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Serious The world would be a better place if sex didn't exist



Sexlessness survivor
Nov 4, 2022
If sex didn't exist, this inequality, this sexual competition where some men are winners and some men are losers wouldn't exist, a world without sex would be less ugly for us, less frustrating, less unfair and more inclusive to us. I wish promiscuity was made illegal and people who participate in it were put in jail, I wish songs that talk about sex and romance were banned, I wish sex was banned and human reproduction was carried out by extracting semen from men through a machine and put it into women, that way we wouldn't depend on sexual contact and sexual pleasure to survive as a species.

I'm a 22M rejected virgin, I'm a man who isn't living the sex life I decide but the sex life the opposite sex decides for me, a sexual life of scarcity and frustrating dissapointment, I hate people who feel in control of their sex life, I wish I was that empowered. I tried to socialize and I used to be the guy that was invited to parties only to end up seeing everybody but me kissing and flirting while I saw how nobody wanted me, women there wanted to be whores for other men, not me, I wasn't good enough for them, I hate knowing that while having sex is one of my biggest dreams, for other people it isn't a dream, it is a reality, it is something normal and frequent to them, they get to enjoy while we have to deal with our frustration and unsatisfied instincts. It's so unfair because I didn't choose my genes and these things still make it impossible for me to have a normal life, why do women have to be so fucking shallow?

Let's force this society to become sex-negative, this new society would be less unequal, less unfair, there would be less difference between what attractive people and ugly people get to experience out of life. Banning sex won't affect us because we don't benefit from sex, we will never experience it, this political revolution will only affect the people we hate, the privileged class of people who are used to sex and who didn't invite us to the party, those people who showed indifference to our suffering while they enjoyed, this will be our revenge, this will satisfy our frustration and hatred.

They love to tell us that we're pathetic for being too obsessed with sex, let's see if they keep saying sex isn't a big deal when we force them to live the sexual life we had to live up until now. If we have to genetically modify humans so that they stop being horny we'll do it in order to prevent people from generating the same sexual market and the same unfair situation that humiliated us and classified us as people who don't look good enough and who aren't good enough to join the party. Future generations of men won't suffer what we suffer today, we'll be their heroes, even if they don't recognize it.
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> the world wouldn't be so bad if you took out the most important part of life
sex will be completely unnecessary as the world keeps advancing imo
Would be better if everyone had access to sex
> the world wouldn't be so bad if you took out the most important part of life
It wouldn't be that important anymore, we couldn't win, so we're not going to let them win either.

Either sex has to exist for everyone, or it shouldn't exist for any person.
I'd rather sex be illegal like in the 1984 book,
where breeding be done in labs,
rather than other people getting it for free and I don't.

it would also promote waifubots.
Would be better if everyone had access to sex
Agree. But women are always going to have preferences, which means we're always going to be rejected, unless we force them to have sex with us, but sex with a person that doesn't really like you isn't an exciting idea for me, how is that any better than paying for it? I would still envy people who attract women naturally.
If sex didnt exist and no one had sexual drive and attraction it would possibly be better, like in first 4 grades, kids are much better to each other because theres no competition in front of the girls. Still they would find another way to compete and mog and hate and bully.
sex will be completely unnecessary as the world keeps advancing imo
It isn't enough with it being unnecessary, I want sexhavers to not have the possibility of enjoying it.
Breeding factories will create world peace
I edited the title "The world would be a better place if sex only existed for incels"
I'd rather sex be illegal like in the 1984 book,
where breeding be done in labs,
rather than other people getting it for free and I don't.
Same. Let's stop normalizing this inequality, this injustice, this system where some people have all the sex they want and we have nothing.
I think the age of consent should be 40 that way sex is only relegated to something old people do
Sex is overrated :soy:
What about escort maxing
I dream about fucking with a girl that actually wants me, and if I can't have it, but others can, no amount of escort telling will end my frustration.
Based, incredibly based. I also reached the same conclusion a few days ago, and realized just how much this society of supposed intellectually superior beings is dominated by sex and everything that facilitates it. About more than half of songs and movies are romantic or possess some aspect of it, just like common normies activities such as partying. It's a non-ending cycle of pain and misery for those below the norm.

Women are the selectors > Chad gets to have them all > Chad incites the normies to compete among themselves to get even a fraction of what they have > Normies consequently bully loners and those who are sexually less active than them > The gap widens since everyone else is being pushed down further due to the increased competition and hypergamy, and chads gain even more value than before

And thus, that's where most of your problems originate from. Normies can deny it all they want, it still doesn't change the fact that virgin shaming is and has always been very prevalent in society as a way to denigrate lower ranking men and exclude them from participating socially, mostly because associating with one is akin to lowering your status. The stereotypes say it all; the one who gets the most girls is seen as the most badass/manly of the group, while the others are simply following his steps. Hoping that he can give some of his crumbs to them.

It's disgusting, but deep down humans act just like animals. Whoever is biggest and strongest gets to be the "alpha" as if we were an actual herd. By doing what you suggested, men would finally not try to one up one another in order to get girls, which is already a huge advancement. Along with that, there'd be more of a focus in science and developing copes. All we need is to set aside these primal instincts and faggot ethics to finally use genetic therapy for a greater good, since every piece of biology eventually reaches a hard limit as evidenced by Universe 25, which is fairly similar to the current world. One day people won't reproduce anymore and we will die out as a species.

In other words, transhumanism is the way.
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Based, incredibly based. I also reached the same conclusion a few days ago, and realized just how much this society of supposed intellectually superior beings is dominated by sex and everything that facilitates it. About more than half of songs and movies are romantic or possess some aspect of it, just like common normies activities such as partying. It's a non-ending cycle of pain and misery for those below the norm.

Women are the selectors > Chad gets to have them all > Chad incites the normies to compete among themselves to get even a fraction of what they have > Normies consequently bully loners and those who are sexually less active than them > The gap widens since everyone else is being pushed down further due to the increased competition and hypergamy, and chads gain even more value than before

And thus, that's where most of your problems originate from. Normies can deny it all they want, it still doesn't change the fact that virgin shaming is and has always been very prevalent in society as a way to denigrate lower ranking men and exclude them from participating socially, mostly because associating with one is akin to lower your status. The stereotypes say it all; the one who gets the most girls is seen as the most badass/manly of the group, while the others are simply following his steps. Hoping that he can give some of his crumbs to them.

It's disgusting, but deep down humans act just like animals. Whoever is biggest and strongest gets to be the "alpha" as if we were an actual herd. By doing what you suggested, men would finally not try to one up one another in order to get girls, which is already a huge advancement. Along with that, there'd be more of a focus in science and developing copes. All we need is to set aside these primal instincts and faggot ethics to finally use genetic therapy for a greater good, since every piece of biology eventually reaches a hard limit as evidenced by Universe 25, which is fairly similar to the current world. Eventually people won't reproduce and we will die out as a species.

In other words, transhumanism is the way.
This is why I fantasize about creating guerrilla groups (in a videogame) that fight for the sex-negative dream, the dream of us rejected virgins, natural selection offended us, therefore we must defeat it.

Humans are animals driven by sex, and sex implies discrimination. Sex must be banned.
I actually agree, I want to stop having sexual urges but not lose energy
I think the age of consent should be 40 that way sex is only relegated to something old people do
The redditors Will Reach that age of consent thanks IT
I actually agree, I want to stop having sexual urges but not lose energy
I just want SEXHAVERS to stop humiliating me by having more than me, I want to destroy this world order where some men have to accept defeat and see how stupid uncivilized people can achieve their dream lives in an insultingly easy way.
> the world wouldn't be so bad if you took out the most important part of life
the classic "if my aunt had a dick, she'd be my uncle" hypothetical
i think even elliot had the same opinion
the act of sex is inherently evil
> the world wouldn't be so bad if you took out the most important part of life
the most important part of life is getting pleasure and avoiding pain, reproducing is the least important shit
The world would have been a better place if ww1 didn't happen or the right side won in ww2. Also if the b00mers didn't push degenracy in the 60s, then we wouldn't be in this place, 80-90% of this forum would be married by now with at least 3-5 kids.
If sex didn't exist, this inequality, this sexual competition where some men are winners and some men are losers wouldn't exist, a world without sex would be less ugly for us, less frustrating, less unfair and more inclusive to us. I wish promiscuity was made illegal and people who participate in it were put in jail, I wish songs that talk about sex and romance were banned, I wish sex was banned and human reproduction was carried out by extracting semen from men through a machine and put it into women, that way we wouldn't depend on sexual contact and sexual pleasure to survive as a species.

I'm a 22M rejected virgin, I'm a man who isn't living the sex life I decide but the sex life the opposite sex decides for me, a sexual life of scarcity and frustrating dissapointment, I hate people who feel in control of their sex life, I wish I was that empowered. I tried to socialize and I used to be the guy that was invited to parties only to end up seeing everybody but me kissing and flirting while I saw how nobody wanted me, women there wanted to be whores for other men, not me, I wasn't good enough for them, I hate knowing that while having sex is one of my biggest dreams, for other people it isn't a dream, it is a reality, it is something normal and frequent to them, they get to enjoy while we have to deal with our frustration and unsatisfied instincts. It's so unfair because I didn't choose my genes and these things still make it impossible for me to have a normal life, why do women have to be so fucking shallow?

Let's force this society to become sex-negative, this new society would be less unequal, less unfair, there would be less difference between what attractive people and ugly people get to experience out of life. Banning sex won't affect us because we don't benefit from sex, we will never experience it, this political revolution will only affect the people we hate, the privileged class of people who are used to sex and who didn't invite us to the party, those people who showed indifference to our suffering while they enjoyed, this will be our revenge, this will satisfy our frustration and hatred.

They love to tell us that we're pathetic for being too obsessed with sex, let's see if they keep saying sex isn't a big deal when we force them to live the sexual life we had to live up until now. If we have to genetically modify humans so that they stop being horny we'll do it in order to prevent people from generating the same sexual market and the same unfair situation that humiliated us and classified us as people who don't look good enough and who aren't good enough to join the party. Future generations of men won't suffer what we suffer today, we'll be their heroes, even if they don't recognize it.
One of the aims of Marxism-Rodgerism is to make sex illegal.
If sex didn't exist, this inequality, this sexual competition where some men are winners and some men are losers wouldn't exist, a world without sex would be less ugly for us, less frustrating, less unfair and more inclusive to us. I wish promiscuity was made illegal and people who participate in it were put in jail, I wish songs that talk about sex and romance were banned, I wish sex was banned and human reproduction was carried out by extracting semen from men through a machine and put it into women, that way we wouldn't depend on sexual contact and sexual pleasure to survive as a species.

I'm a 22M rejected virgin, I'm a man who isn't living the sex life I decide but the sex life the opposite sex decides for me, a sexual life of scarcity and frustrating dissapointment, I hate people who feel in control of their sex life, I wish I was that empowered. I tried to socialize and I used to be the guy that was invited to parties only to end up seeing everybody but me kissing and flirting while I saw how nobody wanted me, women there wanted to be whores for other men, not me, I wasn't good enough for them, I hate knowing that while having sex is one of my biggest dreams, for other people it isn't a dream, it is a reality, it is something normal and frequent to them, they get to enjoy while we have to deal with our frustration and unsatisfied instincts. It's so unfair because I didn't choose my genes and these things still make it impossible for me to have a normal life, why do women have to be so fucking shallow?

Let's force this society to become sex-negative, this new society would be less unequal, less unfair, there would be less difference between what attractive people and ugly people get to experience out of life. Banning sex won't affect us because we don't benefit from sex, we will never experience it, this political revolution will only affect the people we hate, the privileged class of people who are used to sex and who didn't invite us to the party, those people who showed indifference to our suffering while they enjoyed, this will be our revenge, this will satisfy our frustration and hatred.

They love to tell us that we're pathetic for being too obsessed with sex, let's see if they keep saying sex isn't a big deal when we force them to live the sexual life we had to live up until now. If we have to genetically modify humans so that they stop being horny we'll do it in order to prevent people from generating the same sexual market and the same unfair situation that humiliated us and classified us as people who don't look good enough and who aren't good enough to join the party. Future generations of men won't suffer what we suffer today, we'll be their heroes, even if they don't recognize it.
If the species was monomorphic you would not have competition based sex at all. You probably barely would have any sexual selection (just think of some monkeys)
I'm jealous of asexually reproducing organism like bacteria. There lives seem so simple.
Based, incredibly based. I also reached the same conclusion a few days ago, and realized just how much this society of supposed intellectually superior beings is dominated by sex and everything that facilitates it. About more than half of songs and movies are romantic or possess some aspect of it, just like common normies activities such as partying. It's a non-ending cycle of pain and misery for those below the norm.

Women are the selectors > Chad gets to have them all > Chad incites the normies to compete among themselves to get even a fraction of what they have > Normies consequently bully loners and those who are sexually less active than them > The gap widens since everyone else is being pushed down further due to the increased competition and hypergamy, and chads gain even more value than before

And thus, that's where most of your problems originate from. Normies can deny it all they want, it still doesn't change the fact that virgin shaming is and has always been very prevalent in society as a way to denigrate lower ranking men and exclude them from participating socially, mostly because associating with one is akin to lowering your status. The stereotypes say it all; the one who gets the most girls is seen as the most badass/manly of the group, while the others are simply following his steps. Hoping that he can give some of his crumbs to them.

It's disgusting, but deep down humans act just like animals. Whoever is biggest and strongest gets to be the "alpha" as if we were an actual herd. By doing what you suggested, men would finally not try to one up one another in order to get girls, which is already a huge advancement. Along with that, there'd be more of a focus in science and developing copes. All we need is to set aside these primal instincts and faggot ethics to finally use genetic therapy for a greater good, since every piece of biology eventually reaches a hard limit as evidenced by Universe 25, which is fairly similar to the current world. One day people won't reproduce anymore and we will die out as a species.

In other words, transhumanism is the way.
Dangerously based and high IQ.

I disagree with the last line, though. If we augment and alter ourselves through technology, then we transcend our humanity and become something different - something non-human. That could have unforeseeable consequences that we might not be prepared for as species.
If sex didnt exist and no one had sexual drive and attraction it would possibly be better, like in first 4 grades, kids are much better to each other because theres no competition in front of the girls. Still they would find another way to compete and mog and hate and bully.
It would be better in some ways, but worse in other ways. Pussy is one of the strongest motivators that we have. If we remove that drive, we risk losing much advancement and innovation.
sex with a person that doesn't really like you isn't an exciting idea for me, how is that any better than paying for it?
it is significantly better. holes have stockholm syndrome for a reason, she's graped enough and eventually she'll be obedient and even develop a preference for your subhuman features :feelsYall: :feelsdevil: you also control her life so there's that :feelzez:
it is significantly better. holes have stockholm syndrome for a reason, she's graped enough and eventually she'll be obedient and even develop a preference for your subhuman features :feelsYall: :feelsdevil: you also control her life so there's that :feelzez:
That only happens if you're Chad.
The world would have been a better place if ww1 didn't happen or the right side won in ww2. Also if the b00mers didn't push degenracy in the 60s, then we wouldn't be in this place, 80-90% of this forum would be married by now with at least 3-5 kids.
Delete this now if you want to live
hookers are a thing

Sex work will be the last thing left after AI takes all the jobs. The economy needs it's consumers after all
Yeahh since OF models will be obsolete, they will only be able to offer classic escort services for a competitive price.

But when sexbots come out, w0men will have to lower prices even more, and will have to step up their acting skills.

Last thing that will be popular is surrogate mother services.
That only happens if you're Chad.
no lilbro, the point is it doesn't. holes crave power, actual power not just safe soycuck with some money that can be divorce raped away. if you have the power to keep her locked up for years in your dungeon, she will get attached to you :feelsYall:

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