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It's Over The Summer My Face Turned Subhuman

  • Thread starter universallyabhorred
  • Start date


Nov 8, 2017
It was the summer of 2013 and I was 16. Before this a number of girls had called me cute, shown interest in me and my interactions with girls were generally better than boys though I never had female friends or hung out with them. I got a lot of IOIs from girls I never even knew despite the fact I was extremely unpopular in middle school due to my autism. The IOIs reduced in high school but there seemed to be a few girls who still seemed interested, and they never looked at me with disgust or treated me poorly . I looked feminine and prettyboyish, in some pictures you might even confuse me for a girl, I enjoyed the attention but because of my parents forbidding me from dating, I never pursued a single girl.

There was one girl who I was interested in, she was punjabi and cute, at one point she asked me if I liked her and I said no, and she rejected me with some bs reason, however she would always talk to me, here and there like greeting me and we'd talk in class. At first I assumed she was just using me as an emotional tampon because she was weird and had social issues. However, there were times when she was staring at me a lot.

One time we had a end of the year middle school party and I dressed up for it and groomed my hair well. I got a lot of IOIs from girls that night, even girls who were previously hostile towards me or disliked me were checking me out, but I never pursued a single one. There was a dance held at the gym, I walked in and I saw her just standing around the side-lines, I had danced with her previously in gym class, because we were all paired up for an assignment and I was bad at it. She kept staring at me, I felt an urge to approach but resisted it and walked out. I went to the gym multiple times that night and she made deep eye-contact with me every-time, yet I couldn't gather the nerve to do it and left.

I noticed her in summer school which was an advanced math class my parents forced me to take. There were times she would look at me and talk about me from a distance with a female group and giggle. Another large group of females looked at me, giggled and talked about me, they asked me to come over, but I avoided them. Once, I was walking near class during lunch time and she went up to me and said hi, she looked so beautiful, I felt like the breath was knocked out of me and I didn't respond and walked away. Anyway I had a few instances like this with girls, but somehow always avoided doing anything with them. When I want to public places, I noticed IOIs from girls who were probably around my age. It was actually fun going outside back then and looking at girls, but I didn't often do it.

However, this all changed after my parents and I went on a trip to India that summer. The whole experience was awful, it was a religious pilgrimage that was annoying and frustrating. By the time I came back, I started receiving colder looks and treatment from strangers. Women started avoiding me and even other guys seemed less interested in interacting with me after meeting me. Welcome to the ugly life.

Since that summer puberty deformed my face, I have never once been genuinely attractive to any female. I always assumed I would be a success in life and my looks would help me out, but that summer destroyed my dreams and my life.

@TheGrayWolf @PLA1092 thoughts?
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I stopped reading after the second sentence:feelsseriously:.
Ok I read the entire post and you had plenty of chances to ascend, but God punished for taking it for granted, so welcome to truceldom.
Lose weight and show us your true face, tbh; you don't look that deformed, also mogging me with your positive experiences and attention from foids. :feelsjuice:
Ok I read the entire post and you had plenty of chances to ascend, but God punished for taking it for granted, so welcome to truceldom.
I had some chances to ascend but not a huge amount. I regret not trying personally I blame my parents for forbidding me from dating, otherwise I could have probably gotten a kiss or a date, but it's unlikely I would have gotten laid since most girls in my area weren't having sex in middle or high school and my face already deformed itself by the latter part of high school.
Lose weight and show us your true face, tbh; you don't look that deformed, also mogging me with your positive experiences and attention from foids. :feelsjuice:
I am the ugliest person on this website tbh and losing weight will make little to no difference. This was before I turned ugly and I wasn't even chad back then, my SMV was 6/10 at best.
I had some chances to ascend but not a huge amount. I regret not trying personally I blame my parents for forbidding me from dating, otherwise I could have probably gotten a kiss or a date, but it's unlikely I would have gotten laid.
You could've secretly dated a foid behind your parent's backs, but it's too late now I guess. I wouldn't say that it's unlikely you would've gotten laid, I'd say you had a really high chance unless you were overexaggerating. I mean how many guys do you see having multiple foids show IOIs to them.
You could've secretly dated a foid behind your parent's backs, but it's too late now I guess. I wouldn't say that it's unlikely you would've gotten laid, I'd say you had a really high chance unless you were overexaggerating. I mean how many guys do you see having multiple foids show IOIs to them.
It's possible, but at least some of the foids were mocking me due to me being unpopular in middle school or seen as homosexual. Personally the IOIs I got outside of school definitely had more meaning. That being said many guys do get multiple IOIs from foids especially at that age where foids are at their horniest. You only need to be above a 5/10 and tall to get IOIs, my SMV was never higher than a 6. It's worth noting every foid who showed interest in me was curry and generally below 5/10. Because of cultural reasons, curry foids are the least likely to sleep around at that age, so it's unlikely they would have had sex with me
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It's possible, but at least some of the foids were mocking me due to me being unpopular in middle school or seen as homosexual.
That being said many guys do get multiple IOIs from foids especially at that age where foids are at their horniest. You only need to be above a 5/10 and tall to get IOIs
They're not horny enough:feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree:
Because of cultural reasons, curry foids are the least likely to sleep around at that age
Giga Cope
I am the ugliest person on this website tbh and losing weight will make little to no difference. This was before I turned ugly and I wasn't even chad back then, my SMV was 6/10 at best.
huge overexaggeration tbh, post your best photos on looksmax
I am the ugliest person on this website tbh and losing weight will make little to no difference. This was before I turned ugly and I wasn't even chad back then, my SMV was 6/10 at best.
Loose weight for your health, mate. You may say: "well, I want to die anyways". Just stay healthy. Diabetes, sleep apnea, hypertension and all that shit are even more painful that being rejected for life by toilets.
huge overexaggeration tbh, post your best photos on looksmax
I have and anyone can fraud photos with good angle, lighting, sucking in cheeks, nose and jutting out lower jaw, this means very little. I have shown you my unfrauded thinner pics and still sub5 iyo. I also looked worse on video in motion.
I have and anyone can fraud photos with good angle, lighting, sucking in cheeks, nose and jutting out lower jaw, this means very little. I have shown you my unfrauded thinner pics and still sub5 iyo. I also looked worse on video in motion.
you looked below average in the skinny picture but not the most unattractive here, ltn

you mog intellau and sinister
There was one girl who I was interested in, she was punjabi and cute, at one point she asked me if I liked her and I said no, and she rejected me with some bs reason, however she would always talk to me, here and there like greeting me and we'd talk in class. At first I assumed she was just using me as an emotional tampon because she was weird and had social issues. However, there were times when she was staring at me a lot
I’ve only had this in dreams :feelsrope:
Mogs me.

But can relate to spending long periods of time away from where I lived, and coming back to I don’t know what.

So it goes.
What kind of IOI?
I didn’t become legit subhuman until college ngl but I wasn’t non NT so no gf anyway
The Indian food fucked you up
I was subhuman from the beginning, I nevER had a chance
You had numerous positive experiences with foids growing up, even had a girl seemingly treating you better than everyone else. I think that is a lot more than many others on this forum. You took none of those chances, I'm willing to bet a lot of it had to do with how Indians are known to coddle the fuck out of their sons. You got screwed over by your parents and not just because of how they didn't let you date.

After that summer, tutorial mode ended. Opportunities didn't fall into your lap anymore and you decided to continue playing as if it did. You learnt nothing and changed nothing.
There was one girl who I was interested in, she was punjabi and cute, at one point she asked me if I liked her and I said no, and she rejected me with some bs reason, however she would always talk to me, here and there like greeting me and we'd talk in class. At first I assumed she was just using me as an emotional tampon because she was weird and had social issues. However, there were times when she was staring at me a lot.
Mogs me at getting attention from toilets

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