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Blackpill The Ultimate Blue Pill Trope - "There's Someone Out There For Everyone"



Feb 28, 2018
I realized there's this overly used trope in all media, be it music, tv, movies, etc.

I think it is actually at the core of all blue pilled mindsets, when you think about it the purpose of media is not only to entertain but also to shape the minds of the masses, push people towards certain opinions, especially young people.

Well a trope that is often pushed in TV is the "There's Someone Out There For Everyone" trope, what I personally like to call "We're All Getting Some" JFL. Recently watched the 2nd episode of NCIS: Los Angeles, and there is a specific scene where they're all in the room going over some evidence and one of the "nice guy nerds" in the room (Nate Getz - Operational Psychologist) is suggesting that he can get a coroner involved in the case, to which his peers start teasing him that he likes this female coroner and looks for any opportunity to meet her, with the implication in their words and tonatiion that he has a chance and definitely will "get some".

It reminded me how much I've actually seen this shit over the years in tv shows, movies, even cartoons, of course in that case sex isn't implied, more like he'll get a GF. It really started to sink in at that point that we were all basically brain washed and indoctrinated by this specific blue pill, that's why we off start off so blue pilled in the modern era, its media, especially TV, we all see this shit growing up and internalize it, like I said its even in cartoons (anime too), how many times have we seen the main character "get his girl" and then the loser side character at some point gets his female counterpart, we all know in reality CURRENTLY that it was all BS, but to a 10 year old seeing that shit, over and over in all your favourite shows, of course you start to believe it, of course that idea sinks in, and that's why its so hard to black pill males today, because we are literally trying to override years of internalized ideas with anecdotes they can't see and statistics they care nothing about because their mind is going to actively run away from an existential crisis, so not only is it hard for them to believe you, they don't want to believe you whether its true or not.

Let it sink in that most of us know what dragon ball Z is, its an anime we like, some of us grew up on it and it isn't just a popular series we picked up after its "era".

Now let it sink in that Krillin got android 18

Krillin around the time of the android saga was a 30+ year old broke, balding, super manlet who was only able to barely fight alongside his genetic superiors because he "trained hard" (cope).

Android 18 was a tall, blonde, 10//10 jail bait stacey who out ranks krillin in strength and intelligence

In what fucking reality does he get android 18, not in ours.

Talk about setting unrealistic standards for young boys, we've been internalizing pipe dreams like this shit for years up until adulthood we only got shook out of the mindset because we had life changing traumatic experiences that black pilled us. Some men are just too immersed in the cope, too hopeful to ever truly accept the black pill, because we've been raised on blue pills from the get go.

It reminds me of this quote:

Ronald Wright - “Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.”

Most people only agree with capitalism because they believe at some point its going to be "their turn", they're going to "make it big", America is the "land of freedom and opportunity". If that delusion ever fell apart there would be mass riots and looting, various ideas are spread onto the masses by the elites of society, to keep us doclie, so we don't rebel, the same thing is also done in relation to sex.

The black pill doesn't take root among most men, because they see themselves not as genetically inferior, but as temporarily "romantically challenged"

They all think there's someone out there for them, they all think they have a chance, and its MOSTLY BECAUSE OF THIS ONE TROPE. This trope I'm sure is put in media on purpose, to keep the male populace docile and complacent. If this trope was left out of media for A SINGLE GENERATION, the next generation of males would be rioting in the streets without this cope. This trope IS THE VERY CORE OF THE BLUE PILL.
Socialism never took root in America since it's fucking retarded. Unless you want a 1984 scenario nobody will accept it. There's a reason most socialists aspire to be the political elites rather than the workers. It's a ridiculous system.

Other than that, nice post.
Socialism never took root in America since it's fucking retarded. Unless you want a 1984 scenario nobody will accept it. There's a reason most socialists aspire to be the political elites rather than the workers. It's a ridiculous system.

Other than that, nice post.

1. I prefer a capitalist system too, but that's only because I think I'm going to "make it" at some point

2. You have to kinda see the irony in an incel saying what you're saying, because what we actually want is socialism in relation to sex, we want women to date within their league and every man to have a fair chance, instead of a redistribution of wealth we want a redistribution of sex, so in way you can't really be against socialism and yet hate lookism, its contradictory, because lookism is the sex version of capitalism.

Being honest the only reason I prefer capitalism, like I said above, is because I think I can exploit it in some way to my benefit, if I believed otherwise I would support socialsm. Lookism is "free market" in its truest sense, when you don't restrict women and control hypergamy, they make the kinds of choices we see today, and we wish to restrict those choices to restore balance.
Socialism never took root in America since it's fucking retarded.
True. But (((Capitalism))) is cancer too tbh.
Fascism is much better.
it's fucking retarded
I love capitalism, it’s the most effective way to cope for incels, since they don’t have the ability to be part of society ( no extroversion, no need to reproduce), they can try their best to ascend economically. Incels should look for revenge, and the only way they can achieve it is through ascension, that’s the only cope keeping incels away from suicide, it was like that since a long time.
Actually this is right there on the list but it's actually the just world humanist idea that "you deserve your circumstances therefore you didn't do it right or not at all therefore we are all in control and the Masters of our successes and shortcomings there can be no problems because everything's going to be alright" except the quality of a entire life is all a roll of the dice based off the most trival things you can't change and never will.
That is the core of the bluepill
This earns its spot on #2
I love capitalism, it’s the most effective way to cope for incels, since they don’t have the ability to be part of society ( no extroversion, no need to reproduce), they can try their best to ascend economically. Incels should look for revenge, and the only way they can achieve it is through ascension, that’s the only cope keeping incels away from suicide, it was like that since a long time.

ascension via capitalism = betabux
ascension via capitalism = betabux
No it’s a beta economical ascension cope. A sort of long term cope (LTC), more effective than other type of copes.
I love capitalism, it’s the most effective way to cope for incels, since they don’t have the ability to be part of society ( no extroversion, no need to reproduce), they can try their best to ascend economically. Incels should look for revenge, and the only way they can achieve it is through ascension, that’s the only cope keeping incels away from suicide, it was like that since a long time.

imagine getting wealthy, and start bragging, full life fuel rigth there, cunts then can gladly piss off, all the money i keep to myself, just want to show those shits the difference between me and them , between (god) and scum
Socialism never took root in America since it's fucking retarded. Unless you want a 1984 scenario nobody will accept it.

The far-left in the west is growing by the day and there are tons of young people who want communism.
capitalism for economic matters(great for coping)
authoritarian communism in terms of sex(no more dating markets, destroy it!)

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