To me number one is racepill. Race is core to identity. It is something you are born into and can't change.
Because women in general are clearly much more racist than men (even though its commonly referred to as a "preference" to make it sound less racist), this basically means tons of men out there are rejected simply because of their race (unless you are a white male). A minority of foids will totally exclude white men. The majority of foids exclude all men of color in general unless the individual man of color is above and beyond. This is absolutely undeniable.
Second is height. If you've met the height minimum, you are already considered by foids. Your face may be ugly, but your height makes you a potential candidate already by foids just for being above a certain height threshold. Say 5'9 - 6'2+. Try living in the shoes of a 5'3 to 5'8 manlet. You can literally experience and feel the hostility from foids even when you are just minding your own business not making moves on them.
That is why being a tall white male, you literally can't lose. You've already met the two most important check marks for the vast majority of women. The fact that a man is tall and white. And if you are losing as a tall white male, then you must be a totally handicapped autist and/or seriously deformed.