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Soy The Social Network (2010) and inceldom



The Satoru Iwata of incels.is
Jul 10, 2018
I like to put on movies I've already watched in the background while I work, because it's less distracting than watching a new movie, and I can't help but notice that the social network has a ton of problematic :soy: ideas you simply can't put into films anymore. When I watched it the first time, I was bluepilled, and what stood out to me when watching it was more the power dynamics and the distinctive Trent Reznor score. On this second time, I can't help but notice that this movie is basically about the inner struggle all men face with inceldom: from gigaChad Winklevii, to pretty boy Ed Saverin, to genetic trash Zucc, the film wants to paint a portrait that tech is full of greedy men that see women as trophies to obtain, and these men are STARVING for trophies. How hungry you are for these trophies and keep them determines your success.

I can see a lot of inner inceldom struggle in a lot of Aaron Sorkin scripts. Don't get me wrong he's no incel, but he clearly has a mind that is wired like one. I find it surprising that some consider him a "feminist" writer. He's not. He's an incredibly, entitled-male :soy:, blackpilled writer, that thinks he's a feminist, just because he makes his female characters smart. He writes women smarter than they have any right to be. Obnoxiously, unrealistically smart. And then clearly fetishizes them, putting hot smart chicks in Stanford booty shorts. All the chicks in this movie are hot and thin and belong in Hollywood, not the GAY AREA. Women in Sorkin scripts are never the protagonists that have their own goals and desires, they are always the sassy trophies to be obtained by the incel protagonist who is smarter. Aaron Sorkin consistently fails to put onscreen women, warts and all, because they don't exist in his idealized world. Every single female character in this movie is shamelessly either a prop or a trophy despite being PG-13. Sorkin is materially incapable of writing a female he doesn't want to fuck. You just don't see a lot of movies that have a point-of-view like that these days.

The way they sexed up a story that has no right to be sexy to an 11 is another indicator of the incel-lite tendencies of Aaron Sorkin. Who else would write that two white boys will get hot noodlewhores to blow them in a bathroom stall upon meeting them as a reward after making facebook? Most of the sexing up comes in the form of Sean Parker's character. They took incredible liberties to make him a lot more Chad than he is in real life just so they can stuff sexy college women in the background that really had nothing to do with the IRL Facebook story at all. Sean Parker is an aspirational Chad plot device. Sean Parker fucks. Be like Sean Parker.

I didn't know where to throw this in, but it was also brutal that they couldn't even get a curry actor to play the Winklevii's business partner Divya. He looked awfully high caste, and I was not surprised to find later that the actor is a white-italian guy with a little bit of chinese in him, and that the real life Curry had no problem with this casting.

Overall, I think Aaron Sorkin, blackpilled as he is, is not good for men. His scripts perpetuate the Sisyphean narrative of MUST HAVE SEX to feel validated, hamster on a wheel. It is better to just shun this hunger, it's healthier to understand that sex and love is something many men simply cannot have from the get go due to the intractable barrier that is genetics. Although his ideas were seminal, I think they are slowly eroding so we can just move on from the hunger.
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brutal no response pill
The movie ends with Mark Zuckerberg founding one of the biggest company in the world and being the youngest billionaire. Yet he is clearly portrayed as a loser at the end. Why? Because the dumb Stacey doesn't accept his friend request. He is no tall rower after all.
The movie ends with Mark Zuckerberg founding one of the biggest company in the world and being the youngest billionaire. Yet he is clearly portrayed as a loser at the end. Why? Because the dumb Stacey doesn't accept his friend request. He is no tall rower after all.
Hollywood writers are in some ways simps for normies. It's a feel-good narrative that the mega-billionaire is an incel. Despite writing Zucc as an incel, they still portrayed him a lot more charismatic than he deserves. The film was sympathetic to incels, in the sense that it showed that intelligent men get kind of ruthless and unhappy in their chase for poon. The film showed a lot of sympathetic cause and effect.

Reality is, Zucc is not an incel. He's a different breed in that he's perfectly happy with his fugly noodlewhore, whom he had been with since his teens. Being attracted to ugly chicks is like a different sexuality. Outside of that, he's a lot more of an "alpha" sociopath IRL, wrapped up in a pass-aggressive autist package. Although he has the aptitude for tech, he wasn't really a Woz tech guy, he's an introvert leader with type-A drive and chess-like business instincts.
I'm downloading it now will watch for a few minutes and then close it or hopefully fall asleep I need sleep I'm in withdrawal for anti-depressant 2 that I've quit so I haven't been getting much sleep I woke up after less than 7 hours this morning despite being wasted friday I must get a full night of sleep cooming before sleep doesn't help I coomed to some video with
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yoZy2E17-50
playing in the background and found a dried cum tissue after waking up then I felt depression fueled by hangover and (lack of) social life thoughts but did coding and seems like shitcoin bot became profitable maybe which improved my mood so I went outside and came back made carbonara and drank wine to not be bored then beer now vodka need to ensure that I drink water with the vodka so I dont get a hangover again then I must sleep but thoughts of decrepit aging is depress so I must distract with cope if my bot doesnt make money I will be fucked so I must make bot or I will feel mental pain and suffering once again copes are in need
I'm downloading it now will watch for a few minutes and then close it or hopefully fall asleep I need sleep I'm in withdrawal for anti-depressant 2 that I've quit so I haven't been getting much sleep I woke up after less than 7 hours this morning despite being wasted friday I must get a full night of sleep cooming before sleep doesn't help I coomed to some video with
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yoZy2E17-50
playing in the background and found a dried cum tissue after waking up then I felt depression fueled by hangover and (lack of) social life thoughts but did coding and seems like shitcoin bot became profitable maybe which improved my mood so I went outside and came back made carbonara and drank wine to not be bored then beer now vodka need to ensure that I drink water with the vodka so I dont get a hangover again then I must sleep but thoughts of decrepit aging is depress so I must distract with cope if my bot doesnt make money I will be fucked so I must make bot or I will feel mental pain and suffering once again copes are in need

I notice a lot of incels like to cook carbonara.

Never underestimate the power of the jew network
The movie ends with Mark Zuckerberg founding one of the biggest company in the world and being the youngest billionaire. Yet he is clearly portrayed as a loser at the end. Why? Because the dumb Stacey doesn't accept his friend request. He is no tall rower after all.
I was actually thinking about this the other day. I was wondering when will there be incel movies. They made these movies like Sex and the city and Bridget Jones because back then men had the upper hand in sexual markets and women were still trying to settle down. Times have changed and a modern Bridget Jones movie would be about an infertile post-wall roastie who has 8 millionaire Chads orbiting her while she refuses to settle down.
There's going to be inceldom in movies I think. It's not going to be the overt plot of the movies but something subtle in background. Or inceldom will be a comedic aspect: the ugly incel loser can't get laid while everyone else can.
i liked that movie and had watched it twice in the past

your take on that movies is just... bizzare.

the movie basically portrayed Zuck was an inconsiderate asshole. he betrayed that spiderman guy (dont remember his name) by tricking him and diluting his shares, making it bascially worthless. he was his best friend. and his conflict with the blonde twins wasnt clear who was exactly at fault, either. and wtf with his autistic tongue clicking with the venture captalist firm?

there isnt many blackpill moments in that movie. its not an incel film. its a dramatic take on the founding of facebook. nothing more. dont read too much into it. dramatic, coz lots of elements are FAKE (for instance, the hot/not scene that led to the harvard server shutting down due to "greater than super bowl traffic, never actually happened in real life, the real event took like months and there was never a server crash, it's extremely dramatized in the movie).

the sexual scenes (note, not sex, since no sex was portrayed in the movie) arent that abnormal considering the college context. the strip poker scene, the one night stand of justin timberlake character (napster founder) with that foid that played in 50 shades of grey, the asian foid scene and her got jealous etc. are just "standard" college movie scenes

you're overdosed on the blackpill where you see it in places where its not explicitly portrayed. you might as well say jurassic park is a blackpill movie series if you want to go that far
It's at least "niceguy" themed, which is practically considered incel now
It is better to just shun this hunger, it's healthier to understand that sex and love is something many men simply cannot have from the get go due to the intractable barrier that is genetics.
Times have changed and a modern Bridget Jones movie would be about an infertile post-wall roastie who has 8 millionaire Chads orbiting her while she refuses to settle down.
already exists :feelskek: it's called far from the madding crowd. my old roastie sister recommended it to me :feelskek: she thinks it's a great movie. you have an old, insufferable cunt who has three chads chasing after her, one commits murder for her sake, the other attempts suicide, the third is perfectly happy to commit to her after years of simping and after she's been used and discarded it's actually insane that this shit exists :lul::lul::lul:
already exists :feelskek: it's called far from the madding crowd. my old roastie sister recommended it to me :feelskek: she thinks it's a great movie. you have an old, insufferable cunt who has three chads chasing after her, one commits murder for her sake, the other attempts suicide, the third is perfectly happy to commit to her after years of simping and after she's been used and discarded it's actually insane that this shit exists :lul::lul::lul:
Im fucking done. Thats it. No hope for me.
The movie ends with Mark Zuckerberg founding one of the biggest company in the world and being the youngest billionaire. Yet he is clearly portrayed as a loser at the end. Why? Because the dumb Stacey doesn't accept his friend request. He is no tall rower after all.
that's blackpilled af tbh
winkelvosses are moggers

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