people, a constant fear of saying something that normies might use to humiliate you with later on, constant stress from thinking everyone is conspiring against you.
yeah. people who are given constant validation and positive reinforcement don't really understand what it's like to be constantly told that you're an undesirable and nobody wants you around. they can say "just try to socialize and be friendly with people" but that doesn't mean anything if you're a mentally ill social reject with no social skills and people just don't want to be around you. especially in an extremely superficial environment like high school where everyone is trying to one up each other.

usually I'd hear things along the lines of "it's not that you've done anything wrong you just don't fit in, nobody wants you to be a part of their social circle" or "you're really nice and that's good but nobody actually enjoys your company". brutal tbh
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