Persians were the original globalists. The Macedonians (through Alexander) "westernized" globalization using Greek culture (Hellenization) as a proxy (Of which the Greeks were 100% against). The reason for this was Greeks were seen as the "master race" in the known world at the time, and it was used as a way to unite all the states, kingdoms and tribes under 1 banner. Hellenization was used, in the same way British were seen as the "master race" in the modern times. British colonization was based upon the same principles of Hellenization. Hey, we take over you, make you "british" and you learn our language and culture, and then you're like us now and you fight with us!
If your wondering why Alexander did that...well he was Half Greek, Half Macedonian, to me it seems like he took on his Greek side as a way to push this kind of 1 world idea of his to rule over. Hellenism was already established as the master race in the world, so it made no real sense to push Macedonian culture and language, as it was considered peasant status. The Macedonian elites had already began LARPing as Greeks for a few generations before Alexanders existence, so he grew up in that "LARPing" as 100% pure-blooded Greek. The Macedonians did this as no Greeks would respect or accept a non-Greek ruling over them (not at least until the Romans, the Romans were ironically seen as liberators by Greeks who hated Macedonian rule), so you had to "become Greek" for this to occur, LARPing was one of those ways. If your wondering yes Alexander did race-mix, he mixed with a Bactrian (modern Afghanistan) woman, and their kids were sent back to Greece and were both killed (so you can see how accepted the mixing was in mainland Greece at the time, not even Alexanders mutts were seen as legit)
The United States is like the Roman Empire, these are 2 powers who came after the fact, they were not the original cause that set things in action. The Rise of the United States is due to the crumbling of the Britishization or Angloization, The rise of the Roman Empire was due to the crumbling of Hellenization. Although both the British and Greeks heavily influenced the Americans and Romans. The language of the Americans is English, and the Language of the elites and educated in Rome was Greek.
Pic related: British Colonial Propaganda was full of Hellenic symbols.
TLDR: History repeating itself.
TLDR 2: Why did I write all of this? God I am Autistic as Fuck.