There's different forms of incels. You dont necessarily have to be uber ugly to be incel, that would just be a truecel.
There's definitely a lot of truecels here, some users have send me pics and I rated them 3 and 4 which they said was what Weath Waffles rated them too (please stop giving scammers money).
I think some Normies, I am argubly one of the more Normie guys here with a degree, job and not living at my parents.
Being Poorcel is also a large reason why men stop approching. Women are quite career focused and a lot of them are rich from OF and SM.
I think most users here are not kind to betabuxx - me neither tbh. I would give my girlfriend some money ofc but I could never like give her a car or like hand over thousands of dollars, simply because I dont have that. Not being a millionaire is a down turn for a lot of Gen Z girls.
They see that instagram Lifestyle. Why do you think all these guys on Insta Show their girlfriends? Because they have generational wealth or e commerce money - on top of that they are very social media affiniate.
Which tbh I must say - no one really does here. No User here has a 100k youtube channel or is a huge Instagram or Snap guy.
I think it's the connection that's missing from us.
I made 2 posts about this - but it's a fact most young girls nowadays have hundreds of contracts. Over Telegram or WhatsApp or Snap or whatever.
Incels interact more with incels online then girls. It's a fact.
And if one interacts it's a Chadfish or trolling. That said I tried hard to make some real interactions and was left of hard. It's extremely hard to please a stranger girl over the net.
It's a waste of time for any non Chad.
So your assumption that most users are Normies might be correct - at least when it comes to looks.
But that's not the whole package.
If you are non NT like me, straight up someone a lot of people call a "Crazy Person" then you really know that it's over.
I always think about that IF I would actually get a girlfriend - how long till she walks away? Because she notices my OCD, ADHD, Psychosis - tons of my ex highschool and college classmates notices this.
Tons of girls on highschool called me out for why I am so weird or if I had ADHD or whether I was autistic.
I know I am a 5/10 LTN from the face from r/rateme but tbh my face and height are not a lot, not that i could walk up to a girl and she gets wet lmao let alone would actually have any sexual liking from my looks.
You need to be at least a 7 to do that. Like a HTN/Chadlite, yesh but being non NT is just whats throwing girls off of me - it's not something I can really control. It's just not possible, I am differently wired and most I can do is eat up supplements and medication.
If we would meet - you might notice I am a sociopath. I am an inhuman person. Some people that I am connected longer to noticed that.
Girls would notice my OCD and also not want to deal with my Psychosis and I know that.
This and a ton of other things personally made me "quit the dating game" - not that I really stood a chance even without that.
Because lets say I am NT Normie.
I might try more, really, even more. I would have gone to Clubs and parties and maybe would have asked out waaay more people on SM or back on college.
Maybe it would have gotten me some human connection that I much need. But really? I still get OVERSHADOWED by so many men.
And I am aware of how many men would want my looksmatch. And I know how my looksmatch thinks shes a 7 or 8 and go for Chads and HTNs.
The games rigged no matter what and thats why a lot of users probably got blackpilled.