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Serious The Scariest Thing About Trannies

  • Thread starter Deleted member 43188
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Deleted member 43188

The scariest thing about trannies in my opinion isn't the actual degeneracy but what will happen when the pendulum swings the other way. Recently, on Steven Crowder, a co-host said "this is the kind of cultural degeneracy that led to Hitlers election". I also happen to know that Weimar was experiencing inflationary problems, prior to the election of Adolf Hitler, what other society do you know is experiencing inflationary problems right now???

Look... I'm not saying that Trump is Hitler, I used to think people who said that were nuts, but it's looking more and more likely that a new Hitler is going to rise out of the far-right of the United States, and Trump is the most likely contestant. Lets look at some similarities

1) Both instigated attempted coups against their social Democratic governments

Trump instigated the January 6 attempted insurrection and Hitler instigated the Beer Hall Putsch. The only difference was Hitler went to prison, Trump somehow dodged that one, likely because he has so much political and economic power.

2) Both run on populism.

Hitlers whole philosophy was that the institutions of Germany have been corrupted by foreign banker interests and Jews. That Germans couldn't rely in their political institutions, their media, their medical authorities... because they were controlled by leftists and Jews. This is EXACTLY how Trump ran his campaign, but instead of blaming Jews, he blamed the "deep state" and scapgoated non-white immigrants as the tool to which the elites were discriminating America. The similarities are uncanny in how their campaigns were platformed.

3) Both totally autocratic

Hitler and Trump both show zero regard for the constitution, the rule of law, etc. They both do everything in their power to increase political influence, even when said ideas go against the basic values of their respected countries.

And if a new hitler comes to power in the U.S, who the hell do you think will be the first victims? Republicans hate many groups, they hate LGBTQ+ and black people, but most importantly, they hate incels. In 2018, Conservative press "The National Review" called on incel forums to be closed and for incels to be rounded up for GITMO. Conservatives aren't really prudish, they're massive sex havers.

If you want to see the epitome of a Conservative, look at someone like Tomi Lahren, she loves hot guys and has had multiple hookups with Chads. To her, Conservatism is about keeping her freedom to keep doing that and shoot any incel she deems threatened her. Ron DeSantis was a fratboy in his youth, probably hooked up with mutliple women, and once he got in power he passed laws, strengthening punishments against sex buyers by putting their name on public registries. This is the future that beholds incels if this is allowed to happen.
Too much to read, gotta coom first
I really think you just do this for attention.

You come on a forum that is clearly not very left-wing, say loads of basically far-left stuff and then have zero interest in any real discussions. You've already made your mind up.
I really think you just do this for attention.

You come on a forum that is clearly not very left-wing, say loads of basically far-left stuff and then have zero interest in any real discussions. You've already made your mind up.
The difference is I'm open to change my mind if other arguments are presented.

All you do is hurtle insults and use fallacies, you don't want to discuss anything, you just want to hurt.

You unironically watch Steven Crowder, GTFO tradcuck:society::society::society::society::society::society::society:
I never once said that ever.
The scariest thing about trannies in my opinion isn't the actual degeneracy
What scares me more than adult men wanting to chop off their dicks is how we manage to doublethink and be outraged about this yet somehow tolerate adult men chopping off baby boy's dicks.

but what will happen when the pendulum swings the other way. Recently, on Steven Crowder, a co-host said "this is the kind of cultural degeneracy that led to Hitlers election".
Hitler was incompetent, he should have actually done that Holocaust they pretended happened.

I'm not saying to genocide all the Semitic people (I have nothing against DNA) but a partial cultural genocide where you dismantle a pedophile system that sexually molests newborn baby boys by flaying the skin of their penis and sucking their penis - that shit has existed for a millenium and that shit needs to be under a bigger lock and key than Charles Manson's cult tbh.

I'm not saying that Trump is Hitler, I used to think people who said that were nuts, but it's looking more and more likely that a new Hitler is going to rise out of the far-right of the United States, and Trump is the most likely contestant.
Trump is too old TBH if you say this out of anyone it'd probably be someone younger like Matt Gaetz

but again - Trump was hamstrung and couldn't get shit done and Hitler failed too, you need someone more organized and you can't make America+Russia your enemies you need them as allies, you need to reshape society to fight the sexual abuse of young boys

Both instigated attempted coups against their social Democratic governments
Trump instigated the January 6 attempted insurrection
registered: 25 May 2022

gtfo newfag

There was no attempted insurrection. People showed up to protest the voting irregularities, cops invited them in and then pretended they didn't.

It was a false flag operation managed by the FBI on both ends.

Hitler instigated the Beer Hall Putsch
I don't trust (((history))) so tell me what Hitler had to say about this event before I judge his place in it.

Hitler and Trump both show zero regard for the constitution, the rule of law, etc.
You kidding me? Trump was constantly trying to enforce basic laws like legal vs illegal immigration, the shit the democrats help ignore.

Trump also wants the immoral detainment of the Jan 6th political prisoners to stop.

He's defending the constitution.

Republicans hate many groups, they hate LGBTQ+ and black people, but most importantly, they hate incels.
Republicans do not hate black people, they are trying to defend them from democrat exploitation.

I don't think they hate LGBTQ either they just want to protect kids from being indoctrinated by their memes as they try to artificially inflate their numbers beyond biology.

I see no evidence they hate incels either.

In 2018, Conservative press "The National Review" called on incel forums to be closed and for incels to be rounded up for GITMO. Conservatives aren't really prudish, they're massive sex havers.
Link plz, was it TNR as a whole or one writer? Not passing judgment until I see the dox,link src

If you want to see the epitome of a Conservative, look at someone like Tomi Lahren, she loves hot guys and has had multiple hookups with Chads. To her, Conservatism is about keeping her freedom to keep doing that and shoot any incel she deems threatened her.
source on her wanting to randomly shoot incels plz, don't expect me to take your word since you keep insulting Hitler
he had good intentions but he was too defensive and didn't fully understand the danger of what he confronted

Ron DeSantis was a fratboy in his youth, probably hooked up with mutliple women, and once he got in power he passed laws, strengthening punishments against sex buyers by putting their name on public registries. This is the future that beholds incels if this is allowed to happen.
I'm not an especially big fan of DeSantis, he can run Florida but i don't want him as president I want Trump or Kane or Paul or even Gaetz, among those I'm aware of.
Eh I’d argue conservatives are pretty based. I’d be ok with a 2nd hitler in the USA
The scariest thing about trannies in my opinion isn't the actual degeneracy but what will happen when the pendulum swings the other way. Recently, on Steven Crowder, a co-host said "this is the kind of cultural degeneracy that led to Hitlers election". I also happen to know that Weimar was experiencing inflationary problems, prior to the election of Adolf Hitler, what other society do you know is experiencing inflationary problems right now???

Look... I'm not saying that Trump is Hitler, I used to think people who said that were nuts, but it's looking more and more likely that a new Hitler is going to rise out of the far-right of the United States, and Trump is the most likely contestant. Lets look at some similarities

1) Both instigated attempted coups against their social Democratic governments

Trump instigated the January 6 attempted insurrection and Hitler instigated the Beer Hall Putsch. The only difference was Hitler went to prison, Trump somehow dodged that one, likely because he has so much political and economic power.

2) Both run on populism.

Hitlers whole philosophy was that the institutions of Germany have been corrupted by foreign banker interests and Jews. That Germans couldn't rely in their political institutions, their media, their medical authorities... because they were controlled by leftists and Jews. This is EXACTLY how Trump ran his campaign, but instead of blaming Jews, he blamed the "deep state" and scapgoated non-white immigrants as the tool to which the elites were discriminating America. The similarities are uncanny in how their campaigns were platformed.

3) Both totally autocratic

Hitler and Trump both show zero regard for the constitution, the rule of law, etc. They both do everything in their power to increase political influence, even when said ideas go against the basic values of their respected countries.

And if a new hitler comes to power in the U.S, who the hell do you think will be the first victims? Republicans hate many groups, they hate LGBTQ+ and black people, but most importantly, they hate incels. In 2018, Conservative press "The National Review" called on incel forums to be closed and for incels to be rounded up for GITMO. Conservatives aren't really prudish, they're massive sex havers.

If you want to see the epitome of a Conservative, look at someone like Tomi Lahren, she loves hot guys and has had multiple hookups with Chads. To her, Conservatism is about keeping her freedom to keep doing that and shoot any incel she deems threatened her. Ron DeSantis was a fratboy in his youth, probably hooked up with mutliple women, and once he got in power he passed laws, strengthening punishments against sex buyers by putting their name on public registries. This is the future that beholds incels if this is allowed to happen.
Leftism does not benefit us at all
What scares me more than adult men wanting to chop off their dicks is how we manage to doublethink and be outraged about this yet somehow tolerate adult men chopping off baby boy's dicks.

Hitler was incompetent, he should have actually done that Holocaust they pretended happened.

I'm not saying to genocide all the Semitic people (I have nothing against DNA) but a partial cultural genocide where you dismantle a pedophile system that sexually molests newborn baby boys by flaying the skin of their penis and sucking their penis - that shit has existed for a millenium and that shit needs to be under a bigger lock and key than Charles Manson's cult tbh.

Trump is too old TBH if you say this out of anyone it'd probably be someone younger like Matt Gaetz

but again - Trump was hamstrung and couldn't get shit done and Hitler failed too, you need someone more organized and you can't make America+Russia your enemies you need them as allies, you need to reshape society to fight the sexual abuse of young boys

registered: 25 May 2022

gtfo newfag

There was no attempted insurrection. People showed up to protest the voting irregularities, cops invited them in and then pretended they didn't.

It was a false flag operation managed by the FBI on both ends.

I don't trust (((history))) so tell me what Hitler had to say about this event before I judge his place in it.

You kidding me? Trump was constantly trying to enforce basic laws like legal vs illegal immigration, the shit the democrats help ignore.

Trump also wants the immoral detainment of the Jan 6th political prisoners to stop.

He's defending the constitution.

Republicans do not hate black people, they are trying to defend them from democrat exploitation.

I don't think they hate LGBTQ either they just want to protect kids from being indoctrinated by their memes as they try to artificially inflate their numbers beyond biology.

I see no evidence they hate incels either.

Link plz, was it TNR as a whole or one writer? Not passing judgment until I see the dox,link src

source on her wanting to randomly shoot incels plz, don't expect me to take your word since you keep insulting Hitler
he had good intentions but he was too defensive and didn't fully understand the danger of what he confronted

I'm not an especially big fan of DeSantis, he can run Florida but i don't want him as president I want Trump or Kane or Paul or even Gaetz, among those I'm aware of.
I don't know how you can say that January 6 wasn't an attempted insurrection. In any other country those people would be in federal prison right now.

They tried to topple a government and instill Trump as dictator. That was the whole point of the coup attempt, to overturn the election.
I don't know how you can say that January 6 wasn't an attempted insurrection.
I pushed keys on my board.

In any other country those people would be in federal prison right now.
They tried to topple a government and instill Trump as dictator. That was the whole point of the coup attempt, to overturn the election.

There wasn't any attempt to topple anything, if that were the intent they would've armed themselves.
You don't have gunless insurrections in current century.

There were ballot irregularities that should've been looked into and Pence refused to do his duty.
He shouldn't have ratified the results until those irregularities were looked into.
People were right to protest that.
I pushed keys on my board.

There wasn't any attempt to topple anything, if that were the intent they would've armed themselves.
You don't have gunless insurrections in current century.

There were ballot irregularities that should've been looked into and Pence refused to do his duty.
He shouldn't have ratified the results until those irregularities were looked into.
People were right to protest that.
>There wasn't any attempt to topple anything, if that were the intent they would've armed themselves.

They brought pipe bombs and AR-15s

>There were ballot irregularities that should've been looked into and Pence refused to do his duty.

The courts already looked into that and decided it was a nothingburger.
even though you're a fucking libtarded christcuck I have to agree with you. Modern day conservicucks are no better than communist feminazis, and honestly I would rather have an old school fascist regime over a modern far right regime- and trannies/ gay degenerate faggots are to blame if any totalitarianism comes to the USA. My problems with the modern far-right is that they aren't as strict or traditionalist as say 1940s conservatives, who for the most part were anti-government back then, while modern day conservatives are very much pro-government to some extent. Modern day far-right are as feminist as the left especially as of late, and they definitely aren't on our side- well no real political ideology is on our side though,I would much rather have a old school anti-feminist and fascist trad regime that rids women of rights, and puts some decent order into things then I'd be okay with it.
Couldn’t have said it better
even though you're a fucking libtarded christcuck I have to agree with you. Modern day conservicucks are no better than communist feminazis, and honestly I would rather have an old school fascist regime over a modern far right regime- and trannies/ gay degenerate faggots are to blame if any totalitarianism comes to the USA. My problems with the modern far-right is that they aren't as strict or traditionalist as say 1940s conservatives, who for the most part were anti-government back then, while modern day conservatives are very much pro-government to some extent. Modern day far-right are as feminist as the left especially as of late, and they definitely aren't on our side- well no real political ideology is on our side though, but as a right-wing libertarian pro-capitalist I would much rather have a old school anti-feminist and pro-capitalist sort-of fascist trad regime that rids women of rights, and puts some decent order into things then I'd be okay with it.
I'd rather have a socially progressive society without the feminism or LGBTQ+

Basically like how Star Trek imagined our future to be in the 1960s versions, or how the future looked in Back to the Future.
They brought pipe bombs and AR-15s
Who is (((they))) ?

The pipe bomb was from the previous day and was likely an FBI asset staging a false flag.

I haven't analyzed the crowd, I suppose some came armed which is allowed under the 2nd amendment.

Did they load the firearm? Aim it at any police? Fire it?

>There were ballot irregularities that should've been looked into and Pence refused to do his duty.

The courts already looked into that and decided it was a nothingburger.
Incorrect - the courts refused to allow it to be investigated because apparently you need the evidence an investigation uncovers to have an investigation.
I'd rather have a socially progressive society without the feminism or LGBTQ+
Basically like how Star Trek imagined our future to be in the 1960s versions
explain how allowing Uhura as your communications officer isn't feminism

this led up to M'Ress running Operations in 70s and the 1st female captain in the 84 film Voyage Home =/

see also Majel Barrett char https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Number_One_(Star_Trek) which had a female 1st officer under Pike in The Cage pilot

Roddenbury always planned this he was just strategic about it
Who is (((they))) ?

The pipe bomb was from the previous day and was likely an FBI asset staging a false flag.

I haven't analyzed the crowd, I suppose some came armed which is allowed under the 2nd amendment.

Did they load the firearm? Aim it at any police? Fire it?

Incorrect - the courts refused to allow it to be investigated because apparently you need the evidence an investigation uncovers to have an investigation.
>The pipe bomb was from the previous day and was likely an FBI asset staging a false flag.

It was done by a white nationalist Trump supporter who wanted to overthrow the government.

>Did they load the firearm? Aim it at any police? Fire it?

No because they were too scared, they were pussies.

>Incorrect - the courts refused to allow it to be investigated because apparently you need the evidence an investigation uncovers to have an investigation.

Ok so there's no evidence it was rigged then.
Attention Span Low , i will get what i want

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